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Not sure what I was thinking

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So I joined the website a while ago. Then walked away.

Now I am back, a little more serious about my health this time.

I live in NC and have a work conference in OR the first week of May.

One day during the conference they are having a 5K run, they blocked out an hour during the conference

to do this.

While I was registering online I saw the 5K and for some ungodly reason I got excited/scared/excited and

signed up for it.

I have a month...one month to go from Jabba the hut to someone who wants to finish the run.

I know I will probably walk most of it, there are others from my office going and I really don't wan't

to embarrass myself too much.

All I really want to do is finish, that's all.

I plotted out 3 miles around my office on google maps and I guess I never realized how far 3 miles is.

A little intimidating to say the least.

I have let myself go, pretty badly, but really want to do this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Something like Couch to 5k sounds perfect for you. Most of the C25K type programs are around 8-10 weeks long, but they are designed to get you to be able to run a 5k all the way through. Just do the first 4 weeks of one (and don't worry about speed or distance, just put the time in), and use whatever run/walk pace combo you are using in your training during the actual race. You'll probably find that race day adrenaline will give you the extra boost you need to finish.

Most of all, have fun!

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One month isn't a ton of time, but it is enough! I think the most important thing is that you run. Don't get caught up too much on the specifics of a routine or plan (though that couch to 5k is a great start), just get outside and run.

You don't really need a plan, just try this: Run every other day until the day before the race. Slowly increase the distance, and walk whenever you want!

Follow one of the NF tenants and...Log your results! This will be very encouraging, to see yourself on week two/three getting further, or the same distance faster.

If you start at a half mile and add about a half mile slowly every week, you'll get close. If this is too fast, get as far as you can by race time and you'll have no problem completing it with a little walking.

Some other tips: Wear the right shoes (go to a running store and have them look at your pronation), drink lots of water during the day, try running outside instead of a treadmill, make an epic playlist and eating healthier will help you!

Good luck!!

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The most important thing is to start out slowly...both during your training, and during the run itself. If everyone else charges off really fast, don't feel you have to follow their speed. Just establish what you can do in training and stick to it. The adrenaline of the day will get you through, as long as you keep your pace under control, and walk if you need to. :)

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4 weeks is loads of time if you dedicate a few evenings a week to it!

Start off week one and just do maybe 2km each run to get yourself comfortable with a good running technique and pace. The following week try upping it to 2.5, again concentrating on your form rather than your speed (you dont want to go getting injured right before it) after a couple of runs that should feel comfortable too. Just keep upping it each week and stay at a comfortable pace.

Dont worry about it if you need to slow to a walk to catch your breath, as you say you say, you want to finish it! Dont even worry if you can't run a full 5km before the event - race day adrenalin can do wonders and spur you on another kilometre that you didn't even know you had in you!

Good luck, let us know how it goes!


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Strength (STR): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Stamina (STA): 4

Constitution (CON): 2

Wisdom (WIS): 3

Charisma (CHA): 2

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Keep us up to date on your training, too...maybe on the runner's board? Lots of people there happy to offer advice and who have gone through exactly the stages you will be progressing through. When I started I could only run for a minute, and now I do a sub 22 minute 5K and am still improving - it's possible! No miracles in 4 weeks....but you can definitely get fitter in that time, no problem.

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This is awesome and you've gotten some great advice! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress ;) Totally pumped for you! One little tidbit from when I started running....when I actually "ran," it was slower than I could walk. So even when you are "running," don't feel like it has to be fast. Does that make sense?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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The others gave great advice but to me the most important is to find your happy pace and stick with it. When you are just starting out this is probably waaaay slower than the speedies at the front of the race but who cares! You are running this for you, not for a medal :) Find a pace that lets you carry on a conversation and take walk breaks whenever you need them.

Good luck and let us know how you did.

Challenge 1    Challenge 2   Current Challenge

Random Treat Free Streak: 10 Days (start 05/28)

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Hey, join the nerd fitness 5k run coming up in April. Seriously I am the proud record holder of the slowest time. The reason I did the last one and will be doing this one is simply to help motivate me to work on my running a bit. I walked a lot of it but still did it. For me that was huge.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Huge thanks for all the advice.

I have mapped out a 3 mile course around my office building.

The roads are runner friendly.

I will walk it Monday, maybe run a little, it's been a long time.

I will keep track of what I am doing.

I will go to the runners guild and poke around.

Thanks again you all, I am getting excited about DOING something.

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Mostly walked it for the first time today at lunch. Ran a little...very little.

Took 50 min. Even walking fast I am slow.

But now I know I can do it in less than an hour in the shape I am in, so only room

to improve from here.

It felt pretty good, listened to some Beastie Boys and Dark Lotus.

Got a little lightheaded and dizzy once for a minute or two, I should have eaten something today.

Thanks again to everyone.

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Took 50 min. Even walking fast I am slow.

Nonsense! You are walking it and that is a fine time!

But now I know I can do it in less than an hour in the shape I am in, so only room

to improve from here.

Exactly, you set your bar. Or really, you've already leveled up. Now you can either start to run more and more of that 5k, or, and probably far more ideally, start at a 1/2-1 mile and increase mileage slowly (combine running, walking). It will probably be a lot of miles on your legs at first if you go with the former.

Got a little lightheaded and dizzy once for a minute or two, I should have eaten something today.

When Steve says diet is 80% of the battle, he isn't kidding! You will find yourself making progress quickly if you are eating right AND working out. I used to try to do this all the time though, squeeze a run in on an empty stomach -- so I know the temptation. Even if you can eat something small beforehand it helps a lot, and it will help hugely with improving for next time (I always viewed it as, if I go out and work my butt off, I better be getting faster). Also, water. Can't stress that enough. Lots and lots of water, ideally throughout the day and after your run.

Anyways, congratulations! The first step is often the hardest.

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Been out of town for work. No organized excercise but lots of walking up river banks with 5 gallon buckets of water.

Climbing ladders, walked around a few cow fields collecting soil samples, removing fallen trees in a creek, blah, blah, blah.

I should be in the office all next week so hopefully I can get an actual routine going. Been eating alot better lately so

I am feeling much better also.

Beasties are great, good pace to walk to.

Thank you for asking. :)

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I need to. I try to write stuff down but that never lasts.

I am on the web all the time, so it would be much easier.

Don't think I will do it hear as this is a general thread.

Never blogged before.

I need to find a program that I can track everything with, food intake, excercise, etc etc.

Here would be great, I realize I don't know any of you but I feel more accountable if I post.

And for me that is key.

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way to go on your first 5km! Walking is fiiine! I really hope you'll keep up the progress because in a couple of months I guarantee you'll be going out on runs and thinking "5km? psh childs play!" and even setting that as your usual running distance!


Twitter Blog


Strength (STR): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Stamina (STA): 4

Constitution (CON): 2

Wisdom (WIS): 3

Charisma (CHA): 2

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Feel free to write it up here, waterlogged, we'd all love to see how you're doing!

And what Rosie says is true. I went out for an easy jog this morning and only realised afterwards that it was 5 miles. A year ago if you'd told me I would be jogging 5 miles and not noticing, I'd've thought you were mad... :)


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Wow haven't posted in a while.

So I was supposed to leave tomorrow for Portland and my conference with the 5K.

Was told Friday I was too "experienced" to go so they let some people with less years

in to go instead. Totally bummed.

I have never been on the west coast except once when I was nine. I was really looking forward to it.

Sooo...now I have a little more time to slow down and work a little slower.

I tried doing too much I think. It is taking my knees days to recover.

Hamstrings are doing better but my knees, oh man my knees are killing me.

I have enjoyed, kinda, walking and running a little. My kids are going with me so that is a plus.

Need to start doing other stuff now also. A little weights maybe.

Eating better has made a world of difference in how I feel. Fruits and veggies are so much better

than fast food.

Thats all for now.

Thanks again for the support it is much appreciated.

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