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What men love about women

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There are many things I love about women. I've thought long and hard and put together a list.

1. Yoga Pants! This needs no further explanation!

2. When they left weights with us. Getting their ass of the elliptical and touching iron is always a turn on!

3. When they have good ink. I'm not talking about tramp stamps.

4. When they nerd out. Kicking my ass at COD or picks Star Wars for movie night.

5. Women that know things about cars.

Pictures removed. Sorry boys (spezzy)

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I love when a woman smells nice. A fresh fragrance (i don't know perfumes or whatever) but that really revs my engines. Like going on a date and the girl is cold, so I give her my hoodie. and then my hoodie smells like her until I wash it. GOLD! love that stuff.

OOOHHH Man! A woman's scent is sweeter than the most fragrant flower! or the Juiciest burger, in either case, i agree with you.

And I have to throw this in there, and it's purely my preference, but when a woman has ink, even just a lil, it's a turn off for me, this as well as piercings on other places other than the ears. I just can't see myself kissing a girl with a lip-ring. This and also Smoking, a chick is no longer a hot chick if she's smoking, I don't care who it is.

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Guest Gemeaux
There are many things I love about women. I've thought long and hard and put together a list.

1. Yoga Pants! This needs no further explanation!

2. When they left weights with us. Getting their ass of the elliptical and touching iron is always a turn on!

3. When they have good ink. I'm not talking about tramp stamps.

4. When they nerd out. Kicking my ass at COD or picks Star Wars for movie night.

5. Women that know things about cars.

What's this yoga pants craze ? There is a website just dedicated to them. I wear them and don't see the big deal . Enlighten me :)

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OOOHHH Man! A woman's scent is sweeter than the most fragrant flower! or the Juiciest burger, in either case, i agree with you.

And I have to throw this in there, and it's purely my preference, but when a woman has ink, even just a lil, it's a turn off for me, this as well as piercings on other places other than the ears. I just can't see myself kissing a girl with a lip-ring. This and also Smoking, a chick is no longer a hot chick if she's smoking, I don't care who it is.

I agree with all of the above.

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OOOHHH Man! A woman's scent is sweeter than the most fragrant flower! or the Juiciest burger, in either case, i agree with you.

And I have to throw this in there, and it's purely my preference, but when a woman has ink, even just a lil, it's a turn off for me, this as well as piercings on other places other than the ears. I just can't see myself kissing a girl with a lip-ring. This and also Smoking, a chick is no longer a hot chick if she's smoking, I don't care who it is.

I agree with all of the above except the 'ink'. Piercings aren't something I care for, and I'd even go as far as to say the same for earnings... I just don't like earnings at all. Those, however, are something I can somewhat tolerate, but past that, it would be difficult. However, ink I'm more okay with. I mean, I'd hope it's a good job and/or meaningful to them and they aren't someone who just gets them all the time, but I look at it similar to plastic surgery in that sense. If it's done well, and they like it, as long as it's nothing inherently off-putting to me then I think I'd be fine with it.

I'm pretty alergic to tobacco smoke, so even if I liked a girl who is smoking (which I don't) we couldn't really be together anyway. : P

And Women's necks are nice... It seems strange to say that out loud, but I know I'm not alone because authors have been writing for millennium about the 'nape of the neck' on women. ^.^

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Guest Snake McClain

Yoga pants are amazing. if on the right person of course....actually i think that about everything. if it's on the right person it is fantastic and sexy. but yoga pants are a good one.

Tattoos are amazing. a girl with tattoos will make me crazy. peircings too but just not that weird side of the eyebrow temple piercing. i hate that.

Smoking is gross. a girl smokes. instant turn off. Doesn't matter how good looking she is or how much i get along with her. It's game over if she smokes.

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There are many things I love about women. I've thought long and hard and put together a list.

1. Yoga Pants! This needs no further explanation!

^Yes!!!!!! She may be giving herself a wedgie, but damn!!!

And I agree with Bruce. The yoga pants thing is very dependent on the girl. I have several friends that wear them frequently, but there is one of them that just needs to stop. They just don't look good on her.

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Guest Snake McClain

pretty sure i have. with the not smoking. the smelling nice. the nice things they say to me out of nowhere. Keep in mind men are visual. so sure we are talking about a lot of physical things but we are sort of wired that way. *shrug*.

Not to mention all the times I've heard women talk about how hot a guy is because of his abs or tan or chest or butt when i'm this pale skinny pathetic nerd. So yeah excuse me for not feeling bad.

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Guest Gemeaux
pretty sure i have. with the not smoking. the smelling nice. the nice things they say to me out of nowhere. Keep in mind men are visual. so sure we are talking about a lot of physical things but we are sort of wired that way. *shrug*.

Not to mention all the times I've heard women talk about how hot a guy is because of his abs or tan or chest or butt when i'm this pale skinny pathetic nerd. So yeah excuse me for not feeling bad.

Uhm .. You know you are not those things , time to get your eyes checked !

Ok I was never in here ..

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I personally believe that a man needs a woman as a wife. (Not trying to come down on alternative lifestyles at all)

I think that a woman motivates a man to provide for her, become civil, educated, and strong. All those things are all possible to learn and become without a woman. But most men think, why bother. But more than that a woman become a partner for a man. Though not equal in everything (men and women are different, deal with it), I think we make each other... not whole, but one... You know not that we can't be complete alone, but being in a relationship (marriage in my eyes) makes us directed as opposed to pointless human beings.

Also we have to have a woman to make a family. Which to me is the ultimate goal in life.

On another note (about my girlfriend):

I like how when I need to fall apart she knows just how to hold me.

I love the way she looks at me when I do something weird or cute or sexy.

She's said "your amazing" once when I kissed her. I felt more like a man than at any moment.

She is someone who I can provide for, but doesn't need it, but lets me help her because I want to show my love that way.

She kicks butt.

Does parkour too.

And is blatantly honest. I've never experienced this with anyone else though. Women brutal honesty. The kind you think you want from guys. Needs to come from both sides. Everything.

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Guest Snake McClain
I personally believe that a man needs a woman as a wife. (Not trying to come down on alternative lifestyles at all)

I think that a woman motivates a man to provide for her, become civil, educated, and strong. All those things are all possible to learn and become without a woman. But most men think, why bother. But more than that a woman become a partner for a man. Though not equal in everything (men and women are different, deal with it), I think we make each other... not whole, but one... You know not that we can't be complete alone, but being in a relationship (marriage in my eyes) makes us directed as opposed to pointless human beings.

Also we have to have a woman to make a family. Which to me is the ultimate goal in life.

On another note (about my girlfriend):

I like how when I need to fall apart she knows just how to hold me.

I love the way she looks at me when I do something weird or cute or sexy.

She's said "your amazing" once when I kissed her. I felt more like a man than at any moment.

She is someone who I can provide for, but doesn't need it, but lets me help her because I want to show my love that way.

She kicks butt.

Does parkour too.

And is blatantly honest. I've never experienced this with anyone else though. Women brutal honesty. The kind you think you want from guys. Needs to come from both sides. Everything.

although i have some disagreements here (very minor) i will say it sounds like you have a good woman on your hands.

Though brutal honesty for me is not good. i'm too sensitive. honest yes. but with a bit of gentleness is much needed for me.

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Any chance we can devote a little more thought to something other than physical attributes, guys?

But they are each different o.o

I think multiple forms of females are cute. The Shy versions, the Aggressive versions. Ultimately, mentally, each girl has a vast chance to be different, which is just as true with 'men' so it's not really something you would 'love about women' but something you would 'love about people'.

If the point of 'love' was to mean attraction, then I really don't know because I've met tenacious girls whom I was attracted to just as much as I've met shy girls, or laid back girls... I personally can't 'nail down' what mentally in a girl I'm attracted to the most because I've seen many different perspectives which I liked.

So, for me, the only thing I can 'nail down' is physical.

And really? No one else for the neck? ...and lol, I googled it, and apparently it's a Japanese thing... I didn't even know. I guess I'm just a natural Otaku once again.

And, still physical, however another sense than visual, a lot of women have very beautiful voices. There are the cute ones, that are soft, but there can be the lower ones, yet most all have that touch of feminine quality.

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And really? No one else for the neck? ...and lol, I googled it, and apparently it's a Japanese thing... I didn't even know. I guess I'm just a natural Otaku once again.

I think a woman's neck can be a very lovely thing. I'm sure you're not the only one. I think I've heard it a lot too.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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But they are each different o.o

I think multiple forms of females are cute. The Shy versions, the Aggressive versions. Ultimately, mentally, each girl has a vast chance to be different, which is just as true with 'men' so it's not really something you would 'love about women' but something you would 'love about people'.

If the point of 'love' was to mean attraction, then I really don't know because I've met tenacious girls whom I was attracted to just as much as I've met shy girls, or laid back girls... I personally can't 'nail down' what mentally in a girl I'm attracted to the most because I've seen many different perspectives which I liked.

So, for me, the only thing I can 'nail down' is physical.

And really? No one else for the neck? ...and lol, I googled it, and apparently it's a Japanese thing... I didn't even know. I guess I'm just a natural Otaku once again.

And, still physical, however another sense than visual, a lot of women have very beautiful voices. There are the cute ones, that are soft, but there can be the lower ones, yet most all have that touch of feminine quality.

I agree with you on the neck thing, and the Voice, I'd love to have a woman who's laughter is like Music in the air, i've been turned off more than once by a woman who's laughter I really couldn't stand. And I greatly consider this, because my whole goal is to make her laugh constantly!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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