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About AWMorris1

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  1. As the sun sets on my 25th year, it has occurred to me that I may need to start thinking about my future. Since graduating I haven had mostly temp and contract work. Which is fine and dandy - any work is better than none - but it doesn't provide much in the way of savings. So I'm looking to take 1000 of what I do have and do some investing with the goal of adding more when I can and building up a solid nest egg or rainy day fund. So, have any of my fellow nerds gone down this path before me? Are there any success stories\tales of woe to share? Is anyone else thinking of dabbling? Share your thoughts here! Ill log my progress once I get started!
  2. I did the same recipe last night but replaced the fish with prawns and didn't make any rice to go with it. Strongly recommended also.
  3. So I went with option number 2 and made a fish tikka masala, with a bell pepper, an onion, a clove of garlic and a small portion of brown rice. I cooked the veggies first, added a tin of hopped tomatoes and 200ml of coconut milk. And mixed in some tikka masala paste, before adding some skinless fish. I embellished it with a bit of spinach. The picture shows the leftovers. The fact I ate it all before remembering to take the picture is an indicator of success.
  4. And now I have a giant white fish fillet that needs to be used TODAY. While I am impressed with my bargaining skills (92p!), I just realised I haven't actually cooked a giant white fish before. So, fellow nerds, please share some of your favourite white fish recipes. I'll save you a piece, and post later with results!
  5. I've been tracking my intake with MyFitnessPal, and I don't have much more of a caloric deficit. More "quality" calories than before, though - green veggies and meats and such.
  6. Which guild? They're all just too awesome.

  7. I have cut out chocolate. I used to have a 50g bar daily, just after my lunch. At home I have been weaning myself off rice and tryin to compensate with extra veggies. I'm now having 3 rice meals per week instead of 5. I'm still drinking 2 cups of (black) coffee per day - one with breakfast and one in the afternoon, along with approx 3 litres of water a day. In alcohol terms I'm averaging 2 bottles of beer per week, although this is similar to what I was drinking before I started the diet.
  8. Thanks for the tips! I've taken some of your advice this week and steered away from traditional rabbit food as much as possible. Instead, I've been making food I enjoy like stir fries and a pretty decent turkey curry. Thanks again! Now I just need to decide on a "guild" before the next challenge starts.
  9. I had a dream I fell into an ocean of orange soda, but it was just a fanta sea. Did you hear why the cross eyed teacher got he sack? He couldn't control his pupils!!
  10. So myself and my intrepid fiancee/sidekick have been eating a lot healthier for the last week - no chocolate or junk since last wednesday. It's not as if we're missing it, but lately I've kind of been feeling short tempered and generally "down". I had a great energy boost to begin with, but now it comes and goes. I have a high stress job and although I've not been tempted, these mood swings are slightly troubling. Did anyone else experience this when they were starting out? Is it a case of my body "missing" the additives in the crap I used to eat?
  11. I plan my meals, usually cooking my lunch & snacks the night before I go to work, and resolve to eat everything I bring with me before I eat anything else. I've not eaten a bar of chocolate or a packet of chips since last Tuesday. Maybe it's a little early to be doling out advice, but it works for me and I'm not missing it.
  12. I only had 2 days in Hong Kong, as I was out there on a visa run. But I have to say, the Peak Tram at night was simply stunning. Do the light show one night from a boat, and the other from the peak. You won't regret it.
  13. I visited Thailand for 3 weeks a couple of years ago, all of which was spent in Chiang Mai (apart from 24 hours in Bangkok on the way to Cambodia). Due to a cancelled bank card I had to sit tight until the new one was sent out to me, hence the long time. I have to admit, Chiang Mai is one of my favourite places that I have ever visited. The ambience there is so much more relaxed than the likes of Bangkok, and it definitely gave the feeling of the "road less travelled". There's still plenty to do, mind - rent a scooter and go up some of the mountain routes! As for getting around, I was being a full on backpacking cliche at this time so I was all about getting up at 4am to catch the buses everywhere I went. But Air Asia do a lot of the domestic routes for Thailand, and internationally around South east Asia.
  14. Wow, something on these boards I know something about! I spent 2 and a half years in South Korea - I mainly lived around the outskirts of Seoul but I would endeavour to get out and away into the country proper when I could. If you're worried about culture shock then don't be. The major cities are all a decent mix of western and Korean culture, and it is definitely more westernised than the other asian cities I've been to (possibly except Hong Kong). If you need any second opinions then I'm available - but my intel is about 8 months out of date. Sambalina - whereabouts did you live? I spent 18 months in Yong-in and a year in Bundang.
  15. I'll second MyFitnessPal. I track all my meals with it. It also gives you a good idea of what the "harmless chocolate bar" (a phrase I've been known to use) actually means in relation to your total intake. As for training, I think it's best to alternate your workout so you can allow muscles to recover.
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