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Everything posted by noxiousGnome

  1. Thanks for the input Nusuth! Actually I work for Walmart (if that tells you anything)
  2. Well I been quiet, sorry about that. I have not found anything useful. Honestly though I haven't gotten super angry lately either... Apparently being exhausted, busy, or sleeping help. lol Granted, my sleep isnt the greatest
  3. Good. Well, yeah... I will go with good lol. I landed a job! Sad though I haven't gotten to hang out with ya'll again before I left Reston. Anyway, tell the other DC nerds I said hi! How are things going for ya?
  4. Day 1: Got a bunch of cleaning to do, so I been working on that this morning Will be spending the whole day doing that (bound to get angry due to stress... But will be working on keeping said anger in check,)
  5. What are your goals? - to be one and balanced with myself Where are you going? -left,right,upside and possibly crazy How do you plan to get there? -I shall hop one foot at a time Seriously though my goal is to control my anger and be a better person. Better husband better father. How to get there... Well that's why I came to y'all for help.
  6. Hey scouts! I will be with the Druids this challenge... =D Just stopping in and saying hii! I will stalk
  7. Hi all. Normally I am a scout but this time I decided I needed the gurus of balancing oneself. So here I am. I am a one challenge goal at a time kind of person and I will drop that here as soon as I can get to my personal laptop tonight EDIT: As I stated above I am normally a scout, but I have been in need of balancing myself and what not. A little about myself though as I feel it might be helpful... I am into my sixth month as a software developer for a large retail company (and I do indeed mean LARGE) -- I work on their pharmacy software system and it is quite a stressful job. Not as stressful as others I am sure, but stressful enough. I work Monday through Friday and between 9 to 10 hours a day, which leaves little time for family and me. I am working on the work-life balance and it is doing better. But I am here for the other parts. I am quick to anger. Not sure if it is related to a medical thing (I was diagnosed with ADHD and Tourettes as a child and recent research I have done discovered it might lead to short tempers and quickly lit fuses.) That is what I am here for mostly. The anger. I would like to start meditating or find something that will work. And I am open to suggestions as I notice that if I am not able to focus on it or it doesn't interest me I am not going to do it. Pretty simply really. So my goal: Find something and do it to get my anger levels to an all time low.
  8. I never did get back to finishing the rooms themselves. But I went and looked back at the laundry room and it was actually cleaned. Still is so that is good lol. Today Wife and I woke up later than usual and after she went to work I spent the last hour cleaning up our bedroom, as that is in some dire needs. So far I feel like I am cleaning it all fairly well, but it is still a long way to go. Green Day has been helping. But I am about to change the music to something else lol. Laundry is almost all put away (we got a little left to finish up and put away but that's not bad really. Not considering what we did have before.) I been smiling more today already, felt good though to spend time with the wife and Izzy before the wife left to work. Izzy and I painted suncatcher things and we all decorated our little Christmas tree. We bought a set of two from Walmart for like 20 bucks and they are just the right size for Izzy to decorate currently. I like them cause they are like 3 foot tall and gonna super easy to put away. They are actually those little pair of outdoor trees in their pots (fake trees). I am totally feeling like I have been productive today lol. Well for the past hour. My goal is to finish this room up prior to my wife getting home -nods- So yeah, I am off to do that. Break time is over (if I stop for much longer I won't finish on time.) so I will be on tomorrow. =D
  9. Could throw the turkey in a blender and grab a straw? Also, HI good to see ya still around,sucks about everything though -hugs-
  10. Honestly MFP is super helpful... I gotta get back to using it, I used it all the time at one point and then I stoppped. Now sure why either. Laziness I think. Stress who knows lol. Glad to know yer doing well though on yer stuff =D
  11. I have, I actually completely forgot about it. It doesn't happen as much as it could I think, but there hasn't always been a lot of good news lately. >.> I tried in the past to meditate, and at one point I was decent at it... But nowadays I am not so good at it. I get easily distracted. I try to find other things though to unwind with (not drugs or booze) but I am trying to find things that are helpful. So far I haven't found something that fits helpful mostly it is just utter laziness. lol The reason it felt like a failure was I didn't do a damn thing. lol Literally, I sat there and watched youtube all day and was stupidly lazy that day. But family time was nice ^.^ So that was a win. A recap of this week: 1. I finally got a hold of a bunch of test cases to test the as is functionality of something so I can test what happens when things get changed. The following week I will be doing the as is testing and verify what happens before I move forward with starting to make changes that need to happen. So there is that! 2. Yesterday I got a call from my wife about something that was pretty important. We got told by our landlords that our apartment is apparently super dirty (I guess they aren't wrong, we haven't been doing amazing housekeeping) so that added more stress and we started that last night and this morning -- pretty much the end results was we pick up our house and clean it thoroughly or we get evicted... Wife went to work and I am taking a short break before I go back to hitting the laundry and kitchen rooms once again to finish them up fully. Then I will do laundry itself completely, put it away and be ready to tackle the next things. So even though it is stressful I am able to feel like I am accomplishing things. So win? I think... 3. My daughter is a super bubbly happy golucky kid that just makes me smile and laugh, so I been smiling a lot today. so yay! lol
  12. ... Yeah I would totally get a second opinion. How ya feeling now?
  13. Oh boy keep is updated hope yer ok
  14. When my daughter was around that age (16 months) she wouldn't sleep in her crib at all. We had one of those foldout little couches you can find at like walmart for children. She would sleep on that. So what we did was lay her down and cover her with blankets in the living room which had a dimming lightbulb. After that the wife and I would go crash in bed. WIthin a half hour she was out. There was a short period of time in the winter that due to the temps in the majority of the house (we didn't have heating ducts but a coal stove that would head the main part of the house but not the bedrooms) we would all sleep in the living room in a swarm of blankets. It wasn't an easy thing to do, especially after the winter went away and she needed to start sleeping in her own bed. It was then that I removed the crib front and converted it into a daybed and she was able to climb in and out of her bed with no problems. We would drop a movie in for her and tell her it was night night time. That still works to this day now. We have moved and the move was tough to get used to her sleeping again, but nowadays we put on something like little Einsteins, Bo on the Go, or Octonauts... Or whatever else she wants to watch (We try to not do bo on the go as it is a fairly energetic tv show), we turn on a fish lamp we use as a night light, shut off the big light in her room and turn on her fan. She is usually out when 15 minutes. In all seriousnes though you need to find something that works for you and your family.
  15. So I haven't posted yesterday. So here is my update for the last couple of days: Monday was pretty uneventful. I went to the doctor about my hearing and found out some interesting things but also found out that my hearing is just horrible (I mean I knew that) but I am a good candidate for a hearing aid or surgery. I haven't decided which I want to do. Other than that work has been stressful with an issue going on that there doesn't appear to be a solid solution for it that would be well... GOOD for the company as a whole. Which is tough to say. But it appears to be the truth. I think my stress has been insane and I am getting easily angered and it is effecting my wife and daughter. Which isn't fair to them. Is it fear? Stress? Not sure really but it is there. Today has been more of the work related stress. Mostly just looking into possible issues that could be causing this problem so we can come up with a solution. Still nothing making itself noticeable. Which is bugging me as a technician, developer, and a person. It is making me feel like a newbie or something and I feel dumb for that.
  16. Yesterday was pretty much a wash for me. I didn't do much of any thing surfed the web, did some laundry and dishes... But over all... Was lazy. Today I was pretty lazy still BUT I did manage to get two rooms picked up and dinner is heating up in the oven (well it was suppose to be last night's dinner but we had leftovers from the other day instead and I saved the main protein for today yay!) I didn't get any of the work I wanted done over the weekend due to some issues with my work system and the inability to check things. But I did more research for it and so far that is better than nothing I guess. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment for my hearing to see what my choices are there to well... hear. lol Tomorrow I also have work so it will be an interesting day. So overall this weekend has been a super failure? At least I feel it was. I did get to spend time with my wife and daughter though so that was a win
  17. I haven't been very active here last few days. But that's life. Here is the breakdown I have done Tuesday and Wednesday: Tuesday: My day was pretty normal -- Work, Daddy stuff, etc. Wednesday: Kind of the same really, it was just... Basic day Today: I went to my cardiologist to get all my test results. It appears things are OK, which is cool. He is going to ask a surgeon on things to get a second opinion as my situation is apparently pretty unique? He said he wanted a second opinion to be sure. So there is that! I go back in a year. Until then, I am hoping to get back into shape whoosh. So here is my stuff. I have a variety of meetings and such through most business days (Monday to Friday): I am going to do my best to start working out or at the least getting off my butt and doing some kind of moving around. It is productive for me because it will get me away from the computer and wanting to surf the web, it will allow me to think through things better, and I get to move WIN-WIN-WIN! yay
  18. Friday was okay... Productive so it was okay. Weekend we spent cleaning our bedroom so that was fun and time consuming. Monday was okay as well and today has been... Interesting.
  19. So I have not pitched my idea yet to leadership. I did get some good pointers from my coworker who likes the idea, so that it a good start. I have had a few other interesting tasks to deal with defect wise, and the analysis for the other task I was given (which is hard to determine the actual effort on... Meh) Last test for my cardiologist was done today, so I am waiting in suspense to hear the results of all of them on the 10th. So we shall see what happens then. TOmorrow is a full day at work and then the weekend. So it will be a fun rest of the week lol.
  20. Got an email this morning from my tech lead about an issue I wanted to solve for which is exciting because I was planning on pitching an idea during the holiday season but this is right on cue yay. On a secondary note: producitivity has been good for me. My empty time lately has been analysis yay. Hopefully soon it will be developmental.
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