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About Loopus

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  • Birthday 02/16/1994

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    Perth, WA, Australia
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  1. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Still here! Moving out today! Exercising and good eating and reading and all the things.
  2. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Week Two Summary! (Written on my phone in my currently empty restaurant, so excuse any formatting buggerups) Exercise was good this week, got all 4 sessions done with the increases. Diet was pretty damn good too, no eating out or snacking, except one ice cream on a hellishly hot day. Writing simply didn't happen this week, so that's a faiiiil. Study is happening now too, with the apps Enki and Memrise giving me short little programming (Java and Python) and language (Italian and Chinese) workouts every day. They're great apps, and worth having a look! Stoicism was read every day, but Epictetus didn't say much that caught my eye. General happiness is definitely on the up. I've been doing a lot of talking about anxiety and depression and a myriad of other things. Plus; I move out on Friday, which I am so excited for So, doing well! Pic related
  3. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    I know, RedStone, I know - just hard to not compare yourself to what you wanna be. Just gotta compare myself to what I was, instead of what I want to be, to see progress with a better frame of reference. Hard to have conviction when you don't have any properly solid ground to stand on, but Im getting there. Slowly.
  4. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    I think thats the "Oh hell yeah" face, haha. I cannot take normal selfies.
  5. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    GUYS GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND WHILE PACKING! My old suit of armour... Also took some progress pics today for the past few weeks and... Wowza. Even I'm impressed, haha. I might save them for myself, though Daily Log Time! 12/1 Exercise, done. Diet, meh - had to buy food. Stoicism, read. General happiness, declining due to work issues, but Im trying (desperately) to battle the old anxiety issues I have with criticism and take it professionally, but it's hard. Other than that, things are going. Not necessarily well, but they're going. Had to spend a lot of money this week, on stuff like bond and car rego, with more to be spent next week on furniture, but I like rebuilding. I think. Can only get better. Right? Theres definitely been some improvements these past few weeks.
  6. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Another thing I'm noticing recently is a big impact of my medicine friends who have jobs in the field, on my mental state. They post a lot of medical stuff on Facebook and - well, guilt. I'm Stoicing it away; realising that it's not really the thing that effects me, but how I respond to it. But it's definitely guilt, I think due to my own lack of medical job. Weird. I've never had that problem before.
  7. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Maybe... I want the big changes though. Call me selfish, haha. But, I'll take what I can get
  8. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Thing is, I've not exactly lost weight. And I am a lot happier recently. Maybe superficial was the wrong word; I mean stuff like stretching petrol another day before having to fill up, or getting washing dried quickly. Really mundane things. It's like I know I'm getting better, but I'm noticing its effects, more than the changes themselves. More positivity, more energy, etc.
  9. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Another day down! Exercise, check. Diet, good. Soda, negatory. Work and anxiety; high. Boss breathing down my neck. Learning; downloaded some great apps (Memrise and Enki) and I'm learning Python, Java and Italian! Haha. One thing I have noticed is, that's while I'm getting better - because, you know, habits and such - I don't... Feel it. It's the superficial changes that are making me happy, instead of me actually getting better... Weird. Stoicism; strangely relevant! Today's lecture was On Progress (warning; super long, but worth a skin);
  10. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Right, big old summary post; Zero Week Summary Body comes first - exercise, after a slight edit, I cracked 3/4 times. Not bad at all, so only lost 1 point. Diet was a bit harder - I did eat fast food, but it was a vegan burger and a Subway. However, soda was drank at work, and often, so I'm taking a point away from that. 3/4 overall. As for Mind, Stoicism study was, as promised, every day. 4/4. Applying it was significantly harder, but I started with the basic rule - focus on that you can control, ignore what you cannot. Study im discounting this week, I've been waaaaay too busy for that, I've been exhausted. 4/4 for this! Self I am immediately giving 4/4. With the new house, work picking up, and meeting a few really great people and having some fun, I havn't felt this happy in... Months. So overall, 11/12. Not bad! As for the last 2 days - no exercise, no writing, good diet, that is all, haha.
  11. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    I GOT A HOUSE. ITS SO PRETTTTTTTTTY. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/leederville/property-for-rent/offers-above-450-week-26-namatjira-pl-leederville-perth-6007/1133761653 Seriously, great day. Lots of walking. Exercise, check. Vegan food all day (had a slight addiction to this vegan burger joint) so healthy eating, check. Stoicism - check - being read in bed with a cup of tea and I got a houuuuuuuuse. I havn't been this optimistic and happy in months. Still no BulJo! I'll buy one before Week One, promise. Just need to get paid is all. Btw - I did my writing for this week, too! The link is here; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CutWhayvCfqR7MqOfSv63tLw-YpbgqN559OkhteIU38/edit?usp=sharing Until tomorrow-ish!
  12. Loopus

    Teros XXX

    Is noone going to bring up the placeholder post at the start. It really kicks my OCD
  13. I get that - try build a space in your head, then, where its just you. I have a park nearby I go for that very reason. Its meditative in itself; walking zazen, almost. I've not even bought a journal for bulleting yet, haha
  14. Loopus

    Loopus Rebuilds.

    Yeah, those problems I listed above are pretty damn spot on, I have to say, haha On another note - Life Goal Acheived! Over $10,000 in Savings! After crashing my car a few years ago and having to pay a $19,000 insurance payoff, I've struggled to get back on track financially. This is a good start!
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