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Posts posted by maigrey


    Good news is I saw Moe last night.   She was so happy to see me, and she was using me as a training tool for the student she has under her wing.   Hee.  Was fun to watch her talk to him, about me, and phrase it all about how I was an athlete.   Thank you Moe, this is why I come to you.    She did an interesting test on me after we ran through some things.    It was this test to see how my IT Bands were working, and on my right knee (the one that had the MCL tear) I had about 35% greater range motion than I did on my "chatty" left knee.    Holy smoe!


    Her diagnosis from the injury screen is this:   Nothing major is wrong.   A doctor would label it as 'IT Band Syndrome'.  In short?  My shit is tight.  So tight that's it causing problems.    No instability, no *insert other medical words, no nothing.    She even said, "I don't want you to get any PT.  I want you to get onto a massage regime."   LOL.   So I think I am going to implement a new thing going forward.   The off week between challenges?  Is massage week.   I can't afford to get them ALL the time, but every 6 weeks sounds better than every 6 months.    So, Rx is more stretching, more foam rolling, and massage so they can really get in there and release the kraken locked up muscles.

    Sounds like it's time to get into a regular stretching/foam rolling routine as well.  Don't forget car buffers - they are fabulous for loosening up muscles, too.

  2. Week 1 summary

    Flinging oranges

    1) track on MFP. yep

    2) Log less than 13,300 calories per week. 13,366

    3) Log at least 32% protein each week. 34.86%

    4) log food before or immediately after it goes in my mouth. Take 15 minutes on Saturday and Sunday to do this at some point after my second meal. yep

    5) No restaurants or take out except during vacations and life events. Brunch happened… but if you want to get technical, we didn’t go out on the SO’s birthday sooooo

    Get Gregor strong

    Weightlifting 3x/week – 4!

    Cardio 1-2x/week – 2!

    Yoga 1x/week – check!

    Mobility 1x/week – check!

    BW workout 3x – 0/3 so far

    Arya’s common sense

    4/14 – The SO’s birthday. Despite a few hiccups we’ll call it an overall success :D

    4/25 – Friend’s 30th birthday party

    4/26 – Cape Cod 5K. finally registered!

    4/27 – Dentist

    5/2 – Savage Games? figured out that i would be able to go to this since my vegas flight isn't until 6pm.

    5/2-5/6 – Las Vegas trip.

    5/11 – 5 year dating anniversary. still need to figure this out. did forget i had a groupon to a nice italian restaurant with GF pasta so maybe we'll do that.

    5/16&17 – Friend's baby shower in PA. RSVP sent and gift bought. need to buy some diapers for a raffle and figure out where we'll stay. maybe we'll try airbnb for the first time.

    5/22-5/25 – Ptown camping trip.

    Excuse me, my visiting is CLEARLY a life event.
  3. I haven't been to OA for a variety of reasons, most notably my complete unwillingness to admit I'm not in complete control. But I go with my wife to at least one AA meeting a week and I hear so much great stuff there. A lot of times, I just transplant in food where I hear drugs and alcohol and it fits me perfectly.

    I still say go and listen to the crazies :) they have open meetings so you can go to one of those without committing to joining. Jes sayin'
    • Like 1
  4. I'm having a very bad day/life so decided to just post here as I drink my grande sugar free caramel no drizzle decaf soy latte (with extta catnip)and attempt to calm myself down.


    Eating habits:

    It's not like I go crazy with food. I eat very little. But when I get angry, I grab a Atkins bar or a handful of almonds. When I get really angry I grab a Nutrigrain bar or heaven help me an entire box of gluten free coplies that was supposed to last 2 weeks. On the weekend I have a gluten free pizza...which if you've seen them in the store they are half the size of a medium. ..and eat that for lunch/dinner. And that's all I eat the whole day. Normal days I have eggs bacon and sausage for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and turkey, fish, chicken or hamburger for dinner. I haven't eaten at a fast food restaurant in over 5 years. Minus Chipotle and even then I don't eat the burrito I get the bowls with little rice. I've been mostly paleo for years.

    So I don't get it, I'm tired and I'm real close to just being over it. If I could just get some beacon of hope from someone...where is Obi Wan?!!

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I've been there so I'm just going to be straight about it:

    1. Gluten Free does NOT equal Healthy.  Processed gluten free stuff is terrible for you - it's full of stuff to replace the flavor / texture you have lost from gluten.  
    2. You are NOT eating enough, if what you say you're eating is what you eat.  You need to eat at LEAST your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is how much your body would burn if you were lying in a coma.  If you eat less than this, your metabolism will plummet and you will put on weight no matter how much you exercise.  Check your BMR here: http://iifym.com/bmr-calculator/
    3. NATURAL carbs are not evil.  Rice (white or brown, and not rice noodle sex-with-your-pants-on stuff), potatoes (white and sweet), squash, etc are still good for you.
    4. WHOLE fruit is not evil.  Whole fruit has fibers, etc that are great for you. Juice is a liquid calorie and should be avoided - see below
    5. Don't drink your calories!!  Your brain does not process liquid calories (lattes, juices, sodas) in the same way as it does chewed calories, and you don't compensate by eating less in chewed food to make up the liquid you drink, so you'll gain weight
    6. Sweeteners are bad for you.  Sugar has been shown to cause changes in your brain similar to cocaine; artificial sweeteners actually make you eat and crave more, because your brain thinks it's getting calories by the tastes, but it's NOT; honey and agave are really high fructose syrups, which aggravate your liver.  If you're going to use sweetener, use sugar or honey in moderation.  That way, you won't consider it "free" and will enjoy your treats.

    If you really want to get back on track, I recommend four things:

    1. Go see a therapist or a psychatrist.   Depression messes with your head and does not help at all with getting weight off.  My life has been so much better since I went on medication.  Losing weight is still HARD, but everything else in my life is not overwhelmingly hard as well.
    2. Go to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.  I promise you, it is not as scary as it sounds.  Just go to one face to face meeting and if you hate it, you hate it and don't need to keep going.  Find a meeting here
    3. Do a Whole30.  Yes, it's restrictive.  Yes, you will have cravings and feel like crap for the first two week as your body detoxes from all the processed crap put in your body.  It changed my life - I no longer drink soda, I am okay with almond milk in my coffee, etc.  It really did change my life
    4. Don't give up!  We're here for you, and we really DO know how you feel.  You are a special snowflake, but you are not unique.  I guarantee you that any experience you've had regarding being overweight, SOMEONE here has had that, too.
    • Like 4
  5. The condo is so much more quiet than the apartment that I'm virtually squatting in my own condo. Air mattress sleeps here are better than mattress sleeps with a restless upstairs neighbor. Today I upgraded my mattress - floor life with a camp chair and brought over my shower curtain. Looks like it'll be harder to evict me.

    Just watch out for that creeper wufkar, she has a tendency to follow you around...

  6. whaaaaaaaaaaat?! sweet! i might jump on that CSC bandwagon, never been myself! and i'd love to see ya! i'll see what i can do about getting pre-approved ;)

    You totally should!  Maybe we can bring @tinman along, and then @RisenPhoenix will be super jealous (although he will have Company, so that will mollify the pain somewhat)

  7. of COURSE he is. when i was putting together this challenge i actually found out about all these chapters from winds of winter he's been releasing since i think 2010. stop releasing random chapters and write a damn book like a good author should! i don't want to have to go searching for free easter egg chapters i just want to buy your book. would that be such a bad thing?!

    I totally agree, but...


    ... now that you'fe gone and found all the easter egg chapters, maybe you can share so those of us who haven't don't have to go on a hunt of our own?  


    you know, priorities.

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