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About Doe

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  • Birthday 02/07/1986

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  1. Exercise log for the week through Saturday. Went to the gym for the first time since November 18 Today I realized that instead of eating buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing, I had key lime Greek yogurt as a side with carrots. The yogurt helped cool things down while getting some protein and a bit of sweet. Plus more filling. Found a new easy lunch. Maybe more veggies next time
  2. Somehow I end up here after another devestating loss. Back in late September I lost my best friend of 30 years to covid. She was only 36. I'm so exhausted from it all. We were both only bio children, she was like a sister to me. I kept exercising in increments but last week was the first week all year I did zero exercise. Not even 15 minutes of stretching. And I feel awfully out of shape. Yesterday I tried to exercise but was too out of it to do more than a few minutes. Today Ive done about 10 minutes. Practicing with my new Sailor Moon Light saber. ... That's what made me think of nerd fitness
  3. Sigh, I don't think I'm going to be able to complete this challenge 😫 This weekend I planned to work out more. But then bowled 5 games and worked at the flea market on Sunday. Being on my feet wiped me out. Likely going back to working 6 days a week. My dietician reccemends I do a bit more work before trying to meal plan so so much to set myself up better for success. ... I will say the no screens is going well. I've been getting much better sleep.
  4. Day 10 August 10th Tuesday πŸ’« Meals planned till Friday. Didn't really eat to plan ❎ Used screens after 11. πŸ’«34 minutes of JustDance 2021 (~50 minutes for the week, 190 minutes to go) I didn't eat to plan yesterday. Been avoiding food lately, my apetite has been weird. Cooked the taco meat today. Didn't feel like ice cream yesterday but did today. The meal plan is still helping because I'm not wondering what to eat when I do feel like eating. I'm trying not to restrict but years of diet culture are hard to undo. I remind myself I'm not a hero for staying hungry in a house full of food. Going to look for my bluetooth headset, I talk to my dad around 11-midnight and get in the habit of playing with my phone. I think if I had the headset I could stay focused on whatever I was doing before. I've been feeling really tired lately, hope my exercise goals aren't ambitious. Not sure if it's actual lethargy or a touch of depression. Current mood: I'm going through another spell of "omgdiosfh will this pandemic ever end!?" On a positive note, I've completed the 5 stages of "grief" and gained acceptance that I'm in the face mask business for the long haul. πŸ™ƒ I no longer think "wtf happened?" when I get a big order. When I started last summer, I honestly expected that I may sell for 6-9 months. In fact, I worried I'd started too late. And now it's our 1st anniversary. What is time anymore? lol.
  5. The July-ish Challenge went well. The focus on stretching was really a great idea, my body feels so much more limber. This current challenge, as I try to create routines in a time where nothing feels routine has been difficult. Right now, I'm trying very hard to not let pandemic burnout hit me. Been restricting allot lately, not on purpose. It's stress, and I know I don't want to binge anymore but staying hungry isn't good either. Sometimes, I think I'm too hard on myself. Realized today that I have exercised every week this year. Maybe it was 15 minutes of stretching one week, but still. Every.week. I can't tell you the last time that happened. When I was so focused on losing weight, I only wanted to do exercises that would burn a ton of calories. In eating disorder recovery, I'm discovering the joy of movement. Sometimes I feel like a 45 minute dance session. Other times, it's 10 minutes of restorative stretching before bed. It all counts and it all helps. Earlier this year I took a silks course and pole dancing. The pole dancing was fun, the silks made me feel woefully unskilled. Need more upper body and core strength. This is when I miss working out at the gym. Bodyweight exercise are honestly harder than lifting weights. Told myself I'd wait for 3 months of not feeling compelled to wear a mask indoors before I signed a year membership. ...looks like that may be awhile so I better get comfortable with push-ups and plank. lol.
  6. For accountability here's my meal plan for the next 4 days. Trying to use up my perishables, been wasting food lately chasing flavor highs
  7. Monday august 9th Exercised for 20 minutes 160 minutes to go. Going to meal plan after lights out. Getting ready to turn on an audio book with a sleep timer for my screens off time.
  8. Been feeling kinda blah the past few days. Not sure if it's hormones or a bug. Trying not to get nervous about it. Hit 2 hours of fitness this week. Still aiming for 4 next week. γ»γΌηœŸε€œδΈ­γ§γ™γ€‚γŠγ‚„γ™γΏγͺさい! It's almost midnight, good night!
  9. 08.04 Day 4 ❎ Day was kinda random πŸ’« No screens after midnight ❎ No exercise Originally I planned to eat dinner with one friend but they cancelled. I invited another friend out and we had Italian. In between lunch with my Dad and dinner, I had an impromptu beer and oyster interlude. It was tasty so I'm trying not to beat myself up about that. Today I realized that my kitchen needs a bit of reorganizing to make meal prep a little easier. So I can see what pantry food I have on hand. Discovered a pound of quinoa I totally forgot about. Lol. Screens have been the hardest. I have a distraction blocker. I am going to reactivate it after this post.
  10. The screens off is really tough! I keep getting sucked into the "let me check one more thing" game but tonight looks promising 🀞🏽
  11. Day 1 didn't participate Day2 πŸ’« Meal planned for days 3 and 4. Next day for planning, day 4. πŸ’«No screens after midnight ❎No exercise 08.03 Day 3 (Tuxedo mask's birthday ^_^) πŸ’«Ate mostly to plan, had some chocolate ❔Tba screens after midnight πŸ’«Exercised played ring fit for 30 minutes(17 in game minutes but I'm counting it as 30) Having the meal plan did really help me realize that I don't plan to eat enough. Which is why I get so hungry at night and maybe haven't had as much energy to exercise lately
  12. The last challenge was allot of fun! So here I am again. On the never-ending quest to merge nearing middle-age and the cutness of mahou shoujo. This time I have some ambitious habits I'd like to incorporate, and the plan is to ease into them. Quest 1: Bury the Blue Light! No screens after 10pm Lately I've been going to bed super late, staying up being over stimulated by my cell phone. When I try to go bed, I can't fall asleep... So then I end up back on my smart phone or watching the news which leads to... From Tropical Precure I work in lighting and really know better than to be on my screens so late at night. My goal is to not use any screens after 10pm but I'm not sure it's realistic to jump straight to 10pm after weeks of being glued to my screen. So I'm easing into it. Cleaning, laundry, working on my electronics project, or listening to audio books are all things I could do that don't involve screens. Week 1: Midnight Weeks 2-3: 11pm Weeks 4-5: 10pm Quest 2: Just start moving! Work up to 5 hours of exercise a week I haven't been exercising as much lately and it's catching up to me. Not just physically but mostly mentally. The mental benefits of exercise, I really need to focus on. Because since I started eating disorder treatment, my motivation gets meh. I start exercising allot, people start commenting on my weight, insert downward spiral. I cannot be the only chubby person who exercises without dieting, right? Right now I'm averaging about 2 hours a week. But I've been pretty lazy. Week 1: 3 hours Weeks 2-3: 4 hours Weeks 4-5: 5 hours Quest 3: Plan to succeed and Meal plan You'd think working from home, eating would be easy. And yet, I wake up everyday pretty clueless about what to eat. Most of my coworkers are on the West Coast (I'm on the East) and I don't plan my lunch and breaks well. Let me tell ya', doing afternoon math is not easy on an empty stomach. From: Futari Wa Precure Although I love cooking, living alone is not the best motivator for planning meals. My new ED dietician is encouraging me try at least planning for 1 day, and then what to do with any leftovers. Instead of getting overwhelmed by trying to plan 7 days all at once. Week 1: Plan meals every 2 days. Weeks 2-3: Plan meals every 4 days Weeks 4-5: Plan meals every 7 days. Alright! Let's go!
  13. Day 29 July 19 lunges: 46 reps 11 minutes stretching 11/30 2 hours writing 2/6 Day 30 July 20 lunges: 46 reps no stretching 11/30 3 hours of writing 5/6 Day 31 July 21 no lunges 5 minutes stretching 16/30 2 hours of writing 8/6 Day 32 July 22 no lunges 8 minutes of stretching 24/30 3 hours of writing 11/6 Day 33 July 23 48 lunges no stretching no writing Day 34 July 24 no lunges 10 minutes of stretching 34 /30 2 hours of writing 13/6 Week 5 and challenge recap: Overall I think I did okay. I wanted to hit 50 lunges and I almost there, the lunge goal seemed a bit over-ambitious. Lunges will definitely be more incorporated into my workouts. I've rediscovered the joys of stretching, the days that I do them, I really do feel better. Now my writing, I didn't hit my goals there and I'm realizing that allot of it was my lack of self-confidence. So I've got to get more comfortable with writing in general. Think that should help in work as well. The past few days have been a bit stressful pandemic-wise, and I'm glad I used the challenge to help. I'd stretch or do lunges in between packing orders to help manage the stress. Overall I worked out less and my focus was quite scattered. That's something I'd like to work on for the next challenge. Till next time!
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