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About Hammlin

  • Rank
    Currently Pondering Her Title
  • Birthday 06/29/1982


  • Currently Pondering Her Title

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    Denver, CO
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  1. A month later... Sorry I fell off the thread. I lost my sweet girl Lucy on Christmas eve, and would post on social, but jumping into my challenge was meh. With travel and work I just couldn't do one more thing, Thanks to everyone who supported me. Love.
  2. They dont get ground up but if I let it sit for about 15 minutes before drinking their texture gets almost pudding like- so the smoothie is a consistency I really like!
  3. Feeling better. A little less work stress, a few more answers. Doing 5 OTFs this week since next week I’ll be traveling back home and can only go there once. Fab4 smoothies are going well. Found a blend I like a lot: 2 c coconut milk 2 T coconut oil 2 T chia seeds 2 scoops vanilla protein powder 1/2 c frozen strawberries I tracked my food the last three days and oi vey. Fixing that up right quick. Waters fine. Just meh. Allonsy!
  4. Omg hi sorry! Progress report- I got sick! Yay! Still hitting my OTF and Fab4 goals. Missing my water goal intermittently. Since my resume is fixed up that’s technically done. Now to decide if I need to do anything with it. Sigh. In other news I decided to get Bacon Bits an elf on the shelf. I might regret it later but for now it’s cute and fun.
  5. <3 Cee!!! Brutal. Thanks hahah
  6. ohai! I am here! Progress report: OTF Monday, rested today (worked well as Bacon Bits woke me up at 3), OTF W-F Fab4 Smoothie at breakfast and Fab4 meals for lunch last 2 days Water is on point. Resume. This task is completed. Yeah.
  7. Set up- ordered more of my protein powder since it was on sale, snagged some more recipes, prebooked some more classes, had current boss forward my new job description. Sidebar- does anyone actually stay in scope of their description???
  8. While the horsehead would sure get my attention I should go w FB harassment. Only if it’s incredibly cryptic hahhahaHahhaha
  9. Ok. Here we go again. I have moved. I have taught the small one to use a toilet. I think I can do another challenge. 1. OTF 4-5 times a week 2. Fab4 Smootie or meal at least for breakfast daily 3. Water. Always water. 4. Prep résumé with updates from last promotion someone please come beat me up if I disappear.
  10. Well soon after I posted this thread we started the process of selling our home, buying new construction, packing, purging, moving. Needless to say, every spare second has been spent in this process. I would say I closed the challenge meeting all but my keto goal. I closed my OTF challenge with an egg fast, so maybe I did better than I feel like I did Taking a brief reprieve to get this move done (August 29 we close on the new) and then I'll reassess and redirect.
  11. Adventures in Ham-Land I got another 14er this weekend (Quandary Peak). It was great- took longer than I anticipated but I still got it. (7.5 hours of hiking) Needless to say, my calves are giving me charlie horses about every 5 minutes (yes I am remedying this haha) I made it to OTF this morning, but it was definitely a green day... Gave myself a few more carbs on Sunday for the hike, as I am not fully fat adapted, I needed to supplement for the time being. Anyway- onward and yonward!
  12. Impromptu OTF today in because #goals It was good. I tried to wimp out on the treads, but held myself accountable and kicked my own ass. Strength days are awesome.
  13. "When hype fails, discipline will lead." So much yes. Bring it, week 2.
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