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About Tiara

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  • Birthday 12/05/1988


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  1. Yes jump right in!!!! Start off with a comfortable weight until your form is good then keep increasing the weight and you'll see a huge improvement in your strength!!
  2. Um I think people should come to PEI there's sooo much to do here. (jk)
  3. Same here Gemeaux!! Keep your focus on your goals and you'll see results. My self-worth is really low right now because my boyfriend and I just broke up, but I'm making sure it won't last long. I'm going to really try to focus on myself and accomplish my goals. I'm also getting a lot stronger since I started putting effort into my fitness and it feels amazing. You just have to smile even when you don't feel like it and just be consistent with your training and eating habits and all the work will pay off!!
  4. hmmmmm never heard of that but I'll look into it. I'm from little Prince Edward Island
  5. Awwwe thanks soooo much!!! Means a lot
  6. I've had matcha green tea before, I'm not sure what Matcha tastes like on its own but the one I had was pretty good although its more of an acquired taste
  7. Okay so I really wish it was warmer weather with no snow!!!!! Cannot wait until spring. I'm really interested in doing training outdoors this season, like walking lunges, bench jumps, pushups, utilizing the monkey bars ect. Has anyone done this before?
  8. Today was a sad day..................My boyfriend of 6 months and I broke up....We weren't seeing eye to eye for the last month, and he was talking to me like I was his sister and not in a good way.. sigh....It's actually a big weight off my shoulders, I have been in relationships for the last three years of my life so it will be nice to get back to myself and be single for a while.. breaking up is still hard though even when you know the relationship is not right.......
  9. I don't really keep a diary, but I plan out what I'm going to eat for the whole week, this makes it easier to do groceries and its less of a headache during the week to figure out what I'm going to eat. On sunday's or whenever I have time, I sit down and plan out my meals for the week Monday-Saturday, from breakfast to mid-morning snack, then lunch, mid-afternoon snack and finally supper. I don't really worry or think about portion sizes, after grocery shopping I usually split up my meat into individual portions in freezer bags or tin foil to make it easier when I'm ready to cook it. Planning out my meals is a huge help for me to keep track of what I'm eating without becoming obsessive with calorie counting and worrying at every meal about whether or not I've gotten enough calories or protein. Hope this helps!!
  10. Hey, welcome!! I"m kind of in the same boat as you are I've always had a high metabolism thanks to my dad who has a six pack and never works out! I'm not sure what I weigh, I haven't weighed myself in over two years, but I'm 23 and noticed a bit of a weight gain regarding clothes mainly in my mid section (I blame it on the beer and the fact that I didn't work out much in the last couple of years) But since I've started lifting weights in January, I've been eating way more protein and food in general. I've cut out a lot of the junk food that I used to eat which only made me more lazy. I'm much much stronger now and it feels really awesome to go to the gym and curl heavier weights then some of the guys there!!! I eat all the time now and I never feel guilty about it! I can even do over 10 pushups (full pushups, to the ground) such a confidence builder!!
  11. I listened to this song about five times yesterday!! Started humming it at the gym too lol
  12. Besides being motivated by everyone on here, what or who else keeps you motivated and gives you back that drive to succeed? For me I like watch a fitness video on you tube before I head to the gym or start my day. I really like Jennifer Nicole Lee's JNL fusion workout videos, you would never know that she used to be over 200 pounds, she looks freak'n awesome!!
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