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Everything posted by Norell

  1. I'm slowly incorporating one leg deadlifts in my workouts, but currently, I'm only at the stage of acquiring the balance and coordination to execute the exercise. So I'm currently using fairly low weight and not feeling much effect of the exercise (apart from getting closer to lifting my supporting leg). So I would like to hear from people with experience with one leg deadlifts. Do you find it beneficial to you general athleticism/fitness? Does it benefit your regular deadlift?
  2. After a lot of reading and experimentation, I have developed a workout composition that seems to work for me. However, there is likely room for improvement, so I would like some feedback, comments and suggestions for the following approach. My goal is all-round development. I am a generalist in all aspects of life, including fitness. This is a typical full-body 3 times a week split. The remaining days, I do some kind of sport (mainly swimming, row machine or running). The idea behind my approach is that sports can only increase my strength and power so much (due to poor options of progressive overload), whereas by extending the duration or intensity of the sport, I can increase cardio and muscle endurance through the sport itself and get functional/real-life movements incorporated in the workout. On the other hand, strength and power will benefit from the addition of external weight. Therefore, I will train strength (heavy weight, 3-5 reps) and power (light to medium-heavy weight, 4-6 reps) in the gym and push my cardio and endurance in the water/on the trail/on the field. The Workout Template All workouts consist of a power circuit followed by a strength circuit, then 2-4 reps of a carry (farmer, overhead, suitcase or front) and 10 min static stretching. A circuit consists of 3 rounds with no or very little rest between exercises and 3-5 min rest between rounds. 1 exercise for each muscle group. Day 1 and 5 Power circuit for pushing and squatting. Strength circuit for hip hinging, overhead pushing and back. Day 3 Power for hinging, overhead pushing and back. Strength for pushing and squatting. Core training is fitted in where I find it best. After 4-6 weeks, the template for day 3 and for day 1/5 will switch.
  3. Greetings one and all, I've never been good at these introduction things, but let's give it a try. I'm a 27 years old man who used to do competitive swimming (I was far from an elite athlete, though) until studying started taking too much of my time. To stay healthy, I fell into the "3x12 reps" trap, but without proper knowledge on progressive overload, so my athletic capabilities dropped. Now I've been experimenting with various exercises and workout compositions for a couple of years and have regained a lot of my fitness and at some points surpassed my former levels. I come to this place not for accountability or encouragement, but in the hope that I have found a place where I can get feedback and discuss workout ideas, and of course also share my experiences and knowledge with others. One more thing: Can anybody explain the concept of guilds on this site? I've read what I could find, but still find myself lacking understanding.
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