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  1. Sooo holiday vacation was MUCH needed. I mentioned in a previous thread if unplugging from responsibility for most of the break didn't reset my brain I would pull in a pro but it seems to have been the reset I needed despite the Roof Issue (which has been dealt with). This month's challenge is going to be around cleaning up, both literally and figuratively. Splitting into 3 areas: 1. Cleaning up and crafting my habitat So if I don't have ADHD, I at least have a lot of ADHD traits. My sister got diagnosed because she was more classic ADHDer in that she struggled in school - for me everything was chalked up to one part micropreemie and one part gifted kids are weird. One of the ways my symptoms manifest is in a huge difficulty maintaining my space. That tends to be a bad feedback loop for me so I am once again looking for a system that will let me actually keep my space clean. But first things first: I need to dig out of my mess, which I started today with a 6-hour power cleaning of my kitchen (and my partner, who has similar issues with me around keeping things tidy for different reasons helped with power decluttering of a couple other rooms). That's the focus of this challenge: get my space sanitary and down to a functional level of clutter. 2. Clean up my eating habits. Last fall when my mental health started to slide I let my eating go and it's showing on the scale. Lost all my progress since I hurt my back. So healthy food and keeping healthy food on hand and keeping junk food to Sunday game day only. 3. Clean up my Kata and training. Because I am carrying more weight my Kata are affected because my balance and size are different. I need to tidy up my technique.
  2. I've sort of played along the last two challenges, so the plan is to work a little harder this time around and change things up. 1. Keep on tracking what I eat everyday AND keep to 1400 calories 5 days/week. 2. Continue to take my meds on time AND add back in the supplements I haven't been taking all year. 3. 10k steps/day OR a gym session 6 days/week. 4. Keep on exploring DC and environs OR work on something crafty 5 days/week. (Brownie points for posting on time).
  3. This challenge is going to an odd one for me. I'll spend 1/2 the challenge here in DC, then spend the 2nd half in California. I'll stay a few days with family, then friends, then off to Santa Ana to relocate my office there. I'll be flying back to DC on Ground Hog's day. So, in keeping with Ground Hogs day, I'll basically repeat my mini-challenge. 1. Keep up the tracking, including a mid-day tracking point. Make sure to eat on schedule; this is really going to be important while I'm in CA. I'm spending a few days with my family and think I'll need to buy some of my own food to stay on track. 2. Take my medication ON SCHEDULE. Everything works better when I do this. 3. 10k steps a day, bonus for averaging 11k. Shouldn't be hard while I'm doing the office move, but very tricky while I'm visiting my family. 4. Be creative; knit, crochet, make jewelry, go to museums or other sights.
  4. This place looks familiar…wait…I’ve stumbled back into Rebellion Headquarters! Yes, I’ve been gone for a year now, but I’m back to try a challenge again. Goals (Cliff notes): 1. Enter everything I eat into MFP 5+ days a week. Bonus for a full week. 2. Get to the gym (be active)! Weeks 1 & 2; 3 days/week. Weeks 3 – 6; 4+ days/week. I can substitute a day of walking for the gym. 3. Drink min 40 oz. water on non-working days. Easy as pie at work, but when I’m home I have problems. 4. Life goal: Get out and do things! I want at least 4 adventures for the challenge Goals and stuff (the War and Peace version): My husband of 37 years passed away in May of 2014. I kept up with a couple of challenges after that, but I realized my too-big house and yard were eating up my time. Once I decided to sell, and dove into getting ready, I just couldn’t keep up and didn’t join any more challenges. Well, I cleaned everything up, got rid of mountains of stuff, and sold my house. My plan had been to rent, but once I started digging into the rental market it wasn’t looking good. My realtor found me the ideal place in Pasadena, CA (no, I can’t walk to the Rose Bowl). The property has two houses; a large and a small house. The small one was empty and the large one free; the plan was to live in the large one & get it prepped for rental, then move into the smaller. Meanwhile, life threw me a curve ball or two as well as an opportunity. I was diagnosed with asthma & I was asked to fill a 1-year temporary assignment in DC. So I’ve now been in DC 3 weeks. I’m in a nice furnished “corporate†apartment not far from the Verizon center. I brought my cat, and a minimum of other things. I’m still sort of getting myself put together, but I’m going to start this challenge. 1. I don’t have a food scale (or a me scale for that matter), so I’ll do my best to estimate serving size without weighing things. The point is to be aware of what I’m eating. 2. The gym is in the apartment building and has the usual cardio equipment and some weight equipment by Matrix. Before I can do any body-weight training, I’ll need to get a mat. The main point is habit building. 3. It doesn’t matter where I am, I don’t get my water down on weekends (too much tea!) 4. I’m in a new city on a new coast. If I can’t find things to do, I should be ashamed of myself.
  5. Hi everyone! I have always been curvaceous and at the peak of my health when I was a sprinter in high school I took my flat tummy and big butt for granted. In fact I did not like my body I longed for the "runway model" look. Now that I'm older I have embraced my shape. Also an infamous reality star who shall not be named has made the big bottomed look mainstream. Unfortunately for me I have gained lots of weight in my midsection and no longer have the same hourglass figure. Last year I lost about 45 pounds doing non strict paleo and daily workouts. I still have about 40 more pounds to go. I stopped exercising but restarted again last month I restarted without much movement on my scale. Wishful thinking says that it is because my body is recompositioning and not because of my little cheats here and there. I know that it takes time but I hope this challenge can keep me accountable. Stats Age: 26 Gender: Female Height: 5'7.5" Weight: 196 Future Class: Ranger/ Druid hybrid Main Quest Lose 40 lbs and eventually make fitness a lifestyle. I have learned so much about fitness and nutrition on this journey I think I would love to get NASM certified once I hit my goal weight a transform the lives of others as a side job. Smart Quest 1: burn 1000 calories a day in exercise I just got a Fitbit Charge HR 3 days ago and I realized that I am not burning as many calories during my exercise as MyFitnessPal was telling me. Now that I have a more accurate indicator I would like to make a goal of burning 1,000 calories a day. I currently workout about 90 minutes a day doing everything from HIIT, yoga, and dance. I will add 30 more minutes a day and increase my intensity. I used to avoid very high impact exercise because I have exercise induced asthma but I haven't had to use my rescue inhaler in 3 months so I'm likely fitter and can push myself harder. I will just test myself and keep my albuterol within reach as needed. This also ensures that I will lose at minimum 2 pounds a week if I keep my nutrition in check I love to dance I always feel full of life and sexy when I finish a dance class or Zumba. I also love the YouTube channels of Fitness Marshall and Dance Fitness with Jessica. My goal is to spend at least 30 minutes in the morning dancing before work to get my mojo and energy up so I can start the day with positivity and light. By the end of the 6 weeks I want to choreograph a dance of my own and post it to YouTube! Smart Quest 2: Keep in touch I have a hard time maintaining regular contact with friends and relatives that are not nearby or that I do not see often. Having a strong support system is very important to optimal health. I just moved back to the Bay Area after being gone since high school and I can definitely feel the discomfort of not having a strong social circle yet. My goal it to call or text 20 different people week, that comes out to about 3 texts/calls a day which is very doable. I must invite at least one of them to do something social like dinner, festival, local event- that way I can strengthen a friendship and also explore the area more. Smart Quest 3: Track my progress on social media I am tracking my journey on instagram @savoirchic (follow me!) and also on my blog www.savoirchic.com and I want to make sure to make at least 3 posts a week. I have had my blog for years but I do not post consistently and I regret it. Posting makes me take time out of my day to evaluate my process and progress, connect with other people in similar situations, and keep myself publicly accountable. Also post on Nerdfitness and finish all the mini-challenges. Motivation/Life Quest I am single and part of it is because I can be very shy around men. I know that losing weight will give me more confidence to be flirty and find my feminine wiles and also make me more attractive to a wider range of men
  6. Instead we have to respawn right at the beginning. Or, in my case, further back than I was before. Losechester. I gained 20lbs instead of losing any, didn't get any healthier, and probably dug myself deeper. So, here I am again. Trying to fix whatever in me it is that's so broken. I've been making some lifestyle changes which so far involve a. buying a blender and drinking a lot more smoothies. b. cutting way back on eating bread - one or two pieces a week now as opposed to every day. c. drinking way less than I was. I was spending Thurs-Sun drinking beer and now...I'm not. d. Pilates several times a week. I started with one day a week, then two, then three - this week I'm doing four. I genuinely like Pilates, and it's helping my back. My back is a total disaster area. Since I have zero fitness or strength that's not helping, and having muscle knots that push into my arteries and make bloodflow a sometimes thing, it's actually been pretty good for me. I'm enjoying it, which I was not expecting. Doing those four things helped me lose 10 of those 20lbs in a week, but then it just...stopped again. So I'm stalled out worse off than I was before and I'm putting off weighing myself again as long as humanly possible because I'm only going to get angry and discouraged. I tried doing the zombies, run! app and that...didn't go so well. I get asthma when I run and for some reason i thought going for a run in the cold would be a smart thing to do. I wheezed for two hours afterwards and I'm pretty sure that anything that causes wheezing like that is, in the long run (and in the short run) not very good for me. I'll have to find some other way to get my cardio in because I'm not playing the "can you breathe now" game. I also stopped taking my anti-depressants, which is probably a bonehead move but I'm full of those. I'm now less apathetic, but I'm also more likely to spend an afternoon lying in bed crying, or having little fits of self-directed rage the likes I haven't seen since highschool. I guess you win some and you lose some. Eventually I'll go talk to my doctor, but frankly, I think she's kind of stupid and I'm not fond of her. I don't know. I'm so sick of myself. I've hated my body all my life. It's never done what I want it to, it's broken in half a dozen ways, and I deeply resent not being able to trade out. Thinking about it like a substandard vehicle instead of part of me isn't helpful, I know, but I've never been connected to it, or fond of it. Not sure what I should be focusing on since I don't have any goals. I just want things to be better and that sort of half-assed goal-making never got anyone anywhere.
  7. So, since last October (2013) I've been placing health, fitness and well-being as my number one priority after being obese for my 23 years of existence, and suffering from asthma. After a couple or so of half-assed attempts I believed that NF would be the game changer I'd need. The mentality which guided me the vision came from one of Kamb's post (after seeing the awesome Transformer Joe!) "We are complex pieces of machinery". As a tech/product/pc enthusiast, that really stuck with me. "I like getting the most out of my hardware and things, why don't I ever see myself in the same way?" Self-esteem grew and I made sure to take every step I could to go from v1.0 to v2.0... And thus, I embarked on epic quest, reported to you all at halfway checkpoint, and now, I'm finally proud to tell you, with the help and knowledge of rebellion + Kamb's blog, the day has finally come and I have shredded every single of those 90lbs that I needed to burn in order to reach 175lbs a.k.a neutral BMI zone!!! (v2.0 has gone gold!) Finally reaching the green zone! (and I'm not talking about Matt Damon, so stop drooling! xD) I now present to you: Upgrade from v1.0 to v2.0 Stats:Starting Body-weight v1.0: 265lbs (03/OCT/2013)Days to break past 25% completion: 94 days Days to break past 50% completion: 150 days Days to break past 75% completion: 290 days Days to Reach 100% Neutrality v2.0 (Morbid obesity to neutral BMI): 381 Days, or32,918,400 seconds 548,640 minutes 9144 hours 54 weeks (rounded down)Current Body-weight: 174.6lbs, Body-fat%: 18.4% Muscle%: 40.8% (19/OCT/2014)Total Weight Lost: 90.4lbsNumber of 6 week Challenges Completed: 7Total number of food relapses (excluding Sunday Fundays): 1 (During December 2013)Biggest weight loss in a week: 4.4lbs (06/APR/2014)Biggest weight gain in a week: 2.0lbs (27/APR/2014)Biggest amount weight lost in 4 weeks: 10.7lbs (First month)Lowest amount weight lost in 4 weeks: 3.0lbs (Throughout August 2014)Asthma rate during Oct 2013: 3 attacks, blue inhaler used 6 times during the first day (steadily improved during 1st month, became progressively worse during months 2, 3 and 4 in winter, especially during night-time and workouts/jogging)Asthma rate during Oct 2014: No attacks have occurred, no inhalers used.Exercise ability during Oct 2013: Zero (I use to get breathless and/or asthma attacks just going up 2 flights of stairs!)Exercise ability during Oct 2014: 23x push-ups in a row, 9x chin-ups in a row, 1x pull-up, 5min planks, 20min interval jogging (and still no asthma attacks! :-D)Amount of Meat-Free (quorn a.k.a. MUSHROOM FUNGUS! :-o) consumed: 0v3r 9000!!!!1Amount of intermittent fasts/types completed: Too many to count, man... General upgrades throughout the process:+ Controlled Asthma conditions (from healthier eating/controlled breathing through exercising)+ Increased Confidence (from general appearance)+ Better Well-being (more proactive, less reactive)+ More Knowledgeable (Learning via members of the rebellion + Steve's blog + primary/experimental/flexible approach)+ Improved Physical ability (from exercising and upping the ante via PLP/HIIT/Moves when able/complacent/ready)+ Discipline (from Intermittent Fastings) So all I say to you is, let's ascend the tower, as see what can learn. I was told 5 years ago that I wouldn't be able to cure my asthma from my doctor. So far speaking, he was right. However, IF I ACTUALLY lead a healthy lifestyle, I find that it's completely in control and it doesn't get in the way of my quality of life, so please, if you're asthmatic or suffer of anything that may have a link to unhealthy eating/obesity, just go for it and see where it takes you, you're bound find many things worthy of note. Weight Tracker: A Nimble Thought... 03/10/2013 264.5lbs The Quarter of Hope: 13/10/2013 260.5lbs (-4.0) 20/10/2013 258.8lbs (-1.7) 27/10/2013 257.2lbs (-1.8) 03/11/2013 254.0lbs (-3.2) (Total=10.7lbs) 10/11/2013 251.8lbs (-2.2) 17/11/2013 249.0lbs (-2.8) 24/11/2013 247.2lbs (-1.8) 01/12/2013 244.2lbs (-3) (Total=9.8lbs) 08/12/2013 241.8lbs (-2.4) F: 35.9% W: 44.8% 15/12/2013 239.0lbs (-2.8) 22/12/2013 239.0lbs (0) F: 34.6% 29/12/2013 237.4lbs (-1.6) (Total=6.8lbs) The Quarter vs. The Empire: 05/01/2014 234.2lbs (-3.2) F: 33.5% 12/01/2014 231.4lbs (-2.8) F: 32.6% 19/01/2014 228.0lbs (-3.4) F: 31.7% 28/01/2014 228.0lbs (0) F: 31.8% (Total=9.4lbs) 02/02/2014 225.6lbs (-2.4) F: 31.0% 09/02/2014 223.2lbs (-2.4) F: 30.7% 16/02/2014 220.2lbs (-3.0) F: 29.7% M: 35.6% 22/02/2014 221.4lbs (+1.2) F: 29.9% M: 35.5% (Total=6.6lbs) 02/03/2014 219.4lbs (-2.0) F: 29.3% M: 35.6% *Halfway Checkpoint* 09/03/2014 217.8lbs (-1.6) F: 29.1% M: 35.7% 16/03/2014 215.8lbs (-2.0) F: 28.6% M: 36.0% 23/03/2014 214.8lbs (-1.0) F: 28.6% M: 35.9% (Total=6.6lbs) The Quarter of Discovering Neutrality: 30/03/2014 214.8lbs (0) F: 28.9% M: 35.8% 06/04/2014 210.4lbs (-4.4) F: 27.2% M: 36.5% 12/04/2014 210lbs (-0.4) F: 26.7% M: 36.7% 20/04/2014 208.8lbs (-1.2) F: 26.5% M: 36.8% 27/04/2014 210.8lbs (+2.0) F:27.2% M: 36.5% (Total=4lbs) 04/05/2014 207.8lbs (-3.0) F: 26.4% M: 36.9% *Over-weight status achieved* 11/05/2014 205lbs (-2.8) F: 25.7% M: 37.1% 18/05/2014 205lbs (0) F: 25.7% M: 37.1% 25/05/2014 202.2lbs (-2.8) F: 24.8% M: 37.5% (Total=8.6lbs) 01/06/2014 199.0lbs (-3.2) F: 24.0% M: 38.0% 08/06/2014 198.8lbs (-0.2) F: 24.2% M: 37.7% 15/06/1990 195.8lbs (-3.0) F: 23.2% M: 38.3% 22/06/2014 196.4lbs (+0.6) F: 23.4% M: 38.2% (Total=5.8lbs) The Quarter of Shaping Neutrality: 28/06/2014 193.4lbs (-3.0) F: 22.7% M: 38.4% *Ramadan Fasting Begins* 06/07/2014 194.6lbs (+1.2) F: 23.1% M: 38.3% 13/07/2014 191.6lbs (-3.0) F: 22.6% M: 38.6% 20/07/2014 188.6lbs (-3.0) F&M%: Unknown 27/07/2014 187.0lbs (-1.6) F: 21.1% M: 39.3% (Total=9.4lbs) *Ramadan Fasting Ends* 02/08/2014 187.0lbs (0) F: 21.2% M: 39.2% 10/08/2014 185.0lbs (-2.0) F: 20.8% M: 39.4% 17/08/2014 183.8lbs (-1.2) F: 20.3% M: 39.7% 24/08/2014 184.0lbs (+0.2) F: 20.5% M: 39.6% 31/08/2014 184.0lbs (0) F: 20.7% M: 39.5% (Total=3.0lbs) 08/09/2014 184.0lbs (0) F: 20.3% M: 39.7% 14/09/2014 179.8lbs (-4.2) F: 19.4% M: 40.3% 21/09/2014 178.6lbs (-1.2) F: 19.1% M: 40.3% 28/09/2014 177.4lbs (-1.2) N/A% N/A% (Total=6.6lbs) The Quarter of Change:05/10/2014 177.4lbs (0) F: 18.7% M: 40.5%12/10/2014 176.6lbs (-0.8) F: 18.6% M: 40.6% 19/07/2014 174.6lbs (-2.0) F: 18.4% M: 40.8% (Total=2.8lbs) *Neutrality Achieved* Credits List (Alphabetical):AshPS (Thank you so much! I still owe you a belly-dance session! :-p)Bearlee (Kickin' A 24/7!)Countess D'lf (Ginger-power wooh!)CellarDoorRaven (Super badass and supportive rebel!)Deftona (One of the nicest, most supportive person I know, thanks for everything!)Guzzi (100% win, thanks for all the encouragement!)Hansjay (I'm pretty sure she has enough energy to power Hazard (Very motivational man!) Kailer (Dino-cooking extraordinaire!) KingLeeroy (Cooler than you!)Rookie (Super cool adventurer!)SarahBarr (Always has the best facts evar!)sillyAnneh (Super thanks for all your encouragement at the beginning!) Steve Kamb! (a.k.a Shen Long) skinnyLara (Very inspirational, thank you for all your assistance! :-) SuperDestroyer (Total win!)Swampling (a.k.a Sugar Monster Slayer) T2sarahconnor (and all those guessing games with lyrics!) Teros (a.k.a my handy man!) xanjra (The long road!)+Everyone in the rebellion + all the good folks that work hard to keep NF going! Thank you all, NF was just what I needed in order to slay the ogre that I thought I could never beat. NF has changed me in every way and for the better + allowed me to conquer this goal despite many of the constraints I had going forward ('mostly' vegetarian, no gym membership, finance, etc). It was worth every single thing I had to endure to get here. I ain't going nowhere atm, but I have a few ideas as I journey myself towards v3.0... Already seeking the next challenge...- I plan to weigh myself weekly, but only document my weigh-ins at the end of every version upgrade (4 weeks). If it's neutral, I continue onwards. If it isn't, I'll take better measures to ensure the next update will be closer towards the green. More focus will be placed over body-fat% and muscle% than total body-weight.- Getting stronger via body-weight workouts and runs. Hopefully, my body-shape and appearance will improve in time...- Placing focus on slaying other beasts!- Perhaps moving from adventurer class to assassin one day... The way I see it, my 'Bodyware & OS' had an incredibly inefficient architecture, an oversized case, an old shoddy operating system, lacking with updates, ridden with malware, and in desperate need of defragmentation and system restore in order to adapt and survive to the ever changing world. I am now a fully operating, working entry-level pc! But this pc dreams of pushing competitive performance and power, and will be (literally) crunching its way to release v3.0 eta Oct 2015! Thanks for reading, see you around, and remember: "Whatever you find worthwhile in life is worth fighting for" Ryu ;-)
  8. This is it. The time has come. It's coming full circle. During the progression of this 7th challenge marks the approximately 1 year into my post-NerdFitness lifestyle! This challenge brings with a high chance of completing one of my biggest life goals: reaching neutral BMI and celebrating all the benefits and capabilities that this lifestyle brings. As someone who's just a hairline away from being morbidly obese for my entire 24 year old life, and with the horrors and limitations it's put on my life, enough is is enough. On October 3rd, 2013 I had 90lbs to burn. Now I only have 3.8lbs. It's been a long road, and as I've pressed on, it's become a tough one too. Due to life being a little wild at the moment, this was going to be the first challenge that I skip, but I can't do that. As with reaching any goal, chaos somehow manages to be at its very strongest. But I'm going to face it head on. I'm going to see this through. 5 weeks v.s. 3.8lbs. I'm going to muster everything I've got in this, whilst facing everything that gets in the way of it. But I need to be strong. And whilst I've been keeping on well with health, fitness and habits practically throughout (with the power of balance!), I've learned that the only real threat any of this had in the first place is every pressure and obstacle around me. I can either repulse or relapse. So as I look for inner strength to see this voyage through, and all the attempts that have been made to sway me off-course throughout this time, I think "What do I need now to do now? What am I missing?" One can end up feeling a little lost preparing and facing things ahead. Which is why I will fight the big fight amongst adventurers, even with the going gets tough, even when everything appears to be relentlessly scary, I will press on and I will find a way. And for that, I need the rebel alliance (a.k.a you guys xD) for the big final push. Coming out of this (hoping that I do) I will forever have changed my history and destiny, and I want to live on in the Rebellion by giving rebels the courage and strength to face their own evil empires, and living the legend. I briefly look back at the last 11 months, and for the first time, see myself for how I looked like back then. Whoah, I was practically a different person! But I also look back and think "When did I have the most strength and courage?" And to my surprise, it's not now, it was the very start. So I will face everything, and come full circle to the person I wanted to be, living the neutral lifestyle. Lets go! Challenge 7: Completing the first iteration of my Bodyware & OS. Challenge 1: Facing the evil empire! I'd list many things I'd want to accomplish within this timeframe, but it's too much to go over and explain, so instead, every-single thing that I need to just do will be represented by using Star Wars enemies! Upexpected Light Tasks/Obstacles: Stormtroopers Enemies in the way: Incinerator Trooper EVO Trooper Stormtrooper Commander Imperial Officer Senate Guard Imperial Guard Jumptrooper Shadow Guard End of Challenge Goal: Defeating the Empire Challenge 2: EXE! Keep up on exercises, 3x workouts and 3x interval jogging (I've been running in the early morning these past few weeks, lots'a fun!) Challenge 3: The Swing of Things This is just keeping up with what I do (which I have been ever since the last challenge concluded. The last challenge presented many obstacles, like weight plateau, but surprisingly, it went after the challenge concluded! Nothing should hopefully get in the way of this, unless the empire overpowers, it's good practice to expect the worst, so that's what I'll do, I'll prepare and be ready! p.s. Hopefully I can keep on top of my posts/availability here if things get on the wild side, thankfully just yesterday both of my sisters are in a much better situation, putting much less strain/time on me. p.p.s. Due to not participating a week earlier, I will be cutting the final scores/stats a bit...
  9. IronGlider Prepares for the Final Countdown! Welcome to my 6th challenge! To recap, I'm 24, from the UK finishing up on University and preparing for big change in my life. Before 03/10/2013, I've always been overweight/obese for my age for as long as I can recall. This isn't my first time I've attempted for change, as in prior years I've struggled from balance, pressure, eating the right things (I'm vegetarian btw!) etc. ...but I've been trying to make this third strike count! So, as of my last 9ish months in my post-NF life I have been documenting my progress + completed five challenges and have currently lost 78lbs and I hope to keep that up in order to fulfil my current main quest, reach my BMI-intended weight range (175lbs - 165lbs) I kid you not when I say that discovering NerdFitness has been the best thing for my health and wellbeing, it's transformed my perspective, my approach... and me! This is well and truly the furthest I've ever gone, and (so far) I already feel great! I just need to slay this dragon and then move to the next! Picture Progress: (Again, instead of posting every single month here, I'll just put the starting and current/challenge picture progress here:) Starting (v1.0) Month 10 (v1.10) Weight Progress Tree: A Nimble Thought... 03/10/2013 264.5lbs The Quarter of Hope: 13/10/2013 260.5lbs (-4.0) 20/10/2013 258.8lbs (-1.7) 27/10/2013 257.2lbs (-1.8) 03/11/2013 254.0lbs (-3.2) (Total=10.7lbs) 10/11/2013 251.8lbs (-2.2) 17/11/2013 249.0lbs (-2.8) 24/11/2013 247.2lbs (-1.8) 01/12/2013 244.2lbs (-3) (Total=9.8lbs) 08/12/2013 241.8lbs (-2.4) F: 35.9% W: 44.8% 15/12/2013 239.0lbs (-2.8) 22/12/2013 239.0lbs (0) F: 34.6% 29/12/2013 237.4lbs (-1.6) (Total=6.8lbs) The Quarter vs. The Empire: 05/01/2014 234.2lbs (-3.2) F: 33.5% 12/01/2014 231.4lbs (-2.8) F: 32.6% 19/01/2014 228.0lbs (-3.4) F: 31.7% 28/01/2014 228.0lbs (0) F: 31.8% (Total=9.4lbs) 02/02/2014 225.6lbs (-2.4) F: 31.0% 09/02/2014 223.2lbs (-2.4) F: 30.7% 16/02/2014 220.2lbs (-3.0) F: 29.7% M: 35.6% 22/02/2014 221.4lbs (+1.2) F: 29.9% M: 35.5% (Total=6.6lbs) 02/03/2014 219.4lbs (-2.0) F: 29.3% M: 35.6% *Halfway Checkpoint* 09/03/2014 217.8lbs (-1.6) F: 29.1% M: 35.7% 16/03/2014 215.8lbs (-2.0) F: 28.6% M: 36.0% 23/03/2014 214.8lbs (-1.0) F: 28.6% M: 35.9% (Total=6.6lbs) The Quarter of Discovering Neutrality: 30/03/2014 214.8lbs (0) F: 28.9% M: 35.8% 06/04/2014 210.4lbs (-4.4) F: 27.2% M: 36.5% 12/04/2014 210lbs (-0.4) F: 26.7% M: 36.7% 20/04/2014 208.8lbs (-1.2) F: 26.5% M: 36.8% 27/04/2014 210.8lbs (+2.0) F:27.2% M: 36.5% (Total=4lbs) 04/05/2014 207.8lbs (-3.0) F: 26.4% M: 36.9% *Over-weight status achieved* 11/05/2014 205lbs (-2.8) F: 25.7% M: 37.1% 18/05/2014 205lbs (0) F: 25.7% M: 37.1% 25/05/2014 202.2lbs (-2.8) F: 24.8% M: 37.5% (Total=8.6lbs) 01/06/2014 199.0lbs (-3.2) F: 24.0% M: 38.0% 08/06/2014 198.8lbs (-0.2) F: 24.2% M: 37.7% 15/06/1990 195.8lbs (-3.0) F: 23.2% M: 38.3% 22/06/2014 196.4lbs (+0.6) F: 23.4% M: 38.2% (Total=5.8lbs) The Quarter of Shaping Neutrality: 28/06/2014 193.4lbs (-3.0) F: 22.7% M: 38.4%*Ramadan Fasting Begins* 06/07/2014 194.6lbs (+1.2) F: 23.1% M: 38.3% 13/07/2014 191.6lbs (-3.0) F: 22.6% M: 38.6% 20/07/2014 188.6lbs (-3.0) F&M%: Unknown27/07/2014 187.0lbs (-1.6) F: 21.1% M: 39.3% (Total=9.4lbs) *Ramadan Fasting Ends* Current Spec: Starting Weight (as of 27/07/2014): 187lbs Current Conditions: Asthma (Vastly Improved) Main Quest: Reach the following Desired Spec: Desired Weight: 175lbs - 165lbs (considered healthy BMI range) Desired Health: No/Controlled Asthma, Fit, In Routine Missions: So, the past 10 months has been great and I've undergone many things. However, I found the last challenge overly hard to manage. I think much of this is because I carried over many of my missions from my first challenge and added on top of them. Considering I was really busy, ill and fasting for ramadan, I'm shocked I'm still (somewhat) managed to keep on top of everything! It all started to come at a cost though, posting on here less frequently. Since I'm still in quite a busy routine, I've decided that my Bodyware & OS thread needed a bit of streamlining for this challenge, dial and tone down a lot of the information (unless I'm struggling and need to report details). I've enjoyed the last 10 months, but a person can change and especially learn quite a lot in that time, and this system is built to flex, so I'm going to place my focus less on detailing every-single-habit but rather, keeping up to date and that everything's going okay. I think it takes some courage to do this as it's demonstrating confidence with what I can do and that I have control. I think it'll be okay. We'll see. Having more time for helping out my fellow rebels and being punctual is a must for this challenge! We're all in this together now! However, I don't want the terms 'streamlining' and 'minimal' to put off the excitement of a challenge. I don't want this to be about endurance or being complacent during challenging times. This can still be fun, exciting and as ambitious as any other challenge I've done. And I have an great idea on how to do this! Mission 1: The Swing of Things! M1 involves ensuring that every habit that I've built from the very beginning is still kept, and that the journey to health, fitness and well-being will one day be achieved. - 2x 17hr Lite Fasts - 2x 19hr Standard Fasts - Implementing 24hr fasts once or twice a week (if necessary) - Eating Healthily and have Fruit+Salad+Nuts when breaking my fast and balanced dinners - Drinking herbal teas - Keeping up with Exercises - Measuring progress on Sundays - Picture progress every month - Restrict Internet Usage with StayFocusd Chrome Extension - Meditation for 5mins morning/evening (Alt) (the above rules are backed by the 'Never 2 a in row' rule, and are followed every Mon - Sat) NOTE: I longer need to detail these habits on a daily basis as long as they are followed. I will only detail anything out of the ordinary. Mission 2: Keeping on Top Form! M2 is about ensuring I get the most of being active 6 times a week! This involves 3x Interval Jogging (with small additional mini-workouts) and 3x Level 4 Renegade Workouts! Mission 3: IronGlider 0verride! M3: Think I'm boring? Sick of tired of hearing I have mushroom fungus everyday? This'll break the monotony! A system error has occurred in the OS! This causes IronGlider to shut-down everyday for a minimum of 20mins for 6x a week to practice a associated routine inspired from a fellow rebel. This is until BW&OS restores itself to its current image for the rest of the day. Failing any of the tasks results in giving permissions to the rebel inspiring the routine to outlay a one-time punishment (subject to fair usage and laws) on IronGlider, lasting a maximum of 20mins. Side Mission: Startup & Sleep Routines This kinda got a little out of hand with most of the last challenge, as I was following a completely different routine to work with, so I willk reattempt now that things are a little more settled than before. - Early Morning Startup Routine (Making bed, Jumping jacks, light clean, getting ready and packed, all within 20mins) - Late Night Shutdown Routine (Getting ready, prep for next day, set/lower lighting, read/NF-catchup, sleep) - Note down something to be thankful for that day, everyday except Sunday (that alone is something for me to be thankful for xD) LEEEEEEET'S GOOOOO!!!
  10. Introduction Welcome to my 5th challenge! To recap, I'm 23, from the UK finishing up on University and preparing for big change in my life. Before 03/10/2013, I've always been overweight/obese for my age for as long as I can recall. This isn't my first time I've attempted for change, as in prior years I've struggled from balance, pressure, eating the right things (I'm vegetarian btw!) etc. ...but I've been trying to make this third strike count! So, as of my last 9ish months in my post-NF life I have been documenting my progress + successfully completed four challenges and have currently lost 65.8lbs (over 3 quarters!) and I hope to keep that up in order to fulfil my current main quest, reach my BMI-intended weight range (175lbs - 165lbs) I kid you not when I say that discovering NerdFitness has been the best thing for my health and wellbeing, it's transformed my perspective, my approach... and me! This is well and truly the furthest I've ever gone, and (so far) I already feel great! I just need to slay this dragon and then move to the next! Picture Progress: (Instead of posting every single month here, I'll just put the starting and current/challenge picture progress here:) Starting (v1.0): http://imageshack.co...4/3571/hjp7.jpg Month 8 (v1.8): http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o607/FlagshipFighter/m8i_zps1aa0876d.jpg Weight Progress: Current Spec: Starting Weight (as of 12/04/2014): 198.8lbs Current Conditions: Asthma (Vastly Improved) Main Quest: Reach the following Desired Spec: Desired Weight: 175lbs - 165lbs (considered healthy BMI range) Desired Health: No/Controlled Asthma, Fit, In Routine Missions: 1. Keeping up with my current routine that I've built/expanded upon here from the very start, which includes: *New* Weekly Food Routine:- 2x 17hr Lite Fasts- 2x 19hr Standard Fasts - Implementing 24hr fasts once or twice a week (if necessary) - Eating Healthily by having Fruits+Nuts when breaking my fast and balanced dinners - Drinking herbal teas - Keeping up with Exercises - Measuring progress on Sundays - Picture progress every month- Restrict Internet Usage with StayFocusd Chrome Extension (the above rules are backed by the 'Never 2 a in row' rule, and are followed every Mon - Sat) 2. Adding the following things to current routine and post daily: (I attempted to this as part of my first goal in the last challenge, but less attention and focus is applied to them within the grand scheme of the first goal. The way I'm seeing it, the first goal is the core, and the second and add-ons that hopefully in time will be second-nature. *New* Early Morning Startup Routine (Making bed, Jumping jacks, light clean, getting ready and packed, all within 20mins) *New* Meditation for 5mins morning/evening (Alt) *New* Note down something to be thankful for that day, everyday! *New* Late Night Shutdown Routine (Getting ready, prep for next day, set/lower lighting, read/NF-catchup, sleep) 3. Exercising @Level 4 Renegade Workouts for 3 Days a weeks + 3 additional days of Interval Jogging with Cardio Yep, I'll be advancing to the 2nd Level 4 workout, hope it doesn't kill me! xD Life Quest: Incorporate 20mins of 'guilt-free play' during the day. This quest was inspired by the book I've recently read, called "Play It Away: A Workaholic's Cure for Anxiety" by Charlie Hoehn. This challenge went incredibly well, and I've continued to implement it post challenge too. I've also decided that this part of the challenge can be used to trial things, 'cause why not? What counts? - Digital or hand drawings/writing/creative observations of anything which interests/strikes.- Something spontaneous and/fun! (e.g. Bollywood belly-dancing *troll face*) - Practising/trying something new- 'Quality' social time - Doing something voluntarily- Entertainment time.- Brain training exercises I've also decided to cap each activity on the http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o607/FlagshipFighter/IMG_20140514_225440_zps4529543b.jpg'>spin-wheel to 2x max a week, to allow more variety, unless I've planned an activity in advance. ...Basically, anything that will get me mentally and/or physically stimulated and/or feeling creative. My Motivation: Wellbeing. Rid myself of potential illnesses and asthma. Feel great and a better sense of control. Reaching neutral status. Additional Challenge Information: - If possible, I should try and add a picture for the 'play it away' side quest... - I'm not going to forget grading every week in my Sunday Diagnostics (for realz this time!) I might have to track things via a post it note during the week to keep on-topic.FYI: I'll be continuing to update my daily battle log in conjunction to this as well. Also I want to update my work productivity hear and there, I'm getting closer then ever to cracking it. Right now it's been an extremely busy period for me for my primary bits of work, but hopefully they'll be time for me to get back to self-directed and improvement work too! Thank you so much for all your support, co-op makes everything more fun! In every challenge I always try upping the ante, but this time I've decided to refine on some of the things in my routine, and it ain't easy! But hey, just 23.8lbs to go! We can do this! I'm ecstatic to see how much further more I can potentially cut that number down. And with the challenge officially starting, http://youtu.be/Lp5ekMlQvi4?t=20s'>IT HAS BEGUN my friends, lets go and rock this challenge! :-D
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