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Found 3 results

  1. Hey everyone, hope your challenges went well! This was my first time doing a NF challenge so I'm not really sure what to do now. It says that the next challenge isn't until 25th September, so we have a week break inbetween. What are we meant to do during this week? Do we keep going with our quests? But then that's not really a break. But lounging around the house eating junk food and not exercising doesn't sound like something we should be doing either.
  2. I went about a week without training and found my pull up reps per set went down from 7 to 4 or 5. I have retained my reps for every other exercise. However, strangely enough my form seems to have improved for every exercise including pull ups. I was wondering how such breaks actually effect strength and endurance. How long a break can a person take from training without losing progress? Are such breaks helpful in any way? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey all, So. I think this is my... 7th challenge with you guys and I've decided to join in once again but do things a bit differently. I want to see what happens when I don't focus on the 'I have to do 3 x exercise this week!'. Basically I'd like to see if my habits have become ingrained enough to last even when I don't focus on them (specifically) anymore. My main 'goals' (areas I'd like to see what'll happen) are: - Exercise (will I keep up 3 times a week on average? Will I do less, more? Who knows!) - Food (primal-ish. I've been grazing a lot more lately (possibly 'due to meds' but hey, ideally I should just stop doing that!)) - Work - Relaxing Maybe a daily battle log would technically be a better place for this type of 'challenge', but I love our forum so much I'll just post it here Hope that's ok. Title isn't totally accurate - point of this isn't (necessarily) to 'slow way down' - it's to shift the focus from 'having to because I have goal A, B and C' to 'Doing what makes me feel good about myself and keeps me healthy at the same time'. Any prophets? What do you think will happen? I'll keep you guys up to date and we'll find out.
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