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Found 4 results

  1. Annyshay always knew she was a hobbit. She was born in a sleepy farming town of the Shire. As a young hobbit, she worked the land with her family. Her nose was often firmly wedged in a book, and she fancied herself quite the scholar. When turmoil split her family asunder, she began her apprenticeship and long quest to live a good life. For years, Annyshay found her hobbit-y nature at odds with her training and quest. The confused hobbit struggled through periods of being “good” and keeping perfectionistic track of everything she did. Inevitably, she would lose momentum and return to the joy of second breakfast, elevensies, and her hobbit hole. Somehow, she managed to lose herself amidst all the stress, processed food, sedentary habits, and self-doubt. This was not the good life that she dreamed of all those years ago on the farm. One day, Annyshay was cleaning out a trunk, when she found an old scroll with “For the Rebellion!” on its seal. Filled with curiosity, she brought the scroll to her favorite reading chair, so that she could investigate the matter fully whenever she had a chance. When Annyshay eventually cracked the seal of the scroll, she found it was more than she imagined – a device that allowed her to interact with countless Rebels questing to improve their lives. Although she was cautious at first, the support and tales of these Rebels convinced her to join them. Annyshay learned from her fellow Rebels that she was a Hylian Hero and her life was about so much more than safety, comfort, and control. Annyshay has set out on an adventure to become the Hero she was born to be - resilient and radiant, so that she reflects God among the nations! Herein lies the Legend of Annyshay. The Legend of Annyshay, like so many heroic tales is not exactly linear. She has been adventuring with the rebellion since 2012 - as a hobbit, superhero, bender, and of course Link. Her quests have led her on many twists and turns, as you can see if you desire to wade through the Tales of Yore below. In September 2016, Annyshay was called to join a deeper Adventure at Camp Nerd Fitness. In the mountains of Clayton, Georgia, she was convinced well and truly by the Wizards and Headmasters that she is a Hero. Inspired by the stories of Atollo, Tyrus, Havok, Rheno, and Volo, as well as the countless rebels she met in real life, Annyshay returned with Character, Ability, Mind, and Purpose in order to stand against the darkness. Annyshay will fully embody and manifest herself as the Hero of Light.
  2. So last week for the second year in a row I got to spend an amazing 5 days (+2 extra in Atlanta) in the woods with THE MOST AMAZING NERDS ON THE PLANET! Camp was yet again one of the most mind blowing experiences of my life, and the things I learned and the people I met and reconnected with will stay with me always. There's a hashtag on social media we use #CNF365 to represent bringing all the goodness we got there into our every day lives. My goals this challenge, and until the end of the year, are to do this hashtag justice. October is also going to be in INSANE month for me. I'll be going to Maine to check out wedding venues, then traveling for work for a few days, and then going on a southwest vacation with Mr. Raxie to hit up some national parks, followed by hopping by Camp Ranger Fitness with Tank and Wolfie, and visiting some nerds in Austin and Dallas in the next zero week. So really, I don't have many "normal" days this upcoming month. It will be interesting. So I'm going to keep things kind of flexible as in I have to do things a number of times per challenge - not per week. I also realized at camp that part of my blah feelings lately have been that I have a great habit base set up right now for my work outs, and now that I've been doing it for so long I need something fresh and new. So I'm going to be forcing myself into doing archery once a month from now on (I LOVE ARCHERY I just never let myself find the time to do it) and also try to check out boxing at my gym which I absolutely fell in love with thanks to @Cheechoe and her amazing classes! I've never taken any fighting classes before but somehow after that first class I found myself taking kung fu, Tai Quan Do, and self defense. This isn't something I think will turn into my number one thing (I love lifting too much) but I definitely want to explore my options here at home with getting it in as a fun side activity! Maybe eventually even once a week. Here are my goals for the entire challenge this time around: 11 SL workouts 2 Boxing lessons 1 Archery session 4 mobility focus days (with brand spankin new Kate G stuffs for my hips and more ROMWOD!) 4 Zombies, Row! workouts 16 meditation sessions Start my travel blog I've been wanting to start FOR EVER. And add an entry about CNF 2016 that I'll share with you guys too! But here's my real goal this challenge, which isn't something trackable. It's more about attitude towards MY LOVELY TRIBE OF NERDS. So confession: when I first joined Nerd Fitness in 2013 I did my best to keep my real self separate from my NF self. I didn't post any pictures, I wouldn't tell anyone my real name, but I did make progress. Then in 2015 I started making real friendships with some of you guys, added some of you on facebook, and started really diving into the community. I signed up for camp, came back, and was like screw it I will add everyone on facebook and post pictures of myself here and I DON'T CARE. But a small part of me has still kind of been like, my nerd tribe is separate from my "real" life - if someone called me Raxie on my facebook page (outside of the camp page) I was like OH GOD WHAT IF MY COWORKERS SEE THAT... or something I honestly don't know what I was afraid of. But after this year at camp, and the most unbelievable trip to Hawaii earlier this year with other nerds I am finally ready to admit it. You guys are my tribe and my people - my REAL life people. And you all do nothing but support me and help me along in this amazing journey. So, I will keep these connections open and I will approach fitness with the attitude that I am doing it with this amazing group of people who can call me Raxie all they damn please - because you all have leveled up my life. Even those of you I haven't had much interaction with - you've helped this community be what it is AND THANK YOU FOR THAT. I'm going to start being more honest with myself this challenge about all of that. If my "real life" friends and coworkers aren't cool with me being me, putting my health and fitness first, and loving some amazing folks I met on the internet that's too damn bad. And that's freakin that. I think this attitude will also help me get out of my blahs, because it will help me be less self conscious about diving head first into fitness and all the stuff I have grown to love over the past 3 years being a rebel here. So yeah, here we go!
  3. Hey Everyone! So after some heavy encouragement at #CampNF 2016 I'm reaching out and trying out forum life. I created an account way back when I first started following NerdFitness but never actually did anything with it. Now I'm going to try and learn to forum! So diving right in: Quest 1: Learn to forum. For real big part of this quest will be to learn the forum find my camp nerds and try to follow people and be all around more encouraging, coachable, and connected. Luckily I had a lot nerds talking about how awesome this is so I'm excited. Creating a quantifiable goal here is kinda difficult. I guess if I just maintain keeping track of this challenge it'll be my win. Quest 2: Starting Strength weeks 1-4 of 12. After camp I feel more confident than ever in building up my weightlifting strength with correct form and just getting strong in general. The bigger picture goal is to do SS for 12 weeks then move to my assassin-y bodyweight/gymnastics workouts for my upper body and continuing weightlifting for the legs. 4 weeks = 12 workouts. I'm doing well at building my habit of waking up and going so I think this should be relatively easy to maintain. Quest 3: As I said I'm doing well at waking up and going so since SS is only 3 days a week I'm trying to commit to getting up and at least spending 30 minutes in the gym (make sure I get my Vitality points for my work insurance program) on the other 2 weekdays. Warm-up and mobility/flexibility work are the plan on these days. Quest 4: Get back into Martial Arts. I found a school near me that teaches Judo and Brazilian Jiujitsu. The first week is a trial week then I have to decide to commit or not. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and some training in Krav Maga but I've decided I really want to improve my grappling/throwing game. If I do both Judo and Jiujitsu depends a lot on taking care of myself and my time. The goal here is to start training start learning again. If I stick with the school then 4+ classes will complete this quest. Quest 5: Reduce eating out for lunch. Right now I've fallen back into the habit of eating out every day for lunch. This is a stupid expensive habit when I don't pay attention and try to eat cheap. I don't want to go crazy with it yet. The goal is to reduce eating out for lunch from 5 days a week to 3. This looks like too much but when I check my brain its really adding 3 things to my schedule. Onward to new habits!
  4. typed a big long thing. It essentially boiled down to there's been a lot of crap in the past year and I have fallen off the wagon and it has driven over me. Then the internet ate it and said I couldn't post. so..... point of the matter is I am tired of making excuses and allowances for myself. I have some goals. I would like some accountability. 1. "Am" routine 2. "PM" routine 3. Food - track (youfood) - whole 30 ish 4. Exercise - step goal OR 10 minutes 5. WATER - "6" cups (I got the big cups) 6. Post in my battle log every day
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