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Found 6 results

  1. One entry per ranger, a poll will go up Monday Morning!!! We need to see a full recipe (no links, please) and a picture of the dish!
  2. Raw Coconut Macaroons Yield: Approx 10 Macaroons 2 cups coconut flakes ½ cup raw Cacao Powder ½ tsp Vanilla Extract 1/8 tsp Sea Salt ½ tsp Powdered Stevia ½ cup Maple Syrup Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, adding the maple syrup last. Scoop out small mounts and place on a cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours before serving.
  3. One of my partner's favourite meals has been Chicken and Leek pie since my Mum gave me a recipe book with it in, but since I've started trying to eat paleo I've not been able to find a suitable replacement that didn't involve finding somewhere to get coconut flour or attempting to make paleo pastry, and he's had to go without. Well, I had enough of depriving him of his favourite meal so I just, made it up! It's not really a traditional pie, but it'd damned tasty and I think someone out there will enjoy it. [Paleo] Chicken and Leek Pie-lets. 1x Chicken Breast A handful of spring onions OR 1/2 a Leek Thyme 1 tsp Arrowroot powder 1x 165mL of coconut milk 6x Bacon rashers Olive oil Ghee or butter Almond meal Cook off your chicken breast however you want. The original pie recipe called for poaching, but mine were pre-baked and I just grabbed it out of the fridge. Anyway, cut it up into small parts once it's cooked to your liking. Cut up and cook off your spring onion / leek in some olive oil and ghee (original recipe was butter so go for it if you're not trying to be strict; this can also be left out though I guess.) until it's sauteed nicely. Once it is, tip in some Thyme and your arrowroot powder and make sure it's mixed through your spring onion, then add your coconut milk. The pan doesn't need to be too hot for this because it will bubble up and then thicken quite quickly. Add your chicken breast to the sauce and mix through. That's your pie filling done. Now grab some bacon and a cupcake pan and use the bacon as the pie base. I ripped into the middle of the bacon rasher so I could make it into a cone shape and put it in the cupcake tin. One rasher fits quite nicely. Fill the bases with your filling until you've got none left. Sprinkle a little bit of almond meal and some salt and pepper on top of your pies for a bit of a crust and bake them for around 10 minutes. EAT THEM WITH JOY.
  4. Hi guys!! I'm back to trying to get my diet back on a more paleo/primal level and have been going through some of my favorite sites for snack and meal ideas that I can make ahead once a week and take with me to work so I can resist the vending machine and fast food stops. There are tonnes of recipes out there that I can't wait to try but some of the ones that I really want (trail mix bars, "muffins", and other baked type goods) call for coconut in some form or another most particularly coconut oil. The problem with this is that I'm allergic to coconut. I know I can swap out coconut flakes for raisins, slivered, nuts, and other dry things but it's really the coconut oil that's the problem since a quick internet search hasn't really been helpful. So the question is does anyone have any suggestions on substitutions for coconut oil, coconut flour and coconut sugar? I'd really like to make some of these treats so that I don't constantly crave the chocolate bar or box of Nerds! Thanks in advance!!
  5. I am trying to gradually transition to a primal/paleo diet. My problem is that I am deftly allergic to coconut. All types and forms. I break out in hives if someone walks next to me with coconut lotion or shampoo.what would be a safe across the board substitute? There are so many products made with coconut nut now, flour, oil, sugar... Any advice is appreciated.
  6. hey guys. I have a quick question. All of my life I have had a negative reaction to coconut, and was told that it was an allergy (but a blood test never showed it). I have been reading up on it however, and am not so sure. I took a little coconut milk in my coffee, and did get the icky feeling that I normally get with coconut, but no rash or breathing problems.... My father always avoided coconut too, because it made him feel weird. Do you guys think it is an allergy, or a stronger awareness of the detoxifying aspects of coconut? I am considering trying cooking with coconut oil, but as I do not want to accidentally kill myself, I wanted to know what my fellow nerds thought about it. Am I being reckless wanting to try it, or does trying it make sense? PS I eat popcorn at the movie theater popped in the stuff all the time with little reaction (all GI stuff, no rashes, a little breathing issues, but that could be something else) Thank you for reading this, and for any answers you guys have =D
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