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Found 3 results

  1. Kishi

    Kishi Says Clean

    It's fun to do music in my challenges again. I missed it. So, gonna keep this short and simple because I've started parts of it and I'm on a short amount of time. Yes, time. I was staring at my schedule - all the things that I wanted to do and want to do still - and it finally occurred to me: life would just be easier with more daytime in it. And the way that happens is to go to bed earlier. But it's not just about going to bed earlier. The truth is, a lot of my life is messy. I'm thinking about that a lot I guess because, well, my bro and I are looking at moving out of the parent's place. Yup, that's right. Now that Dad's back to dying as slowly as we can ask him to, it's feeling a little crowded under this roof. He, I, and a third roommate are looking at places where we might want to live where the rent doesn't suck. And I want to leave this place as well as I can. That'll be a lot easier if I clean my end of things up more. So. Clean time, clean house. Let's get to it. GOAL 1: CLEAN UP MY TIME - BED BY 11 GOAL 2: CLEAN UP MY SPACE - ONE WALL OF MY ROOM EACH WEEK GOAL 3: CLEAN UP MY GUT - ONE SERVING OF SAUERKRAUT A WEEK GOAL 4: CLEAN UP MY CATALOG - FINISH UNDERTALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR ME: ANDROMEDA Bonus-That-Isn't: 4 written pages a week. And with that, we're off to the races.
  2. Hello Everyone! My name is Wolf and welcome to the Masters of the Universe thread to achieving advanced bodyweight moves! This thread will be ongoing and anyone can join. This sanctum is for those callisthenic enthusiasts out there that want to get their first muscle-up, human flag or even freestanding HSPU. Lifting heavy and throwing around iron is great, almost nostalgic in nature-but to me, there's something special about manipulating your body weight and maintaining absolute control that just gets me all warm inside! I want to achieve my 1st muscle up, human flag, freestanding HSPU and both front and back levers one day soon. Realistically, some of these moves, like the levers, can take up to 2 years of training-but it doesn't hurt to post progress on the advancement for these epic moves. The muscle-up and HSPU are the first advanced moves I will be working towards. There's something sexy about the muscle-up. It's fluid and shows great power and manipulation over the body. The freestanding HSPU... well, that's just beastmode right there. Signs of a hardcore core! Both exemplify control and immense strength. Plus, advanced moves like this directly relate to functional fitness. If you're a parkour/freerunning enthusiast like me, moves like the muscle up help develop the necessary strength and power to get up and over walls that are of great height. Plus, it just looks cool. So come on in and enjoy yourself, stay a while, introduce yourself and your goals and lets get after it! Any Masters of the Universe references are always appreciated! I HAVE THE POOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR! Wolf
  3. Hi all, first post, im looking into starting calisthenics/bodyweight strength training, ive read every piece of literature I can find, all al kavadlos books as well as overcoming gravity, convict conditioning, you are your own gym etc. Im thinking of using either a full body (m/w/f) or a upper/lower (m/tu/th/f) split, one issue I am having is when to train "skills"? Im thinking full body workout (m/w/f) skill days (tu/th) and weekends resting? This seem like a good idea? "Skill days" would include progressions for: Front lever Back lever Elbow lever L-Sit Planche Human flag Handstand Im torn between having 2 "skill days" per week or splitting the skills up and performing them on workout days? Any input is greatly appreciated!
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