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Found 8 results

  1. Hey, all, Beerzerker here, Just signed up for Nerd Fitness Academy last week. My wife's been a member for a while, and I thought I should join in the fun. I'm in decent shape, but want to improve. Currently, I mountain bike with my son during the summer and snowboard in the winter with my son and my daughter(she skis). We live in western Wisconsin, where we've been having a lot of rain recently. Looking forward to getting to know some of you and letting my geek loose a bit. One of my hobbies is making beer at home, and I love the the process as well as the end result. My goal is to get under 20 % body fat. I'm currently at 22 %. I posted my before pictures and stats over here on Facebook: I'm 39 (that number changes in August). See you in the adventure!
  2. Hey, all, Beerzerker here, Just signed up for Nerd Fitness Academy last week. My wife's been a member for a while, and I thought I should join in the fun. I'm in decent shape, but want to improve. Currently, I mountain bike with my son during the summer and snowboard in the winter with my son and my daughter(she skis). We live in western Wisconsin, where we've been having a lot of rain recently. Looking forward to getting to know some of you and letting my geek loose a bit. One of my hobbies is making beer at home, and I love the the process as well as the end result. My goal is to get under 20 % body fat. I'm currently at 22 %. I posted my before pictures and stats over here on Facebook: I'm 39 (that number changes in August). See you in the adventure!
  3. Aminarra, a level 2 ranger has joined new recruits for a 6 week challenge. Having already been facing challenges at home, she's ready to pass the hurdles and make some real progress. Roll a perception check... 17+Prof. 2 = 19. You smell something sweet, maybe even a little like dairy. There is grit underfoot, and you can hear a myriad of odd sounds near the floor--grunts, mostly, with a few whimpers mixed in. There's a yowling cat nearby. Do you have darkvision? Yeah, up to 60 feet. ...You see a living room cluttered with the trappings of new parenthood. Clean laundry is folded and stacked on the back of the couch, but also strewn on the cushions; a stack of folded towels has fallen onto the floor. The coffee table is a make-shift changing station on one side and a nursing station on the other. The TV is off, but you discover that the grunting and whimpering is coming from the Elfkin in a bouncing seat situated on the floor. The grit is kitty litter that the Elfkin's companion has tracked through. I add it to my quest log to clean the litter box and sweep the floor, and put away the laundry. Roll a constitution check... 12.. Your nose crinkles as you realize what the grunts of the Elfkin signified. You want to gag but you manage to hold back. I use the makeshift changing station to clean the Elfkin up and start my 6 week challenge.
  4. Name: Aminarra, aka "MegsFitness" Before pic: http://i.imgur.com/WBx6RqI.jpg Before Measurements: Occupation: Corporate Fleet Management Resolution Previous Fitness Experience: 2 years on SparkPeople, 3 years with Weight Loss Warriors, 3 attempts at Weight Watchers, 1 attempt at Herbalife; 4 years high school strength training, 1 obstacle 5k, 10+ regular 5k Races, greatest weight loss 42lbs. Current Level of Fitness: Sedentary. It's been 2 years since I've worked out consistently due to a severe back injury after the Warrior Dash. "End Game" Goal: Working out 4+x/week, Settling at a healthy weight, ideally ~180, but more importantly having functional strength and physical health. Short-term Goal: Begin working out 1-3x/week, at a beginner level to become re-acclimated to the fitness world. Begin reintegrating Paleo Lifestyle into eating plan Plan of Action: Use Nerd Fitness to launch new fitness goals; integrate fitness guild with gamer guild for inspiration. Generate weekly goals in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and personal. Update status on goals at least weekly. Outside of NF: https://megsfitness.wordpress.com/
  5. Hey nerds - I'm going to try to post here daily. I'm in the process of slimming down while I get healthy. A little about me: I am an IT guy at work. I lift 3 days a week (more when I can) and should go back to running. Last summer I had a gout inflammation and went to the doctor about it. I got on the scale and to my surprise, I weight 347 lbs! I knew I'd gotten bigger but I had no idea how big I'd gotten. I spent a few months trying to cut back on eating out (for both health and money reasons). Then I decided to get serious starting December 1st. I began studying nutrition and changing how I ate. I also started working out regularly, although I was primarily using machines because I was intimidated by free weights. The first week I had DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome) which made me wary of going back to the gym. I managed to keep my motivation up thanks to Arnold and the other guys in the movie 'Pumping Iron'. Fast forward 11 months: I am now 242 lbs. I have lost 105 lbs! I want to get down to about 185 to 190 lbs and then put on 10 lbs of muscle. I have gone from XXXL shirts to L shirts, and size 48 waist jeans down to halfway between 36 and 38. I'm the smallest I have ever been in my adult life and easily the most in shape I've been in my whole life. I still have about 50 lbs to lose, but I'm not sweating it. I've reached a point where I'm more interested in the journey than the results, so I'll get there. Questions? Wanna talk? Feel free!
  6. Hey! Midwest nerds! Anyone going to GenCon? I want to get a meet up planned, anyone interested? I've stared a facebook group. You can see it here:https://www.facebook...09885902441216/ Can't wait to see you all!
  7. So this is a very vague meet up at this point. The last 2 or 3 challenges we cluster up in Cheechoe's thread and talk about getting together to throw each other around the room. I'm terribly indecisive about making plans like this but I really want to see if we can make it happen. I thought I would create a thread for discussion to see if we can get our Monk-ish act together. But wait...you're not a Monk? That's cool. We like everybody. Or we'll ninja you and you'll never know what happened. Either way you should be there! (You know, when we figure out when and where IT is.) The main event will be planned around monking but I'm sure if we find a place to lift there will be other Feats of Strength. Judging from other Rebel meet ups there will be much hugging and tom-foolery. Good food, a few beverages, a game of Cards Against Humanity where everyone will get the historical references and probably a designated cooling off spot for introverts who are peopled out. Then a week of sadness from Nerd withdrawal. Alright...that's all I've got. Discuss amongst yourselves.
  8. Hey I'm René, I'm from Chicago! I've been a rebel for the past two years!! And I want to have a bi-monthly meet up across the city. If, that's okay with everyone I can be a community manager for the Chicago group. Also, if you're on twitter, instagram, facebook, and/or google plus, use the hashtag #chicagonerdfitness! Rebel on! Rene
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