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Found 11 results

  1. Calling all pilots! War has broken out across the galaxy and we need pilots willing to brave the dangers of space combat. Pilots will be required to perform reps of various exercises to control their starfighter and perform static holds to support their wingmen, in their efforts to gain victory. Interested parties should apply here. Training begins January 7th! This sidequest will run Jan7-Mar10 2019. Normal Sidequest Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let sidequests hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself! - Don't overwork/burn yourself out!
  2. 10 years, 519 weeks, 3632 days, 87 challenges of leveling up lives. So this challenge we're going to take a moment to pay tribute to that history, while continuing our march forward. Twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday, we'll post an update on this thread expanding our anniversary workout in honor of another year. Post here or in your challenge thread when you finish!
  3. POKEMON Gotta Catch 'Em All! Basic Rules: - This sidequest is open to any who wish to participate. No sign-ups necessary, just add your name and start hunting! - This sidequest will run through February 8th. - To catch Pokemon, you'll first need to perform an appropriate activity to earn their trust. -The activity will vary depending on the Pokemon's type, and will be detailed when they appear at the beginning of each week. -You can catch more Pokemon by repeating the activity as often as you like each week. -You'll have the option to catch multiple Pokemon each week! Pursue as many or as few as you like! -Suggestions for exercise variants can be found here, but you’re free to use any exercise that meets the criteria. -Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - If you have any questions, just ask! Normal Sidequest Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let sidequests hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  4. What’s the CUTEST Animal of all time?!? We need your help to decide! We’ve put together a list of some of the Cutest Wild Animals. Each week, they’ll be paired up to compete for the top spot in a single elimination tournament. Who wins? You decide! For each match-up, you’ll have the option to pick a side and fight to support it. To do so, perform an exercise that meets that match’s criteria (each match is different, so be sure to check them all!) and log your contribution. The winner for each match will be the team with the most points logged at the end of the week! Basic Rules: - This sidequest is open to any who wish to participate. No sign-ups necessary, just add your name to the match you want to participate in, pick your side and start logging your reps! - This sidequest will run through Dec 1st, when the champion will be declared the Cutest Animal Ever!!! - Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - There may be more than one match running at a time. Be sure to check all of them! - For each match, you personal AMRAP (as many reps as possible) or AMSAP (as many seconds as possible) will be used to determine what exercise variants are appropriate. -Please test your AMRAP/AMSAP when you begin the match if you’re unsure what difficulty is appropriate for you. -Once an appropriate exercise variant is chosen, you may perform as many or as few reps/sec per set as you’d like and rest as long between sets as you desire. Your final contribution is the total reps/sec performed that week. -Suggestions for exercise variants can be found here, but you’re free to use any exercise that meets the match criteria (type of exercise and AMRAP/AMSAP range). - If you have any questions, just ask! Normal Sidequest Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let sidequests hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  5. In a bout of sibling rivalry, Mario and Luigi are building teams to race across the Mushroom Kingdom. So of course, they came to us looking for the best candidates. To keep things fair, teams will be assigned randomly. Just sign up with your forum username. Details: -Anyone can join at any time! -There will be a total for 4 worlds, each with 4 areas to traverse. You'll have one week to complete each world to the best of your ability, earning points for your team. -To complete each area, you'll be required to do a specific exercise progression, revealed at the beginning of the week. Completing the area will earn your team 100 points. The individual with the highest score in each area will earn an additional 25 points for their team! -If you're unable or unwilling to perform the exercise for a given area, you can enlist Yoshi by cooking him a meal with one of the vegetables he's craving that week. You can also earn Yoshi's aid by posting a recipe (with review) that uses one of his chosen vegetables. -This sidequest will run from July 1st through 28th (one challenge). -If you have any questions, or need help with any of the exercises, just ask! Normal Sidequest Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let sidequests hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself! - Don't overwork/burn yourself out!
  6. phone rings "Hello?" ... "Yes I lift." ... "Lift my feet?" ... "Oh, you mean fly?! Of course I want to fly!" ... "I can? Really? How?" ... "By building my wings? But I don't have wings!" ... "ooohhhhh, those wings. Yea, I can do that." ... "Same to you!" Sounds of the receiver being hung up. Sounds of disentangling from the phone cord for far too long. Welcome to the first Warrior mini challenge/sidequest in what seems like... forever. We all want to fly, but to do that we need to build our wings and get off the ground. This miniwill be our first steps to the power of flight. You can sign up on the spreadsheet here. The mini will start on week 2 and run through the end of the challenge. A new set of exercises will go up every week and will add to the previous weeks movements. Let's get ready to fly. Mini Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, don't let them interfere with your goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself! - Don't overdo it!
  7. Sorry for the quiet, a strange package arrived in the Den earlier this week and your Guild Leaders have been working to figure out what it is. After a lot of research, we finally realized it's a time machine that only becomes active when the user performs the correct movement. So like responsible Assassins, we've keyed it to the Mesozoic Era! To join the fun, add your name to the spreadsheet. Each day new exercises will be posted that each link to a different dinosaur or other Mesozoic creature. Complete the exercise to the best of your ability and you'll be transported back in time to observe. (Don't worry you'll transport back automatically.) Put a mark next to each creature you complete so we can keep score! Details: -Anyone can join at any time! -New creatures will be added to the list automatically at 12:01am Eastern Daylight Savings Time each day. Don't wait for an update on the forums -Each exercise can be completed at any time after it's been revealed. You aren't limited to the day it appears. -Only legitimate attempts at the listed exercise can be counted. If an exercise is too difficult for you right now, don't worry; easier variants will be included for another creature. -This sidequest will run from March 18th through May 19th (two challenges). -If you have any questions, or need help with any of the exercises, just ask! Normal Sidequest Rules: - Sidequests are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let sidequests hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself! - Don't overwork/burn yourself out!
  8. Welcome to the Imperial Navy! Here we value order, planning, and preparation. Our pilots are selected for their ability to develop and stick with a plan. Please review the roster and meet your wingmen. You'll be relying on each other. Available Ships: TIE Fighter - All pilots start on the basic TIE fighter. This craft features an array of weapons to aid in Attack, engines tuned for the speed and manueverability to Dodge, and a Support package. (Piloting a TIE fighter will increase all your contributions by 3%.) TIE Advanced - The TIE Advanced is a prototype command craft equiped with additional command and control equipment to better coordinate squadron actions. (Piloting a TIE Advanced will increase your Support contribution by 10%.) Unlock the TIE Advanced by cooking a total of 2 meals with a different vegetable in each, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. TIE Bomber - The TIE Bomber is a dedicated assault craft; the addition of a second pod allows it to carry significantly more ordnance. (Piloting a TIE Bomber will increase your Attack contribution by 10%.) Unlock the TIE Bomber by performing a total of 50m of farmer's walks with a challenging weight, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. TIE Interceptor - The TIE Interceptor incorporates advanced engines and maneuvering thrusters into a compact, sleek design. (Piloting a TIE Interceptor will increase your Dodge contribution by 10%.) Unlock the TIE Interceptor by performing a total of 300sec of sprints (you may divide the time however you choose, but must be moving at YOUR maximum speed), then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. Lambda Shuttle - The Lambda Shuttle features armament and communications equipment to support the ground troops it carries, though its large size makes it slower and less maneuverable than other starfighters. (Piloting an Lambda Shuttle will increase your Attack and Support contributions by 10% each, but reduce your Dodge contribution by 10%.) Unlock the Lambda Shuttle by meditating a total of 600sec, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. Additional ships will become available as you gain experience!
  9. Welcome to the Rebel Fleet! Our pilots value freedom, individuality, and creativity; adapting to meet life's challenges. Check the roster and meet your wingmen. They're here for you. Available Ships: Z95 Headhunter - You'll all start with a Headhunter. She may not look like much, but her weapons, engines, and support systems are up to the task. (Piloting a Z95Headhunter will increase all your contributions by 3%.) X-Wing - The X-Wing was designed for dogfighting and boasts some of the best comm gear in the fleet, making it easier to watch your buddies' backs. (Piloting an X-wing will increase your Support contribution by 10%.) Unlock the X-wing by cooking a total of 2 meals with a different vegetable in each, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. Y-wing - The Y-wing is our heavy assault craft, packing more guns, bombs, and torpedoes than you can shake a stick at. (Piloting a Y-wing will increase your Attack contribution by 10%.) Unlock the Y-wing by performing a total of 50m of farmer's walks with a challenging weight, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. A-Wing - The A-wing is small and fast, making getting into, and out of, tight spaces a breeze for an experienced pilot. (Piloting an A-wing will increase your Dodge contribution by 10%.) Unlock the A-wing by performing a total of 300sec of sprints (you may divide the time however you choose, but must be moving at YOUR maximum speed), then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. U-Wing - As a troop transport, the U-wing loads up with weapons and comm gear, but it's size makes dodging difficult. (Piloting an U-wing will increase your Attack and Support contributions by 10% each, but reduce your Dodge contribution by 10%.) Unlock the U-wing by meditating a total of 600sec, then add it to your approved ship list on the roster. Additional ships will become available as you gain experience!
  10. "It can only be called fate... That here, I would again gather the three with the crests... That I should lay my hand on that which grants the wishes of the beholder. That when power, wisdom, and courage come together, the gods would have no choice but to come down... The power of the gods... The Triforce! He who touches it will have whatever he desires granted!" — Ganondorf Hello again, lazy monks. I, The Shogun, am your new fitness overlord for this week. I have but one simple goal. To transform your flabby wimey body into a more efficient machine of doom. You will now thank me for selflessly taking on this impossible task. I'll make this simple. The following three exercises are considered the “triforce” of bodyweight exercises: the squat of wisdom, the pushup of power and the burpee of courage. These three exercises are used everywhere from Hyrule to Labrynna. The Triforce has the power to grant the wishes of whomever master these three exercises, and will mold that person's body to reflect his or her heart. However, if a person without an equal balance of power, wisdom, and courage makes a wish, the Triforce will split into its three separate parts and reassembly is then required for such a person's wish to be granted. How to do it Perform as many reps as you can for the squat in just 3 minutes. Rest for 90 seconds, and then move on to the next exercise. Perform every exercise for 3 minutes, and record the total number of correct reps you can complete. As a Monk, ensure you are focusing on form and technique as well as volume. What to aim for You can use this challenge to assess your progress. Try repeating this once per challenge and try to join the Heroes of Time! Here are some targets for each exercise. Level 1: Deku Scrub Squat 50 Pushup 25 Burpee 20 Level 2: Hylian Warrior Squat 90 Pushup 50 Burpee 40 Level 3: Hero of Time Squat 120+ Pushup 90+ Burpee 50+ That's it. An excuse-proof 10 minutes-ish workout you can do anywhere. Remember: this is something to aim for. don't feel discouraged if you don't reach a certain level. And of course, don't forget to properly warm up and stretch afterwards. My personal advice? start with the exercise that you find most difficu— the burpee, start with the burpee. IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO OUT THERE, TAKE THESE. If you need a reminder on how to do any of these exercises with proper form, you can watch any of these three videos.
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