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Found 6 results

  1. I've been dragging for almost a month now with feeling overwhelmed, under-motivated and nearly defeated. I'm pretty sure this happens every winter. I'm uncertain how to combat it, or, if it is something like SAD, if I can even fully avoid it at all. But, if there is one thing I have in common with my shy, and unconfident Jedi in game? No matter how many doubts we face, how frustrated we are, or how verbal our complaints are about failing to meet our expectations... We Don't Give Up. Which means ... I'm here for another challenge my fellow rebels! REBELLIONS ARE BUILT ON HOPE And something I need to do, is stop running through the motions because I've been told they should work- and start believing they will work. Which is not to say keep doing the same thing and expect different results, I'll change things up if necessary. But I need to stop doing this while having a mindset of 'Nothing is going to work.' They're also built on hard work, knowledge, teamwork and risk! HARD WORK - LIfting 3x a week. MWF **Every full 5 day work week, I will lift on MWF. On weeks I don't have a full week, I am allowed to have just 2 lifting days. - Moving 2x a week. TTH **This can be running, walking, dancing. The point is move. Hockey does not count. - Track Calories 5x a week. M-F KNOWLEDGE - Read 1 Chapter Daily - Write affirmation/journal Daily - Meditate 2m Daily, and for 5m 3x a week. - Draw 3x a week. - Read 30m a week. TEAMWORK - Keep up on NF. - Plan food co-op at work with the girls (healthy) - Look for a new sport/fitness/class thing to join. RISK - Make a non-easy decision, 1x a week. - Try things I might be bad at! - Go to new social things. - Meet. People. That's the plan. At least, the rough draft of the plan. Yeah, it's a lot of what I was doing before, but until I get a streak of consistency with that, I need to keep at it. And, as Zeb would say... if things aren't working out, or get mucked up for unknown curveballs? Oh. There's one other BIG goal in here. "Pay fake mortgage to my own savings account." ^That one scares the heck outta me!
  2. I'm going to be restarting this challenge, I completed the first two weeks successfully but tracking it completely slipped my mind! So therefore instead of using the original schedule scheme i was going with, this restart gives me the opportunity to follow the actual challenge program! 4, then a rest and 4 again! Let's do this, Mandalorian style. OYA! Main Goal: Gain strength, build upon mental toughness, Improve diet, Become Mandalorian. Epar Yai'yai [(Eat Richly nourishing) 30pts] prepare and cook healthy meals for b-fast, lunch and dinner. (Some Paleo meals. Meat, carb, Veggie. Bonus if carb is a veggie) Full night sleep. 7+ hours Shop healthier on the first shopping cycle( Which will last me two weeks). Limit/ no junk food. Eliminate fast food. (bonus for healthy alternatives) Atin'la baar [(Tough body) 30 pts] Complete the first two weeks of Arnold's Blueprint. Post progress & accountability logs Stretch, roll, and warm-up daily. Off saturdays light cardio/hike, stretch, yoga or tai-chi x2 Ramikadyc [(Warrior Mindset) 40 pts] Learn 40 words in the Mando language Do things that suck/ build mental toughness. Commit to workout. Volunteer for the jobs no one wants at work. Build finish upper armor sanding and forming save $100 for the month
  3. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Back again with my basic challenge structure and its Mando theme. Because I WANT TO BE A MANDO MERC! As previously mentioned, I will be adding a co-op element to this challenge. I’ve listed the ways in which I can earn points this challenge (the same way I was grading before in the same structure), but with the goal points already calculated, the co-op elements will help earn points toward the goal (like in @Wild Wolf's previous challenge). The co-op players’ goals will stem from whatever mercenary job is running that week. Four weeks, four jobs. See you around the galaxy! Main Goal: To decrease body fat percentage by 5% through good habits and to build up a Ranger attitude of self-love and confidence. Haili cetare (Eat Well): GOAL 100 POINTS Clean Meal Eat breakfast in the AM Stick to packed lunches during the week When eating office candy, break off ¼ to toss, eat rest; increase to ½ at 2 week mark Nuhoyir (Sleep Well) : GOAL 60 POINTS Bedtime window of 10pm to 10:15pm Do NOT return to bed after alarm is shut off Verd ori'shya beskar'gam (Move Daily): GOAL 80 POINTS Pomodoros movement during extended sitting periods Capoeira class Acrobatics class Stretching/Yoga Bodyweight REPs Weight lifting Shereshoy (Love Daily): GOAL 60 POINTS Mando kit work Self-love/Confidence Meditation Journal/Tracking Food/Sleep/Mood Spread the Love Open Gym/Instrument Practice There's still time to sign up! Name: Species: Appearance: Primary Skills: Weapons & Equipment: Going Rate: Short Bio:
  4. Originally I was going for an 8 week challenge not really understanding the elements of the challenges, but after having some light shed onto the matter, I've been introduced to a new, creative way to still complete the challenge in the time frame, but also follow along with the challenge dates ( to an extent). So what I'm going to do is during this last week and off week of this months challenge, I'm going to do a two week pre challenge. To basically adjust my lifestyle to this new habit I'm forming, the at the start of the challenge next month, i'll do a 6 week challenge instead of the 4! I think this would be a completely more efficient way to transition into this new lifestyle. OYA! Main Goal: Gain strength, build upon mental toughness, Improve diet, Become Mandalorian. Epar Yai'yai [(Eat Richly nourishing) 30pts] prepare and cook healthy meals for b-fast, lunch and dinner. (Some Paleo meals. Meat, carb, Veggie. Bonus if carb is a veggie) Full night sleep. 7+ hours Shop healthier on the first shopping cycle( Which will last me two weeks). Limit/ no junk food. Eliminate fast food. (bonus for healthy alternatives) Atin'la baar [(Tough body) 30 pts] Complete the first two weeks of Arnold's Blueprint. Post progress & accountability logs Stretch, roll, and warm-up daily. Off saturdays light cardio/hike, stretch, yoga or tai-chi x2 Ramikadyc [(Warrior Mindset) 40 pts] Learn 40 words in the Mando language Do things that suck/ build mental toughness. Commit to workout. Volunteer for the jobs no one wants at work. Build finish upper armor sanding and forming save $100 for the month
  5. *Mandokarla: having the *right stuff*; showing guts and spirit; the state of being the epitome of Mando virtue - a blend of aggression, tenacity, loyalty and a lust for life If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. This made such a huge difference in every aspect of leveling up my life last challenge, so it's here to stay. For good. I'm keeping the general format and grading scale the same for this challenge (grading will start next week). General goals will stay the same, but I'm upping the ante for a few of them. Hopefully, they're small enough changes that it won't push me back. Gotta keep that Rangerbrain in check. Oh, and in light of the recent development on my quest to become a member of the Mandalorian Mercs, I'm sure you can guess this challenge's theme. Main Goal: Reach 35% body fat through love and awesome. Haili cetare (lit: Fill your boots/Bon appetit): Eat well. Bring prepared lunches to work every day. Continue to minimize consumption of heavily processed foods and maximize consumption of whole foods. Nuhoyir (lit: slumber): Sleep well. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep and GET UP when the alarm goes off, not a half hour later. Verd ori'shya beskar'gam (proverb: A warrior is more than his armor): Move daily. Whenever I'm sitting still for longer periods of time, use movement Pomodoros (25:5). Don't forget to take care of problem areas (stretching hips and wrists). Train outside of regular classes. Shereshoy (lit: Lust for life - uniquely a Mandalorian word, meaning the enjoyment of each day and the determination to seek and grab every possible experience, as well as surviving to see the next day): Love daily, myself and others. Continue working through my sewing projects and begin work on my Mando kit pieces. Spend time with the Husband. And don't forget to reach out to friends and family every now and then. Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it (lit: Truth, Honor, Vision; said when sealing a pact)
  6. Greetings, fellow nerds. Happy to join, don't much approve of death stars and the like. Too high taxation. I'm Sythez, and I'll be joining things around here starting today. Moved into a new place, starting a new year of University in the great city of Edmonton, and decided that, despite not being overly unhappy with the way I look, I am not happy with living a life that I grew up with, on processed crap and poor exercise habits. A bit about myself; 210 pounds, 5'8", turning 20 and 2nd year universityAvid fan of Starwars, LotR, and Jim Butcher's series The Dresden Files (think bad ass modern wisardry in downtown chicago)Practice a chinese martial art I guarantee you've never heard of (Ba Ying Quan, northern family style)LoL silver 5 (currently)Massive sucker for any girl with a great laugh, awesome smile, and/or great gaming skills What I'm hoping to achieve with NerdFitness and the challenges: Target weight between 170-185 of muscled healthy weight, ideally within 6months - 1 yearA committed routine of activity, balancing flexibility, endurance, and strength over at least 4 days a week.Ditching soda, eating amazing tasting food that is not processed to plastic and gives me the nutrients my body needsSpartan like physique and attitude, although I'll settle for just plain damn sexy ​ I know that its pretty much impossible to get that on my own, and am really happy to have found a group of people who are like minded! Thanks in advance for the help I know you'll be, and as for the message in the intro; Han Solo is a bit of a hero for me, in the sense that he honestly is a bad guy who has a heart of gold. He had no qualms about shooting a gangster straight up, yet despite being a jerk, still risks his life to save a princess. In my case, my fat is the bad guy, im shooting it before it shoots me, and the princess... is in the works, I hope... (just need to ask her out for that dinner...) Hoping to join the rangers! Peace out all, thanks for reading, and I look forward to supporting you guys with your goals and being supported by you as well!
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