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Found 5 results

  1. So time to try again. As I figured out a lot of times before I need to keep this simple in the start. so Week 1 is a warmup and then its a 3 week challenge 1: Successful defend the thesis so I can get my bachelor of physiotherapy. 2: be active in here at least 3out of 7 days pr week in the assassin guild 3: sort and upload at least 5 india pictures pr week in the last 3 weeks of this challenge 4: Hangdstand - accumulate 5 minutes each of hanging and handstanding every day for the remaining of this challenge. @@mu ill try to make you proud
  2. Bards, Paladins, Innkeepers, Clerics, Healers (and more?) of All Guilds... TAG! You're IT! A tag matching system to help nerds find other nerds of the same role-play occupation... Our primary objective for this round is to encourage others to apply the tags we developed last challenge, by spreading the word and teaching others how to apply the tags to their challenge threads. To Dos for Challenge #2 of 2016: 1) Create a short guide for how to apply tags to your challenge 2) Develop a message template with links back to the tagging guides and spread word on all guild general chat forums and to individuals across the boards 3) Refine the tag categories and names from last time, with feedback from users ------- In which we continue the work we began last challenge: With the new changes on Nerd Fitness, the old questions of "Why don't we have a Bard's guild?" or "How can I best find other nerds with the same 'class/occupation/interests'?" have surfaced again. After reading people's ideas on the CHALLENGE AND CLASS CHANGES AND UPDATES thread, I realized we don't need any new features or additional guilds. We have the necessary tool already at hand! All it will take is for a few good nerds to band together and teach people to hack the existing tag system to good advantage. The beauty of this approach (beyond the fact that it means no extra work for the hard-working NF admins and site team!) is that it is totally configurable, readily available, and should be able to adapt to any of the new features and changes that will appear on Nerd Fitness in the coming months. Are you with me? What I'd like to do is start a sort of "meta-accountability group" team that would help connect nerds that want to play "tag" to be more accountable to each other. What I see this group doing is to make up a list of suggested tags, and then fanning out across the forums to let people know that there is a way to connect with others of similar interests, whatever their guild affiliations may (or may not) be. This approach to tagging can work independently of the guilds, as the occupations that are most mentioned/requested cross guild lines, much like most of the regular accountability groups. And I believe that once a little coordination is in place, it could encourage "tag" groups to form their own accountability groups as well, thus strengthening the entire system. My hope is that this method will help people feel more at home in their guilds, appreciating the camaraderie and help system already there, and also fulfill the concurrent need to connect with others of similar interests across guild lines. Who wants to play "TAG"? You can sign up to be a guild-focused flagger and/or an occupation-focused tagger. Both roles are needed, but have slightly different responsibilities. Everything below is really just a simple perception shift from "class" or guild-based thinking, to "occupation" based thinking. Guild Flaggers are nerds who know one guild well and have connections to many individuals within it. They work within their existing guild to let those they see looking for like-minded people know that there is a way to connect with people of similar "occupation" outside of or across guilds. This can be done via challenge threads, posts in guild chat threads, or PMs, by providing links to the tag spreadsheet we will create as part of this group and by providing instructions on how to tag a topic post. Occupation Taggers are people who know quite a few people in more than one guild and most likely have connections to a number of individuals with similar interests, regardless of their guild affiliation. They work with anyone they see looking for like-minded people and let them know that there is a way to connect with people of similar "occupation" whatever their guild affiliation. This can be done via challenge threads, posts in interest-related forums (general forums, accountability groups, PVPs, battle logs, etc.), or PMs, by providing links to the tag spreadsheet we will create as part of this group and by providing instructions on how to tag a topic post. As a "meta-accountability group," I expect most people interested in doing this will be rebels of some experience who find that giving something back to the NF community is fulfilling and helpful to their own challenges. That said, you don't have to many challenges behind you or know a lot of people to do this. The only pre-requisite is to be willing to reach out when you see the opportunity. GUILD FLAGGERS ShadowLion OCCUPATION TAGGERS Introduce yourself below and let me know if you want to be a tagger or a flagger.
  3. Working on benching bodyweight, and trying to get a little more limber and getting the spring back in my step. Something about an action movie and doing my own stunts. Goal 1: Gym twice a week. Goal 2: Hit nutrition goals: 3200 cals/day, 150g Protein Goal 3: Get Bendy once a day Goal 4: Jump, core, or pullups once a day Not a verbatim repeat of my last challenge, but that's the gist. LUYL1: Finish a draft of my paper. Just have a first draft, complete by the end of challenge. I spent the last week in Madison (where grad school was) working to remove a bunch of road blocks that have been holding me back on this. Doesn't have to be submitable, just done. 7000 words + figures. Also, to keep my head in the game on this, I need to do one thing a day. Analyse a file, write a sentence or two, revise a sentence or two.. Hell make a figure, write a paragraph... just sit down and look at it daily and don't let it sit idle. LUYL2: Pick a new path and start walking it. The paper was leftover from a PhD that I abandoned to do something else... thing is I still don't know exactly what something else is. Basically, my anxiety about the PhD and future career got the better of me and I had to escape. Anyway, going back to work on the paper last week gave me a decent confidence boost and I feel like I'll be okay going forward. I've narrowed it down to a few computery jobs. (ranked by number) 1)Web Development 1)Data Science 3) Web Design (but I can already program well, why not develop... right?) 4) Software QA It'll mainly be a choice between WDev and DS. I want to make up my mind very soon, and start doing a Coursera course/specialization on the topic.
  4. Bards, Paladins, Innkeepers, Clerics, Healers (and more?) of All Guilds... TAG! You're IT! A tag matching system to help nerds find other nerds of the same role-play occupation... With the new changes on Nerd Fitness, the old questions of "Why don't we have a Bard's guild?" or "How can I best find other nerds with the same 'class/occupation/interests'?" have surfaced again. After reading people's ideas on the CHALLENGE AND CLASS CHANGES AND UPDATES thread, I realized we don't need any new features or additional guilds. We have the necessary tool already at hand! All it will take is for a few good nerds to band together and teach people to hack the existing tag system to good advantage. The beauty of this approach (beyond the fact that it means no extra work for the hard-working NF admins and site team!) is that it is totally configurable, readily available, and should be able to adapt to any of the new features and changes that will appear on Nerd Fitness in the coming months. Are you with me? What I'd like to do is start a sort of "meta-accountability group" team that would help connect nerds that want to play "tag" to be more accountable to each other. What I see this group doing is to make up a list of suggested tags, and then fanning out across the forums to let people know that there is a way to connect with others of similar interests, whatever their guild affiliations may (or may not) be. This approach to tagging can work independently of the guilds, as the occupations that are most mentioned/requested cross guild lines, much like most of the regular accountability groups. And I believe that once a little coordination is in place, it could encourage "tag" groups to form their own accountability groups as well, thus strengthening the entire system. My hope is that this method will help people feel more at home in their guilds, appreciating the camaraderie and help system already there, and also fulfill the concurrent need to connect with others of similar interests across guild lines. Who wants to play "TAG"? You can sign up to be a guild-focused flagger and/or an occupation-focused tagger. Both roles are needed, but have slightly different responsibilities. Everything below is really just a simple perception shift from "class" or guild-based thinking, to "occupation" based thinking. Guild Flaggers are nerds who know one guild well and have connections to many individuals within it. They work within their existing guild to let those they see looking for like-minded people know that there is a way to connect with people of similar "occupation" outside of or across guilds. This can be done via challenge threads, posts in guild chat threads, or PMs, by providing links to the tag spreadsheet we will create as part of this group and by providing instructions on how to tag a topic post. Occupation Taggers are people who know quite a few people in more than one guild and most likely have connections to a number of individuals with similar interests, regardless of their guild affiliation. They work with anyone they see looking for like-minded people and let them know that there is a way to connect with people of similar "occupation" whatever their guild affiliation. This can be done via challenge threads, posts in interest-related forums (general forums, accountability groups, PVPs, battle logs, etc.), or PMs, by providing links to the tag spreadsheet we will create as part of this group and by providing instructions on how to tag a topic post. As a "meta-accountability group," I expect most people interested in doing this will be rebels of some experience who find that giving something back to the NF community is fulfilling and helpful to their own challenges. That said, you don't have to many challenges behind you or know a lot of people to do this. The only pre-requisite is to be willing to reach out when you see the opportunity. GUILD FLAGGERS DarK_Raider Raxie Rurik the Ranger shaarawy ShadowLion OCCUPATION TAGGERS darkfoxx LadyShello mr_willes NeverThatBored SkiBlue Introduce yourself below and let me know if you want to be a tagger or a flagger.
  5. The Scout Forum will be rocked for the next 6 weeks by a series of titanic struggles taking place in the skies overhead: Fitness #1: (pu)S(h)uperman Vs Flex Luthor: I'll be continuing with strength work from the last challenge, applying lessons from last time to my regular workouts to achieve better progress. I'll also be bringing in some flexibility work: At least 3 sessions per week, following other workouts, of stretches for scullers, mainly aimed at things I'm not so great at: neck rotation, and hamstrings, plus back mobility work to keep that bendy. Points available will be +6 divided between STR and DEX, depending on which side "wins" (i.e. shows most improvement) Fitness #2: The Crow vs Captain Australia Balance work. Bit of a new area for me, but inspired by the assassins's challenge in November/December I am going to dip a toe in and get so that I can do either the crow pose or a headstand for... let's say 30 sec. I have only the vaguest notion about whether this will require strength, stamina or dexterity or what, so will award 3 x points to myself capriciously depending on what I think when it's all over. Fitness #3: Pant Man Vs Wolverine As pant man, I will work on ramping up my distance running to half marathon distance in time to run in the Woky Half on (i think) the last day of the challenge. I will also be trying to grow a set of adamantium claws. I suspect the second of these will prove tricky, but I can dream. 3 points for either stamina or badassness depending who wins. Level up #1: Ben Zen vs SwearDevil Try to deal with trivial irritations in a way that doesn't involve grumpiness, sarcasm and casual swearing. Basically, I lose 1% for each incident over the course of the challenge and will get points accordingly. Points available: +3 WIS. In the event of total fail on day 1, a bonus +1 CHA will be awarded for swearing stylishly and in Portuguese. -1 for poor format options in tapatalk but I couldn't wait to start, so... -------------------------------------------------- Added X Men challenge goal [13/1/13] I have had some items on my Astrid task list for months now and I can't seem to motivate myself to do them. So to give myself motivation, I hereby resolve to put an X next to each of the following by challenge end: Make an appointment with the solicitor for me and Mrs 18ck to make our wills. (nice cheery one, that... I don't know why I'd want to avoid it!)Give my company website a spring cleanMake a monthly spend chartGet an inspection hatch fitted to the boiler flue. Finish the next chapter in Lathrop and DiasFix the gears on The Beloved PashleyUpdate my books-to-look-out-for-in-charity-shops lists in Evernote (not as easy as it sounds. I want to work out which of PG Wodehouse's books I don't already own but he wrote over a hundred, some of which had more than one title (US and UK) some were published in anthologies, so this could be a couple of hours with a big stack of books and a long list downloaded from a website)Penalty for failure: 50 burpees per item missed Reward for success: +1 WIS for getting all 6 Update 15/2/13 - The flue one has been squeezed out, mainly because we can't afford to do it right now, so it's gone back in the calendar for the end of March. Instead, and so as not to be underchallenged, I will get to the end of the next chapter in Lathrop and Dias (my Portuguese Textbook) with all the written and spoken exercises. That's a tall order for 2 days...
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