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  1. Here I am. I said there would not be a challenge thread this time, but things went otherwise and I have to start my streak over, so I might as well start a new thread There will be another attempt to get a 100 days streak on my everyday tasks, with a modified list. I've learnt some things on my first 26 days and I have perfected my approach (see previous challenge). I would also like to retake two goals that do a lot for my well-being: going out, and sitting pauses. Lately I've been spending too much time inside the house, and worst, most of that time was sitting time. And the way you live your days is the way you live your life, remember? 100 days challenge · 10 minutes meditation · at least 1 vegetable in every meal · 10 minutes of reading · 10 minutes of icelandic · 10 minutes of cleaning/decluttering · teeth brush and floss twice a day · 1 kegel exercise · 1 relaxing moment (aside from meditation): breathing, laying down, Feldenkrais, working on jaw tension... · spend some moments upside-down to help with handstands practice · stress thread. This is the only task that is not a daily one, but that must be done at least 3 times a week 100% achievement on 65 days: C ------ reward: a necklace 100% achievement on 85 days: B ------ reward: a nerdy t-shirt 100% achievement on 100 days: A ------ Ástríkur og Kleópatra Rewards are accumulative, so I may get only the C reward if the streak is short, but if my streak is long enough I can win all the rewards as I go through the different stages. Sitting pauses Not many surprises here. Just getting up from the chair at least once every 20-30 minutes when I'm reading, doing computer work, etc. to do something that implies movement: going upstairs, stretching for a while, going on an errand... Go out I said it before: "there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing". Days are shorter, and getting sunlight and going outside the house becomes more important as winter approaches. If I want to avoid winter blues, the best thing to do is to spend time outdoors being active. I'll start easy: two walks a week, four a week by the end of the challenge. I might as well spend some time in the terrace (reading, meditation, relaxing moments...). By the way, my 30 minutes - 30 days Doppler challenge is still on (16 days so far) and getting results. Points 100 days challenge. 1, 2 or 3 WIS points, depending on how long the streak. If/when I get to achieve the 100 days streak, I immediately go up TWO levels (aside from the level I might be going up from the challenge going on at that moment). Sitting pauses. 1 CON point. Go out. 2 CON points. Attending all my self-defence and acrobatics lessons: 2 STR, 2 STA and 2 DEX points max. Special points for meditation: 1, 2 or 3 WIS points depending on the streak.
  2. I'm shifting into battle mode for a 100 day transformation. I had a pretty horrifying DEXA scan which put me at 26% bodyfat, I've put on a ton of weight since my last scan 8 months ago. 5kg of fat and 3kg of muscle. The muscle is obviously great but the fat is not good so I'm hitting a 100 challenge to transform this. Dates: 1 April to 11 July Motivation: I'm going on holiday to Europe for 5 weeks, I want to be in great shape for that. Nutrition Goals: 1. See the nutritionist every 2 weeks 2. No Alcohol for the first month 3. Count calories, stick to what the nutritionist advises 4. Get a DEXA scan once a month for accurate progress check 5. Get below 20% Bodyfat / drop 6-7kg of fat. Fitness goals 1. Achieve 10 chained Double Unders ( I may PvP this) - Practice for at least 5 mins before each PT session. - - Try to get 10 DU's in 5 mins, only chained DU's count and they ladder not add up, i.e. 2,3,4 so the best number i get is what i count for that session i.e. 2+2 is not 4 it's 2. 2. Get a bar muscle up - Coach will program this for me. 3. Walk 100 miles (160km) - Average 12km a week, should be easily achievable. 4. Bodyweight Clean - I haven't discussed this with my coach yet but I want it.... Rewards: Month 1 If I get the whole month with no alcohol and have a good DEXA result I'll book a diving trip. There are 2 I have my eye on... Month 2 TBA Month 3 TBA That's it for now, more later....
  3. This challenge has been inspired by a quote I keep seeing in @Briniel's threads and that resonates deeply with me: the way you live your days is the way you live your life. I want a healthier, happier and more active life, so I'll try to have healthier, happier and more active days. At the same time, and as I said in my last challenge, I feel like I need a break, and the way I've found best to combine these two sensations (improving how I live my days and yet not feeling drained) is not skipping the challenge but reducing the number of goals and being less demanding on the results. The challenge is a two-part challenge. Part 1 This part is made of a list of small actions that will be taken everyday to improve my life in one or other way. The list is long, but I've chosen actions that are short and can be done in minutes if not in seconds. The whole list shouldn't take much more than 1 hour of my daily time. However, it can make a huge difference if I manage to do everything everyday, because the effect will be accumulative. This is why I'm aiming for a 100 days streak. The goal won't start until we come back from our trip to the Pyrenees, because I don't think I could manage to keep the streak there, and it feels like cheating to start next week and then interrupt it. List of actions: · 10 minutes meditation. · Choose one inspiring quote for the day. · Anxiety helping supplements: B, C, o-3. Coconut oil tablespoon. · At least one type of vegetable in every meal. · 10 minutes of reading. · 10 minutes of cleaning or decluttering. · Teeth cleaning and floss. · 1 Kegel exercise. · 2 breathing exercises along the day. · Jaw relaxing exercise or some other Feldenkrais exercise. · Spend a few moments upside down. · Write down on a journal how I feel about the way I spent my day. 100% achievement on 65 days: C 100% achievement on 85 days: B 100% achievement on 100 days: A This 100 days challenge includes mostly things I'm always lazy with. I know the huge benefit I get from them when I do them regularly, and yet, it is always hard to do the work. So, on one side, with this 100 days streak I will try to make an habit of most of them, and, on the other side, I will offer myself some rewards to encourage the process. C reward: a book I might be interested at that moment nerdy t-shirt B reward: some beautiful earrings (I had chosen the ones I wanted and put the link but they seem to have disappeared between last night and today?) nerdy t-shirt A reward: Ástríkur og Kleópatra + nerdy t-shirt (yes, you've noticed, I'm in need of new clothes) The prizes are also accumulative, so I may get only the C reward if the streak is short, but if my streak is long enough I can win all the rewards as I go through the different stages. Part 2 I'm keeping 2 goals from these last months. They relate to my motto for the challenge because they contribute to a great extent to a healthy, happy and active life. Go out! There is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Going out 2 or 3 times a week will be enough to pass the challenge. As I said, I want it to be a light challenge, so I won't put much pressure on how much I do as long as I do something. 2-3 times a week: C 4 times a week: B 5 or more times a week: A Have fun! Includes self-defense, parallettes, acrobatics, or any other type of workout, provided that I have fun with it. I won't be too demanding here, either. I just want to keep some activity going on. Unfortunately, acrobatics lessons won't start until september the 5th, so I'll focus on the other things in the meantime. 1 workout a week: C 2 workouts a week: B 3 or more workouts a week: A About acrobatics and self-defense, I would like to add some mental practice on my rest days, or later in the day after a lesson. Mental practice does wonders with music technique, and I guess it can help even more with bigger moves. There's no obligation of doing it, but I would like to give it a try. Points: 100 challenge. 1, 2 or 3 WIS points, depending on how long the streak. If/when I get to achieve the 100 days streak, I immediately go up TWO levels (aside from the level I might be going up from the challenge going on at that moment). Go out. 2 CON points. Have fun! 1 STR and 1 STA points. Special points for meditation: 1, 2 or 3 WIS points depending on the streak.
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