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    • I totally get it. The traditional shirts are great, and it's some of the highest quality wholesome male gang warfare to be had - you can't beat it for group violence. If I were a young person, rather than old and creaky, I would totally be down with playing rugby. Pass me a shirt and point me at someone to tackle the crap out of.   Watching sports, though, is just like watching someone else eat a nice meal. You can admire the technique, but it takes ages for very little satisfaction.
    • A stocky framed man with messy hair and a few days' worth of stubble on his chin enters the inn, a standard adventurer's backpack strapped on his back next to a fairly sized sword. He finds himself a table and lays a bag on it as he begins to unpack. His gaze meets the others around, which he achnowledges with a nod, then his eyes spot the noticeboard. "Ah, just the thing I needed" he says in a somewhat gravelly voice with a distinct but hard to place accent. "Was running out of coin, might as well earn my future meals and lodging."   Hello again, I decided to also join in with a character, build our numbers up. Besides, I don't really have any goals this challenge round due to basically uprooting my life to go live with my fiance in another country, so I might as well use the weekly goals of this here thing to keep me busy.     IMPORTANT GAME RELATED STUFF We are keeping the quests intentionally vague as to what they'll involve, because otherwise where's the adventure in that? However, from the description, you can probably ascertain what they could ask of you. Gathering herbs, maybe some kind of nutrition-related challenge to get you eating more vegetables? Spiders in the Woods, that's probably combat-related, so physical exercise is highly likely. Deciphering scrolls, sounds rather bookish. And so on. Despite the vagueness, we do want to keep the RPG spirit of decision making, so expect situations where you will be given a choice of options. Depending on which task you perform, the story will steer accordingly. Main narrative will be posted once a week, late Sunday or early Monday. That is also when each party will be informed of their weekly tasks. Make sure you check in daily. There is a secret mechanism at work regarding random wilderness encounters and wandering monsters, which will be sprung on you during the week. Tasks will be intentionally scaled to be more than what a single person could acomplish on their own. This is to encourage teaming up over solo questing. Certain tasks will involve character death upon failure. If anyone can drop out with no consequences, no one is really encouraged to stick to things, at best people will not want to let their teammates down. If there's risk and consequence, there's challenge to be conquered. Make sure your character doesn't fall behind and if others do, make sure to have their back. Rewards as far as narrative goes will mostly come in the form of magic items, treasure and gold, not rising in levels. Merely upgrading numerical attributes is bound to feel like a grind and after a certain point, it kinda loses any meaning (looking at you, Diablo 2). Plus, if there's no dice rolls and modifiers, what good is an increased attribute anyway. Instead, magic items will function as trinkets offering different ways to approach future challenges. There are also plans for gold to be stockpiled towards a more "domain level" project down the line, like fighters building a keep with a standing army, clerics erecting a temple to their deity, wizards compiling a library etc. Don't forget to add your name to the spreadsheet and check the box of the respective job you want your character to take!
    • Okay, it's been a busy couple of days, so let's get back to that list and tackle things task by task.   Sort out my proof of address papers Translate my latest energy bill Have the translation stamped and certified by a fellow lawyer Mail everything alongside my passport pictures (already have those) Got the stamped translation from Wednesday and added an extra stamp that was missing on Thursday morning, then mailed it out. Sadly, I could not find a half decent postcard I wanted to include in that envelope. So that's done and dusted. Let my accountant know when to terminate my tax and insurance ties Take termination papers to the local bar association It seems the latest date I might be expected to need my lawyer status and issue an invoice is September 26th. That is, assuming a proper mad client of ours that still owes us money for drafting and submitting her legal papers, also somehow pays us in advance to show up in court for her case, plus travel expenses, in advance. So it will be a while before I'll circle back to this. Have my cats transferred to their new home As mentioned, I'm expecting their new home to be available to take them in next week, or in a couple of weeks. I've also decided to hand them in with a fresh sack of their expensive medicinal food, because I'm nice like that. Finalize the sale of my car Receive payment Do the transfer of ownership paperwork Hand over car, keys etc This was a bit tricky, as the buyers meant to pay me cash but it's been sorted it. Should all be done on September 25th, so another thing we'll circle back to at a later date. Pack my things I took inventory today (Saturday) so I can have an idea of what it is I wanna take with me. It'll mostly be clothes, but if I can spare the space, I might squeeze in a few books too. Wanted to take some small framed paintings too (like @Shello's lovely gifts from a few years back) but I'd probably need to pay/pack cabin baggage for that. Too large for my backpack and I don't trust the handlers to put them in my luggage. Either way, I do have a more specific idea of what's ahead, so it's helping manage the packing process. More on this when it's actually time to start packing. Make arrangements regarding household bills Haven't done this. Wrap up my personal cases Thursday we got called into a meeting at work to plan ahead for September and October, all the court dates, deadlines and other stuff to be aware of. My employer mentioned a couple of cases he wanted to look into the next morning with me, so taking that opportunity, I asked him if he'd be ok to take over some of my pending cases. He was positive at the idea and told me to look into them Friday morning after the ones he'd mentioned. Which is what happened. He was also very interested about my plans regarding work in the UK, had a few suggestions and even mentioned someone I could reach out to and mention him by name, which is nice of him. He was also kind enough to not charge anew for cases I've been paid for and things I've already done, not deviate from prices I've told to clients, discuss new charges with me and even insist he cuts me a decent slice of any new earnings for the reference. He has been nothing but wonderful to me throughout our professional relationship and it feels like he wants to keep it alive in some shape or form judging by his actions. He also wisely told me to not tell my clients I'm leaving and passing the torch to him, because that sounds like giving up on them; instead, say I am going abroad but I'll still be overseeing these cases with the assistance of my colleague and his office here. Which, again, took a huge weight off my chest and sorted out a bunch of issues. This evening I took out all the files and papers from my bookcase, sorted everything per case/client, replaced any old folders falling apart with new ones, labelled everything and I feel like it's all in line to be moved onto the next phase. Case 1 Make sure someone checks my mail and notifies me when a certain letter arrives. The rest can be done online and remotely. Notify my client I'll be living in a different country The first bit will basically happen when I contact someone to look out for any mail or bills in my current address, that should include the letter I'm waiting for. As for the client, I just gotta tell them I'm out so they know, but the entire process can happen online anyway so it's not that big a deal. Case 2 Re-check the lawsuit I've drafted Get the payslip required Mail it to be submitted Make sure a copy of the submitted lawsuit is properly served to the other party Sort out a subsequently required mediation process Let my client know I'm leaving I did not re-check my lawsuit, instead I printed it and handed it over to my employer so he can check it during the weekend. Just before posting this update, I also scanned all the relative documents and mailed them to him. Come Monday and unless something major comes uo, we should be making any corrections needed and sending it to be submitted. Case 3 Figure out the process and how it involves the client's sibling (see Case 4) Inform them of my departure See if I need to do something else or if I can hand this over Again,  a case I agreed to hand over to my current employer, so he'll do the first bit, I just need to let my client know of the change. Case 4 See how this client is involved in Case 3 See how the 2 pending cases before the court of appeals can be technically handed over to another lawyer Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents This is probably the trickiest of cases, so I'm glad we went through it Friday and I have someone to take it over. The first court of appeals bit is the one I was counting on doing last February. I did all the paperwork, got paid, but the discussion was postponed to March of 2025 due to both lawyers and court employees abstaining (because neither can technically go on strike). The work is done and my employer agreed to see it through next year, without additional pay. As for the other case, it's quite similar and hits the floor on November, so it's important to take care of it fast. Case 4 Call the Courthouse employees and ask what happens in this procedure Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents I should probably make a note to call the Courthouse on Monday morning, I keep forgetting. Case 5 Serve the papers I've submitted Make sure the lawyer I have in mind is indeed interested in seeing this through If so, bring them in contact with client Make arrangements (they both already know I'm leaving) I'm looking at introducing both parties to each other in a week or two. Case 6 Ask Courthouse employees about the technicalities of a lawyer change at this stage of the process Add some final missing papers into the case folders Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Didn't have to ask the employees, my colleagues at work knew of the solution and fortunately, it was much simpler than I was afraid it would be. This is very much a "message in a bottle" kind of thing, all the work is drafting the lawsuit and submitting the evidence folder, the actual "hearing" I don't even need to be there for, the judge will take everything home and issue a decision whenever.
    • That's fair. I don't watch a lot of sport (though I'm currently hooked on the Paralympics), but rugby has a special place in my heart for some reason.
    • Forst of all, I love this, beautifully put together.   Secondly, I don't know if you've come across Limitless Heroics, but your sheet really reminded me of it: https://wyrmworkspublishing.com/product/limitless-heroics/  
    • I think both may be true; the US often has a different date, but also lots of people are reporting getting them early. Which is fairly common, I think.   I did listen to the audiobook sample that the online lending has, just to prove to myself this is a thing that really exists, and my brain is utterly rejecting that accent coming from that narrator. The American, yes. The Wodehouse, no. It also cuts out right before Nightingale appears, so I'm not yet sure how very wrong this is. I'm kind of looking forward to it, because it's the kind of cognitive dissonance that could be fun.     I mean, it's still a little bit colonialist, because we don't call Indians "Hindus" as a blanket ethnicity anymore. That's super Victorian (and you absolutely know it was originally taught in the West as the "Hindoo pushup" by some dude with a handlebar mustache and a collection of wooden clubs). But it's the relatively innocent sort, where it's genuinely just the relatively common pushup variation they learned from Indians in India.     I'm just not a sports viewer. It's not a thing I do. It's going to be a real trial, but I think it's going to be a sticking point for him. I have no idea when he expects me to do so...
    • With an appreciative grunt and a half smile, the half orc takes the proffered seat and silently tucks in to his stew, keeping half an eye on the rest of the room.
    • Friday W0D5   Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was mostly a bunch of handwalking practice, which I very much appreciated. One day, I'll be able to do it properly.   Work was interesting - we're renovating our offices so I spent the last couple of hours of the day carting stuff down to a skip rather than doing my day job. It was nice to see all the gym time paying off when I was bracing the boardroom table against my shoulder walking it down the stairs.   I managed to avoid spending money at lunch, and then immediately went to the pub after work to fail my hoardsperson goal. It was nice to catch up with a couple of people though, and I only had the one pint before heading home.   The evening was spent chilling in front of the TV and posting my challenge. I also made a massive chilli, woth two servings for dinner and another 6 to make lunches easier for the next few days.   Calories were tracked at 2,827. I had a very small lunch, which somewhat counteracted all pf the biscuits and sausage rolls that needed to be cleared out of the office as part of the refurb . Updating here was done for a 2/3 goals day.
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