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    • Oof, that sounds like a hard hitting day. I hope that you are able to sleep better tonight, wake with more energy and no undersirable missives, and enjoy a more restful day tomorrow. ❤️  
    • We will be here once things simmer down for you! I hope all of the balls your juggling land exactly where and when you want them to! ❤️ 
    • Your Liam seems like a real gem. ❤️ 
    • I borrowed a violin from the library recently, its my first time trying this instrument.   Main quest Play the violin  
    • I saw a reel today on FB that made me think about pictures of myself in a new light. The speaker was a pretty woman, and she was saying that photos just don’t do us justice. Her argument was “haven’t you ever seen the most stunning sunset and then taken a photo of it with your phone only to be incredibly disappointed that it wasn’t as vibrant and beautiful? You’re that sunset. It’s not doing you justice, either.”   It really made me think.    I am also looking for photos right now so I can compare changes in my body with hitting my recent milestone, but there are very few images to examine because I have always shunned a camera taking pictures of my body. So there is a gap in the archeological record, as it were, and that is slightly inconvenient right now for a reason I never would have anticipated.    Thank you for sharing your photos. ❤️ 
    • That made a bit more sense after I said it...     
    • Today I did a 16 hour fast. I have a new game I've been wanting to play during naps more than I've wanted to prepare food, so...
    • I'm not qualified regarding the professional angle, and approve of going down all those routes, and obviously do not know the age or context here. But I can speak to some extent on tools and on other angles to come at emotions from, especially if there may be some neuroatypicality in play . You may have tried all these - it's  kind of overreaching to give internet people advice on situations they understand better than you - but who knows, maybe there's that magic formula somewhere. This what I've learned:     So you may have gone through all of that, but hopefully something in there is a new and useful fact or way to reframe it.
    • That is absurd.  And also I am a tiny bit jealous.   Hydration! I has it!  All 48 oz consumed outside of meals and at a reasonable hour that won't keep me in the bathroom all night.   DST:  I made it outdoors around 7 or 7:30 this morning.  It was reasonably cool, if a bit humid.  I may have come in after an hour's work in the garden looking like I'd stuck my finger in an electric socket -- my poor hair.  I got a lot of work done, so it was worth it.  I went out a bit in the evening, too, but didn't do much other than increase my daily kill count of beetles.  Why does everything want to eat my roses?  Why?   Speaking of things that eat my roses, this doe seems to have a habit of meandering through our property every afternoon at 4 o'clock.  She hasn't taught baby to eat the roses yet, so I'll allow it.     Stay cool:  I finished Kingdom of Copper last night and am wait listed for the sequel.  In the meantime, I went to the library today and picked up Leigh Bardugo's The Familiar, which I will start tonight.  When I wasn't running errands or in the garden, I spent a good part of the day on my WIP.  It's about half done now (maybe a little more).  I think the second half should go faster than the first half, since it's less detailed. 
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