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    • Also lake photo from yesterday: (Same 1 that I took of the bridge)
    • GORGEOUS photos!!!! ❤️    Hope your rash eases     Sending love Rookie xx
    • Hey all. Been busy few days for me.    I got through to interview stage for a job application. aaaghhhhh   Interview is tomorrow at 10am - in person in Manchester.    So been prepping for that over the last couple of days, plus sorting bedroom out (clothes etc and new chest of drawers) doing laundry.    Watching the footy, and Glastonbury festival highlights!   Going to a friends bar later to watch England at 5pm. eeeek.    Then home to watch the other game, plus more interview prep!   Once the interview is done, i need to figure out my training schedule. Want to really focus on this. ❤️ xx
    • Thank you for this amazing info @Harriet   ❤️
    • How Saturday went after working 5 hours.... \   There was progress on the dishes... but I created more dishes.  Extra cleaning didn't happen.  And I'm 100% meh on my point system this morning. Going to still add up points later and maybe next week cash out.    But I'm resetting the game board... I want to be more focused on getting sleep as it has been 3 weeks and less than 5 times have I gone to bed early enough for a good night rest *sigh* On top of it, I keep finding information that says one's health will significantly be better and happier if they get more sleep. Will make part time work even easier.    Going to focus on sleep rest of this challenge with the gameboard rules of Fitness Quest that I'm using.  Still going with the theme, but making the Inner Demons more of a boss fight:  Inner Demon 30 HP I will have 15 HP   There are random scrolls and a few cash wins that will be on the board that helps be interesting.  If I defeat him, I get the bounty of $100 x roll of 6 die If I lose I have to pay $100 toward debt and remove all my apps off my phone for a week ( duh duh.    I feel like I'm getting hang of my work hours which was a stress, but now the whole not sleeping thing is meh...    To clarify be in bed by 10:15 pm If I get 7/7 I will push it back 5 mins as my goal is 9 pm  (I think, it's like weight loss might not know until I get there).  Realize this might take rest of the year.... *sigh* But this has been a struggle for 9 years with NF. 6 months of getting  a goal solid can be better than nothing of what I've had.    Okay going to work on my living room a bit today for my date. *setup a comfy place*.  Will have to figure out everything else in between.     
    • Yesterday I hit my water goal plus some.  And I brushed and did mouthwash in the PM. My toothbrush was misplaced a bit after the cottage and I finally put the effort in and found it last night. I also made some good progress on cleaning the kitchen because I guess roomy is thinking he's also on vacation with his brother. 🥲 And cooking in it was such a struggle. I did however manage to make 2 dinners I'm a row despite the state of the kitchen. Friday I made a bastardized version of bulgogi on rice with a cucumber salad. Yesterday I made BBQ chicken and we had potato salad with it.    Today's plans are inspired by the shops being closed tomorrow for a holiday - small grocery shop  - go to bank to get out board for Daisy - pick up dog food for Luna and Poncho - go to barn to pay board (which went up $25 yesterday 🥲)     
    • Thanks, they are the best! The lights if my life.    I was cackling as I calculated how much damage I would do.    The main butt cheek rash is starting to ease but in general this is the most itchy I've felt. I slept terribly and had a cold shower at 2am. It's spread down the backs and side of my legs and there's more in the crease at the back of my knees. I have been trying not to overdo it with the hot showers because I read it can make it last longer but this is driving me bonkers. And the hot shower is the only thing that's made it quiet down for a few hours
    • Enjoy your rail trail adventure!! Sounds like a fun day you have planned 
    • Learning the bo staff, a traditional Japanese martial arts weapon, involves mastering both technique and form. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started: Understand the Basics: Grip: Hold the bo staff with both hands, typically shoulder-width apart. Your dominant hand should be lower and the non-dominant hand higher. Stance: Adopt a stable stance, usually with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and weight evenly distributed. Start with Basic Movements: Strikes: Practice basic strikes such as overhead, side, and thrusting strikes. Focus on accuracy and control. Blocks: Learn blocking techniques to defend against various attacks. Learn Spins and Twirls: Figure-Eight Spin: A common technique to get comfortable with the bo's movement. Start slowly, focusing on smooth, controlled motions. Wrist Twirls: Practice spinning the bo staff around your wrists to enhance agility and control. Combine Techniques: Katas: Learn katas, or choreographed sequences of movements, to integrate strikes, blocks, and spins into fluid routines. Safety and Practice: Use Padding: Begin with a padded or lightweight bo staff to minimize injury. Train Consistently: Regular practice is crucial. Start with short sessions and gradually increase intensity and duration. Seek Guidance: Join a Class: Consider enrolling in a martial arts class specializing in bo staff techniques. Watch Tutorials: Utilize online resources and video tutorials for additional learning. Develop Discipline and Patience: Focus on Form: Pay attention to proper form and technique rather than speed or power. Stay Patient: Mastery takes time; celebrate small progress and stay consistent with your practice. By combining disciplined practice, proper guidance, and patience, you can effectively learn and master the bo staff.
    • Getting out of those pesky loops sure can be a challenge. 
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