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    • Morning all. 9.30am.    Been up since 8am, cleaned the kitchen, sorted some bits of admin etc   LOTS to do today, so just working on a list and getting on with it all.    Will walk Bronze this afternoon. Its starting to get colder now. 11C today is a high!!!   ❤️ 
    • Hey Rho!! Its amazing that youre back here Cheering you on!!!! xx
    • Hey AP! GREAT job adding weight to the exercises!! Did it feel good? xx
    • Hey SOV!!!! Your trainer is amazing wow!    The difference in the way you write is wonderful to see btw. You seem to have more confidence in yourself, and you write with more reflection and time.    It is so great to read your challenge and to support you from afar.    Lots of love xx
    • Hey TG! YOU SOUND GREAT!!!!!   I wish i was brave enough to lecture. I couldnt do it. makes me go cold thinking about it!   How are your legs feeling today? xx
    • Hey Timo, how does your daughter feel about all of this?   Sending love to you her, and youuuuuuuu xx
    • Hey Rookie, sorry just seen your challenge!! How are you feeling today?    Hope you are doing well. Congrats on starting the new job!!!! xx
    • Hey Harriet, love to you! Glad you are putting boundaries in and taking care of your needs ❤️   You are amazing.    Have a safe trip back to Berlin, when you head home xx
    • Thank you!      Thanks, Ever!     They are. And it turns out my usual solitary routine has sort of camouflaged my extremely low threshold for exhaustion from socialising until now.     I agree, it's just my capacity for socialising is so shockingly low. Like a couple of hours a day is going to have me at my limits and kind of uncomfortable. I'm just so limited in every goddamned direction.     Yes, sauna is a great way to lose an hour or two. By the time you walk there, get changed, get in, sit out, get in, sit out, get changed, walk home, it's two hours anyway.      Not yet. It's still intriguingly secret, even from my nerds. Thank you!     Thanks for coming!     Hi Sov! I have lots of joint and muscle pain for some reason. The boys have been doing a couple of things without me here at the lake south of Munich while I rest but there's never enough rest. I just spent a couple of days reading but maybe I should get in a small workout, some painting, some secret plan practice. Thanks for asking!  I might not report in much the next few days until I get back to Berlin. 
    • It is a thing to practice. Definitely not something I find easy.   I have done it before with middling success. Hoping for better this time around. I'm glad it was helpful for you as well when you needed it.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1&2. I think I'm going to use my computer to do the gratitude and general journalling. I have a feeling that if I get a physical object to write in, I will be "too tired" a lot of the time. Will do this after this post.   3. Meditation happened, less because I planned it than that it became necessary. It turns out that doing straight from reading two-sentence horror stories to doing a babytime is a big mental shift. I was already feeling not great from migraine hangover, so I took about ten minutes to sit, chill, and regroup before the parents and babies arrived. (Also, a funny moment: I have a baby doll that I use to model the actions for the songs during babytime. I sat it on the storytime carpet with the egg shakers and scarves, then left the room to go back to researching ghost stories and horror tales. Totally forgot that I had left it there, and scared myself when I returned and it was sitting there looking at me through the door.)   4. Took a nice walk. It's getting kind of chilly at night now, and I need a shawl. The path was nice and dark and calm.   5. I have mostly not wanted to talk to anyone for about a week now - just a bunch of stuff happened at once and I just shut down for a while. Today I texted back someone who I owed that to. We had a social thing planned for the weekend that was thankfully cancelled, so perhaps we can set up something else sometime soon.
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