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    • Hey Sal!! 😍    Lecturing used to be the most terrifying part of the job for me when i was first starting out, but the department kept assigning me giant high enrolment classes so I got over the fear. Mostly. I still get an adrenaline spike just before, but it’s mild enough my body interprets it as “oh I’m really excited to share this cool idea or run this awesome activity today in front of such a big group” not “aaaaaaah yikes!” And when a giant class goes well (& they usually do now that I have many years of experience) it’s such an immediate high. By contrast we never get immediate positive feedback for research, I mean it’s exciting but everything we write up has to go through slooooow peer review then the reviewers (rightly) concentrate on what needs changing or fixing up. But give a great lecture and it’s a total rush. Best part of the job, maybe.   Legs are a little stiff today but not too bad. I probably over did it yesterday with walking during commute, sitting for several hours in a meeting, then dancing in rehearsal 😅 but have physio at the clinic this afternoon and get to do the cryo compression treatment at the end of that!!   Really thinking about trying a (gentle) yoga class on the weekend. I could do with some stretching! I would need to modify a lot of the poses as it’s hard on my new knees to be on all fours (like for cat/cow) and nearly impossible to do kneeling poses like hero or… well, a lot of the poses are kneeling. But I could probably work with the instructor to figure out poses that are more accessible to my current state, and how great would it feel to streeeeeeeeetch!?   Busy day today: back to back lecture, starting at 930, and apparently the already dire bus commute situation may be even worse today thanks to an accident, so i probably have to leave super early. I will be happy when I get back on my bike! Then meet my grad student to run through practice questions (he’s defending tomorrow!!!) then physio… then gym or straight home and CHILL OUT.  
    • I get this too. And i agree, it’s intensely frustrating. But socialising takes energy too, so its all pulling from the same well im afraid. breaking it into smaller chunks and rests in between can help (two solid hours of nothing but talking would floor me for the day also). Even being in a room with other people can be a bit much when I'm tired so I've basically explained to the family if i say i need space just to let me be quiet and recharge. If you have a room people wont walk through, this is a good spot to pick.  when out, sometimes finding a quiet cafe or park to sit in can help. Possibly getting the people you’re with to go do something else (like wander round a few shops or something) for 20mins can be a good thing to try. Or explain you just need to chill for a period and get them to bring a book.  not sure if any of this is helpful for you, but its how i juggle it. As usual, pinch of salt with everything.  had to work hard at not feeling like an inconvenience when i do this. But putting your energy constraints first is so important.    hope you have a lovely time with your dad over. 
    • Cozy season! Love this for you!!!   NGL i’m a little jealous of your cooler weather. It’s only about 12C now here but going up to 29. TWENTY NINE!! That is okay in summer when it’s expected to be running around the beach in tank tops and short pants but in September, trying to dress professional enough so we don’t look like we’re trying to mimic the students, it’s bananas.   Good luck with your list! I kind of feel like I’m too busy today to even make a list, which of course means that I really need a list of my own.
    • How on earth did i manage to miss your thread?! here now, and am loving this challenge so much. Bonus points for awesome hobbit art on header post 🤘 (that is one of my favourite dragon images. It was the cover of the copy of the hobbit i read to death in primary school and Very nostalgic)    here for dragon shinies and evil machinations  
    • I figured as much from the animation, so that's what I did.   I'm going for at least a minute in this. And since I'll be playing it in my head anyway, I might as well do so by listening to this, and aim for 4m 25s... 😅 (I'm *still* amazed at just how epic this theme is - John Williams is a genius)
    • Me too!  I know I can be an enabler and sometimes it is okay to take care of people, but lately it has felt like “mom” does almost everything and that shouldn’t be the case. I deserve to have time to do the things I love to do, and cleaning house/planning-cooking meals isn’t one of them.
    • It has worked in the past, but lately I found I am ignoring the break prompt. it’s hard with the current project but baby steps right? lol 
    • Been there with the snacking. it Can be so difficult. Trying to snack less in between meals is one i really struggle with. Protein and nutbased snacks worked well for me as an alternative. Chunks of spiced Cooked chicken and energy balls were a big hit.  tops look so pretty. Love the floral one with the square neckline, its such a great cut for you 😄  
    • Me too.  Honestly the care for our home shouldn’t reside with just one person hounding everyone to do it.  It’s a mindset change we are slowly trying to make with empathy.
    • Happy Thursday everyone.  Tired but okay.  The week has been pretty chill so far and tonight minion #3 is on for fixing dinner.  I did manage to speak to her about helping out more and she agreed that she could do more, starting with at least doing some weekly cleaning of the living room, dinning room and downstairs bathroom.  Our house isn’t messy but it is lived in. The hubs also has noticed that he likes it when the kitchen is clean in the morning and has made an effort to do that as well. Gym days are happening still as are meals, I am just not prioritizing tracking either at this point. It adds more stress and right now I am nearly at my max.   Work has been nuts and I feel like I am always going down the rabbit hole of “WTF did they do here” anytime I tackle anything related to our migration project.  Lots of frustration but we are slowly moving forward.    Some things I do have lined up .  Friday we have our monthly creative session.  I have only written a little on the world I am building, but I have been trying to expand my creative view and perspective in terms of content.  I have read several new fantasy books lately (Ebony Gate, Witch King, Beware of Chicken, Legends and Lattes to name a few). Currently I am also perusing The Art and Craft of Storytelling, and Building A Second Brain.  A lot of this is to jump start my imagination,  to expand beyond standard fantasy, see what others are doing and what draws my attention and holds it. I am also paying attention to why I like or dislike something in terms of how the story is told.   Later this week I need to plant into potsthe two fig tree cuttings I took and head to the Strip District for some supplies. I will probably do that Saturday as the hubs and minion #2 will take Maple to a friend’s house to hang out and play MTG, and minion #3 has to work. I am very much looking forward to an entire evening by myself with no need to worry abut entertaining anyone or cooking a meal. I am strongly considering a “me” date night.   Well I should probably find some coffee and let Maple out.  Thanks for reading and supporting!  
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