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    • Was so amazzzzzing     Right? When I told her that no way in hell I actually laughed at her, she looked rather shocked... I, on the other hand, meant every damn word!
    • Whelp, it's been years but I'm back.    I did a lot of things that I am proud of in the time that I am proud of - I was a competitive amateur Overwatch player who got interviewed by a major streamer! I got back into Dungeons and Dragons! I battled my way out of a hoarded house with the help of friends, family, and a lot of elbow grease -    And I gained sixty pounds. Up to my personal highest of 280 lbs. A place I swore I would never get.    But life happens. I stopped exercising. I stopped cooking. I started binge eating again. I struggled. Hard. But then I remembered that I have a community here. There are people who can support me in an online space, and I can pull myself out of this hole. I'm currently fighting for help from a disability case and now I have a wake up call to take care of not only my mental health, but my physical health as well. I'm staring down the barrel of becoming type 2 diabetic; my family has heart problem and I refuse to have a heart attack before I am forty.   I can't do it alone, but I refuse to give up.    I remembered that The Rebellion existed, and I'm ready to give it another go.    Third time's the charm, right?    
    • I live in the absolute back of beyond and have only ever seen The bags of  powdered stuff round here. Next time im near tesco’s i’ll have a look, but am still on the no immulsifyers plan. Which can make finding new foods surprisingly challenging when they are readymade.  if they look reasonable it would be nice to have something to up the protein content in my energy balls with too. 
    • Pretty impressed with you TBH. You're managing life on Hard Mode and showing a lot of grace. Is dad gone home yet?      I mean, you not wrong, and prioritizing your partner is a good thing. Buuuuut if you need to not travel for a bit while you get your arms around your current bodily needs, shrug. You're the boss tho, I trust your own assessment of spaceship Harriet. 
    • Resurrecting this thread again - Midwest City REPRESENT!
    • Is your team taking you anywhere fancy for a goodbye dinner?      Notes, I have none. Just manage the friction burns and massage your face if all the smiling is causing lines.      You're a kind ex. Fingers crossed the wedding is fun.
    • Sigh, Hatter, your better than zero is still fucking impressive. You're sketching, hand standing, and treating yourself like an adult?? Fuck off, you're kinda a BAMF.
    • JESUS! content warning before you sandblast me with raw-dog comfort?! Fella is liable to sigh a bit and feel some tranquility just looking at that. Utterly depraved
    • Aaaamazing photography, as always
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