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    • What is fun way of practicing acceptance! 
    • Cat naps, cantrips... All my brain is reading is "catnip"
    • Why would you have more in the mid afternoon? Adenosine binds to caffeine so if more of it would have had time to build up in the morning wouldn't more of it have released later as well? Either way, even if the mechanism is true it doesn't mean the outcome is. It is also worth nothing the researcher who proposed this strategy does neither study caffeine, circadian rhythms, nutrition nor energy systems, but read one study out of 1000s, discovered a mechanism and extrapolated a result which is afaik still pure untested conjecture. 😉   This is fair, but an entirely different reason! Personally I'm the opposite, coffee provides an uncomfortably large proportion of my hydration and if I don't drink it everything collapses. 😛 Though I'm weird as it also does nothing for my energy levels. But now that I'm not working I also don't have afternoon crashes the same way. It's almost like work and a big lunch is tiring... Thinking about it my caffeine would then also frequently be delayed until work. So here's an n=1 against the hypothesis. 🤷‍♀️
    • The traditional combo in Iranian cooking is to use saffron with barberries. Cranberries are very similar.   Btw thanks for this challenge - I really enjoyed reading the poetry. Well, most of it I still don't like or find hard to read or both, but now I have a much better idea of why and what to look for!
    • Is their job to raid discos or make sure only government approved music is played there or to report who's making out with whom?
    • To be fair it's only when they're sticky and gross. The first time someone shows me a baby picture and it's not someone who knows me well my reaction is usually "It's a baby. I understand the social protocol is to say "awww it's so cute", but I simply don't find babies attractive. It's not personal, but I'm also not going to lie for you." And then they never send me baby pictures again - it's very effective. On occasion they might forget or think that "but surely this one will melt Hatter's cold heart and trigger her dormant maternal instincts" and show me anyway and that's when they might get an "ew" in return if warranted. But really most of my friends are cool and if I say ew it's probably because their newborn baby really does look like a wrinkly old alien potato man and can laugh about it.   But it's not the same thing at all as criticizing someone's facial tattoo. Whether it's a cool tattoo or not I'm not going to comment on it out of nowhere because that's just creepy to me. I might compliment the barista that I see all the time on her new hair, but disturbing strangers on their daily commute to voice my both irrelevant and unsolicited opinion is not really a thing I'd do. Parents shoving baby pics in my face to validate their child and their life choice is an entirely different situation. If they are asking me to give my opinion on their baby's appearance I'll give them my honest answer whether they like it or not. Really it's the same if they asked me about their new hair or their face tattoo. (Except realistically nobody with a face tattoo would ask anyone to validate it.) I just don't see why their child should be the exception to the rule. (To be fair there is a short period when children are a little older where they can sometimes be cute. But really I'd much rather look at someone's pet pics.)   I do understand that someone's children are very important to them and want to share, but then they can share interesting things about them. Like stuff about their personality or what new developmental tricks they learned. You know, like you would about another human, and not a pet.   Personally I think it's very stylish and Mr Harriet's and Herr W's should expand their definition of style. 😛    Totally. One of my flexy teachers even had a no talking policy during stretches because concentrating on the body and the sensations is so important!   YouTube says it's all possible. 🙂 Didn't you start non-digital or am I misremembering?
    • Gentle thriving sounds amazing. What is a punch list?
    • Yay for strength training! Maybe you should go to a gym with mirrors and make lifting faces at yourself.
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