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    • That made a bit more sense after I said it...     
    • Today I did a 16 hour fast. I have a new game I've been wanting to play during naps more than I've wanted to prepare food, so...
    • I'm not qualified regarding the professional angle, and approve of going down all those routes, and obviously do not know the age or context here. But I can speak to some extent on tools and on other angles to come at emotions from, especially if there may be some neuroatypicality in play . You may have tried all these - it's  kind of overreaching to give internet people advice on situations they understand better than you - but who knows, maybe there's that magic formula somewhere. This what I've learned:     So you may have gone through all of that, but hopefully something in there is a new and useful fact or way to reframe it.
    • That is absurd.  And also I am a tiny bit jealous.   Hydration! I has it!  All 48 oz consumed outside of meals and at a reasonable hour that won't keep me in the bathroom all night.   DST:  I made it outdoors around 7 or 7:30 this morning.  It was reasonably cool, if a bit humid.  I may have come in after an hour's work in the garden looking like I'd stuck my finger in an electric socket -- my poor hair.  I got a lot of work done, so it was worth it.  I went out a bit in the evening, too, but didn't do much other than increase my daily kill count of beetles.  Why does everything want to eat my roses?  Why?   Speaking of things that eat my roses, this doe seems to have a habit of meandering through our property every afternoon at 4 o'clock.  She hasn't taught baby to eat the roses yet, so I'll allow it.     Stay cool:  I finished Kingdom of Copper last night and am wait listed for the sequel.  In the meantime, I went to the library today and picked up Leigh Bardugo's The Familiar, which I will start tonight.  When I wasn't running errands or in the garden, I spent a good part of the day on my WIP.  It's about half done now (maybe a little more).  I think the second half should go faster than the first half, since it's less detailed. 
    • Back home! The girls were very happy to be reunited.    Pictures of our last day at the cottage.. Featuring Winnie, my dad's peonys and a spider web.   
    • [Hakram, Vivianne, and Catherine, as depicted by AGreatNoodle]  The Challenge of Noontide Sun!  (Flexible Habits - Regular Mode)   Rejuvenate (Sleep Hygiene) ✅✅✅✅   Fortify (Volume Lifting) ✅✅✅   Learn (3d Modeling) ✅✅   Tasks!  Duolingo Sprint - 5/40 Close down Liam's university office✅   Life Updates - had a wonderful date with Liam on Friday. I was so damn tired and I managed to ask Liam for reassurance that a date while I was barely verbal would still be fun. The boy  pivoted into us bringing trade copies of “Die” and reading over curried sweet potatoes and chipotle beef. No notes, it was perfect.  - does anyone do vulture crafts? I was walking in 7 Bridges yesterday and I passed a seagull and a raccoon both deceased on the beach. Their skulls were in good shape, and if I had a beetle pit, it woulda been fun. Sadly I have a no-beetle pit mandate as long as we live in a duplex, but that might change this fall…   [Masego, Indrani, and Akua, as depicted by AGreatNoodle] 
    • I highly suggest you record yourself reading a book out loud and sending it to your significant other. Very motivating   As mentioned, I used to be better with sleep too and I see me headed your way, so I'm trying to do better.   Exactly. Don't need to get fancy.   Little update for Saturday, fasted for 18 hours and my lunch basically consisted of leftover cheeses and one tortillia I munched on while preparing some mince for bolognese. Since I was feeling full, I put the mince aside and had it over pasta for dinner instead. App says I was about 650cals below my goal, but that's a rough gauge since I did not weigh what I ate. Just to be on the safe side though, and because I kinda suck at estimating, I go with the worst case scenario. Would rather make a mistake and add more than I ate than the other way around. Thanks to the heat and skipping evening coffee, I ended the day with 2,25L of water overall.  
    • 30 seconds knee-to-elbow - 🐝
    • Liked that post because good for you, but came very close to an angry react instead because wtf why do people suck so hard. 
    • Had friends coming over yesterday afternoon, so there was cake and coffee, and then we ordered pizza in the evening. That meant no steps, low TDEE, and massive caloric intake. Today we were meeting up with friends - the kind of thing that always ends up as a food extravaganza. So again, no steps, low TDEE, and massive caloric intake. Suffice to say that the weekend counts as "food shenanigans", and that I'll be on damage control for pretty much the entire week...   But I have seen almost all the European Championship matches so far, either with my complete attention, or in the background with me paying far too much attention to the telly and not enough to the table guests... 😇   Got into bed at a reasonable hour tonight, but the amount of sleep I got was less than stellar. TimovieDaughter had a panic attack in the middle of the night. She's very susceptible to certain imagery, and a classmate had shown her a (fake) YouTube video about a singer dying on stage, which suddenly got her worked up and unable to calm down. It took us until 4:30 in the morning to finally get her to sleep... 😱   We've been taking her to a psychologist for the last two years, but feel we've hit something of a ceiling there, so have been trying to get her to see a psychiatrist - with a slew of additional tests. We're obviously still looking for the magic formula that makes us able to calm her down when she gets like this, or the right kind of coping mechanisms for her to not get herself worked up like this... Frankly, the end of the school year can't come soon enough... 😔       ALL THE THINGS! - Forum posting: ✅ - Sports watching: ✅ (cycling highlights, European Football Championship galore) - Alcatraz prep: ✅ (mainly while playing Tennis Elbow 4) - Darts practice: ✅ (got some "surprise" throwing in because our friends sent a message that they'd be late 😁) - Chess: ✅ (daily puzzles, all the vote chess matches, just a few daily chess matches since I'd done most of the work on Friday already) - Words of Wonders: ✅ (daily puzzle, and a number of extra puzzles) - Tennis Elbow 4: ✅ (3 junior Roland Garros qualifiers) - Stray: ✅ (restarted the game, played the first three chapters, eager to continue) Conclusion: I did ALL THE THINGS!     Log so far:   Week 0   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 6h17 Steps               Avg. steps 9.2K Distance 23.32 km Workouts 1.1 Days with (mini-)workouts 5 ALL THE THINGS!                     Yesterday, I talked about checking out Amon Amarth, but probably leaving their gig early. The reason is Brant Bjork Trio, the band by the former Kyuss member. His type of psychedelic stoner / desert rock is probably going to be a welcome "cool down" period just before the end of the festival's first day.   Brant Bjork - Love Is Revolution
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