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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Honestly, the industries themselves need to be targeted. Minimum price points for candy at a much higher level should do the trick. Just remember that studies have been done showing a drink or two a day is not dangerous/maybe slightly beneficial. I would assume the same with sugary stuff. As noted in the thread though, the problem lays in the addiction/unable to stop eating part.
  2. Congrats on getting out of debt! Now to get to 20k UP
  3. Lol'ed and then realized your aiming for a superbowl janet jackson
  4. In regards to your last comment on my blog, good sir, I leave you with this.


  5. I'd agree with the natgeo quote from delaware, and it makes sense. I mean, hormones are produced in response to a change in body levels of... something. I don't think horn-doggy-dogness counts, but if you have sex (or whatever floats your boat), your body has now uhhhh secreted something that needs replenishing... hence a net INCREASE in test. I also think impact on focus might be a factor. Tell me you can watch some good... videos... and then go concentrate on lifting heavy weight? I don't think raging is a good idea either. Most sports require a relatively calm and collected mental state in order to perform properly.
  6. I could probably count on one hand the number of people who don't. Including Pat G, I still have four fingers left over If anything just assume it's 45. If you pick up a light bar, you'll notice the difference.
  7. aj_rock


    Sexy deadmau5 cosplay? I'm down. The only thing you're allowed to wear is the large head. You can even dance like he does and the women just position themselves accordingly.
  8. I don't think that's true, nmetzler. If it was, it would be mandatory for professional athletes to abstain from sex and simply get the shit teased out of them prior to a game
  9. And quote of the day goes to...
  10. No VG developers? Instant win there. Anywho I build train cars. Pretty nerdy, but the LAME nerdy...
  11. Lots of what I see tends to go like this: OO O O In all honesty, to any girl that looks at you, the five may as well be a six. I wouldn't sweat it
  12. aj_rock


    Don't introduce dating to NF. Please. Its ruined other fitness sites.
  13. The heat/metabolism thing doesn't seem very arguable though, if the armband is correct. Some corrections for things I can make right away: Your armband is definitely not as accurate as you think it is. Neither is your intake measurement. Even the most meticulous measuring/weighing system is prone to variances beyond your control. Your intake could vary by up to 10% right there. As for the armband, they are subject to variances too. Anything you do that could mess with a sensor will put it off: ambient temperature, local activity of the arm ( RAQUETBALL could set this off by a lot simply because you get a lot more activity in that arm). That last point may be your big error margin right there. Beyond that, you may have just reached your set point, which is the level of fat your body is naturally comfortable at, and it finds ways to fight the fat loss. You'll have to reduce caloric intake one way or another. For sure though, look up your armband and see if it has any known problems with single-arm dominated sports.
  14. Everybody chime in! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii missus wildrossssssssssssssssssssss!
  15. You might just be genetically lucky and have a low weight set-point. You lucky bastard. Anyway modern weight research tends to reinforce the notion that the body has a pre-determined body fat level it likes to be at. Not only that, but the body resists going lower than this point a lot more than it resists going up. So for you, your natural set-point might be lower, and you just never reached it due to bad diet/exercise.
  16. Vegetarian and Yogi guilds both only have 7 threads each. Not sure if thats argument for inclusion of IF or exclusion of those two So we need a process mandated by both current discussion and requests for a guild to be created. That, or a request to found by even a small number of people that wish to have a spot to discuss things without having to dig through new posts and other guilds to find their conversation.
  17. Bruce: You're actually right around the same level I am in terms of height, weight, and BF%.Take a look at my blog. If the methodology seems interesting to you, I could point you in the right direction. As Corey said though. If you're making good progress, don't fix what ain't broke.
  18. Guys, I think what ETF is trying to say is that willpower is powerless without the right amount of knowledge, planning, and execution involved. I personally have seen friends of mine run themselves into the ground and overtrain. Why? Because they actually tried too hard . Because they lacked the knowledge to know when to take things easy, or to just goddamn eat something, they lost everything. Good planning, consultation, and execution, combined with that willpower, would have got them where they wanted to go.
  19. The idea that IF is cross-platform when it comes to allowed foods/overall calorie intakes isn't a valid basis to not include it as a guild, IMO. I mean, technically a single person could belong to several guilds. A runner doesn't HAVE to not be a barbarian strength lifter as well. I think the fact that IF is so broad actually gives it more credence to being a guild. Discussing differences between styles, experience, and implementation could probably warrant quite a few threads.
  20. Haha I was making a jest because you said without the same interests instead of with. Hamilton (where I am now) is full of cardio bunnies, so no pullups. Sloppy = the only pull up they do is when they pull up... you know.
  21. Bruce Lee was about 160 at his best, which is actually technically slightly overweight for a dude who's only 5'7" Not that BMI is worth the paper it gets printed on, but just to give you an idea that even though Bruce Lee wasn't 'huge' by any means, he most certainly carried Chuck Norris' left nut worth of muscle mass.
  22. I don't think more rationale is needed! I second the motion
  23. Without similar interests? Come on up to Hamilton bro, we have sloppy tattooed brunettes coming out the wazoo.
  24. Yeah, exrx does a good job estimating, but don't assume that just because you lifted 120 for 15 reps that you automagically get to do 200 for 1. The numbers are most accurate when translating across similar rep ranges. So from 3-6 makes sense, from 8-12 makes sense, 3 - 12 won't cut it.
  25. aj_rock


    It's people like that that exemplify what scarletleavy said above. No matter your size or strength, exuding confidence and excitement does a lot more for how people percieve you. In fact, personally, I would think more of someone in that situation than someone who looks lean and fit, yet seems obsessed with figure and freaks out over eating too much.
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