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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hi all. My first race was a local independent called Warrior Run in October last year. This year I'll be doing Warrior Run again in April, Tough Mudder Ireland with @DarK_RaideR and @Miw_Sher, hopefully Barrel of Laps with @Charlie_Quinn and @jonfirestar (is this still a thing guys) and whatever else I can afford/make it to - maybe one of the London ones. My favorite obstacle is probably hang tough rings, the technique feels really cool and they make me feel like a gladiator! I've never done a barbed wire crawl, but having read this thread it is now my most dreaded obstacle!
  2. You've done so well this challenge, and I just wanted to say again congrats on getting free of smoking!
  3. Thanks man, I will try not to. The trouble is I love you guys and I really do want to keep up with what's going on with you all!
  4. So I realise it's Wednesday already and I haven't actually posted any challenge updates. To be honest I'm in a whirlwind of work stress at the moment and I'm massively behind on everyone's threads (sorry guys ), and I seems to be so busy doing things I don't have any time to think about things. Anyway, enough whining, Week Zero, The Story So Far... Monday - I didn't hit snooze! I didn't hit snooze because my alarm didn't go off, because I failed to set it properly. Regular readers will know that this isn't the first time this has happened this year! Because of this I missed my workout in the morning, and as I had no time after work I go into this challenge having already technically failed my first goal! Budget - £65.50 remaining Tracking - 2,875 calories in - 4,210 calories burned = 1,335 deficit (allegedly, but I cannot see how Fitbit can be accurate with that calorie burn on a rest day) Tuesday - Got up without hitting snooze and went out for my first challenge run . Runkeeper called for 2mi easy, had some headphone issues which messed with my pace consistency, first mile in 11'05", second in 9'23". Funnily enough the average of those two (10'14") is about the pace I was aiming for! Budget - £60.36 remaining Tracking - 3,208kcal in - 4,301 alleged kcal burned = 1,093 deficit Stats after 0.2857 Weeks Move! 1/2 Snooze! 2/2 Track! 2/2 Budget! 2/2
  5. Awesome video, thanks for sharing man. Just what I needed right now; I'll be saving it for future morning watching. I've never seen Modern Life is Good(ish), but I've heard good things. Is it worth checking out then? Did you ever watch The Dave Gorman Show (probably 10+ years ago), where he just went around the world trying to find other people called Dave Gorman? That was surprisingly really good. Yeah, the creative writing thing is cool! I never got very far in that kind if thing. Do you remember what the story was about?
  6. Thanks man. I had a beer. Well, several beers. And then a couple more. Too right! I actually ended my nerdiversary with beef stew, scotch eggs, colcannon, garlic bread and welsh cakes. It was amazing, and a long way from paleo! Thank you! It's been great hanging with you too! Well that's totally unacceptable! I demand that you learn to teleport right now! Seriously though if you are ever in my neck of the woods and want to do a race I'd be totally up for that.
  7. No, no prize money really. I got about £50 out of one, and beer vouchers from a couple of others, but nothing too exciting! That's awesome winning your first race! I know that you must obviously have a bajillion finisher medals from all the races you do. The 5:30 am part is disgusting, but work's a two hour commute at the moment so it's the only time I can find to get a workout in! Hope to do something about that commute over the next month... Thank you! I just think I'm being lazy with them compared to some of the amazing themes I've seen (particularly yours!). METAL \m/ I didn't know you competed as a swimmer? That's really cool. I'm definitely looking forward to getting that TM medal with you too! Definitely; why is it that "just woke up me" is set on sabotaging "awake me"'s plans? That's cool about the photography contests, you must be pretty good to have won all those catagories? When I started reading your reply I was going to say you'll have a spartan medal soon enough! Thanks, I'm going to watch that as soon as I get out of work and can have the sound on!
  8. Jarric: As Yet Untitled So for those of you who may not have seen this, there's a show on British TV called Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled (Wikipedia link) in which Alan Davies sits at a round table with 4 guests (mostly comedians) and shares stories and talks nonsense for an hour, with no agenda, no plan, just having a chat. At the end of the hour they pick a title for the show based on what they've talked about. I've only just discovered the show and love it, so in the interest of sharing stories and talking lots of nonsense for this challenge I want to do the same - at the end of the challenge we'll pick a name for the challenge based on what's happened this month. Format! Last challenge (which I will go back and wrap up soon, promise!) fizzled out a bit at the end, so I'm jumping straight back in and making this one a 5 week challenge. Building on my 2017 road map and my last challenge the goals will be similar to last month, with a few minor tweaks... Goals! Move! - 15XP What? Exercise every single day. Why? Working towards my OCRs this year, and I find I work better working every day than trying to have rest days. How? Follow Juggernaut lifting plan MWF and Runkeeper sub-55 minute 10k plan TTSS. I'm rolling the 4 days of lifting over three days (until I become ruler of the world and make standard weeks 8 days long), so if one week is Monday Bench, Wednesday Squat, Friday OHP, then the next week will be Monday Deadlift, Wednesday Bench, Friday Squat. Make sense? The running program is a faster version of the 10k plan I ran last year (and briefly injured my hips on), and I rather enjoyed it so I'm trying it again. Snooze! - 10XP What? Don't hit snooze! Why? Because I set that time for a reason, and I need to remember that! And I don't like rushing (more than usual) in the morning. How? On weekdays, when my alarm goes off at 05:30, get up without hitting snooze. Track! - 10XP What? Track calories every day Why? Because I've lost sight of quite how much I should be eating, and I want to find that again. And it wouldn't hurt to lose the barrel I'm carrying around my waist at the moment either! How? Track calories using Fitbit (and best guesses where necessary) every day. No target amount until I work out how generous Fitbit is being with the calorie burn. Budget! - 15XP What? Stick to my weekly budget Why? Because getting out of debt and saving is one of my main goals for the year, and ultimately because I want to own my own house before I reach retirement age! How? Every week I have a weekly budget of £80 for random sundry expenses (this feels like far too much, but whatever). This doesn't include groceries, work travel or exercise expenses, or bills/rent which come directly out of my account. Basically it's food and drink out and random stuff. And to get us going on the random chat, and icebreaker (I may do a few of these): Icebreaker: Have you ever won a trophy or medal? So for me, I won a couple of trophies when I was about 14 in a pool competition. Run by a caravan park in Wales. I think as a way to shift off-season tickets. But it was the start of something and I've had a string of pool and snooker trophies since, so I have fond memories of it .
  9. NEVER! Ahem, sorry, no I think I'm fine. One more can't hurt
  10. Super late catching up here, but I just wanted to say I think you made the right choice with SWTOR. The way you were talking about it made it sound like you had to spend too much time paying your dues for a relatively small amount of enjoyment.
  11. I read that as mosquito bite and was briefly rather confused. As always, pint of the black stuff barkeep.
  12. Wow you did amazing this challenge, 100% woo! And well done on earning that epic meal.
  13. That sucks about the training space; does your trainer not have some kind of contractual agreement with the owner that means he has to give notice then? Glad you're feeling better though, and that you've had a good first challenge back!
  14. I'm never sure how to set expectations actually. Like, it seems the sensible thing is to set yourself goals/plans/whatever that are achievable, and mostly that's what I'd do, but sometimes an impossible stretch goals to aim at can work too. So if you're currently never doing something, and you aim to do it daily even if you know something will inevitably come up to stop you, but you do manage it 4 days per week, then you've still managed to improve radically on your starting situation. As long as you can not beat yourself up about not hitting the goals I think that can work? And as @Owlet said, don't worry about not supporting others right now; life's dealing you some bad hands and we're here to support you. At another time you'll be doing great and others will be struggling, and you'll be there to support them then.
  15. Good luck for your psyche thing this week man, I'm glad you were able to get an early spot in the end. Oh my god that leg press video is terrifying! I nearly screamed out loud on a train!
  16. So actually, having caught up now, you did awesome this challenge. I know you've struggled with things mentally but you've built the start of a solid workout habit, you've lost weight, and you've had a (accidental) walking adventure! Seriously well done this month.
  17. Sounds like you've got some really exciting things planned for the year ahead man! I really like your mantras as well, definitely wise words.
  18. Well done on the challenge man, it looks like you've made quite a bit of progress this month. Good idea making some time to relax over next month if you're feeling burned out though. For the lifting if you can't squeeze two days together could you have more workouts than days and just roll through them? i.e. Week one you do workouts A and B, week two workouts C and A, and week three workouts B and C? It does mean you'd have around 10 days between repeat workouts so it depends whether that's a good amount of rest for you I guess. Just thinking out loud.
  19. It is glorious Well that was a risky click. ===== Just realised that today is my 1st nerdiversary! I can't believe I've been hanging around with you nutters for a year already . ===== Updates will come...in the future...probably. Basically need to wrap this bad boy up and get my new challenge going as soon as the new boards are up. Also have about a million threads to catch up on so sorry if I haven't been checking in with you guys.
  20. Sit ups done with EC. Last one of the challenge so I finish on 30 and just scrape silver. Not what I was hoping for but I did do nearly half the dares at least.
  21. Welcome back man! Your WODs continue to terrify me!
  22. Hope you survived London ok mate, I agree with your sentiments on the place exactly! Sun's poking out today so hopefully with that and a little rest you're feeling better?
  23. The more often you do it the less of an argument you'll have with yourself. And on the plus side the days are only getting longer between now and the mudder. Was it in food or...?
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