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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Good luck with the surgery dude, see you on the other side.
  2. Ok, that sounds seriously fun. I'm a bit envious!
  3. Awesome speech, thank you Tank! Also, really late on this but I've just read all the dangerous animals post, and I'm just sitting here thinking "the most dangerous animal I've seen in England's a badger..."
  4. Congrats on a great week. You'll be back to thrashing me on the step goals now then?
  5. That's excellent! Have you got a picture in costume? Glad you had a great weekend!
  6. Just had to hop over and congratulate your crew on an awesome amount of squats this week. Well done all!
  7. As someone who knows absolutely nothing about meditation, thank you!
  8. Thanks for the tip - looks like I'll be needing this for the ranger mini! Speaking of the mini; another 100 squats?? Seriously??
  9. Busy weekend has been had! Will try to keep the details brief: Friday W1D5 Gym on Friday was really good; I'm glad to be getting back into this. Met a bloke who offered for me to set in with him on the squat rack, even though he was squatting 165kg, and I was doing 35kg! So after every set he helped me deload 5 plates off the bar and load mine, and after my sets I helped him load back up. I felt very small and like I have a long way to go, but he was a really nice guy. Then out in the evening to catch up with some friends and watch a covers band at my local. Really good group actually, they've been doing it for years and are just so tight. I got fairly leathered at the pub, and ended up failing the smoking (I had 14 that day ) and staying up far to late. Saturday W1D6 Not feeling too bright on the Saturday morning after the late night and the beers. Did manage to get in my Wasted Years goal; watched a couple of episodes of NCIS LA and just chilled enjoying them. I'm only on season 3 at the moment, so this might become a major one for the rest of the challenge. Also managed to get in 2 of my 4 housework tasks; washing clothes (2 loads) and hanging out the washing. In the afternoon I went bouldering. I definitely need to improve technique a lot; I'm sure I'm using my arms too much and my legs not enough. Still managed to get through a few level 4 climbs, which was good. Now of course my fingers hurt, my arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, my legs hurt (the mini may have had something to do with that though!). The worst thing seems to be my lats at the moment; might be because the last climb I got a bit rage-y with, forgot I had legs altogether and just beasted my way up with my arms. Saturday night was a pub quiz that the Mrs had written. Was a run night, quite a few people about and Mrs and I stayed there drinking until closing time. Smoking was failed again (11 smoked this time) - drunk Jarric is not the most responsible adult it would seem. When we got home the Mrs immediately...distracted me...so I forgot about tooth brushing. Had a really fun day but not much good challenge wise. Sunday W1D7 Bit of a recovery day from drinking and exercise. Did some shopping with Mrs and bought myself some new shorts for climbing in. Also did a supermarket run. Remainder of daily tasks were done (cleaning kitchen and boiling eggs for breakfasts this week). Daily dare was meditation, and it's the first time I've ever done it so had no idea what I was doing. Guess I'll have to find out as it's also this week's mini! Smoking was at least a success here, managed to stick to 8/8 even with bar work in the evening. I am starting to get used to the idea that I don't smoke at home, which is good. Hopefully that idea will be stuck by the end of the challenge so I can ramp it up for the next one. Week 1 Stats at W1D7 Down with the Sickness - 4/7 Until It Sleeps - 6/7 Iron Man - 3/2 (including 1 climb) The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 6/7 Wasted Years - 1:20/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 4/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 536 squats Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30s Star Plank (EC), Sitting Twists (EC), Squat Hops (EC), Meditation (EC)
  10. My week's over; it's 5 to midnight and my legs don't like me much. Just passed my personal target and got 536 for the week. If you told me the first time I ever did squats that I'd end up doing that many I would have called you mad!
  11. Ok, it's near enough midnight here and my legs hurt like hell, so I'm calling it. Final count for me is 536 for the week. Well done to everyone, whatever the final total we've got a massive number as a team here!
  12. Congratulation on passing the exam! Hope you had a good evening in.
  13. Meditation... didn't see that coming. Done with EC. First time I've ever done meditation, so not really sure what my mind was supposed be doing.
  14. Sitting twists done yesterday with EC, before my workout. Squat hops done today with EC. They were really easy for about the first 30, and from the 31st they were agony!
  15. My picture's disappeared; that's odd. They were bodyweight things - starting in almost an elbow plank position and then kind of doing push ups from there? I can't really describe them very well. Hadn't thought of doing normal tri extensions with a plate though; might have to give that a go, thanks.
  16. Jarric

    Bker respawns

    Well done on the PRs, nice one! See you hit that initial goal of 500 squats for the mini as well
  17. Sounds like you had an awesome run! Great write up
  18. Thanks. And yeah, I think I'm looking forward to not enjoying smoking any more! ---- British political nonsense in spoiler; needed to rant but feel free to skip This feels like a fitting song today: So snooker last night went pretty badly, but to my benefit the bloke I was playing was doing equally badly. I won 3-2 in the end, but it was a silly, silly game. Got back at 23:00 and tried to do the daily dare PVP, which was tricep extensions: Don't know if I'm getting the technique wrong or what, but I couldn't do 1! Gonna have to figure these out at some point in the future. I did get in 100 squats for the mini before bed though. I also got in a beer and an episode of New Girl, so an odd evening really. Up to bed at midnight so just in time. Oh, and smoked 8/8 yesterday. This morning I got up on time for swimming, but for some reason I really really didn't want to go. Part of that may have been the news this morning; never thought politics would effect me that much. Don't know what else it is either though. Maybe lack of organisation, lack of food in the house, messy house. Hopefully cleaning the house this weekend will clear my mind! I procrastinated around the house for ages, left to go swimming and got to the pool about 08:10. Sat in the car breaking down every second of the time I had left, decided that as I'd only get 20 minutes in the pool there was no point (what an awful excuse, right?!), and gave up and left. Went to a shop on the way in to get breakfast and lunch, so at least that's sorted. I'm a bit ahead of where I should be on smoking so far, so we'll see how that works out. Gym this evening. Sticking to the 1 routine and dropping workout B for the time being, which means my workout will include 4x10 squats at 35kg and 4x10 russian twists at 8kg. Then when I get home it'll be squats for the mini and 100 sitting twists for the daily dare. My quads and abs are gonna love me tomorrow! Also, decided I'm definitely going climbing instead of the gym this weekend. Not sure which day yet, depends on who can make which day. Week 1 Stats at W1D4 Down with the Sickness - 3/7 Until It Sleeps - 3/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 4/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 280 squats Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30s Star Plank (EC)
  19. Managed to put in another 100 when I got home last night. Plus 20 when I got up this morning puts me to a nice 300. Gonna need a hell of a later week push to beat Dowager Doom I think!
  20. Doing great so far! The budgeting thing's so hard; when you figure out how to make it work please teach me!
  21. I know exactly what you mean. Think I'll see how easy it is to apply for Irish citizenship... Sorry to hear your journey home was so bad; we missed the worst of it in Sussex luckily. Well done on the finger boards and handstands though!
  22. I don't know if I'm screwing up the technique or what, but I can't do 1 tricep extension!
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