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Sciread77 Training Logs

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This is primarily for my use, although I'm open to new programs and ideas as I like to pursue different goals throughout the year and train for "events" such as vacations or competitions. I also strive to continually learn and improve.


I just finished out training for Disney World, which combined walking, stairs, and long distance weighted carry training with sandbags to prepare me to carry 1-2 toddlers for a mile or more on unstable ground.


That event completed, my next goals are:


-Drop 30 lbs from my June 27th weight

-Retain as much muscle as possible during the slim down

-Complete the Alfredson Protocol calf/ankle rehabilitation program (runs through September 1st)

-Complete a similar program aimed at improving my wrist and forearm strength and flexibility

-Get plenty of rest



To be taken first thing in the morning, and progress will be updated based on the weekly average weight, posting both weekly and total progress.


Regular exercise:

To retain as much muscle as possible, I will continue toddler lifting, complete body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and table rows and compliment them with isometric exercises and light-to-moderate aerobic activity. As joint strengthening programs proceed, aerobic intensity will increase. Each workout will require a warm up and cool down, but may be broken into multiple sessions throughout the day based on time constraints.


Alfredson Protocol:

3x15 reps of eccentric calf (straight knee)

3x15 reps of eccentric calf (knee bent 45 degrees)

One round is completing both legs. Per research, at least 1 round is required per day. Progress beyond requires adding weights.


Wrist Protocol:

3x15 eccentric wrist movements (fingers up/towards me)

3x15 eccentric wrist movements (fingers down/away from me)

Wrist circles and ROM stretching



7-8 hours minimum. This may not be possible when baby 3 arrives and I am the primary caretaker, but I want to begin fully rested.


Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

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Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: -.075

Total: -4.125


PT: Nailed all five days.


Rest: Late Sunday night, hit targets every other night



MWF - 3x20 push-ups at 45 degree angle on table, modified to accommodate wrist weakness

4x5 table rows with 5 second hold at top of exercise

TR - 3x10 body weight squats

4x15 glute raises


Steps: About half of 10k/day goal. Work has been incredibly busy so I'm limited in how long I can stay away from my desk.





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Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: -1.055

Total: -5.18


PT: Nailed each day. I can't imagine discontinuing at the end of the month though, because it feels like even after the strength is up to snuff they'll still be useful in my warmup to prevent injury.


Rest: Averaged goal. One short night and one long one. I've not felt particularly tired this week, which is an improvement. I'd like to wean entirely off of coffee and feel rested before B3 arrives.


Calisthenics: last sets on the table rows and squats ended incomplete. I've been consistently doing isometrics during the entirety of the time I've been faxing, so perhaps that has something to do with it. Could also be actually sticking to the calorie intake I set.


Steps: 8000ish Sun-Tues, 12000 Wednesday, less the last two days. I really overdid it on Wednesday, especially since my ankle was already bothering me after painting all day Saturday. I'm kicking myself because overdoing it and getting hurt is one of the two main fitness obstacles I face (the other is out of control feasting). M


That said, the pain is soreness and not injury yet. As long as I'm smart and continue conservatively until my body is really used to the activities, I will be ok. The fact that I used to be able to do a lot more and can mentally push myself harder than my body can handle is frustrating, though.





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Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: + 0.7

Total: -4.48


PT: 4/5. I lost a crown. Between the following emergency dentist's visit and the debilitating (and unrelated) migraine I had, I didn't do much besides work on Thursday. 


Rest: Averaged half an hour more per day. I'm noticing an annoying pattern- I'm getting just above 4 1/2 hours of sleep Sunday night into Monday. It's not setting the week up well. 


Calisthenics: I  have been progressing to larger sets on the upper body and was able to do knuckle push ups today without pain. I'm doing more negative pull ups and I'm feeling a good (but not excessive) soreness in my body. 


Steps: Averaged slightly over 9000 for the week, so substantially better. I'd hit my goal of 10,000 if not for doing so little Thursday. Walking caused no problems this week. 


The week started on a down note. I was passed up for one of the promotions I'm in line for at work and I started the week four pounds heavier than I ended last week.  

But: that clears me for the promotion I really want. 

And: turns out, once I leveled out over the week and took the rest of my measurements, I'm down 6 lbs of fat and up almost 1 lb of muscle. That, combined with the minor win recently and the ease with which I've been moving around heavier things without pain, marks the overall gain as a positive accomplishment!


Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: -1.72
Total: -6.2
To go: 23.8
PT: 5/5. I lost my "gym" this week, but this can easily be done anywhere I can find stairs or a pile of folders/books. My ankles/calves have not bothered me for some time.  I'm going to keep going after 8/31 when I've completed the protocol for my calves/ankles.  I'm not in general pain with my wrist now either.  Both the strength and flexibility have increased, although I'm still not back to doing standard push ups.
Rest: Averaged an extra five minutes a day above and beyond last week, which itself was up.  This is a good trend.  Monday I actually got slightly more than 6 hours of sleep, which is my minimum to avoid physical side effects and severe moodiness. I hope to continue to increase my sleep and recovery until I don't actually need my alarm to wake up.
Calisthenics: Legs (aside from PT) have taken a major back seat this week.  I'm still doing isometrics, but no squat workouts.  I used both of those days to search for a new gym area nearby.  On my upper body, I've substantially increased the number of knuckle push-ups I'm doing, typically 5-6 sets of 12-17.  I'm not going to failure, stopping each set when I notice that I'm slowing or have any issue with form.

Pull ups are exploding right now.  Earlier this summer, I really couldn't do a single proper one between wrist pain and struggling to get all the way up.  Now I can hike myself higher above the bar.  Wednesday, I completed 4 in a row first thing in the morning and did three sets of three throughout the rest of the day (2 more sets on my hanging doorframe bar, and 1 on a door here at work).  I'm very excited by this, especially since I'm not feeling pain.


Note: I do not describe regular soreness or even DOMS as pain. 


Steps: Averaged a bit over 7700 steps per day.  Steps are heavily dependent on how long I can spend away from my desk during the day, and most of the ones expended were looking for a new gym.  


In any case, I'm still steadily losing fat and gaining strength.  I attribute this to working, taking nutrients at the best times for muscle growth, and most importantly that magical first six or so months of progress one sees after a long time away from regular training.  I know it won't last forever, but I'm taking advantage as best as I can.  I'd rather slowly lose fat and gain strength via some re-composition than lose a bunch of fat and muscle really fast.  I've done that before and being weak is NOT my thing.  Long-term, the goal is to hit my target bodyfat and start working my way towards size and strength.  But, baby steps.

Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: -.78
Total: -6.98
To go: 23.02
PT: 5/5. Extremities are doing much better.  
Rest: Hit my goal, but about 11 minutes/night less than last week.  
Calisthenics: For legs I have been doing lunge walks this week to switch things up. I'm noticing better neuromuscular activiation, and my moves have been far more stable.  

On Wednesday, I achieved a personal best with pull ups, and hit a local maxima on both push-ups and table rows today. Still no pain, and I'm feeling pretty psyched.
Steps: total steps are just under 8100 over the last 7 days, so that's an improvement.  I found a new place I can walk, and the rest of my new "gym" should be complete after re-arranging some furniture and an old pallet I found.
I'm still steadily losing fat and gaining strength.  

Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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I neglected to mention-or plan for-today's event. My wife is a theatre teacher and it's show season. I love tech and set building, so I always help, and that usually means I supervise the loading and unloading of storage. The beginning of set construction and strike are both filled with awkward lifts of platforms and flats, averaging around 95 lbs. I'm used to being the muscle for the super heavy or awkward maneuvers, although the kids carry most things up and down the stairs these days. 


Part of my training is so I don't poop out, and maintain my beefy image. Gotta keep impressing the high school kids lol.

Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: ---   -.5 for the week, within goal for the overall average but I need to finish the calculation on my spreadsheet 

Total: -7.48

To go: 22.52


PT: 5/5. I've officially completed the Alfredson Protocol.  My wrists are feeling stronger and more flexible, and soon I will be ready for more intense Adventure Prep. 


Rest: Averaged 4 minutes less per day but still hitting my goal. I was really sick two nights else I'd by close to my max average. 


Calisthenics: 5/5. 


Steps: Averaged slightly over 9300 for the week. I'm surprised given how sick I was. 


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Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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Weekly: ---   -2.03 for the week, weekly average -1.25
Total: -9.47
To go: 20.53
PT: 5/5. I've officially completed the Alfredson Protocol, but I'm keeping a shorter version of the protocol as a warm up.  My wrists continue to improve, although I'll be continuing at least another month or two with them.
Rest: Still hit all my goals!
Calisthenics: 3/5.  I had set build last Saturday and helped someone move on short notice Sunday.  I took Wednesday and Today (Friday) as active rest days. Tomorrow I take my AMRAP tests!
Steps: Averaged over 10,100 for the week. 

It's been a rough week.  I've been completely exhausted and moody; I'm sort of burning out at work and feeling stuck.  We've been at about 50% of our workforce for 9 months now, and I'm getting tired.  My wonderful wife really diagnosed it and I'm taking active steps to mitigate it, especially my moodiness at home.  That's not who I want to be.  It also doesn't help that summer and early fall are historically the worst times of the year for me mentally. I think that kick starting my physical routine has helped, as has some of the dietary changes I've made.  Controlling what I can and setting small, attainable goals has really helped me this summer, but not as much as being married to the most amazing human being on the planet.  

Adventurer, Half-Dwarf Chaotic-Good Paladin

Ne me dites jamais les chances!  ¡Nunca me digas las probabilidades!

Character Sheet Training Logs Challenges Prepping for Adventure PrepAdventure Prep Fall BabyWhen Are We Again, Anyway?WhirlwindThe Leaf's LocusHarnessing Hamingja New Roots More Beginnings, More Roots Cleaning Up Facing The Hailstorm Yo Ho Yo The... Keto Life For Me? Taming the Beast Another Step Towards the Future Baking, Suburban Homesteading, and Health, The Adventurers of the Lucky Vale IIIIIIIVVVI, VII VIIIIX


Perennial goals: Sleep 7+ hours a night, retain (and continue to learn) French and Spanish as a family, increase Spanish Proficiency for work and play,  read like a maniac on my own and with my kids, carry heavy stuff

Long term goals: Cut to 13-15% bodyfat, And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a baaaaarge! -> Someday I'll challenge a Disney world Gaston to a push up contest and win

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