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Longterm Goals/ Find The Fantastic Beasts-

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16 minutes ago, Inazea said:

This sounds great, count me in!




I have two long term goals, one is moving out and the other is losing weight. Now, the latter I won't achieve in just 3 months.

The outcome of the first one is easily measurable obviously but I'm not saying I will have moved out in three months, my goal is to having signed a lease by then. For the second goal I will not set a certain number I have to achieve and rather build healthy habits slowly to get a head start for less stressful times after the exams and moving.


Goal 1 - Moving

Before I can even start looking for a new place I have some other things to do that are not always in my hands like I have to apply for a semester off and only once I got that I can apply for financing, then I have to ask about the possibilities regarding support for people like me, only then I know what to look for and can start my search.

During slow weeks I will make a budget, make lists of things I will need when moving out, figure out what I already have and what I still need to get, the costs of that, etc., and I will declutter, get rid of things I don't need anymore so I won't be carrying that over. I know those are not consistent actions but I figured this is a great way to work towards a goal I would very much like to achieve in 3 months and it's a great way to make it easier.


For week 1 I will simply make the payments to uni (since the fees are different if you take a semester off) and make a doctor's appointment to get a note for the application.


Goal 2 - Losing Fat

This one boils down to healthy eating and regular exercise, basically having a much healthier lifestyle than I am leading at the moment.


During week 1 I will track all my intake, that's it. Just seeing where exactly I stand with my regular eating at the moment and then I will build on that.



Welcome. Sounds like a good plan

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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How interesting!  I have a family reunion on Memorial Weekend and I was thinking to myself yesterday driving home from work, that's about 12 weeks away, I should set a 12 week plan (spring break is 7 weeks so those were going to be my check-in points).  I'm in and will post my plan soon.  I'm going to tag team this into my personal challenge as well. Thanks @Elastigirl

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Goal Weight: 145

Current Challenge

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9 hours ago, Inazea said:

During week 1 I will track all my intake, that's it. Just seeing where exactly I stand with my regular eating at the moment and then I will build on that.



You have probably heard of MyFitnesspal.  It is my favorite tool for food tracking because it counts all my calories/carbs/fat.

I also use my little "Fitbook" for exercise goals. :)  and I keep a battle Log here. 


Welcome! Great goals. I look forward to cheering you on. 



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1 minute ago, "BOT" - BackOnTrack said:

Fitbook" for exercise goals. :)  and I keep a battle Log here. 


IS that part of MyFitness Pal?

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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IS that part of MyFitness Pal?
No, Elastigilrl - I ordered it off of Amazon, cheap. I used to bring it to the gym when I was working with a trainer and she would record my progress. 
I loved it enough to order another and continue to track progress. It is so satisfying to me to give myself progress marks. :) I was the kid in class that loved the gold stars and stickers Haha!
I found another book on Amazon called 'Actually I can'. ..that one I also like. It includes little motivational quotes and such. I am a sucker for motivational quotes.
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1 hour ago, "BOT" - BackOnTrack said:


IS that part of MyFitness Pal?
No, Elastigilrl - I ordered it off of Amazon, cheap. I used to bring it to the gym when I was working with a trainer and she would record my progress. 
I loved it enough to order another and continue to track progress. It is so satisfying to me to give myself progress marks. :) I was the kid in class that loved the gold stars and stickers Haha!
I found another book on Amazon called 'Actually I can'. ..that one I also like. It includes little motivational quotes and such. I am a sucker for motivational quotes.

That Fitbook looks cool. I love how it has a place for each week's goal. I bought stickers for my Bullet Journal, and my reward for this month's challenge is more stickers

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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6 hours ago, "BOT" - BackOnTrack said:



You have probably heard of MyFitnesspal.  It is my favorite tool for food tracking because it counts all my calories/carbs/fat.

I also use my little "Fitbook" for exercise goals. :)  and I keep a battle Log here. 


Welcome! Great goals. I look forward to cheering you on. 




Thank you. :) I'm already using MyFitnessPal actually, more or less at the moment... I lost some weight a few years ago and it was a very helpful tool. 

I'll have a look into Fitbook, might be good to have an overview over my progress!

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OK Guys. 

I think I got it!



please see if this IS what you expect it to be (espacially Elastigirl whom laid out the challenge in the first post).


now MY point system works a little differently.  but I've Not altered the Math in any way.   Instead if you alter the game you Must figure out how to turn YOUR points to the games point.


I have a scheme on how to (personally) do this.


if for some really UNlikely co-incidence you are NOT doing weekly "priory actions" and you are interested in my solution.pm me.


Please note that before Before Feb 11th... you should Sign in below my Name.


I will be the first person on the list.



if this excel sheet confuses you; I ought to know that Too.  maybe I can make it easier to use?  at the very least I can Explain how to use it.



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the "NEW" normal is good with me! as Life was Never really Normal anyways....


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1 hour ago, TGP said:

OK Guys. 

I think I got it!



please see if this IS what you expect it to be (espacially Elastigirl whom laid out the challenge in the first post).


now MY point system works a little differently.  but I've Not altered the Math in any way.   Instead if you alter the game you Must figure out how to turn YOUR points to the games point.


I have a scheme on how to (personally) do this.


if for some really UNlikely co-incidence you are NOT doing weekly "priory actions" and you are interested in my solution.pm me.


Please note that before Before Feb 11th... you should Sign in below my Name.


I will be the first person on the list.



if this excel sheet confuses you; I ought to know that Too.  maybe I can make it easier to use?  at the very least I can Explain how to use it.



Thanks for doing this. For each goal, I need people to add up their points separately. So Mr. Example would have 5 lines for each goal. That way he could figure out how he is doing on each goal, and I could award him a beast appropriate for each goal. 


You already noted we need a square for improvement.



Everything else looks great. Thanks again.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Like TGP said, I am find if you do your challenge set up a bit differently. Just make sure it fits into the point system


The other things to keep in mind; I would like you to keep in mind my  reasoning behind each point am giving, and even if you go about it a little differently to fit your goals, I would like you to follow the purpose. So here is my thought process


The priority action: 12 weeks seems like a long time away, but as we know, time goes by quickly. That is why it is important to not just have a goal, but a road map for how to get there. By breaking up your goal into little steps, you can see what you need to do to accomplish your goal in 12 weeks


check in: This is important. One, it just helps  you to remember your goals. Second, even if you are struggling, we can encourage you. If you just ghost it is  too easy to think that you failed your challenge, while chances are if you check in, you will most likely be reminded by us that you have done more than you are giving yourself credit for


80% or more of your action completed. This is two fold purpose, One because you need to have a way to evaluate how well you are doing on your little steps, and the second purpose you will notice that you get points for being  80% or more completed. You do NOT need to be 100%. I did this very purposefully. I think I am not the only one struggling with perfectionism. I have a tendency to think it has to be 100% or it is fail. And since 100 % rarely happens, when I evaluate my progress this way, I tend to think I've failed. Which then just leads to me getting down on myself, and then quitting. I am working on a mindset, where I work hard, and then am happy when I see that I have progressed, even if it isn't perfect.


Improvement over last week: Goes along with the not being perfectionist. If I  have a really crummy week, then rather than get down on myself, just aim to improve for the next week.



Varying points for how much you completed: You still get points even if all you completed was 40%. Because that is still 40% more than if you hadn't done the challenge. And then you can do another challenge and next time shoot for more points.


I did a 12 week challenge before, and it actually went fairly well. But I didn't get everything accomplished I wanted, so I felt like I failed. The reality was I just  made my goals way too big. And just like in the one month challenge, it takes practice. I want to practice with long range goal planning. Which means, I may struggle on the way, and it won't go perfectly.But I am hoping to learn along the way, and get better at it. I hope the same is true for y'all, and that you have fun playing


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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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2 hours ago, TGP said:

Please note that before Before Feb 11th... you should Sign in below my Name.


If you have several goals, sign in for each goal you have

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I still can't think think of specific goals! :hopelessness: All I know is that I want to challenge that other side of my brain.


I've tentatively picked up drawing again, but so far I've only been doing doodles and exercises. Which is great, but by the end of these 3 months I'd love to have started trying out my own ideas with a bit more intent.


But I don't necessarily want this challenge to be all about drawing. What I really want is to start shifting into a different mindset.


So here are my kinda vague goals.


Goal #1: Pick a creative project and finish it.

Priority action: Come up with 20 ideas of things to make, even if I have no intention of choosing any of them.


Goal #2: Form a habit of making stuff and thinking more creatively. 

Priority action: Keep up with my daily drawings (already part of my challenge), then pick a few doodles and redraw them in a completely different style or medium. Let's say 3 doodles + 7 days for an easy percentage calculation.

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I only have 1 ACTION for my goal.  I want to week by week; hike a bunch particularly in ways that condition myself NOT to fail the 100 mile hiking challenge.


so I figure that there are EVERY week, exactly three things which I want to do. 


I want a hike that trains in a specific way (a "magical" hike).  I want to get 5 Points earned using my specific scoring system for hikes. and I want to train for 2 characteristics (at least) per week.


those then , will be 3 "priory actions" as Elastigirl describes them.  and those will be the EXACT same week by week.  there's no need to create NEW priory statements at the end of the week. only to check in.


now I like and understand Why Elastigirl is saying 80% is good enough.  but 2/3 isn't 80% and I really feel I must personally insist on getting these 3; if I'm to have "won" the week and trained for my hiking challenge that week.


"improvement" is a little harder.  normally I would compare % of actions completed week after week to see if there is improvement.


personally this doesn't really have meaning.  these aren't actually weekly actions; they are 2 weekly characteristics of a good hiking program.  instead the 3 point "improvement" shall be given IF I train 3 characteristics in 2 weeks.  I will overwrite the formula on my line.


So, if you don't use priory actions Never fear!... Just describe what is a winning week; number that list.   and week by week report on whether you have made progress towards your goal- by asking how much of that list was done by your weekly effort.



see me if you have a similar situation and I can give you maybe another example; or try to understand YOUR example and break it down for you


@mad Hatter

I got nothing for goal #1.  Goals ought to be measurable and specific and unfortunately I think your goal #1 isn't defined enough. (or maybe I just don't understand it well enough).


Goal #2 though is much easier.  "daily drawing"?  sure.  that then is 7 drawings or 7 actions.   even if you want 3 doodles per day...  you can say you want to "practice drawing" (by doing 3 doodles) 7 times a week.  EACH week; just put down how many days you practiced drawing.


This is a GREAT Goal!  7*12 = 96 days of practicing drawing.  and Wow! that is a lot... :respect.


generally I don't insist that I practice something I am trying to improve on Each and every day.  but that is ME.  maybe you almost Always practice drawing/doodling.


your goal#2 easily fits this Long term "fantastic beasts" game.





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the "NEW" normal is good with me! as Life was Never really Normal anyways....


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24 minutes ago, TGP said:

I got nothing for goal #1.  Goals ought to be measurable and specific and unfortunately I think your goal #1 isn't defined enough. (or maybe I just don't understand it well enough).

Haha don't worry, I'm used to breaking rules. ;) I'm going to focus more on making the weekly challenges measurable, which will change from week to week but still be part of the grand scope of the goals. 

If that doesn't fit in the framework I really don't care about potentially not getting an extra 3 points for improvement. :P

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I'm feeling generous.

if you system doesn't lend itself well to weekly 3 points of improvement.  just give yourself 3 points anyways.


just put a "3" in that column every week as you complete your changing weekly challenge.


I'm looking forward to see you achieve your goals.



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the "NEW" normal is good with me! as Life was Never really Normal anyways....


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Iiiiii feel like crap. So it's the perfect time to set goals! If I can look at stuff when I feel like a steaming pile of shite and still say 'yeah, I can do that', I have no excuses.


Goal 1:

Walk (on average) at least 10km/day (thanks to @Hazard for inspiration). I'm setting the number low so that it is 100% doable. I'm giving myself 'permission' to bank up km between days within the same week, but not banking week to week - ie. every week total MUST come to a minimum of 70km. Easy peasy, no reason not to be able to hit that (except that I haven't been, hence it needing to be a goal).


Goal 2:

Get video & podcast (+ blog?) equipment & workflow setup for content creation for work - I'm been putting this off for literal YEARS now, and I have all the tools I need to get set up. Again, no excuses. So, a minimum of 1hr/day on video/blog/podcast work (be it practicing with the equipment, or actually creating something). Again, I'll give myself the option to bank hours within the week, but not week to week. 7hrs/week minimum total


Goal 3:

Operation declutter (with 25+ years of clutter in the house to address, this is going to have to be a long-term goal, but starting is the hardest part!). I will spend at least 1hr/day decluttering or cleaning the house every day. Same rules apply, 7hr/week minimum.


Goal 4:

I will consume a minimum of 160g of protein every day, and a minimum of 6 veg + 2 fruit servings / day (blending is an option for liquid diet days - stupid tummy). I KNOW that I feel better when I do this, and I KNOW that it's not that difficult for me once I get back into the habit, and I KNOW that as a byproduct of this goal I'll have to meal plan & prioritise real food. So. No banking between days (because that's silly), unless I am genuinely not hungry. 


Bonus Goal (5):

Rewrite my lifting routine & stick with it this time - no more program swapping every 4 weeks for the shiny new toy. Workout 3-4/week, PLUS physio movements every day. I'm going to arbitrarily award myself extra points in life if I hit this one too. I'm not setting this as an official goal because the other ones are more important to me right now, and if I force myself to choose I'm going to need to prioritise. But I'll still aim to get 'er done.



Good lord, I'm tired just looking at that. And it's not even that much! Eurgh, just goes to show how icky I feel. Poor me. ;) *not really*



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...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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7 hours ago, TGP said:

Just describe what is a winning week; number that list.   and week by week report on whether you have made progress towards your goal- by asking how much of that list was done by your weekly effort.



I really like your way of wording this. Yes, that's exactly what it is. Just decide what you need to do that week to win, and then at the end of the week evaluate how well you did. Each week it might be different, or you might have the same plan for all 12 weeks.  

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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7 hours ago, Mad Hatter said:

I still can't think think of specific goals! :hopelessness: All I know is that I want to challenge that other side of my brain.


I've tentatively picked up drawing again, but so far I've only been doing doodles and exercises. Which is great, but by the end of these 3 months I'd love to have started trying out my own ideas with a bit more intent.


But I don't necessarily want this challenge to be all about drawing. What I really want is to start shifting into a different mindset.


So here are my kinda vague goals.


Goal #1: Pick a creative project and finish it.

Priority action: Come up with 20 ideas of things to make, even if I have no intention of choosing any of them.


Goal #2: Form a habit of making stuff and thinking more creatively. 

Priority action: Keep up with my daily drawings (already part of my challenge), then pick a few doodles and redraw them in a completely different style or medium. Let's say 3 doodles + 7 days for an easy percentage calculation.

Actually, I get your goal #1.  It's just that instead of saying  what the creative project is, part of the goal is first deciding the project, and then doing it. Maybe I get it because for me part of the problem with creativity is taking the time to slow down and decide what to do, and then of course the finishing thing. The 20 ideas is fun, because then you have a list to choose from

1 hour ago, Defining said:

 Iiiiii feel like crap. So it's the perfect time to set goals! If I can look at stuff when I feel like a steaming pile of shite and still say 'yeah, I can do that', I have no excuses.


Goal 1:

Walk (on average) at least 10km/day (thanks to @Hazard for inspiration). I'm setting the number low so that it is 100% doable. I'm giving myself 'permission' to bank up km between days within the same week, but not banking week to week - ie. every week total MUST come to a minimum of 70km. Easy peasy, no reason not to be able to hit that (except that I haven't been, hence it needing to be a goal).


Goal 2:

Get video & podcast (+ blog?) equipment & workflow setup for content creation for work - I'm been putting this off for literal YEARS now, and I have all the tools I need to get set up. Again, no excuses. So, a minimum of 1hr/day on video/blog/podcast work (be it practicing with the equipment, or actually creating something). Again, I'll give myself the option to bank hours within the week, but not week to week. 7hrs/week minimum total


Goal 3:

Operation declutter (with 25+ years of clutter in the house to address, this is going to have to be a long-term goal, but starting is the hardest part!). I will spend at least 1hr/day decluttering or cleaning the house every day. Same rules apply, 7hr/week minimum.


Goal 4:

I will consume a minimum of 160g of protein every day, and a minimum of 6 veg + 2 fruit servings / day (blending is an option for liquid diet days - stupid tummy). I KNOW that I feel better when I do this, and I KNOW that it's not that difficult for me once I get back into the habit, and I KNOW that as a byproduct of this goal I'll have to meal plan & prioritise real food. So. No banking between days (because that's silly), unless I am genuinely not hungry. 


Bonus Goal (5):

Rewrite my lifting routine & stick with it this time - no more program swapping every 4 weeks for the shiny new toy. Workout 3-4/week, PLUS physio movements every day. I'm going to arbitrarily award myself extra points in life if I hit this one too. I'm not setting this as an official goal because the other ones are more important to me right now, and if I force myself to choose I'm going to need to prioritise. But I'll still aim to get 'er done.



Good lord, I'm tired just looking at that. And it's not even that much! Eurgh, just goes to show how icky I feel. Poor me. ;) *not really*



Hope you feel better soon. And that's a low amount of walking?! It looks like a lot to me. I do believe that walking is like magic for your health though:friendly_wink:

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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8 minutes ago, Elastigirl said:

Maybe I get it because for me part of the problem with creativity is taking the time to slow down and decide what to do, and then of course the finishing thing

So true! I think it’s different when it’s a habit but if you’re just getting started it takes tiiime, especially when there’s quite a bit of resistance like in my case.

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26 minutes ago, Mad Hatter said:

So true! I think it’s different when it’s a habit but if you’re just getting started it takes tiiime, especially when there’s quite a bit of resistance like in my case.

Creativity is one of the things I struggle with when I make goals for it. But then if I don't make goals for it, I don't do it, and just watch Netflix instead. I have a scrapbooking goal this time. Hoping to keep at it with an attitude of this is fun, and I get to do it, rather than I have to.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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1 hour ago, Elastigirl said:

Hope you feel better soon. And that's a low amount of walking?! It looks like a lot to me. I do believe that walking is like magic for your health though:friendly_wink:

Thanks! And yeah, I already do at least 5km/day with the dogs alone, so to hit 10km I only really need about an hour on the walking desk with an ebook up on the screen. Seeing as I usually spend 3+hrs/day reading, switching the location for part of it is an easy modification. Even better, it gives me room to exceed the goal if I want to! 

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...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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Oh yea @Mad Hatter coming up with 20 ideas is a great .. eh... idea.. x) 

I'm stealing it. 


Goal 1; learn how to create content for marketing purposes by simply doing

(the quality of our classes, training programs, workshops and courses is good- but there are so many options for people I have to show why we'd be a good / the best option) 

priority actions week 1:

- shoot at least 10 clips of video during classes

- sort the video clips I want to use for the 1 minute maxdag video

- come up with 10 other ideas of what to do


Goal 2; set up an intervision / mastermind group for (personal and/or KB) trainers

(in my other profession (dietician) we are required to have intervision meetings to even keep our licence, I think it would be great for trainers too) 

priority actions week 1: 

- write an outline of WHAT we'll be doing, for both regular trainers and for KB trainers



Did I fill out the sheet correctly @TGP?

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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On 2/6/2019 at 4:12 AM, Suzaqu said:

I've gotten that suggestion a couple times when I've mentioned project management, so I think i'll try it out! Have you read the book on it? I haven't read it, but was told it might help. I'm a bit intimidated trying to figure out how to start. I tried once, but I think I didn't put enough effort/time in to give it a good chance. I'm also unclear how to use it to track things I need to do in a week/2 weeks, the task list process seemed short-termed to me (clearly I need to do more studying on the process).

Oh I think you shouldn't overthink it. Just watch the introduction video on www.bulletjournal.com and then just get started. The task list is really useful once you get used to using it and you only get used to it by actually using it. It's not short termed because you migrate the tasks that need to be completed at a later date into either your monthly log or your future log. The only thing I did find helpful was dividing both the mostly and yearly log into weeks. So instead of having one task list for February I have one for each week of February. And then when I pick my daily to do list I refer back to what I've written down for that week- and if I'm ahead then I'll look into the next week. 

I just really like that I'm able to dump all the tasks and ideas I have into these logs and not think about them again. 

For projects I have a page where I list all the tasks that have to do for that project and then I copy those into the week I'll need to do them in the monthly/future logs. 


6 hours ago, Defining said:

Goal 2:

Get video & podcast (+ blog?) equipment & workflow setup for content creation for work - I'm been putting this off for literal YEARS now, and I have all the tools I need to get set up. Again, no excuses. So, a minimum of 1hr/day on video/blog/podcast work (be it practicing with the equipment, or actually creating something). Again, I'll give myself the option to bank hours within the week, but not week to week. 7hrs/week minimum total

Good to have someone else working on something similar! What kind of work do you do?

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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