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Mortimer's battle logs.

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Anyway today someone in my company is buying lunch for us, so I had to make my usual lunch dissappear. Which I opted to do by having it for breakfast. 


Side note:Apparently doing 100 burpees is good for your sleep. Got 1h 27 min deep sleep and an 83 for sleep score on fitbit, despite yesterday being a relatively sedentary one. 


Pre workout snack:

1.5 cups of jackfruit 

1 cup of almond milk 


Did 1h body combat, I heard that the gym is moving =( Rental costs there too high. 



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

65g chickpeas 

300g cucumber with ginger 

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds. 

30g of lentils, 1 tomato, 60g chayote, 20g green pepper all in a stew. 


Then I signed up for this:




I read about last years downtown Spartan:



I think inverted monkey bars may be an issue, I don't know how well I can climb over chest high obstacles and no I haven't climbed more then 1.5m up a rope but I suppose if I screw up its 60 burpees ><


I should be able to carry 40 lbs on my shoulder and go around with it, though I've never tried - my gym farmer's walk is at 12 kg in each hand, for 1 min. 


Meanwhile I'm having butterflies in my tummy going what have I gotten myself into!! =P


Again if I don't try the obstacles for myself I will not know the areas I need to work on... 


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Mutton curry, chicken curry, tandoori chicken, 3 cheese naans and one garlic naan. Fried Battered cauliflower. The only thing possibly healthy was some weird onion salad thing but it came with yoghurt and mayo and I am not a salad person.  And maybe the tandoori chicken. 


Company lunch and I most definitely ate too much. 


Technically I already did damage control by trying to eat a meal before(aka my breakfast that was full of fibres). I even tried to start on the vegetables first (but I don't think battered cauliflowers are too healthy). 




Cable rows at 6 lbs, 10 times, both front and and side pull


Squat and crab move while pushing a 10 kg plate into the air for 10m. Then switch leg and move back. 


2 sets of each


Body weight rows with knees bent, bar at chest height, 25x

Hanging leg raise (10x) - I keep swinging too much and I need to stop now and then to stabilise myself. 


3 sets total but on 2nd set I only got 20 body weight rows done 


Crunches, left, right and centre x 20.


2 min plank (x3). Breaks in between. 


The hanging leg raise looks like its got potential to be done on the clothes bar... Since I can't get easy access to monkey bars.

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150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

65g chickpeas


Then did running (Hills) with local running group. Not a good run unfortunately. I will admit that I stopped to walk at some points. Bleh. 


I think the oily food might have slowed me down and my singlet was too tight. Also previously there were a few water breaks (and more traffic lights), but this week there were none. I may need to put myself in Group 3, being a little too slow for the combined Group 1 and Group 2. Or I may need to train on hills myself on other days. 



1 cup of almond milk 

1 soba chicken zucchini boat 


I did about 39 push ups, 30 burpees and 30 hanging leg raises in the morning. On the bright side, with a little help from reddit, I figured how to cut out the swinging. Do not get too greedy and try to swing high on momentum. Tighten your back and use your abs. Stay at the top and slowly lower your legs down. That more or less did the trick. 


Morning snack:

I was lured by the smell of stuff in the pantry and ate up the remainder of the fried, battered cauliflower(after it was threatened to be thrown away), mutton curry, half of a naan and a piece of tandoori chicken. 


I find that almond milk isn't very filling and may be leading to my snacking episode. Or maybe it might have been the morning impromptu workouts. I don't know, I'll have to see. I don't like my hunger getting better of me, though. 

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150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

300g okra

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds. 

30g of lentils, 1 tomato, 60g chayote, 20g green pepper all in a stew. 


Managed to squeeze 20 min of yoga before going for company shopping trip. 


Dinner(eating out) :

Wild rocket salad

Half a tomato 

250g ribeye

3 soufflés with cream and maple syrup

A kiwi


This is a bad week for nutrition. I blame too many office parties =P and it'll be my colleagues sister's wedding this Sat so I don't think things are going to get better ><

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Did Hiits at tpy stadium, strangely workout did not register on fitbit. Had an apple for supper. 



Soba chicken zucchini boat 

Another cup of almond milk with cocoa and cinnamon. 


Had a couple of hungry feelings before going to the gym but hitting the weights seem to have cleared it. 




Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) - Took a break at 5.


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :


Just the bar (x8) 


Bar +2.5 kg(x8) 


Bar +3.75 kg(x8) 


Bar +5 kg (x8) 



Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 15kg and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees. 


6 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


6 jump chin ups (first 3 went above bar) 


4 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


4 jump chin ups (2 went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


2 jump chin ups (none went fully up) 


Clean and press bar x8, 3 sets. Maybe it's time to stick 1.25kg on each end.. 


Farmers walk with 12 kg dumbells - 1 min 10 secs. I will endeavour to walk around the gym next time while doing the farmers walk. Got about 3/4 way today. 

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150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

30g of lentils, 1 tomato, 60g chayote, 20g green pepper all in a stew. 

180g sesame chicken 



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

90g sesame chicken 


Went for Hiits session, decided to try monkey bars a little more... And promptly ripped a callus. Geez I'm so screwed ><

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Soba chicken zucchini boat 

1.3 cups almond milk 

1 tablespoon cumin, fennel, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

An orange


Went running with park run, timing was crappy (30:30) for 5km, but I had another goal in mind. I finished another 5k after the park run 5k, putting it to a 10k run total. I'm going for distance not so much on speed so I'm not going to be bothered about the time. 


Cursing about the callus rip isn't going to make things better. I'll just have to read up on fingertip push ups. I'll do them on my knees if I need to. It's quite an advanced move so I doubt I can pull off the full version. And geez, I can't deadhang (unless I'm practicing one arm deadhang on my right) or grab anything. Ah well, live and learn. 


Did 40 wall finger tip pushups. Seems to work more on shoulders then normal push ups. I may try doing push ups on my bed later - at least I know that surface is clean. 


Headed to colleague's sisters wedding for massive pigging session^^

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OK yesterdays pigging session involved mutton curry, eggplant curry, chicken curry, byrani and lots of coconut milk desert, ice creams and cake. I ate too much and actually got a headache from indigestion >< Geez


I did do 20 push ups on my bed. 


Skipped dinner. 


Breakfast today:

Soba chicken zucchini boat 

1.3 cups of almond milk 

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

A kiwi 


Did the star wars workout after putting a plaster on my palm. 


Luke handstands - yay managed to do 5 min plank on 2 breaks! 


Force push - 4x 8 plyomertric push ups on toes, breaks between sets 


Force jump - 3x 15 box jumps, breaks between sets 


Body weight rows(bar at hip level, couldn't find no suitable bar) - 3x 10, had to take a break once per set and breaks between sets. 


Han solo shuttle runs - the usual. 


Skipped deadhanging due to torn callus. 


Chewbacca carries - yay! Managed to carry my dad's 10 kg toolbox for 1 min per hand! 



240g eggplant

200g French beans

200g King oyster mushroom 

All fried with preserved soya bean sauce. 


Did another 20 push ups on bed and another 40 finger tip push ups on wall. 

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Afternoon snack:

1/8 th of a mooncake(sigh sometimes your parents will go - you really have to try this!) 

A sugary drink(for science? I found it too sweet and meh anyway)) 


Last night's dinner (eating out) :

Honey fried chicken

Fried squid

Sambal kangkong

Fried tofu

100g of jackfruit seeds

Half a bowl of rice



1 chilli tuna zucchini boat

300g okra

30g carrot

300 ml of sweetened almond milk (yeah grabbed the wrong package off the shelf, gah) 

Usual  decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

1.5 cups of jackfruit


Also did 39 push ups in 3 sets while mucking around with breakfast. Seems harder today ><


Considering on whether to go for yoga or piloxing later...I decided to sleep in instead of attending morning yoga. 


The palms and soles of my feet are also a little yellowish so I need to keep an eye on that. Too much carrot maybe? 


Again I'm not getting any classic vitamin A overdose signs like peely skin... 

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Did an hour of piloxing. 



200g Brocoli 

200g Cauliflower 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

35g sesame seeds

50g chickpeas 


This week will be my last week with chickpeas. Transitioning to full paleo next week. Except I don't take starchy carbs like sweet potatoes or yams. 


Will go run with local group later.  I joined Group 3 so as not to unduly stress myself but ran with the front guy so it was a group 3 + bonus run. He was doing a 5 minish pace so predictably I did get stitches on the way back and had to slow down some, but anyway, it was a good run. 

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Dinner last night:

150g pork

40g anchovies fried with an omlette

200g nai bai

Some cuttlefish. 


Breakfast this morning:

Curry tuna zucchini boat

300g okra. 

1.6 cups of almond milk


My mom tells me I am not to take my decoction after today, thinking its causing my yellow palms. I told her it would make no difference but fine, I'll oblige her. I can adjust anyway if it makes her happy. 


Going for body combat in the morning. 

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55 min of body combat, 


Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin and 1 teaspoon fenugreek with a kiwi. 


I stuck a bandaid over my torn callus and continued lifting.  It continued to keep dropping our throughout the workout.


Today is one crappy day for weights. 




Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)(yeah I remembered wrongly) 


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) - Took a break at 5.


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) - Took a break at 3.


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :


Just the bar (x8) 


Bar +2.5 kg(x8) 


Bar +3.75 kg(x8) 


Bar +5 kg (x8) - had to stop at 7, then finished it. 



Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 10kg(!!) and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees. 


Clean and press bar +1.25 kg on each side x8, 3 sets, had to take a break on last set. 


Body weight rows at waist height 10 x, 3 sets, had to take a break on last set. I'm not attempting jump pull ups with a torn callus. 


Farmers walk with 12 kg dumbells - 50 s. Man, I'm backsliding on all stations today. Geez.

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150g Brocoli 

150g Cauliflower 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

35g sesame seeds

50g chickpeas 

3 stuffed tofu puffs. 

90g chicken breast 


I'm cutting down on vegetables (not noticeably to the next non vegetable person) just in case it's too much beta carotene. 



150g Brocoli 

150g Cauliflower 

One chicken leg, one chicken wing and a quarter chicken breast with skin on bought from the deli


Did 5 sets of burpees(each set 20 reps) with 2 min break inbetween and a total of 39 push ups. 



3 eggs

1.6 cups almond milk

30 grapes

300g okra

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Went to collect my found wallet from the police - all its contents were intact. Police processing time made it a bit too late and I had already paid the fine for identity card replacement, but I had a Chekhovs skill moment - I ran to the subway station took the train then ran to the police headquarters, then to the immigration department to destroy my old identity card, all during lunch break, saving me an extra trip =) 



150g broccoli 

150g cauliflower

50g chickpeas

90g sesame chicken 


Also went monster slayer during lunch. Bloody mosquito was whizzing around while I was eating so I waited till it landed and smacked it. 


Moral of story? Don't bother me while I'm having lunch. 


Nah. I would have tried to smack it anyway. Mosquitoes have no place in the office and I need a dead mosquito body to show as evidence to the landlord of the infestation(?) 



150g broccoli 

150g cauliflower

3 stuffed tofu puffs


Joined the local run group for a mooncakes theme run... And...wait for it.... Promptly ate 3/4 of a mooncake. And quite a bit of hapless pomelo that got caught lying around. I am a fruit monster. 

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Chilli tuna zucchini boat

300g okra

A cup of almond milk with cinnamon and cocoa powder


Weights started off rather lethagically but it got better. The first few deadlifts were like urrrgghh. 




Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) - Took a break at 5


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :


Just the bar (x8) 


Bar +2.5 kg(x8) 


Bar +3.75 kg(x8) 


Bar +5 kg (x8) 



Guys in the squat rack, pistol squat attempts with door frame, x 10 per leg


Now the usual pull up bars were used so I used the assisted pull up stand which is lower and therefore, easier. 


Also nearly bumped myself against the seat of the assisted pull up stand for that matter. 


6 jump pull ups (all went up) 


6 jump chin ups (all went up) 


4 jump pull ups (don't think any went up) 


4 jump chin ups (2 went above bar), the other two I got a little nervous after nearly kicking the stand


2 jump pull ups (none went fully up) -nervous at kicking stand


2 jump chin ups (none went fully up) - nervous at kicking stand. 


Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight , 3 sets.


Farmers walk with 16 kg dumbells(I grabbed the wrong dumbells since they were placed in the 12 kg rack and didn't read too closely) - 30 secs. 


I was wondering to myself why the hell are the dumbells so heavy today?! Got quarter way of the gym, had to put them down, then realised I grabbed the wrong ones by mistake ><

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Swung myself clumsily over 3m monkey bars. 

Yay! Achievement unlocked! I did it without warming up first! 


Did Hiits. 

Dinner last night:


80g of pork from pork ribs

70g of pork fried with 200g chye sim

Half a fish cake

1 chicken thigh

120g fish

1 chicken drumstick with skin

1/8 of a mooncake

A teochew meat puff


Now I know overate. What happened was my mom gave me the soup ribs first and the chicken, I was like huh? 2 dishes? OK, time to hoover. Ate everything then she said she forgot to give me the fish. Me =><


If I had known there was fish I would have eaten less pork ribs and probably wouldn't have eaten the chicken leg. 


Not to mention she did a you really really must try this with the mooncake stuff. Moms.


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Chilli tuna zucchini boat 

Almond milk with cocoa and cinnamon 

300g okra


Did an hour of body combat. 



150g broccoli 

150g cauliflower

50g chickpeas

90g sesame chicken 

40 g hulled pumpkin seeds

35g sesame seeds



Afternoon snack:

2 sections pomelo and half a mooncake and a papadam 



Dinner(partially eating out at a food fair) :

Half a duck? (Whole roasted duck was selling at $10, which is dirt cheap, they even gave me a frozen duck breast free of charge. I'm happily bagging everything) 

150g brocoli 

150g cauliflower

One thunder tea rice bun

One pandan green tea bun


Look on the bright side at least I didn't need $50 to feed myself at the food fair. Yay for having pre-emptive vegetables and some bargain hunting! 

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4 eggs

One orange

1.6 cups of almond milk



Salmon with pasta and salad


So I did the spartan downtown thing. Had to do burpees on Olympus, multi rig and inverted wall. 30 burpees total. 


Full course consisted of low wall climb over - I used the slats as well as a nearby pillar, hopped up the top then jumped down. 


Then it was medicine ball throws. Throw a 4 kg ball from overhead down to the floor. Okay cool, I can do that fine. 


After that was 10 squats with a weighted rope. I folded the rope over my shoulders and squatted away. Easy peasy! 


After that was some walking downstairs (I don't know how to run down the stairs!) to the  bouldering section. We were told to do easy, medium or hard and I happily did all 3 routes =P (It's too long since Ive climbed a wall and got the itch) 


Then next stop was the gym. Given a choice of deadlifting a bar with 5 kg on each side or squatting with the same weight, I chose to deadlift. Since I already squatted earlier. OK that wasn't an issue. 


After that was to the yoga studio to hold warrior 2 for 30 secs. Well, better then doing inverted triangle and all that... 


Then it was out doors again. Olympus - I could grab the hand grips fine, but the keep leg on the wall was problematic. My feet kept slipping off the wall. I may need to look for something with better grip. So it was 10 burpees. 


After that, inverted wall. Just couldn't pull myself up, I watched videos saying alternate arm alternate foot but just couldn't execute it >< Another 10 burpees. 


Then it was the multi rig. That was a lost cause from the start since I can't swing on monkey bars very well and the gaps are far bigger then I'm used to. 


Final obstacle the rope climb. Harder then training climbs - I only had 1.5m to practice and the height was double that. I did manage it though =D



Unfortunately my descent was less then graceful and I got a rope burn on my last finger. 

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Weights done today:


Nerd fitness star wars workout split into 2:


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps on sit up bench(18 inches high) 

Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest


After Spartan downtown 

Jabba the Hutt chokes:

3x10 body weight rows at hip height but I did using underhand grip as I was rowing on a signboard(!) 


Chewbacca carries:

Quite crappy, right hand at master level I had to stop once, left 3 times


Force push ups:

4x8 plyonetric push ups, had to rest between sets. Not to the clap level yet and yes lifting off the ground is harder then I thought 


Force choke: oh fekking 2 breaks before I completed the 60s


Luke handstands: 3 breaks to complete 5 min plank. 


After Spartan snack:

About 12 chikus 

70g of jackfruit seeds

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9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

So I did the spartan downtown thing

WOOT! :victorious: Great job out there!  :triumphant:  :encouragement:  :applause:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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OK so I met up with my friend and got caught up. She's a blue belt and is assistant coach for the kids class at the dojo, and once she heard about my rock climbing tales, said I really should learn to break fall. Apparently you can practice on a Queen sized bed so that should be part of the to do list. 


Dinner(ordered in due to hazy conditions) :

120g of snapper with mango salsa

Some mashed potatoes

30g carrot (Ack!) 

50 g cauliflower. 


Breakfast the next day:

2 chilli tuna zucchini boats

1.6 cups of milk(yes, little miss hoover is being called in for the milk) 


Was rather hyped up and woke up too early because I had a fitness buddy to introduce to rock climbing! 


Spent most of the session explaining about rock climbing, equipment, tips (arm rings are ftw, jugs a second option, middle pointing stuff sux and downward pointing stuff is total crap), and a few live demonstrations. She actually managed to climb the beginner walls on the first try! (My first attempt resulted in only 3/4 way up the noob walls) 


There was also some demonstration involved on how to climb up(don't forget to move your feet!), and the kicking off the wall for the auto belay system, though she needs some work on that one. 


For myself I tried to get up THAT wall again and nearly got it, except for the last part. As from the picture, right foot should have gone to grey, left to yellow then I might have managed to get to the top. IMG-20190915-WA0035.thumb.jpg.d4fa2f7a15dede0fe6ce44eff72476ed.jpg

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200g French beans

240g eggplant

250g oyster mushroom. 


Took an afternoon nap since I didn't sleep well last night and felt rather knackered. 



60g pork ribs

100g fish

200g cabbage

Some black fungus

Some tang hoon

2 pieces of mooncake 


Anyway this nasty thing called the haze is floating around the place so outdoor classes have a chance of being cancelled due to air pollution. Considering that I have a half marathon to train for, that's really going to suck. 

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Black pepper chicken zucchini boat

300g okra

1.6 cups milk





Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) - No breaks! 


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(gosh, Gym is sure busy on lunch break), grabbed a flat bench with the 60 lb barebell (x8), 3 sets



Guys in the squat rack, pistol squat attempts with door frame, x 10 per leg


My left leg is noticeably stronger then my right. I can feel it when I pistol squat. 


Pull ups:

6 jump pull ups (None went up) 


6 jump chin ups (all went up) 


4 jump pull ups (none went up) 


4 jump chin ups (2 went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


2 jump chin ups (both went up) 


Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight , 3 sets, last set rook a break at 5.


Farmers walk with a 14 kg dumbell and a 12 kg dumbell - yes I am a nub who didn't check the weight again. Got halfway across the gym.



150g brocolli

150g cauliflower

35g sesame seeds

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

90g sesame chicken


This week I'm sort of getting fully into the Paleo bandwagon, so we'll have to see how I feel. 

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