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Mortimer's battle logs.

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Ran with local run group, 880m speed intervals(x4) . Probably sub 5 pace, how far sub 5, no idea. Finished off with recovery run of another 880m



About 150g of pork

Half a corn on the cob

150g of bok choi

40g anchovies 

1 firm tofu(ooops on the Paleo thing!) 

Egg omlette with shrimp



Black pepper chicken zucchini boat

1.6 cups almond milk

300g okra


Morning snack:

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

2 cups of pomelo 


Did 45 min yoga(ow stretching my arms backwards I'm super stiff) 



300g brocoli 

300g cauliflower

35g sesame seeds

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

90g sesame chicken


Will have a seminar with refreshments later so I need to make my dinner dissappear. 



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Eh since it was all canapés... Bit too carby for my taste, but well, I'll just nom. 


1 smoked salmon canape

1 tuna mayo canape

1 zucchini eggplant cheese canapé 

1 mini beef burger

1 beef pastrami canape 

2 little cobbs salad(probably the healthiest of the savouries consisting of smoked turkey breast, salad and mayo which I left behind) 

2 little fruit salad(mix of pineapple, cantaloupe, dragon fruit and grape)  - I must say their fruits were good. 

1 little caesar salad 

1 little paad thai

1 battered fried chicken 


Probably could have eaten more, drinks were provided but opted not to since I was running later. Running and alcohol is a Very Bad Idea.


Then I ran with the local run group for 13.3 km at a 6'35 pace. In PSI levels above 100(unhealthy range). I'll say it was rough but the fact that I managed to pull it off(considering I started the run 15 min after dinner) made me feel good about myself =P


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OK a little achy in the knees and slightly in thighs, but otherwise I'm fine. I rechecked heart rate on yesterday's run and came to the conclusion I might have been pushing it a bit. Maffetone method states heart rate should not go above 180-age, which I exceeded slightly. (154/148)


Post run snack:

A pocari sweat drink 

Half a pear


Breakfast today:

300g okra

2.5 eggs

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

1.6 cups almond milk

11 grapes

A pear


Will hit the gym later for weights. 


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Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 


Lowered bar all the way to the ground, No breaks yay! 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :


Guys in the chest press.. Grabbed a 60 lb barebell and started pressing. (x8, 3 sets) 



Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 15kg and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees. 


6 jump pull ups (first 3 went above bar) 


6 jump chin ups (first 3 went above bar) 


4 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


4 jump chin ups (2 went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


2 jump chin ups (none went fully up) 


Clean and press bar 50 lb barbell(sometimes you can't get a bar for nuts..) x8, 3 sets


Farmers walk with 12 kg dumbells - 1 min 30 secs. Fully walked around the gym. Yay! 


Today's weights seem to have gone easier. Might have been me getting more sleep last night. 



150g Lotus root

150g cauliflower

35g sesame seeds

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

90g sesame chicken

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150g Lotus root

150g cauliflower

Half a duck breast and a duck leg(both with skin) from the deli


1.6 cups of almond milk with teaspoon of cocoa and cinnamon powder
300g okra fried with an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano

1 Black pepper chicken zucchini boat 


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 1 kiwi


Got derailed by a company lunch:

One egg mayo sandwich 

1 quarter palm sized cheese and ham quiche 

3 fried, battered chicken wings

Some fried carrot cake

2 pieces fish tofu

And some capsicum and olives that came as garnishing 

A quarter palm size Yuzu green tea cake

5 pieces duck confeit 


Anyway.. I ran up nearby hill, did 30 burpees on top of it and ran down. Approx 3km in distance total there and back but 104m elevation. 

The haze situation is getting worse with PSI levels >100. Many (if not all) outdoor classes are getting cancelled. I've dug into my Spartan Downtown gift bag in search of indoor class vouchers and found one for... Ballet?! 


I guess at some point of time I'll have to try that one, though graceful would be the last word people would use to describe me... 


Since lunch was derailed, I'll need to eat lunch for dinner. 


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
35g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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Sorry to hear about pollution - this is something I know personally, especially during winter - lots of houses here still use old coal boilers for heating and use low quality coal because it's cheaper. To be honest, most of our emission of PM10 and PM2.5 comes from house boilers and stoves. 


On the other hand - *aramis high fives Mortimer* - nice job with those burpees. I think I need to start doing them too :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Had a satisfying hiits session last night and had 2 Chicken drumlets for supper. 



1.6 cups of almond milk
300g okra fried with an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano

1 Black pepper chicken zucchini boat 



Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar +18.125kg (x8) 

Lowered bar all the way to the ground, No breaks yay! 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :

Bar +2.5 kg(x8) 

Bar +3.75 kg(x8) 

Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 5 kg (x8) 



Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 15kg and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees.  I really need to figure how to squat lower on heavier weights. 



Pull ups:


Eh, sort of short of time today so I cut short the pull ups business, besides I didn't want to kick the stand again(only pull up bar available) 

3 sets of 10 s flexed arm hang


Clean and press bar+ 1.25 kg x8, 3 sets


Farmers walk with 14 kg dumbells - 1 min and got halfway around the gym. 



Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 1 kiwi


Ran to the subway to catch a Pilates reformer class for an h, then back to work. I guess I did fairly decently for a first timer but the one legged stretches are oww...and I don't do core work that well either. 


Work was fked up busy so ate lunch and dinner together.  I also caused some food wastage as my colleagues saved some of yesterday's left overs for me but I was too busy to eat so someone threw it away ><


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
35g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds

150 g cauliflower
150g lotus root

A peach 


Also stress ate about 5 cashews and a walnut 

Aramis, sometimes I do burpees as hiits. There was a hundred burpees per day challenge going around but I declined to sign up for it. I don't know if I have the commitment to do it everyday or I'll kill myself doing it because I suspect burpees + weights don't mix.. 


I know I screwed myself over the last time I tried swimming after rock climbing lol. Strangely enough running is fine. 


I will need to get a protein for supper after my Hiits workout later. I am thinking a couple of eggs. 

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1 Black pepper zucchini boat

1.6 cups of almond milk 

Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 1 orange 



Bak kut teh - Pork bone soup with tripe, cabbage, pork ribs, Button mushroom and enoki mushroom, 1 bowl of rice, and lettuce 


Afternoon snack:

1 cup of chempedak 



Salad (cabbage, purple cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, black fungus, soba noodles, black beans) with smoked salmon. In my typical fashion, no dressings. 


No activity day unless you count helping my aunt change the bed sheets and turn the mattress, or the 42 push ups and 30 burpees. Also morning walk with my BF. 


I tried training monkey bars but ow my calluses are hurting =(


I think I'm no longer orange after going on a white diet(lunch and dinner) . I bought a pumice stone to start filing down but found that it hurt doing that as well =(


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1 Black pepper zucchini boat

1.6 cups of almond milk 

Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 1 orange 


Did some serious working out today. Swam 200m, ran 5.4km(aquathon - apparently some enthusiastic free styling gets you ahead of the slow swim group), then hit the gym. Wanted to do rock climbing but it was cancelled due to haze. 


Weights(diff gym, their weights are in lbs=:


Deadlift @ bar +20lbs (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +40lbs(x8)


Deadlift @ bar +45lbs(x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +45lbs (x8) 


Lowered bar all the way to the ground, No breaks yay! 




Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :


Bar +5lbs(x8) 


Bar +7.5lbs(x8) 


Bar + 10lbs (x8) - got winded at 6 and took a break, finished last 2, decided not to continue 






Bar + 10 lbs (x8) 


Bar + 20 lbs (x8) 


Bar + 30 lbs (x8) 


Bar + 40 lbs (x8) 




For all weights 30lbs and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees. I really need to figure how to squat lower on heavier weights. 




Pull ups:



6 jump pull ups (first 3 went above bar) 


6 jump chin ups (first 3 went above bar) 


4 jump pull ups (first 2 went fully up) 


4 jump chin ups (All went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (none went fully up) 


2 jump chin ups (both went fully up) 


Clean and press bar+ 2 lbs x8, 3 set


Farmers walk with 15 kg dumbells, 1 min. Couldn't find no 14kg dumbell and other weight was 12.5 kg so lived with it. 


Post workout snack:

9 almonds

20g pecans 

30g kellogs honey and oat corn flakes




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240g eggplant

1 tomato

90g chicken breast 

200g French beans 

250g king oyster mushroom


Somewhere in the morning I also ate 2 bananas


Afternoon snack:

1 piece of bak kwa

A peach



Quarter a chicken leg with skin 

100g bok choi

0.3 of a smoked duck breast 

60g of pork from pork ribs 

200g fish 

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1.6 cups of almond milk
300g okra fried with 4 eggs, an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano

Eggs and okra seem to go well...


Morning fruits:

100 g of dukus

5 prunes

Half a cup of chempedak. 





Did about 53 min of yoga. Yesh, I yoga for recovery from runs and also for improvement in flexibility. 


Then did 45 min of piloxing, figuring I better catch as many indoor classes as possible lest outdoor classes are cancelled. 


Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds



150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

90g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Going to go collect my lucky draw stuff from my aquathon since the local run group session was cancelled due to haze =(




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90g of pork from pork ribs and yam

1 cup of yam soup

300g turnip

Some dried shrimp

200g fish 


More suited to a running day really but I got no run yesterday =(



300g lotus root with 10g sesame seeds

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

One black pepper chicken zucchini boat

1.6 cups almond milk

1 kiwi


Jedi high jumps:


3x 15 box jumps on sit up bench(18 inches high) 


Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest


Jabba the Hutt chokes:


3x10 body weight rows at waist height, took a break on last set


Chewbacca carries:

Hauled dad's tool box of 10 kg around, some issues with left hand, right was fine.


Force push ups:


4x8 plyonetric push ups, had to rest between sets.



Force choke: Total loss. I moisturised my hands yesterday and I kept slipping off the bar. What. The. Heck. 


Will do the handstands later - bit pushed for time as we are heading to adventure cove! 




There's a rope to climb over there too... ^^


That's also the reason why I chose to body weight work out. A full gym work out might be a little too taxing for climbing shenanigans later. 




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OK so for the whole climbing shenanigans thing.


My BF and I managed to get 2 for the price of 1 tickets to the water theme park, of which one section is a water based obstacle course. Ooooh OK so for the fun part. Jump off ledges? Fine, I can't see anything anyway so hoppity hop I go ^^


Balance beam? Beams quite wide, not a problem. 


Two rope crossing:



Eh, I know my balance skillz not that leet, so I just grabbed the upper rope, leaned back while keeping my knees bent and feet on lower rope and pulled my way (hand by hand) through the rope. Quite a bit of core work actually. 


Cargo net crossing:




Did not use the bottom line just slowly hand by hand, leg by leg pull myself across. Also looks easier then it actually is but I managed, the bigger challenge was to put the arch of my foot on the ropes so that it didn't hurt the balls of my feet or the soles. 


Then the rope climb:



Took me 3 tries to do it to get to ring the bell, didn't realize how much I relied on the J-hook technique for my rope climbing shenanigans. For all you Pathfinder nerds out there...if ANYONE tells you climbing up a knotted rope is DC 5, call them BS and make them go climb a knotted rope themselves :P (Though you can argue had the knots been more closely spaced, it would have been a lot of easier climbing) 


There was another obstacle, a cargo net followed by climbing up bouldering style on jugs, on a sloping surface overhanging on water. I managed to get up the cargo net but decided against climbing up the bouldering section as I ran out of energy. Wanted to save some for descent as the idea of falling backwards into a 4m pool didn't quite appeal to me. 


High tea

One plate of fried rice with pork chops.

5 xiao long bao

Half a plate of dou miao


Afternoon snack:

An apple



1 Chicken wing, One quarter chicken breast, one chicken leg


(Had the idea that I was probably lacking protein for the day and decided to load up)


And did finish my 5 min plank taking 3 breaks.

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9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

you tend to be happier doing krazy stuff

^this :D

And being overall stronger is nice. Be it hauling groceries, climbing stairs or anything. For me, there was an eye opening moment when my dad asked for help with reconfiguring scaffolding. Pieces of steel framing that once were heavy and needed two people to safely operate suddenly were light and I was able to dismantle and connect them back on my own, without breaking a sweat. AND I can again carry my wife in my hands :D 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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1.6 cups of almond milk

300g okra fried with 3 eggs, an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary and thyme


Morning fruits:


Half an apple


7 prunes


Half a cup of chempedak. 


Did 47 min of body combat class. 



50g oyster mushroom with 50g chicken



100g of lotus root 

100g of cauliflower

10g sesame seeds

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

90g chicken


I shared my lunch with my colleague as I planned to go donate blood (but was rejected due to low haemoglobin content - 12.0g/dl instead of minimum of 12.5g/dl) and take the refreshments there. 


So it was a cold day and I was hungry, so my emergency stash of canned tuna got eaten up for dinner. 



100g of lotus root 

100g of cauliflower

A can of mango chilli tuna


Joining the local run group for a run. Put myself in group 3 for tempo as there was a slight drizzle when we started out. On hindsight should have pushed for group 2, but I wasn't sure if it would end up as a downpour and I have not run in the rain before(yes, I'm a spoilt brat, but I'm also wearing glasses so if those raindrops get on my glasses what do I do?!) , so I wanted to play it safe on pace. 

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1.6 cups almond milk

300g okra fried with an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary and oregano


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds and a kiwi




Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - No breaks, Yay! 


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(gosh, gym is sure busy during lunch), I grabbed a flat bench with the 60 lb barebell (x8), 3 sets



Guys in the squat rack, pistol squat attempts with door frame, x 10 per leg


Now I was reading about that I may have been grabbing the pull up bar wrong. 




If that's the case with monkey bars, I will try to change grip and hopefully I don't get painful calluses all the time that affects my training. 


Pull ups:

6 jump pull ups (3 went up) 


6 jump chin ups (all went up) 


4 jump pull ups (none went up) 


4 jump chin ups (all went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (2 went up) 


2 jump chin ups (both went up) 


Clean and press bar x8 +2.5 kg weight , 3 sets, last 2 sets had to take a break at 4. I will strive not to take breaks in the future. 


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand, 1min 30 secs, full way around the gym. I found the weight plate much easier to handle despite being heavier then the barbells as it was better grip and balance. I may try 2 rounds around the gym next time, slowly working my way up to 45 lb plate. 


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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Went for Hiits, but before that, entertained myself with monkey bars using the new grip. Still clumsy as fk on bars, but I got through without hurting my hands =D yay, now I can practice more! 


Afternoon snack:

125g blueberries




60g of pork from pork ribs in pig stomach soup 

200g of fish 

240g eggplant that was cooked with fermented beans and 70g of pork

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1.6 cups almond milk

300g okra fried with an onion and a quarter teaspoon of rosemary and oregano

One black pepper chicken zucchini boat 

2 cups of hami melon. 


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds and a kiwi


Did about an hour of body combat 



150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

90g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds



150 g cauliflower

150g lotus root

90g sesame chicken 


Noooooooo my office corporate gym membership is ending next month 15th October! What am I gonna doooooo! 


*wails loudly*


Went to the local Hiits class as well.


Had 3 eggs for supper.

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Yesterday I tried putting monkey bars on fingers but it doesn't work on all monkey bars like those that are wide >< Back to the drawing board =(


Day after apocalypse... 




1.6 cups almond milk

One black pepper chicken zucchini boat 

10 grapes


Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds and an orange


Nerd fitness star wars workout:


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps on sit up bench(18 inches high - thanks sit up bench) 


Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest


Jabba the Hutt chokes:

3x10 body weight rows at hip height but I did using underhand grip as I was rowing on a signboard(!) 


Chewbacca carries:

No break on left hand, right hand I forgot to activate the timer so not so sure how long I did it for. 


Force push ups:

4x8 plyonetric push ups, had to rest between sets. Not to the clap level yet and yes lifting off the ground is harder then I thought 


Force choke: No breaks for 1 min! Maybe I should aim for longer hang time! 


Luke handstands: 3 breaks to complete 5 min plank. 


Went for a nature hike with my BF to see pretty flowers.  And cliffs. 





200g ribeye steak

Garlic butter eggplant

Brussel sprouts fried with bacon

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50g of kailan and bok choi combined

2 pieces of egg tofu 

One bowl of fried beehoon

8 pieces of swordfish sashimi 

One box of pickled jelly fish


Breakfast this morning:

1.6 cups of almond milk with a teaspoon of cinnamon

Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

One black pepper chicken zucchini boat 


Went on a long run but not particularly good in terms of timing due to some air pollution + a little too late in the morning. And also squeezed in a bit of hill work on the long run. 


Screenshot_20190929-171602_Samsung Health.jpg


After that I ate 50g of kellogs honey and oat cornflakes. 



200g salmon 

200g asparagus

200g mushroom

1 tomato 

Half a cup of blueberries

Half a dragonfruit 


I put the mushrooms at the bottom and asparagus one layer above and baked the salmon(with about 10g butter) for 20 min then topped it up with diced tomatoes and toasted another 5 min more. Unfortunately since I was rungry, I ate some of it before I managed to snap a photo. 

Note to self, try to make sure all the asparagus is under the salmon or it gets dry and chewy. 



I also made a new type of zucchini boat - five spice chicken zucchini boat. I think the chicken could have used more five spice salt though. 



Did 30 min runners yoga for recovery. 



130g pork

30g silverfish

150g bok choi

200g fish 

Some old cucumber 

2 honey dates

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1.6 cups of almond milk with a teaspoon of cinnamon 

3 eggs fried with 300g of okra with 0.25 teaspoon of rosemary and oregano and tumeric

2 cups of jackfruit




Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)


Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) 


Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - No breaks, Yay! 


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press(made sure to touch my chest with the bar) :

Bar (x8) 

Bar 2.5kg(x8) 

Bar + 3.75 kg (x8) 

Bar + 5 kg (x8) 


Yes I am a nub who forgot what she previously did. Gah. 



Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 15kg and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees.  I really need to figure how to squat lower on heavier weights. 


Pull ups:

6 jump pull ups (3 went up) 


6 jump chin ups (all went up) 


4 jump pull ups (2 went up) 


4 jump chin ups (all went above bar)


2 jump pull ups (2 went up) 


2 jump chin ups (both went up) 


Clean and press bar x8 +2.5 kg weight , 3 sets. No BREAKS! =) 


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand, 2min 15 secs, 1.5 rounds of the gym. 


Post workout snack:

200g jackfruit seeds

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mmm, fried salmon :) yummy :D 


I can see nice progress with your lifting and carries, you go gurl :triumphant:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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