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Mortimer's battle logs.

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3x 15 box jumps (thigh height on the bed) 

Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest

Jabba the Hutt chokes:

3x10 body weight rows, took a break on the first(?) set. I don't even know why it's the first set. 

 Chewbacca carries:

Hauled 10 kg tool box but it was kinda tiring ><

 Force push ups:

 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets. - They seem to be harder then usual. I don't know why =(

Force choke: 2 breaks

Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min. Sigh.



1.6 cups of almond milk

300g okra fried with an onion 

One curry tuna zucchini boat


Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds with an orange 



50g enoki mushrooms

20g boiled brocolli 

50g kang kong

50g xiao bai cai

A piece of black fungus 

Two types of seaweed 

One tomato 

90g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


The vegetables are shown in pic below. 


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4 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I lost some muscle mass for lifting and that made me lighter

I strongly doubt this. To feel the difference, you'd need to lose couple kg's, and this would be HUGE impact on your strength.


I rather suspect re-routing nervous connections - your nervous system is adjusting itself to be more effective for latest things you did. I've read somewhere two weeks without training can be enough to start losing your effectiveness. The same is when you change your routine - after a while your body forgets how to effectively perform the old exercises, because it focuses at topping performance in new ones. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I know my 65 kg ass from last year would get nowhere on monkey bars, and neither did my 60 kg college self on bouldering walls. Now I'm about 51-52 kg ish, I can swing around(not gracefully) some and climb some? But I pretty much spend everyday hanging somewhere, be it doing deadhang, or doing 30 hanging leg raises broken up into sets of 10. And of course, should I pass by monkey bars, I have to attempt to swing across them. That is the challenge I've put forth to myself. 

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Dinner last night:


160g of pork from pork ribs and minced pork fried with 200g of bok choi

200g fish

Half a ear of corn on the cob

A sugar date(it ended up in the soup!) 

Some wedding candies - oops =P


1.6 cups of almond milk
300g okra fried with an onion 

One curry tuna zucchini boat 


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, one kiwi, one honey pear, 20g hulled pumpkin seeds


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken


There will be a company dinner later, its raining, so it looks like burpees in the stairwell ><


Have already done 48 push ups broken into sets of 16 and 30 hanging leg raises in sets of 10.


Once I start doing push ups in sets of 20 I will put my feet on a bench or bed and do decline push ups instead. 

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What can I say... Impressive! :loyal:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Lunch I had some banana cake, and my colleague passed me coleslaw and mashed potato which I finished up. 


Dinner doesn't bear recording since its a company dinner and a massive overeat session. And drinks too. Geez, I still have a nerd fitness workout and 5k to run tomorrow! 


And I want to check out the new climbing gym. You know, do some climbing? 

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Park run time: 28 min 22 s. I think I should have pushed harder but started getting a stitch at the start, switched to my oh my, cleared stitch, then maintained pace. Final lap I opened stride up to go faster but I think I should have tried it a little earlier. Also I don't think drinking and running mix very well. Then entertained a little kid (her mom was complaining she didn't want to run to take her shots) by playing badminton with her. Because the area is small, and she tends to serve short, I have to use my backhand serve and also move closer else I can't take her shots.


Jedi high jumps:


3x 15 box jumps - I stopped every 5 jumps because I was jumping from a sandy area to the sit up bench, and once the sand started getting compacted and sinking under my weight of landing, it was more like thigh height to the sit up bench. 

Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest

 Jabba the Hutt chokes:

3x10 body weight rows, took a break on the last set

 Chewbacca carries:

Hauled 3 kg waiters carry

 Force push ups:

 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.

Force choke: no breaks, I tried for 1 min 5 s. How long I can deadhang seems to be determined by what kind of bar I get to hang on. This was a pull up bar, for once. Else I hang on anything that looks marginally hangable.

Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min. Sigh.


Intermittently fasting due to overeat last night, so no breakfast. 



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Ate 2 curry tuna zucchini boats

150g cauliflower, 150g lotus roots and 10g sesame seeds



160g of pork from minced pork fried with bok choi and pork ribs

One potato

200g bok choi 

2 eggs with 40g shrimp omlette 



5 spice chicken zucchini boat

1.6 cups of almond milk with cinnamon


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds


Then did some running at a slower pace for science to see if onset of knee was delayed. It was... To 20 km.  Sigh. 


Post run snack:

Half a cup of jackfruit

7 grapes

1.5 cups of jackfruit seeds

2 eggs fried with turmeric powder and 39g spinach 

A cup of milk



Screenshot_20191110-114805_Samsung Health.jpg

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Do you know what exactly your knee problem is? I know "it hurts", but why? Not enough synovial fluid? Stability problems? Nerve compression? 


For me, I know I have synovial fluid issues and when I run I tend to squeeze it out from between articular cartilage surfaces. Then joint friction rises ant this causes pain. My solution to prevent this is to concentrate on rolling my foot instead hitting it hard against the ground. This is especially important on downhill running, as it is more impact heavy. 

When I fail to avoid the issue and it starts to hurt,  do couple deep squats that stretch knee joint and allow synovia to flow into the joint back. 


Maybe you too can avoid your issue with fine-tuning your form, or with some other easy trick? The most important thing is to know the source of a problem - then we can address it. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Don't know the issue to be honest. If it was ITband issues then the pain should be on the side and not under the knee cap. It could be due to strain on the knees due to weak glutes, but I'm considered among my fitness buddies to be able to squat like a boss(like 106 body weight squats in 2 min). Can't remember which site was recommending pistol squats to strengthen glutes, but one of my issues with unassisted pistol squats is my lack of ankle mobility - I can't get my heel on the ground unless I wear my running shoes which have some heel. 


Ah, remembered the website:




On the bright side I should be able to run with no issues tomorrow, after I get some runners yoga in tonight, I don't think it's anything too severe considering I can still go up and down the stairs fine.


Which is a lot better then after my half marathon. 

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500 grams of turnip fried with 180g salmon belly 

Made Lo Mai Kai using cauliflower rice and split the swag up. 

100g of cauliflower rice, 

20g chicken breast 

20g shiitake mushroom

An apple

125g blueberries 

A piece of chocolate cake with some cream 

250 ml milk


Afternoon snack(clearing in laws fridge) :

Some dark chocolate - about 150 cals worth. 


Also moved quite some stuff to my in laws place as I'll be staying there after getting married. 

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12 hours ago, Mortimer said:

it's anything too severe considering I can still go up and down the stairs fine.


Which is a lot better then after my half marathon.

It doesn't necessarily had to heal. Maybe your body got better at compensation. If knee pain would limit my walking, I'd see a doctor about it. 


9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

after getting married

When's the wedding?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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2 hours ago, aramis said:

It doesn't necessarily had to heal. Maybe your body got better at compensation. If knee pain would limit my walking, I'd see a doctor about it. 


When's the wedding?


If I go to a doctor on this they'll probably tell me not to run so much(which yeah I only get knee issues after a certain amount of distance so I suppose that would work), but that wouldn't be the point since I eventually want to work my way to a marathon. What I think needs to be done is for me to go for a gait analysis (not sure if I can get the local run group to spot me on this) to see if I need to lean myself at the hips forward, how I land(technically forefoot) etc. But I know that your form can get off especially when you're tired. I feel my stomach portion sore after long runs too. 


My wedding is on 23 Nov 2019.


Again if you kettlebell swung and found your arms feeling like noodles, you wouldn't see a doctor on it, would you? 

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Dinner last night:

300g duck

200g of pea shoots with 25g black fungus and some dried scallop

Half a sweet potato

A bit of some yam cookie


1.6 cups of almond milk
300g okra fried with an onion 

One five spiced chicken zucchini boat


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Before I forget... Bought half yearly pass for cheapo gym and promptly woke up late. Way to go, Mortimer. But anyway rolled with it and went to one of its other joints that was closer to get a workout. 


Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
Got kicked out of the para powerlifters area(hey, conventional squat rack was taken up by guys!) 

I checked the barbell weights. Heaviest is 40 kg, which is well below my standard load. Even if I'm feeling wimpy. 

I saw an unattended, loaded bar with 25 kg on each side(5 kg more then my standard), and just for fun, tried to lift it. Its more like a max lift rep kind of thing, first attempt failed but second attempt yep, I did manage it. Wouldn't try more then 3 reps on that kind of weight though. 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
Of course, chest press was taken so I grabbed the 25 kg barbell and started pressing on a bench. Was considering 30 kg(a bit more then my usual of around 27 kg) but decided that after this long out of the weights room, did not want an embrassing and potentially dangerous situation where I get stuck under the barbell and need to be rescued. 

Front squat, 25 kg barbell (8x3 sets) 

No issues on knees at 90 degrees or lower, wrists were complaining though 
Pull ups:(utter crap) 
6 jump pull ups (none went up) 
6 jump chin ups (2 went up) 

4 jump pull ups (none went up) 
4 jump chin ups (none went up)
2 jump pull ups (none went up) 
2 jump chin ups (one went up) 
Clean and press 20 kg barbell (since I can't get my hands on no bar) - 8x3 sets. I tried 25 kg barbell and found it very hard and didn't feel confident of pulling 8 reps with it. Maybe next time. 
Farmers walk with a 14 kg barbell on each hand. Managed 53 s. Definitely slipping. 


Also I found a nice box that was thigh height and tried to jump on it, I got up. I really do not know what is my issue with low walls... 

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9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

if you kettlebell swung and found your arms feeling like noodles, you wouldn't see a doctor on it, would you?

No, because noodly arms is just exhaustion. But if my elbow would hurt to the point I couldn't do a push-up - then yes, I definitely would. 


Checking your form is good way to go too - if your body does some compensation moves, then form check should highlight this as well.

8 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Pull ups:(utter crap)

Maybe you should try easier version - have you tried pull-ups with elastic band underfoot? I mean one in the middle. When you can crush it, you switch to softer band or support your knee instead of foot (less tension on rubber band=less assistance).

Successful Pull Ups for Beginners: Say No to Bands - Fitness, strength, jumping, pull ups, bands, accommodating resistance, ring rows


I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yeah I probably need to make a trip to decathlon to get a big elastic band. The last sports goodie bag I got gave me a small one =(


Anyway today I ran with group 2 on tempo, around 5km or so doing a 5'30 to 5'40 pace. No knee issues or stitches. Which is awesome because it means I can happily speed away as long as I find the breath for it. It doesn't manifest until like quite some way into a run so trying to get it to appear so I can study the problem is not that simple. Another thing I can try is to swop running shoes(I have more then one pair), and see what happens. Though I've not run more then 10 km at one go on my secondary pair of shoes. 

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200g of bok choi 

1 cup of yam

160g of pork

200g of fish


Breakfast today:

1 five spice chicken zucchini boat 

300g okra fried with an onion

1.6 cups of almond milk with cinnamon


Did my 30 leg raises and now 51 push ups(doing sets of 17 now). Will go climb rocks later. The walls look harder then the one I showed you pics off but I'll just start easy and see where I can scramble to. 

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Rock climbing wall was still under renovation after the climbathon event. I calculated it'd take me 20 min(one way) to travel there(run was used), and I don't want to take a too extended lunch so I was a little rushed for time to squeeze out more bouldering routes. I could do all the V0 routes(they're using US system) and a couple of V1s, but found the routes harder then the previous climbing gym I was at. 

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Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, A pear and 2 bananas

150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds



Fried chicken chop


Was considering buying an entire chicken from cold storage but decided even if I did lack protein, eating an entire chicken is too much(I can eat half, but one is overkill). 


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Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) - break at 4

 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - break at 4


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press:

25 kg barbell, 3 sets x8


Front Squat:

Bar + 1.25kg (x8) - 3 sets


Pull ups: (weird doing it on pull up stand, next time I'll use Smith machine bar) 

6 jump pull ups 

6 jump chin ups 

4 jump pull ups 

4 jump chin ups 

2 jump pull ups  

2 jump chin ups 


No records as its hard to judge. I either get over the bar or fail completely because I kicked the stand. 


Clean and press bar x8 

Clean and press bar +1.25 kg weight x8

Clean and press bar +1.25 kg weight x8(took a break at 6)


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min. 


Also... Picked up 2 blisters in the weights room. That never happened to me before >< To lance them or not to lance them? For the blood blister I picked up while running, I lanced it because it was bugging me. But tomorrow I'm climbing rocks and I think having to rely on plasters that may fall out may not be the best of ideas. 


I was happily lifting and no I did not realize I had blisters until the workout was over. 



1.6 cups of almond milk

300g okra fried with an onion 

3 eggs, 39g of spinach - Also, I finally managed to make a proper omlette after all these months lol! 

1.5 cups of jackfruit, 5 grapes


Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds



150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

90g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


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150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

90g sesame chicken


Went off with local running group for about 4 km or so at 6'15 pace. PSI was above 100. Didn't want to do too crazy stuff. 




1 five spice chicken zucchini boat 


300g okra fried with an onion


1.6 cups of almond milk with cinnamon


Morning snack:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, an orange. 

In an ogry of trying to squeeze as many climbs in in 30 min, I did the following:



Yellow up and down. 



Green up, white up and down. Pink up. 




Purple up and down. Tried yellow but failed.  Might have managed it if I was fresh. 


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds


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