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Mortimer's battle logs.

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8 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I failed a will save and ate 3 slices of Swiss rolls and 2 cashew nut candies

Did you at least enjoyed those? I would... ;)

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yep I did. I have a sweet tooth and all that. And I always get hungry after climbing. Technically I did already have lunch but...well >.<



200g fish

200g bok choi

90g pork from pork ribs

100g fish roe

3 preserved quail eggs

1 cup of yam


Also for some weird reason my fitbit doesn't track my climbs as exercise. And I figured out why my back and shoulders currently ache. I thought it was due to pull up attempts with resistance bands. Nope, it's all that climbing doms! I only felt my forearms but not my shoulders during the climb. 

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1.6 cups of almond milk
300g okra fried with an onion 

One five spiced chicken zucchini boat


Morning tea:

Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 3 sections of pomelo 


150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds


A little pressed for time to go to the gym(also didn't want to aggravate my blisters further) , did nerd fitness star wars workout minus the dead hangs. 


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (knee height) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
 Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, uh no breaks? 
 Chewbacca carries:
Hauled 10 kg tool box, left hand, the non blistered hand, was sort of rough
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets. Seems my push ups are sluggish today 
Force choke: no breaks 
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min.

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3 tomatoes and 200g of sardines. 


Managed to get some fresh sardines(thanks colleague!) , then decided to do a tomato onion stir fry. I found out that the bones don't get really soft(you need to cook for 6-7h I think or use a pressure cooker), and while the taste is fine, it's not that convenient to eat. 

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Dinner part 2:

16 grapes and some left over cauliflower fried rice. 



3 eggs, 39g spinach


Ran to volunteer at Park run and back. Total distance clocked:7.6 km. 

Also did 3 sets of 17 push ups, 10 leg raises. 

And 30 burpees


Morning snack:

100g cauliflower 

100g of lotus roots

10g sesame seeds

Fried carrot cake with 4 prawns



Pineapple cauliflower rice

Left over from 4 hulled zucchini. A bit of mushroom and chicken and orange pepper. 


Went around with my nephew to go catch fishies, he sprinted off the moment we hit the park(he's 5) and I just chased him(eh not much of an issue). I told him if he wants to cover distance, he really ought to run at a slower pace. 




Eating out. 

Plate of white rice

Some sweet potato leaves

Pork chop (some fried with salted egg), other done sweet and sour

Stir fried fish with ginger and onion 


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Breakfast today:

One five spiced chicken zucchini boat 

1.6 cups almond milk with cinnamon 


Then I ran about 20.8 km with a slight mishap. I ran off road, on a grassy field deliberately just to see how it felt like. Was trying to do a ditch crossing, and didn't expect the grass wasn't hard enough to support me so I sank into a muddy puddle. I pulled my foot out, leaving my shoe behind, then stuck my hand in to pull out my shoe. Then continued running. Broke the run up as after I got soaked, I ran to the nearest train station to wash up a bit and inspect if I got any grazes during the fall. Turns out no, only problem is my shoes and socks are a soggy mess. So kept running back home clocking almost full 21k. Still ran into knee problems at around 18 ish k, I tried deep squatting at traffic lights, it elevates the problem for maybe 500m or so? Also tried butt kicks and hip stretches but doesn't seem to really make it not come. 


Screenshot_20191117-124304_Samsung Health.jpg

Screenshot_20191117-124247_Samsung Health.jpg


Post run snack :

1 apple

125g blue berries 

3 century quail eggs 



250g French beans 

200g smoked salmon

1 eggplant

1 tomato 

500g turnip


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Losing shoes in mud is common OCR problem. This is the reason people often strap the shoe to the foot with silver duct tape (it works, but the idea is debatable solution because loss of traction on mid-foot area) and some trial/ocr shoes have additional pair of shoelace holes closer to ankle, to hold more firmly and prevent this issue. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Aramis, I'm curious if your kids sprint off(say in a place like a park) , do you dash after them or tell them to stop running(usually done by elderly caretakers)? I know I can definitely dash after the kids, even if I'm no kind of sprinter. And they usually loose steam within about 400m or so. Kids are generally all enthusiasm, not much on control, so it sort of turns into an impromptu speed interval thing. 


I can say after my nephew was huffing and puffing, I was still breathing normally. Again I run around for shits and giggles so... 


Also do you need to tell them to slow down in case they over exert? 


Personally I think I'd just let my kids run if it were a safe area,with me chasing next to them.

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Dinner(eating out- my brother just got back from states) :

3/4 plate of rice

Sambal clams (14 or so) 

Sambal kang kong

Egg tofu fried with snap peas and cauliflower

Fried prawn and pork sausage(3 pieces) 

Fish maw soup


I shudder to think that you can actually eat back what you used up in a 20k run but it looks I'm close. 

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3 eggs

26g spinach

300g okra with curry powder and onion

1.6 cups almond with cinnamon powder 


My family wasn't too pleased about yesterday's muddy ditch mishap and even told me I should stop running and don't do anything that could possibly cause injury(since I'm getting married this sat). OK, fine, I'll be careful but I don't think a whole ban on exercise is warranted. That's a knee jerk reaction imo. 


This mornings weights, in an attempt to comply with my family's request(squat racks and bars were used anyway) :


Deadlift  - 40 kg barbell (that's the heaviest I could find) x 12 reps, 3 sets

Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
25 kg barbell (x8) , 3 sets

Front Squat:
25 kg barbell (x8), 3 sets
I don't think I'm quite doing the front squat correctly since I'm squatting with the barbell in the clean position. It isn't resting against my shoulder. I tried with the 10 kg barbell to rest on shoulder and finger ends but I found the bar too close to my throat for comfort. 


Getting below 90 degrees on this weight isn't an issue. The limitation is I cannot clean more then 25 kg. Actually at one point I forgot I was doing front squats, attempted to clean and press the 25kg barbell, then wondered why it didn't go up. 
Pull ups:tried with my new funky resistance band 
4 assisted pull ups (all 4 chin did touch the bar but not above) 
4 assisted chin ups (all above bar) 
2 assisted pull ups (one chin touched the bar) 
2 assisted chin ups (both went up) 

1 assisted pull ups (one chin touched the bar) 

1 assisted chin ups (both went up) 


Clean and press 20 kg barbell (x8), no breaks. 
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand, 1min 20s.


Since I had spare time in the gym(dont need to load weights), I did some lateral pull downs with machine. First set of 10 at 12.5 lbs, then I increased weight to 20 lbs for the other two sets. 


Also did the lying side leg lift, 3 sets of 12 on each leg, I will alternate leg. 


I have been talking to more runners, and some are of the school that knee issues are due to weak glutes, so I will try to incorporate the lying side leg lifts everyday. They're quite convenient to do since they can be even done on the bed. 

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28 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

My family wasn't too pleased about yesterday's muddy ditch mishap and even told me I should stop running and don't do anything that could possibly cause injury(since I'm getting married this sat).

Wait?What? Congratulations!!!


19 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Aramis, I'm curious if your kids sprint off(say in a place like a park) , do you dash after them or tell them to stop running(usually done by elderly caretakers)? I know I can definitely dash after the kids, even if I'm no kind of sprinter. And they usually loose steam within about 400m or so. Kids are generally all enthusiasm, not much on control, so it sort of turns into an impromptu speed interval thing. 


I can say after my nephew was huffing and puffing, I was still breathing normally. Again I run around for shits and giggles so... 


Also do you need to tell them to slow down in case they over exert? 


Personally I think I'd just let my kids run if it were a safe area,with me chasing next to them.

If we were on a busy street or in a parking lot, my son was told he needed to walk. But if we were on a sidewalk, and just out walking, I would usually let him run ahead and then catch up with him.And parks of course were for running. I didn't run with my son, but that sounds very fun

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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On 11/17/2019 at 6:49 AM, Mortimer said:

if your kids sprint off(say in a place like a park) , do you dash after them or tell them to stop running(usually done by elderly caretakers)?

Call me old, but I run after them less than I would like. Partly we become lazy, and partly we try to force them to respect safety commands (like "stop" or "come back") more. 

But if the place is safe, I let them run and just lazily stroll after them. Of course if they in danger (or can be in a moment), I will sprint towards them.

5 hours ago, Mortimer said:

told me I should stop running and don't do anything that could possibly cause injury

I understand getting hurt days before The Big Day would be inconvenient, but maybe they overreact a bit? Yes, you should be extra careful, but throwing all the fitness away "just in case" is heavy exaggeration.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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That's what you get when you're in a family (esp my mom) who thinks that running 1 km will cause someone to get an asthma attack or a heart attack. And articles like these dont help much either: 




Look, I'm not going to be pushing myself for some crazy pace or whatsoever when I run. 


I bet you probably can sprint faster then I do, Aramis, mostly the whole world can lol ^^


Thanks elasticgal on the congratulations and if I get kids, I would certainly bring them to Park runs with me(or Park Walk it would more likely end up as;)). 


I think school may not be the best place to develop a love for fitness, because if you're not the top of the pack, no one really cares about you in the track and field team. You'd start feeling crappy compared to those naturally gifted. I hold no illusions that I am a fast runner - I'm not. What I can do though, is to keep running for a jolly long time. And even as distances go, there are lots of people who can do it better then me as well. 


Fitness shouldn't be compared to others but rather to be better then you were yesterday. Our bodies are different and each of us are better at different things /develop at a different rate. So even if you're slower then others, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. 

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Ran about 3.8 km during lunch - to get to the shop and back to office. Also took a boat cruise on a fast craft utility vessel at the Navy exhibition near my office. 




Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Took a chocolate truffle during afternoon tea. 

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200g of bok choi

90g of pork from pork ribs and minced meat

50g fish 

Half herbal chicken breast, one herbal chicken leg and wings 

Half a ear of corn

Then my mom decided to foist me some coconut desert (burbur cha cha) and I humoured her. 




Should have said no, because it gave me a stomachache. These days I can't take coconut. And also I don't take glutinous rice well. 

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300g okra with curry powder and onion

1.6 cups almond with cinnamon powder 

One cashew nut chicken zucchini boat


Morning tea:


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, an orange 


Did some bouldering and established my dominance over every V0-V1 route. 




Yellow up and down as warm up(V0 route). 




White up, blue up. 





Red up and down, yellow up. 



Yellow up 



Pink up





Pink up 

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150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
10g sesame seeds
90g sesame chicken
20g hulled pumpkin seeds




150g cauliflower
150g lotus root
Half a black chicken in herbal soup(Samsung health said 73g...so I decided to stuff some meat in to get the 120g+ protein) 




3 eggs

300g okra with curry powder and onion

1 cups almond with cinnamon powder 

1 curry puff (aunt said she didn't want it and I question if it is a good idea to leave curry puffs-they possibly contain coconut milk in the fridge for multiple days. Don't want to waste food) 



Deadlift - 40 kg barbell (that's the heaviest I could find) x 12 reps, 3 sets


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 


Chest press:

25 kg barbell (x8) , 3 sets




Bar + 5 kg (x8) 

Bar + 10 kg (x8) 

Bar + 15 kg (x8) 

Bar + 20 kg (x8) 


For all weights 10kg and below I managed to get my knees to form 90 degrees.  


Pull ups with my new funky resistance band 

4 assisted pull ups 

4 assisted chin ups 

2 assisted pull ups 

2 assisted chin ups 

1 assisted pull ups 

1 assisted chin ups 


All except one pull up had chin above bar(I was trying to get greedy and not give myself enough break between sets) , even that one was touching. Time to increase reps! =D


Clean and press 20 kg barbell (x8), no breaks. 

Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand, 1min 14s.


Since I had spare time in the gym(dont need to load weights), I did some lateral pull downs with machine. First 2 sets of 10 at 20 lbs, then I increased weight to 27. 5lbs for the last set. 


Also did the lying side leg lift, 3 sets of 12 on each leg, I will alternate leg. 


Found a rope pulling machine at the gym, set the difficulty to 6 out of 7, and managed to pull the rope about 5m. Considering one of the spartan stations is the hercules hoist, I may want to visit this gym specifically to train this exercise, increasing the difficulty to max, and pulling for longer periods of time. 


Also picked up a geocaching game, Orna, from my fiancé so...getting happily distracted atm. 



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150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

90g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


 Joined local running group going at around a 6'20 pace for 4km + or so? 




150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

90g sesame chicken 

60g smoked salmon (protein meter was indicating insufficient protein) 




300g okra with curry powder and onion

1.6 cups almond with cinnamon powder 

One cashew nut chicken zucchini boat


My push ups have gotten better, I can sort of do them in short bursts now as compared to labouring through each one. 17, 3 sets


Hanging leg raises were rather crappy and I had to take a break in the middle of each set because fingers were slipping  off. 



Climbed up and down green and pink. 




Took me 3 tries to do yellow, but I finally did it =D


Reach is a pain and I had to pull myself up the wall, painfully ><




150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

200g smoked salmon

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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Joined local Hiits group 


Dinner that night:


One potato

120g of pork

200g of fish

100g of brocolli and an egg



300g okra with curry powder and onion

1.6 cups almond with cinnamon powder 

One cashew nut chicken zucchini boat




Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds


150g cauliflower

150g lotus root

10g sesame seeds

180g sesame chicken

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Also ate one chocolate pastry, one lemon puff and an apple danish. 



Spinach soup with 2 prawns and 3 clams and 3 fried chicken wings. 


Did nerd fitness star wars work out(between breakfast and lunch) :

3x 15 squat jump
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest 
 Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks
 Chewbacca carries:
Hauled 10 kg tool box not very happily, but no breaks 
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: 2 breaks, keep slipping off
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min. 


I was a bit short of time for a bath so I Skipped the box jumps and shuttle run, substituted it with squat jumps in the restroom. 

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2 cashew nut chicken zucchini boats

20g of cashew nuts?

12 jujubes, 20 dried longans


Other then 51 push ups and 30 hanging leg raises, no exercise done on this day.


Wedding Lunch (Ate up everything without guilt - that's for a year of preparations):

Some fried fish

Some jellyfish, some roasted pork, fried salmon skin, some fried prawn and pork rolls

Some roasted chicken

Bowl of fried rice

Bowl of sharks fin soup

Taro desert served with glutinous rice ball

Brocolli with scallops

Fried prawn with honey walnut (2 pieces)



Ate another 5 almond chocolates at my husband's place, I needed to clear the fridge.







Spinach soup with egg


Pre-run snack:

A piece of cheese


Following morning, woke up at 5 am, joined local group going for their LSD( Long steady distance), ran at a 6 min pace for 15 km (WTFBBQ?) No knee issues.


Post run snack:

Herbal mutton soup

500 ml of soya milk (no sugar)

A cup of pineapple


I won't be doing paleo because I promised my in-laws to clear the fridge and the moment I eat the chocolates - I've gone off the paleo diet already.



1 salted egg prawn

100g kai lan, 100g spinach with egg

30 g of pork ribs

Some claypot tofu

A bit of guava with plum sugar

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Cheering! :cheerful:?

Fireworks! ??

Cheering fireworks!




26 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

joined local group going for their LSD( Long steady distance)

Not sure LSD is what you say it is :) 

Have fun anyway ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Oh certainly, it felt more like tempo, Aramis. But those dudes have been running for years and I've only been running for 1. 



2 roti pratas(I aim to clear the cheese pizza tarts next, to clear the fridge for my package foods), a slice of cheese. 


Weights day:


Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) - One break
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - One break
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
25 kg x8, 3 sets 

Front Squat:
25 kg x8, 3 sets

Pull ups(assisted) :
6 pull ups 
6 pull ups 
4 pull ups  
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups 


All chin above bar
Clean and press 20 kgx8, 3 sets
Farmers walk with a 15 kg plate, 1 min



Chicken and black bean soup

50g chicken breast fried with pesto sauce

100g of brocolli and 100g of cauliflower 



50g salmon

Some more chicken and black bean soup

200g bok choi fried with 100g of chicken breast 

Ate 6 pieces of chocolate


Went running with local group. 


Kinda busy cooking all my lunch meals etc lately. 

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Assisted with resistance band lol. I can't do without... Or can I? I could try to see if I could crank one out tomorrow. 


Breakfast(oh finally, a veg) :

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

60g chicken breast

One tomato 

And probably too much tomato and chilli sauce as I was trying to clear my in laws fridge and dumped like half a bottle into 4 days worth of breakfast. 

A slice of cheese


Went running to bouldering gym, not much progress today as I am trying to do V1s-V2s. Steeper learning curve. Got to 3/4 way of one orange coloured V1-V2, but didn't manage to complete it.(Are they trying to make me do a split on the wall or what?!) Climbed up two pink V0-V1, climbed up and down an orange V0-V1, climbed up a green V0-V1, climbed up a yellow V0-V1 properly and didn't pull against the ceiling. Also a lot of screaming of "arrrrgggghh" and "waaaah" as I fell off the bouldering wall today. 



150g brocolli 

150g cauliflower 

25g anchovies 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Dinner part 1:

100g brocoli 

100g cauliflower 


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