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Mortimer's battle logs.

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24 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

lot of screaming of "arrrrgggghh" and "waaaah"

Best. Report. Ever :D 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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On 11/18/2019 at 12:24 AM, Mortimer said:


My family wasn't too pleased about yesterday's muddy ditch mishap and even told me I should stop running and don't do anything that could possibly cause injury(since I'm getting married this sat). OK, fine, I'll be careful but I don't think a whole ban on exercise is warranted. That's a knee jerk reaction imo. 



A month before I got married I went to football training and got an elbow to the face!  It swelled up to a huge size but luckily the swelling (and the black eye that followed) had gone by the big day!  I still went out training though right up to the wedding because its good fun!



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Dinner part 2:


Pig stomach soup(paleo 101 tip for trying to get calcium) 


6 pieces of chocolate(fridge clearing duty) 



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

60g chicken breast

One tomato 

A piece of cheese


My in laws were trying to convince me I shouldn't eat overnight vegetables (aka don't reheat vegetables-vitamins are lost-but some vitamins are better then none imo). Besides reheating only gets a 50% loss of vitamin C and I'd make up for the quantity anyway, and stuff like potassium isn't affected by heat. 


I simply don't have the time to cut and fry everything from scratch in the morning. They were also trying to convince me that I don't need to eat that much vegetables and join the rice eating squad like them. Hell no! 


And the secret to not getting fat was portion control( they said I was eating too much - wait a minute, can you even overeat vegetables?) 


Portion control doesn't work very well for me. Sure I could, but it's a waste of will power reining in the hungry beast. I druther point it to a pile of brocolis and cauliflowers and let it run free. And portion control in their language probably means I eat less of everything (rice, vegetables and meat), in which I will not meet my nutrition goals. 


They also commented I was eating too much chocolate(look, I was given orders to clear the fridge - I do what I need to do). 


Though I'll prolly curse and swear dealing with the sugar addiction later.  In the process of doing nerd fitness star wars workout. Have done farmers carry with 1.5 kg tumbler in the office. 1 min on each hand. 


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14 hours ago, Quirky Quinn said:


A month before I got married I went to football training and got an elbow to the face!  It swelled up to a huge size but luckily the swelling (and the black eye that followed) had gone by the big day!  I still went out training though right up to the wedding because its good fun!




Unfortunately I think a lot of people here still have this misconception that ladies should not be "tough" to look feminine and demure. Pah. I would be more careful with my training, I.e not increase reps/weights till after my big day but other then that I'd still conduct business as usual. In fact I was happily climbing rocks on the week before my wedding lol. 

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Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (I missed a jump on the second set, then decided to do them less quickly. Knee height) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, took a break on the last set, last rep ><(You know what? Office meeting room desks are actually very rowable) 
 Chewbacca carries:
You know that 1.5l tumbler.... Waiters carry. 

 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min.


A bit sluggish today. Think still feeling after effects from yesterday's climb. 



150g cauliflower
150g cauliflower 
25g anchovies
90g chicken with pesto sauce 
20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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3 hours ago, Mortimer said:


Unfortunately I think a lot of people here still have this misconception that ladies should not be "tough" to look feminine and demure. Pah. I would be more careful with my training, I.e not increase reps/weights till after my big day but other then that I'd still conduct business as usual. In fact I was happily climbing rocks on the week before my wedding lol. 


I think that is true in most places, unfortunately.  Kudos to you for keeping going and congratulations on your marriage!


I hope you have many happy years together running through bogs and climbing up walls.  Even if it does cause the odd lost shoe!

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Ran at a 5'30 pace for 3.4 km yesterday. OK, I suppose I do have a beautiful, glorious burst when I'm pushing my limits but lol that was the slowest group for standard chartered marathon tempo run =P


Honestly I know for 5km, 6-6'30 per km is comfortable, pushing I can go below 6, but usually even so I do 5'40 per km and not 5'30 per km. And believe me I do not intend to attempt to hold this pace for too long. I can't. But for those few moments yes, it's awesome to see. I never knew I was capable of doing that... 



250 g steamed catfish 

100g French beans with 50g chicken 

Some tofu and 60g ground pork

About 100g of lotus roots. 

6 small chocolate bars 



One tomato
250g okra
200g oyster mushroom
60g chicken
And tomato and chilli sauce


Today is climb day! 




Red up and down. Later I tried to do blue(it's a V1-2 route) but only got halfway up. 





Yellow up. 


Also did last week's yellow route, this time I got up on 2nd attempt. First attempt still fell off. 


Also tried an old pink route but got to just one short of the last rock. Figures I was getting tired and called it a day. 


150g cauliflower
150g broccoli
25g anchovies
20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked
90 g pesto chicken


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150g asparagus

60g chicken breast

One chicken drumlet

Half a chicken thigh

Vermicili soup

30g of ground pork balls

And 6 small chocolate bars 



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

60g chicken breast

One tomato 


Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - No breaks for all sets, Yay! 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
25 kg x 8, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) - but trying on gym machine instead 
6  pull ups  - 4 went up
6 chin ups - 4 went up
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Clean and press 20 kg weight x8, 3 sets 
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 15 s

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150g cauliflower

150g broccoli

25g anchovies

20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked

90 g pesto chicken



4 dumplings 

Some cabbage

200g pea sprouts

250g catfish 



Cheesy pizza dumplings(6)

6 small chocolate bars



30g chickpeas

60g minced beef

50g French beans

70g oyster mushroom


Not much in the name of exercise unless walking for an hour or so to get groceries counts. 



Steamboat, I'm not counting what I ate. 


Then there was 45 min of trampoline dance party and another 30 min of me trying to pick up archery at a local sports carnival. Hey, at least I managed to draw the bow properly this time (the last time I picked up a longbow, it was too hard for me to draw-though the booth manager did say this is an easier to draw longbow) and managed to get the arrows flying in the right direction. Whether they hit the target or not is a different story, clearly wizard me doesn't have longbow proficiency... 

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A muffin

Bowl of longan and red date soup with 2 eggs



Bowl of longan and red date soup with 1 egg

5 small chocolate bars

The Rock climbing class was cancelled - so I went for the on boarding session I was long due and found out to my dismay I lost some skeletal muscle mass (down to 21.7 kg). Body fat percentage also went up(to be expected - I have been eating too many chocolates). My protein level has dropped to 7.8, which isn't a good sign. On one hand I don't want to ruffle my in laws feathers, but on the other hand, their idea of dinner is bean sprouts fried with maybe 20 g of dried fish, a brocolli with tau Kee and (my idea) - pork bone soup. There really isn't enough protein in there and they make it up by eating cupious amounts of rice(not a good idea). I don't really know what to do - I can compensate by increasing amount of proteins for my packed lunches I suppose but I'm not surprised my husband says if he doesn't eat rice he doesn't feel full. 


Also because the rock climbing was cancelled, I went running instead for about 10 km. 



200g ribeye steak 

50g of garlic eggplant

70g brussel sprouts with bacon




150g of pork, mix of pork ribs and pork belly. 

Tau kee

125g brocolli

100g beansprouts with dried fish

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

There really isn't enough protein in there and they make it up by eating cupious amounts of rice

Wait... they catching up on protein by eating rice? So they're packing tons of carbs along... :blink: What about eggs? Can't they just add those to their meals?


2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I can compensate by increasing amount of proteins for my packed lunches

Sounds like best idea. That's the meal you have 100% control over. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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12 grapes and some papaya



One tomato
250g okra
140g oyster mushroom
60g chicken
And tomato and chilli sauce

Some pork rib soup and a rib or two

Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) (This time I got the weights right)
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - No breaks, Yay! 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
25 kg x 8, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups 
6 chin ups (only 5 went up) 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups


You know I think the bar is too low since I can stand on my feet with my elbows bent and grab the bar? But the other bar I need to jump in order to grab it. 
Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight(x8), 3 sets 
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 10 s





180g cauliflower

120g broccoli (sorry, 2 brocolli was 600g and buying 3 brocolli would be too much) 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked

Forgot to bring my pesto chicken to work today ><


I am feeling a little lethargic today and its raining so I'll skip the evening run. I druther it not blow up to something bigger. 

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100g of long beans fried with dried shrimp 

100g of brocolli

Some pork rib soup and a rib or two

Omlette (maybe I ate about 2 eggs worth?) 


But that's what I mean by a tad low on proteins. 



Half a bar of chocolate (due to scratchy throat issues, didn't intend to eat much) 




One tomato

250g okra

140g oyster mushroom

60g chicken

And tomato and chilli sauce


Today is climb day! Short but productive session. Two V1-V2 bouldering routes conquered! =D







Climbed up green. 




Climbed up orange. 


But I needed a bit of help from more experienced climbers on pointing out where to put my feet. There were several wtf, I didn't know I could do that moments. 


Also, smearing the wall is not just for feet, you can smear the wall with your hands as well. 


The green route involved a lot of twisting. I found a purple V0-V1 but failed to climb it as I was unused to the shape of one of the rocks (sloper type). 




180g cauliflower


120g broccoli 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked


180g pesto chicken 


Just for the record, I've been told not to batch cook because its supposed to be bad for health eating overnight vegetables. I am not commenting on that, but vegetables eaten on the day they were cooked definitely taste better. Even if I really have minimal standards and will eat next to anything. 



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11 hours ago, Mortimer said:

its supposed to be bad for health eating overnight vegetables

Umm... I batch cook for entire week. That means I eat even 7 day old food (stored in sealed containers, in a fridge). Do I bother? 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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6 hours ago, Mortimer said:

there's no point ruffling more feathers

True. Looking from this perspective, I refrain from some things I'd do if we wouldn't live with my parents as well. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Dinner eating out with hubbies friends:


2 slices of a 12 inch cheesy crust pizza

One waffle and a scoop of ice cream.



One tomato

200g okra

200g oyster mushroom

60g chicken


And tomato and chilli sauce


Deadlift @ bar +12.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) (This time I got the weights right)
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) - No breaks, Yay! 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
30 kg x 4, 2 sets

30 kg x8, 1 set

One thing is I did not touch the bar to my chest. I did not feel confident of it at this point. I aim to get all sets to 8 then try to touch the bar to my chest. 
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) 


All my pull ups are now done with my feet not touching the floor. I need to jump to the bar where resistance band is tied to. 
6  pull ups (4 went up) 
6 chin ups (4 went up) 
4 pull ups (2 went up) 
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups (all up) 
2 chin ups(all up) 


It's a lot harder. 
Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight

Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 15s


Company lunch :

6 slices of 12 inch pizza, 

All different flavours:

Hawaiian (cheese crust) 

Turkey ham and mushroom (cheese crust) 

Nacho cheese and ham (cheese crust) 

BBQ chicken 

Thin crust chicken olive pizza

Pepperoni pizza (cheese crust) 


And oh a slice of 9 inch Christmas turkey ham pizza. (cheese crust) 





180g cauliflower


120g broccoli 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked


90g pesto chicken 


Also ran with local run group. 



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16 hours ago, Mortimer said:

All my pull ups are now done with my feet not touching the floor

As it should be done. (I wish I had a place to hang my bar high enough for this)

16 hours ago, Mortimer said:

It's a lot harder.

As it should be :D 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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One tomato

200g okra

100g oyster mushroom

60g chicken breast


Went a wall climbing, but this blue problem still eludes me. 



Fell off at that point. But on the bright side I managed to go up last week's yellow route on the first try and eventually did the pink route up. 



180g cauliflower

120g broccoli 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked

90g pesto chicken 

2 slices 12 inch pizza (turkey ham and mushroom and bbq chicken) 

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1 hour ago, aramis said:

As it should be done. (I wish I had a place to hang my bar high enough for this)

As it should be :D 


I was worried that after I threw the resistance band up and looped it around, I would be unable to get the resistance band down. Then I thought about it. I can do monkey bars. So what's stopping me from jumping up to the bar, holding on with one hand while the other hand undoes the resistance band? Turns out I can, briefly do a one arm deadhang (but yep it's very unstable). Again if I could not then I would not be able to swing from one bar to the other. 


And yes getting that resistance band down after entertainment wasn't really that hard. 

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Super belated but life took a busy turn. 


Dinner on Thursday:

Iceberg lettuce with sliced pork 

Fried kailan with garlic

Black beans soup 

A doughnut with frosting 



One tomato

200g okra

100g oyster mushroom

60g chicken breast


Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 
Chest press:
30 kg x 8, 3 sets,but only half reps, I didn't feel confident of touching my chest with the bar. 
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight. 
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 15s



180g cauliflower

120g broccoli 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds baked

90g pesto chicken 



Brocolli fried with oyster nushdoom

Chicken, potato and carrot soup

Sesame chicken with carrots 

5 pieces of coconut candy. 

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5 pizza dumplings

4 mandarin oranges

8 grapes


My friend who did the standard chartered marathon wanted to run a <30 min 5k. So I told her to come and follow my pace for the park run. I figure she should be able to do it, since our 10k timings and half marathon timings are similar (we both finished in 2h 17 min for half marathon), even though I can't do a full marathon. So I did push myself to deliver the sub 30 5k(I pre-warned her it wouldn't be easy for either of us), and she did actually outrun me. Since it was her first park run, she PBed at 26 min 35s. I also broke my previous PB for park run of 27 min 59s and did today at 26 min 47 s. Pretty much ran like hell, stitches did crop up during the run and I was forced to slow some. Anyway yeah. This was just a push as far as we could go and I happily congratulated her on joining the sub 30 5k club after =D


Then since yesterday I didn't have time to walk to the pull up station, I did it today with my friend and we both alternated using the resistance band looped on the bar.


Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups

All went up since there were both of us taking turns so the rest period for me was probably longer then I'd give myself. 


Post run snack:

2 mandarin oranges



200g xiao bai cai with 160g scallop 

150g mackerel (bones were soft enough so I ate them as well) 


I somehow ended up with a stomach bug so my afternoon was ><, but was fine by dinner time so I ate normal dinner and followed my husband out for Orna and some happy boss bashing(you gotta walk all over the place to find yourself some bosses). 



Tom yum soup

Chilli fish cake 

Prawn with vermicilli 

Sesame chicken with carrots

Chicken, corn and carrot soup

Some dough fritters. 


But this week hasn't been a very happy week for fitness since Monday I had a scratchy throat and today the stomach bug ><


Also only 18 push ups done today. 


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