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Mortimer's battle logs.

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200g xiao bai cai fried with 160g scallops

100g mackerel



Sesame chicken with carrots

Tom Yum Soup

Pineapple rice

Prawns with vermicilli 

Dough fritters 

Spicy fish cake 


After dinner me and my hubbie walked around 6km or so playing Orna. (Around 8k steps?)


Breakfast the next day:

1 slice of 12 inch pizza with meat 

4 chocolate smores



His dad was going to fry kueh teow for us. I mean it tasted fine and all but since the only possible proteins in there would be a bit of egg and bean sprouts, I was like oh dear. I ate some kueh teow (a bowl full), then prepared my version of fast food, 200g of French beans with 2 pieces of roasted tau kwa and shared it with my hubbie. 


At least toasting firm tofu is less ubiquitous then buying and frying meats. On one hand I don't want to decline food offered, but on the other hand, it's so carb heavy ><



100g mustard greens fried with 50g oyster mushrooms

Drank a packet (500ml) of peppermint chocolate flavoured milk(just for fun) 

3 pieces of tau pok

Pork rib soup(I ate 3 ribs). 


No exercise for the day except for walking around playing Orna round 2 with my hubbie. 


Breakfast this morning:

200g okra
200g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast
A whole load of tomato ketchup and chilli sauce 

25g sesame seeds

Had 5 chocolate bars


Deadlift @ bar +15 kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) 
Lowered bar all the way to the ground. I think it may be time for me to add weight.. 
Chest press:
30 kg x 4, 3 sets,yes I touched the bar to my chest this time. I will aim to slowly increase reps. 
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
It was raining so I did not go to outdoor puill up station. 

Overhead press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight
I have been told that the gym is too small(took a picture of gym in question) for powerlifting moves like the clean and press. 

I took breaks on sets 2 and 3 on the 5th rep. 

Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 15 s


Usual decoction:
1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

180g cauliflower
120g brocolli 
90g chicken with pesto sauce 
20g hulled pumpkin seeds



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21 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I have been told that the gym is too small(took a picture of gym in question) for powerlifting moves

Yeah, it looks a bit crammed. 

You don't want anybody got hit by some ricochet when you mess your clean and send weights flying :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Heyyyyy! I'm considerate. I always lock my weights with a weight clip before I do anything with them! 


Anyway yesterday it was raining so I did my climbing then went to run with local run group(8 km, 6'30 pace, maybe a bit more since I got a little lost and had to detour back - don't really care since I have the stamina to run far longer) 



Black up 


Purple up. 


Both are V0-V1.

With the usual orange and green. I aim to do the purple route in the first picture. It's a V1-V2, I tried and got stuck halfway. 



Chicken curry consisting of 2 Chicken drumsticks, Half a potato, 50g carrot

Half a bowl of rice

Spinach and egg soup

5 bars of chocolate 



250g okra

200g King oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

A whole load of tomato ketchup and chilli sauce 

A bit of baguette. Dipping it in the ketchup was surprisingly good. 

25g sesame seeds


Also found out to my dismay that I'm a fair weather Spartan. It was raining last night, so the monkey bars were wet. I tried and fell off halfway, sadly. 





Deadlift @ bar +15 kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

 Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

 Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) - took a break on 4th rep


Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 



Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 1st set, 30 kg x 4, 2nd set, 30 kg x3, 3rd set. Sigh, that's what I got when I tried increasing reps. 


Front Squat:

25kg x8, 3 sets



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups 

6 chin ups (only 4 went up) 

4 pull ups

4 chin ups 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Clean and press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight x 3 sets, first 2 sets without breaks, 3rd set break at 4.


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 10 s. 


Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

90g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds








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Afternoon snack:

One cheesy curry puff


Ran around 4km with local run group...joined slowest group. Maybe I should have pushed for group 2, but due to poor attendance they combined group 1 and group 2,so I didnt want to go for a group 1-2 pace. Anything below 6 min is a tad tiring though technically I am capable of 5'30 for distances up to 5 km. Again I'm a better morning runner then night runner. 




Half a chicken drumstick with half a potato and 50g carrot

Half a bowl of rice

Some curry gravy

2 slices of papaya

50g French beans with dried shrimp



200g okra

200g King oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast


Lots of Thai chilli sauce. 


It's rock climbing day! 


Conquered blue. Woooooot! My first V1-V2 route on the rock wall! I'm aiming the black route to the left next. Did manage to get part way today before falling off. 


Also got up last week's yellow and pink on first try. 





180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

180g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


I want to go for a blood donation on Sunday so I will eat out tomorrow for the iron boost - I spied a stall selling pork liver. 

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I want to go for a blood donation


I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Joined local Hiits group. Whack! 


Oh man, so glad I loaded on proteins earlier. 



Half a pot of cabbage, mushroom, black fungus and bean curd skin

Spam (Ack! That was the only meat) 

5 chocolate bars 


I was told if it was too much I could keep the cabbage for the next day. Nope, that didn't happen. If you cook me a pot of veggies, a pot of veggies dissappear. 


I opted to get more sleep (suspect I was incurring sleep debt - previous day indicated 1h 18 min of deep sleep), Skipped going to the gym and did nerd fitness star wars workout instead. It paid off me thinks, 1h 30 min deep sleep today. Geez. The things they say about hangdogs. 


Hangdogs link:




3x 15 box jumps 

Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest

Jabba the Hutt chokes(waist height) :

3x10 body weight rows, took a break on the last set - pah I'm getting rusty or maybe the climbing debuff

 Chewbacca carries(Skipped) - may do using water jug during lunch break

Force push ups:

4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.

Force choke: no breaks 

Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min


I also did da monkey bars hand over hand after the force choke. 




One tomato

200g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Thai chilli sauce.

5 bars of chocolate

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Half a bowl of white rice

100g pork liver

50g French beans

Usual decoction:

1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds



100g brocolli 

150g pork trotters with some bean curd skin


OK its raining the entire day, I'm a fair weather person and had family stuff to do so I didnt do anything other then 18 push ups. And maybe kneading dough. It's really hard for me to get exercising when it's raining cats and dogs outside. Not literally... Else I'd feel sorry for the cats and dogs. 



A curry puff

3 eggs

An orange



Pig stomach soup with 90g of pork belly

100g bok choi fried with 30g minced meat and scallop



Bean sprouts with tau kwa 

Stir fried kai lan 

Sweet potato leaves with dried shrimp

2 large chicken drumsticks from ginseng chicken soup

Kueh lapis 


Breakfast this morning:

A curry puff 


I didn't like what I saw in the nerd fitness battlelog mirror, so I did something about it. 100 burpees, in 10 min 31 secs. 5 sets of 20 with a minute break in between. After I go for my blood donation later I can't exercise much so better do it now. 

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5 hours ago, Mortimer said:

100 burpees, in 10 min 31 secs.

HOW?? 5 sets with 1 min rest means you took 4min for resting, this leaves 6.5 min for exercising. I don't even imagine doing 20 reps in little above 1 min - it's 3... max 4 sec for a burpee. I could do that, but only when doing version without push-up in the middle. You're heckin' machine! :loyal:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Also for non fitness related stuff... In the quest of using up my in-laws bread crumbs, I made turnip and carrot vegetable fritters. 




First set is baked, second set is pan fried. (Because the oven is small and baking 10 min on each side would take too long to pop a massive batch). 


The pan fried ones tasted better(baked ones were a tad dry), I have one baked, one pan fried one left over which I will bring to office tomorrow for a colleague of mine for taste testing. 


I didn't quite measure things out but it involved 700g turnip, 100g carrot, salt, black pepper, 3 eggs, an onion chopped fine, 3 bulbs of garlic chopped fine and quite some breadcrumbs. Grate the veggies, squeeze them dry then mix everything in and form into patties. 


Also I got the boot on blood donation for too low iron levels (12.1 out of the 12.5 required), so I asked them for iron pills and will take iron pills until I go try to donate next Sunday. 

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Morning snack:

Around 50g of fruit and nut chocolate 



6 dumplings and 20g kai lan



Quite a number of vegetable fritters

100g brocolli

3 chicken drumsticks 




One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Thai chilli sauce.


Someone was using the bar for squats so I took the heaviest barbell I could find. 40 kg but we'll live with what we get. 12 reps, 3 sets. 
Chest press:
30 kg x 5,  3 sets. Last set last rep was tough. 
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets

Now if I could clean 30 kg. Can I? 

Pull ups:(assisted using gym pull up machine because I figure it might rain again and I can't get to outdoor pull up bars - assist set at 20. Unsure if kg or lbs - it's from life fitness) 
6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups

Overhead press 20 kg weight x8, 3 sets 
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1min 12 sec


Usual decoction:


1 tablespoon fennel and cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds





240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

150 g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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A whole lot of pig stomach soup, with pig stomach and about 150g of pork belly. 

Spinach with anchovies 


Post dinner snack:

50g chocolate covered nuts 



One tomato

250g okra

130g oyster mushroom

Shiitake mushroom 

100g chicken

Thai chilli sauce - apparently too much as I poured the remaining amount of the bottle in and ended up with the runs for the better part of the day. I could take the chilli though, taste wise. 


My mother in law popped in and said I shouldn't eat that much for breakfast - it'd make my stomach expand (wait, didn't she say last night that eating more for breakfast and lunch is better then eating more for dinner?)... I think they just think I'm eating too much(vegetables) in general. Gah. Look I've gone down this route before. If I eat less stuff I don't get the nutrition required, I become a grump hungry monster that binges on snacks. I rather control what stuff I eat rather then restrict quantity of stuff eaten. 



Company lunch on buffet mode.. Eh enough said. 

I ate some purple cabbage, some other salad greens, ham and cheese and cucumbers, some mayo green apple, a piece of 9 inch pizza, 1 piece of ham panini and 1 piece vegetable panini, then started whacking the meats involving slices of mutton, roast duck, roast chicken, pan seared fish, chicken stew, beef stew, salmon sashimi, roasted turkey, penkan turkey, pork collar, mussels and clams, beef Rendang, curry prawn and squid. Could not resist a fried bun. Then I went for the deserts, Japanese chocolate pancake (I added extra chocolate sauce), and had a red velvet waffle with kaya, peanut butter and chocolate sauce, ate a piece of green tea chocolate, ate a piece of rum and raisin chocolate, half a slice of chocolate cake with cream. Had half a scoop of rum and raisin ice cream and half a scoop of hokey pokey ice cream. 


Oh wow, talk about eat a lot. 


Anyway I Skipped dinner after all that stuffing. It was raining so I went for an extra long climb. The large lunch did adversely affect my climbing abilities. A previously cleared yellow route I managed only on the second try. Blue was still done on the first try. Did not get any new routes done but learnt how to start a new white route. Holds were rather small and spaced far apart, but the label said side wall OK. Fine, then we'll cling on the side wall instead. That worked surprisingly well... 



One tomato

200g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken


Tomato sauce. 


In the process of doing nerd fitness star wars workout. 

Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 

Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest

Jabba the Hutt chokes:

3x10 body weight rows, took a break on the last set(gah!) 

 Force choke: no breaks 


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7 hours ago, Mortimer said:

My mother in law popped in and said I shouldn't eat that much for breakfast


7 hours ago, Mortimer said:

If I eat less stuff I don't get the nutrition required, I become a grump hungry monster that binges on snacks

Have you tried to tell her this?



I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I don't want to comment too much at this point of time because I am having issues of my own (amenorrhea). I am seeing a Chinese doctor about this and on medication. I do not want to see the normal general practitioner as they will probably prescribe me hormones which I'm loathe to take.


My mother in law thinks that too much vegetables has made my body too cooling in a traditional Chinese medicine sense, which caused my lack of period. Who knows, she may be right? But I don't want to comment on things(diet wise) until I get it fixed as at this point of time I don't know what is the cause. And the doctor is still adjusting it per se. 


It could be anything ranging from too low body fat percentage(I've asked another doctor on this she said probably not), to too much exercise (hey, in these rainy months I haven't done a long run for a long time), stress(but my wedding is over, so...?) and even my diet. But if my diet is the cause, I'd at least like to know where and see if there is a way to compromise not having grains and having stuff happen normally. 

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Afternoon snack:

2 pieces of cake. (It's Christmas and there's cake everywhere) 


I did finish the rest of the nerd fitness workout. 


Chewbacca carries:
Hauled office jug of water in waiters carry. 
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min


Then joined the local group running. 



Half a tau kwa

3 tau poks

100g of bok choi

Half a small chicken drumstick 

Some vermicilli soup

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3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I am having issues of my own

That's bad. Good you seeing a doctor who isn't too eager to prescribe hormones. This stuff is great, but as a last ditch effort. If you can fix yourself without using them, it's way healthier for you. I hope your doc will find out what's happening and fix you soon. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yesterday due to having a close to lunch meeting I Skipped lunch climb. 



240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

150 g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Joined local group for Hiits. 




50g spinach 

50g cabbage fried with 20g pork

200g fried fish

Lotus root soup with 30g peanuts and 30g pork. 



One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken


Pull ups are not going well this morning. Will post full report later but mehh. Even monkey bar attempts were meh. I blame a lack of sleep. I have been staying up too late doing Orna raid bosses. 

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Someone was using the bar, so 40 kg barbell x12, 3 sets. 

Lowered bar all the way to the ground. 



Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets




Had my hands on a bar and a squat rack, so... 

5kg on each side x8

10 kg on each side x8

15 kg on each side x8(did not manage 90 degrees) 


Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups 

6 chin ups (only 5 went up) 

4 pull ups (only 3 went up) 

4 chin ups (only 3 went up) 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press bar x8 +1.25 kg weight - this was crappy, had to take a break on every set. 


I usually do overhead press before chest press but today I inverted the order and found the chest presses easier. Overhead press was a pain though. 


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1min 10s. 

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23 hours ago, aramis said:

That's bad. Good you seeing a doctor who isn't too eager to prescribe hormones. This stuff is great, but as a last ditch effort. If you can fix yourself without using them, it's way healthier for you. I hope your doc will find out what's happening and fix you soon. 

The strange thing is I don't feel anything wrong with me. No stomach cramps, fatigue, bloatedness etc. I feel perfectly normal except it doesn't come. 


I don't really miss it per se, as I used to fall sick around that time of the month and not having it is sort of nice... But I also want children so it needs to get fixed. 

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240g cauliflower


120g brocolli


150 g chicken with pesto sauce 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Teabreak:Too many cookies =P




Thai green curry with around 100g of green beans, 100g of eggplant and 50g chicken breast

30g of pig liver in cabbage soup 

14 grapes



6 small bits of cake

1.5 cups of jackfruit 


Did my 5k park run in 29 min 2 secs. Slow but eh, at least it was sub 30.


Lunch:200g nai bai fried with 70g of fish and pork

150g pork trotters

60g pork ribs

1 cup of yam in yam soup


I baked baguettes for my class gathering which was pretty popular among the kids. 


Dinner(class gathering) :

Nasi lemak

2 glasses of wine

4 slices of cake

A bit of Mee siam



One bowl of green bean soup 

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I went for a blood donation and with a week of iron tablets I did hit 12.5 mark. 




I admitted I just grazed on the biscuits down there at the blood donation drive. 3 packets of biscuits, 2 packets of raisins and one cup of milo. Ate a rice cake at home too. 



Vegetable fritters (made of carrot, turnip and breadcrumbs) 

Macaroni chicken soup with a bit of brocolli and chicken. Meh not a very good on protein meal. 

One dragonfruit




One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

90g chicken



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 
Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) 
Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups(3 went up) 
4 chin ups (3 went up) 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups

Overhead press with 20 kg weight x8.
Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 10s


I am quite happy with this mornings weights considering I finished without much lowering down of standards despite going for a blood donation. The more you're trained, the bigger the effect of blood donation, so I've read. I do not have any races in planning so there is plenty of time to recover. 

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Also slightly random stuff. I got my hands on a free sports kit gene test. 




I used it on myself and the results... Wait for it... 


The results on the test on sports-related gene ACTN-3 shows that your sports related gene is the RR which is Power-Type. In this genetic type, as ACTN-3 proteins are produced in the fast-twitch muscle fibres as a matter of rule, target sports that require instantaneous power or strength to attain a high level of performance. 


Recommended sports:

Track and field events with distances <400m

200m or shorter swimming 

Short distance cycling

Goalkeepers(hey I used to make a fairly decent one at captains ball, people sort of underestimate how high I can jump since I'm a shorty) 


Oh wow. And I go around running 10ks and half marathons, complaining I can't sprint for nuts... Nature vs nurture? 


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Uhh... yeah. Home gene test that tells you what sport you are (should be) good at... Excuse my doubts, but... well, I doubt it. Just do what you like and don't let others tell you what you should like.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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