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Mortimer's battle logs.

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240g cauliflower


120g brocolli


150 g chicken with pesto sauce 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds






Oh dear yes it was a mess. I went with my in-laws for a walk at the local garden, we got back super late, so they took away food and it was:


Seafood beehoon

Fried rice

Dark sauce bee hoon

Char kueh teow


Basically all carb heavy>< Also I was hungry so I couldn't not eat either. 

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Christmas eve:




One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

chilli sauce

20g sesame seeds 



240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

150 g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


I went for a extended climb but didn't get many where's - no new routes climbed, actually failed on the previous blue route. Meh. Just a bad climb day. Then I really did do the dungeon run, with a bit of getting lost, but I ran to 5 out of 6 of the dungeons I intended to reach before the 1h + timer on the buff wore out. There was some getting lost and detouring, so the run route could be streamlined to be more efficient. 


Not a very good run in terms of strict timing, but each time I hit a dungeon I need to stop and clear it, and also there was some stopping to determine which direction I needed to go. Dungeon runs will never be very fast as clearing a dungeon requires some attention so depending on difficulty I cannot just run to the next dungeon immediately. 

Screenshot_20191226-104154_Samsung Health.jpg




200g fish

100g cabbage with dried shrimp

100g sesame chicken with carrots and potatoes. 

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Christmas day:



One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

chilli sauce

20g sesame seeds 


Was preparing cauliflower rice for my cousins Christmas party lunch so I was a bit short of time. 


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, surprisingly no breaks. 

 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: 1 break 
Luke Handstands: A little erratic because I was planking while doing the orna raid boss scruug. I couldn't remain planked while killing the raid boss throughout and had to take a break. 

Skipped Chewbacca carries. 


Christmas lunch:

It's Christmas lunch! Nuff said. 

Involved smoke pork belly, salmon and butter on toast, ham and cheese on toast, sardine pasta, rosemary baked chicken, ice cream cakes. 


Went with my hubbie to his gaming friends meet and became a sedentary bum, trying to master the shoyugen in King of fighters 2. I can launch them from the ground but not while in midair =(



A chocolate éclair 






Shared hokkien mee and sugarcane drink with my hubbie. 


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One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 

20g sesame seeds 




240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100 g chicken with pesto sauce 

 20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Also weighed myself today. 53.7kg. Nope that isn't a good piece of news. Sometimes I get frustrated with people telling me oh your wedding is over just ease up a little...


Why are you making life so hard for yourself by waking up to cook your own food? You could just sleep in... 


Or could you eat up the cookies in the pantry else I'll throw them away... They've been there for a long time... You'd make the pantry look a lot neater, couldn't you? 


Or its Christmas season, can't you skip a workout for a day? 


You do that and this is the result. Its like I can't please people without making myself unhappy. Granted I haven't been sleeping that well of the late as well... 


Yep, I'm frustrated. 

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Oh and my aunt was saying if you can't think of what to bring for my cousins Christmas party, buy the kids chocolate. What the...? Nope not gonna do that, which is why I fried up a good lot of cauliflower rice. Eating that is at least healthy. 


Also in a better mood after I went bouldering a bit. 20191226_130218.thumb.jpg.6b03db78c6e783620a71dd961a66f654.jpg


A new black route! Oooh shinny! 


Wasn't expecting it'd give me any problems(since it's a V0), which is below my pay grade, and it didn't. The odd part is just the type of holds given - I don't usually get these holey holds to play around with but was wondering how I'd react to them. Apparently it's business as per normal as I clambered steadily up. 


Did the V1-2 green(they took out orange) for practice and I still do know how to do it. Failed once on the purple route(V0-V1), but I blame a little unfamiliarity. Orange V1-2 route was taken out(replaced with a yellow with bloody small holds) , but the white V1-2 overhang route got easier with rings. I am trying it and I think I am 2 moves short of finishing. I suspect the ending part is to launch yourself into the air to grab the next rung.



Fell to the dark side and had a piece of chocolate, a cookie and a piece of chocolate cake. 

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9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

buy the kids chocolate. What the...? Nope not gonna do that,


and then

9 hours ago, Mortimer said:

had a piece of chocolate, a cookie and a piece of chocolate cake.

Keeping treats to yourself? Dark side it is... ;) 

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I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Dinner last night:

Was out with my hubbie walking around so... At least it looked semi OK. 


100g brocolli

Hotplate egg tofu with prawns, minced pork and carrot


My in-laws are off visiting his sister for a couple of days so I have full run of the kitchen. Hip hip hurrah! 


On the downside I caught my mother in law having a talk with my husband telling him to convince me to eat less vegetables saying its bad for my health because its too cooling. Dammit, vegetables are my life... 


It brought a bit of a relapse on the usual why can't I eat more "normally" woes, but god I swear eating that much white bread and white rice isn't healthy either. If I'm not stepping on your toes, why are you stepping on mine? Is it because I don't have my period and you think you know better then me? If a medical professional really does tell me I need to take grains in order to have my period, then yes fine, I'll do that but I will also highlight my worries on putting on weight and see what kind of compromise can be achieved.  


It's like no matter what I do I can't make people happy...why don't I have the right to eat what I want to? Its not even something a dietician would complain about. 


So what are they going to do next? Bar me from using the kitchen? Fark, then I'll take an induction cooker and do my cooking in the office with a saucepan. I am a cook of my own right and I won't let anyone dictate what I should eat. 


Sigh I really am ranting. Deep breaths, Mortimer, deep breaths... 

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One tomato

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 

20g sesame seeds 


Morning weights:


Lots of atoners in the gym in the morning. Couldn't get my hands on the bar nor the squat rack,nor felt comfortable leaving phone lying around to take videos due to too many people lifting weights around. 



Deadlift @ 40 kg, 74% body weight if anyone's curious... 12 reps, 3 sets. I suppose I could do the 4th set and attempt 74 body weight @50 reps for squatmas challenge but didn't think it wise to do both the squats and deadlifts on the same day. My butt doesnt like me very much as it is =P


Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets. 3rd set it was really hard to crank out the last rep. Too many squats =P


Front Squat(did em first):

25kg x10, 5 sets - squatmas challenge! 


Pull ups:(assisted on pull up machine 20kg) 

6 pull ups 

6 chin ups 

4 pull ups

4 chin ups 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press with 20 kg weight, 8 reps, 3 sets. 


Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1min 6s



240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100 g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds



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8 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Sigh I really am ranting. Deep breaths, Mortimer, deep breaths...


I think this stuff needs time. You moved to your Inlaws just a while ago - all of you need to work this new situation out. They have their habits (good or bad), you have your own. It's clear some things won't fit right away. But I think talking through this would be best. Or sucking it up at home and doing your stuff somewhere else. 


And about pantry cleaning at home - my way when asked something like "could you eat up the cookies in the pantry else I'll throw them away..." is either replying "give 'em to someone else" or taking the stuff (saying "sorry, I'm full. I'll eat them later") and giving it to someone later. 

Not sure how it works at your place, but maybe there is something like food bank collecting stuff for the poor? I know they prefer long-lasting products, but chances are they can use fresh cookies/sweets. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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200g of bok choi with 90g chicken 



300g of cabbage with 70g chicken


Did the monkey bars one way, hand over hand, turned, then went the other direction ^^


Then did my orna run of around 7km. 

Screenshot_20191229-154943_Samsung Health.jpg


My hubbie wanted to try this one out so during my Orna run I also went to get 3 pieces kfc chicken. The chicken was still hot after I ran back lol. 





1.5 pieces KFC original chicken 

100g French beans 

A bit of rice 



120g pork from pork rib soup

100g lotus roots

200g boiled daikon raddish cooked in ginger, spring onion and oyster sauce 

125g fish stir fried with ginger and spring onion


Woke up at 4.15am to cook breakfast:



150g bok choy 

80g minced beef


Then joined the local group for their run. 

I managed around 13km at a 6 min pace then ran out of steam and had to walk the remaining 5 km back >< Sigh. But I was feeling sleepy and cold as I was running so I decided that maybe pushing onwards might not be a good idea. Its the first time that I've actually run out of breath per se on a run. I seem to be rather off form ><

Also Heart rate was rather high once ramped - high 150s,even hitting 162 at one point. Usually if I long run I try to keep things at 140s for sustainability. 


Post run snack:

An apple

A cup of soya bean drink(no sugar added) 



100g pork 

200g fish

200g kailan

3 baked spring rolls

6 jujubes


Then I baked chocolate bread:


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I was looking at food bank website but I remembered a TV interview - it said they were short of milk powder but received too many instant noodles or something like that. 


Dinner last night:

200g cabbage 

240g chicken liver






One tomato


250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken


Hoisin sauce 


20g sesame seeds 


Didn't go to the gym because my throat is scratchy. Not to mention I ache all over from yesterday's run =P In part my bad since I didn't do the runners Yoga ritual thing. Didn't think 13km, admittedly faster then I would normally go, be that bad ><


I think also it may be that I havent slept that well for the last few weeks, and also maybe I may consider getting some carbs in before I long run... 

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240g cauliflower


120g brocolli


100 g chicken with pesto sauce 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds



50g salmon

50g bok choi 

25g mushroom

0.5 bowls of rice 

Some vermicilli

And chocolate bread. It turned out a bit dry. 


I didn't know that steamboat set came with rice but when I saw it did, I asked them for less rice. 


I still have a runny nose and my throat is scratchy. Later I will climb, but I'm considering if I want to double run 5k tomorrow, its a new year's day park run event. I suppose if I take it slow and do >6 min pace it should be fine...? Though what I wanted to do was to run both 5ks in <30 min




 One tomato

 250g okra

 200g oyster mushroom

 100g chicken

 Hoisin sauce 

 20g sesame seeds 




240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100 g chicken with pesto sauce 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Tomorrow I won't be able to hit the gym as my gym pass is only for weekdays and not public holidays. Technically if I climbed today, I've strength trained, no? 

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Some cake in the pantry



I was back early after the climb and in laws were like let's just buy back food? 


Me: Uh guys, I'll cook.(I don't want a carb heavy meal, thx) It won't take long. 

My father in law whipped up some vegs while I got some pork shoulder stir fried with ginger and oyster sauce. 



180g pork shoulder

150g brocolli

100g cabbage

28g dried shrimp

0.3 of an Asian pear 

1 banana 

0.3 orange



4 eggs


Then I did double park run(each park run is 5k).First park run timing was 30 min 15s,second park run 29 min 50s. Should have pushed harder on the first to get sub 30 for both but I am still sick. So ><



100g fish

100g endives

2 cups cooked cucumber

28g dried shrimp

1 cup of pomello



I made pineapple cauliflower rice. I'm practicing for Chinese New year. 


350g cauliflower

32 g dried shrimp 

6 medium shrimp

200g pineapple


Then worrying there wasn't enough protein, had 140g chicken breast stir fried with ginger. 


Also ate a piece of chocolate bread and a mandarin orange. 


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One tomato

 250g okra

 200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 


Still sick so just did an 8 km walk or so. 




240g brocolli

100 g chicken with pesto sauce 

3 honey dates, 3 dried Figs and assorted plant material from a herbal brew. 



180g endives

150g fish

One pork and prawn roll 


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31 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

Still sick


Hope you'll feel better soon.  Woot for doing this walk. 8 km is quite a nice distance :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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One tomato

 250g okra

 200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 



A kaya butter sandwich 

2 soft boiled eggs 

A cup of milo

6 pieces satay


Dinner-steam boat :

Quite some endvives

Sliced beef 

Sliced beef belly

Sliced pork belly

Sliced pork 

Sliced Chicken thigh 

3 small pieces of cake and 2 scoops of ice cream

Golden mushroom 


Also walked like 35k steps which should be something around 24 km. Lol, talk about walking a half marathon. Even ran a bit to maximise buff time in Orna. Was easily running ahead of my hubbie and his friends despite my less then optimal condition (still sick), since they didn't care to run the route. 




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Half an Egg and onion

100g Endives fried with chicken 

A glass of milk



Pig stomach soup 

200g xiao bai cai

200g fish

90g pork ribs from pig stomach soup 



One bowl of rice (why do my in laws keep giving me rice ><) 

60g pork ribs 

Minced pork and egg



Also baked chocolate bread, ate two pieces. No exercise per se. 


Weighed myself this morning - 53.8 kg =( Sick and no exercise is a bad combination. 




One tomato

 250g okra

 200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 

One cup of milk(it expires on 8th Jan) - for people who say you should buy your vegetables every day so they are fresh, my in laws do hoard quite a bit of stuff. Look. I am not clearing their fridge multiple times. 

A piece of chocolate bread. 

40g cabbage

40g pork


Wanna bet that the milk that is going to expire on 16 Jan 2020, they're going to forget about it again? 


Anyway I did take the drowsy runny nose medicine last night (I suspect my cough is due to mucus flowing back into my throat), and finally got a decent night's sleep (been waking multiple times in the night previously due to coughing fits), and decided that being a lazy arse isn't doing me any favours. Now coughing at the gym is bad form but...I don't think the fitness station is going to complain about occasional coughs. 


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
 Chewbacca carries:

Will do later

 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets. - seems harder then Usual. I blame too much orna and not enough push ups. 
Force choke: One break, sigh
Luke Handstands: will do later. 


Also I signed up for Spartan sprint on 28 March 2020. I suspect when it comes to their bars, I'm still going to end up doing burpees and I really, really could use more practice on climbing ropes. It's been a while since I've done a rope climb, though technically I climb every Tuesday and Thursday. 


And I've finally gotten caught up with my food journal, which has fallen by the wayside for the past week. Gosh. Considering if I want to join the local run group later or just chill for now. 

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17 hours ago, Mortimer said:

signed up for Spartan sprint on 28 March 2020


I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I did run with the local group yesterday. My... I didn't know I was capable of 5 min/km for really short bursts =P Like for half a min or so, maybe 1 min. 


Anyway dinner:




Sigh. Really depressing. I don't want to upset my in laws by not eating any so I ate half a bowl of that stuff and told them I can't eat that much. Yet I feel bad about wasting food. How do I tell people please stop stuffing me with rice or noodles? =(



One tomato

 250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken

Hoisin sauce 

2 pieces chocolate bread 




240g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100 g chicken with five spice powder 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Tea break:

4 walnut halves 

4 almonds


I feel a strong snack monster lurking(suspect it has something to do with hauling files around office)... And climbing will make me even hungrier. 


Will climb later, I'm living with a blocked nose now. I think tomorrow I will aim to weight train. 


If too many days of dinner end up >< I may consider doing intermittent fasting for dinner. Again I don't sleep well if I try to sleep on an empty stomach =(



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Looking at that white hold I think it's intended to be held from under. You put your feet on holds below, grab this one from the bottom and pull the hold up like you'd try to tear it from wall. 

I mean undergrip like this:


(image taken from here)

This stabilizes your body and gives you possibility to reach with other hand for another, higher hold. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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