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Mortimer's battle logs.

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100g of brocolli

110g pork, 60g from pork ribs 

White fungus with 70g chicken




One tomato 

80g pink lentils

A roti prata

100g  chicken breast


I think I may be making lentil stew on Saturdays for a change - my mother in law found a stash of lentils in one of the houses her tenants vacated. Will make a share for my mother in law as well.  I will add capsicum in the future to make sure there's vitamin C so the iron of the lentils are properly absorbed. 



Pig stomach soup

100g fish

70g Pork knuckle

0.5  a baguette

60g pork ribs 

100g brocolli 

30g carrots

200g hami melon 


Made baguettes. Had whole wheat flour from my mother in law. 



A bowl of fried rice cooked with egg and prawn

60g of chicken with white fungus soup


No exercise except for a lot of steps. 28k or so. 



200g French beans fried with 100g chicken breast 


Then I did this:

Screenshot_20200223-153736_Samsung Health.jpg


Also, no knee issues, which means I can train for the longer distances now. I hope to be able to run a marathon. 



200g of salmon

150g cabbage fried with bacon bits and breadcrumbs 

1 apple

125g of blueberries

90g pork


I wanted to fry more cabbage but didn't have enough time to chop it up before my hairdressers appointment in the afternoon. I hate it when people tell me on the last minute they aren't cooking and I have to whip up something on the fly myself on short notice. 


Cabbage and bacon bits and breadcrumbs recipe. 




I need to finish the spare breadcrumbs as well... 


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200g sirloin steak 

Bean salad

Potato gratin 

340g cabbage with 30g breadcrumbs and 20g bacon bits


250g okra
200g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast

1 banana


Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

 Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) 


Then I think I pulled my back on the right and got screwed over. 


Chest press:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets


Front Squat:

20kg x8 3 sets



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups (unassisted failed) 

6 chin ups (one unassisted) 

4 pull ups

4 chin ups 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press 20kg x8, 3 sets



Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min


230g brocolli
100g chicken breast 
20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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150 g brocolli 

150g duck


Binge ate about 20g wolf berries and 40 grams dried longans because I was stressed out on how the day went. 




250g okra
200g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast


230g brocolli
100g chicken breast 
20g hulled pumpkin seeds


No exercise today as RL is kicking me and I have a no wash hair order from Sunday due to hair treatment so I don't want to do anything that will get me sweaty. 

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How's your back? 


3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

no wash hair order

Ugh. For how long? I hate such things - after few days all my scalp tries to evacuate :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Hey, quick question(s).

I was asked if I want to run 10K trail in May.


Given I can run 5K trail with 5:30/km pace or faster (and I am not pumped out totally right after), what is the chance I will be able to run 10K in May? What reasonable time should I consider for transition to longer distance? And can you vouch for any training plan for this?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Aim for 6-6.30 pace. I suggest each time you run, increase your distance by 1k until you hit 10k. If you can run a 5k comfortably, likely you already can run a 10k. If you like you can try at a 6'30 pace and try to run 10k now, I jumped from 5k to 10k  no worse for wear. But do NOT jump from 10k to 21k suddenly. Very bad idea. 

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OK on Tuesday? I lied about the no exercise bit. I slipped in 100 burpees in 5 sets of 20.



Half a bowl of rice

50g spinach 

50g sliced pork

Half a tau kwa. 

100g spinach 



15 cherries

4 prunes



250g okra

200g King oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast



40 kg x 12, 3 sets


Bar was in use... 


Chest press:

25 kg x8, 3 sets


Still not quite back to normal


Front Squat:

25kg x8, 3 sets



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups (first one unassisted) 

6 chin ups (first one unassisted) 

4 pull ups

4 chin ups 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press 25 kg x 4, 3 sets



Farmers walk with a 15 kg weight plate on each hand. 1 min 30s



230g brocolli

100g chicken breast 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Tea break:

8 prunes 


Ran with local run group on hills, group 3.



100g pork belly

2 tau pok

2 eggs

Half a tau kwa

Some beancurd skin 



250g okra
140g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast



Also, I finally managed to conquer the white rock route that I had been trying for weeks. I watched someone with similar climb style to mine and did as she did(smear the wall a lot). I don't know how to flag properly so I guess it's smearing for me. 





230g brocolli


100g chicken breast 


20g hulled pumpkin seeds


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3 tau poks

Some beancurd skin

Half a tau kwa 

An egg

50g of fish 

50g of spinach 

Half an apple

1/4 an orange

One dragonfruit

0.25 piece of bak kwa 


250g okra
200g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast

One banana 


40kg barbell x 12, 3 sets 


Bit rushed for time today so didn't want the hassle of loading and unloading the bar. 

Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets

Cant get that 30 kg up today =(
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (one unassisted) 
6 chin ups (one unassisted) 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25 kg x 4, 3 sets

Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 40s



230g brocolli

100g chicken breast 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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80g lentils

120g capsicum

One tomato

100g chicken breast



200g xiao bai cai

20g scallop

30g pork

120g chicken

8 meatballs (small - mixed with fish meat) or so in soup

50g mushrooms 

One tim tam


Also was busy baking baguettes with flour that my mother in law gave me. 



160g pork liver

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

A love letter (ooops)!


No exercise on Saturday, working on principles of energy conservation.


Sunday breakfast:

230g french beans

100g chicken breast


Then this:


Screenshot_20200301-092546_Samsung Health.jpg


Post run snack:

220g salmon

125 g blueberries

An apple



Half a plate of chicken rice

5 pieces of sliced roasted chicken

Half an egg



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OK that uncle of mine... Points for enthusiasm, but after his DIY attempts at weight lifting, I bought him a cheapo gym membership. 


I don't think that setup looks very safe at all, I'm worried the bar he uses might actually snap if he loads too much. Not to mention I don't think cable ties are very secure, though something could be said about me forgetting to fix the weight clamps when I was overhead pressing today. 


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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

I don't think that setup looks very safe at all

You should be glad you didn't witnessed my makeshift cable pulldown machine. 


@ cable ties - this stuff is surprisingly strong. I bet the pipe used for bar would bend before any ties would snap. And to be honest - what load they carry here? Only secure jugs from sliding off the "bar".

1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

me forgetting to fix the weight clamps

At least uncle remembered to secure the load ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Oh yes, I think I am glad I didn't. But you see I am not the handy man type, so maybe I am a little conservative on what you can rig up. The jugs aren't all that light - once filled with water - its 5 kg per jug. I just don't see how a hollow pipe can support that much weight and doesn't plastic get a little brittle once it gets old?


My uncle did report that when he tried to load more jugs (aka squat more...), the bar did protest though.


And for someone who doesn't really weight train(until recently) my race walking uncle is surprisingly muscular (with a bit too much body fat). Think of those stout guys and you have him.

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All right, time to get up to date with my food logs and all.


Dinner on Sunday:

300g of turnip with 30g of breadcrumbs and some bacon bits

50g spinach with some dried shrimp

120g chicken with white fungus soup

An egg



80g lentils

1 tomato

120g green pepper

2 slices of baguette

20 grams hulled pumpkin seeds


Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8, 3 sets

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8, 3 sets

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8, 3 sets

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 8, 3 sets , took a break at 6th rep


Chest press:
25 kg x 8, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (one unassisted) - barely made it
6 chin ups (one unassisted) 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25 kg x 4, 3 sets

Farmer walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 45s


I seem to really get a decrease in performance in weights after I do my long distance run =(


Lunch(eating out with my ex boss):

Wild rocket leaves

2 slices parma ham

Pork sausage spaghetti

200g buffalo mozarella

Focaccia bread

Half a slice of tiramisu

6 cherry tomatoes


Ran with local running group, Group 2 at pyramid intervals around 440m - 1.7km, at speeds of around 5'07-5.15/km. This is a speed interval thing so I am not going to attempt running any kind of distance with that kind of crazy speed, thx.



100g brocolli

A little bit of white fungus

20g chicken

Half a bowl of rice

Fish ball and squid ball soup with vermicelli (bleh all that processed stuff and not enough protein >.<)

125g blue berries



80g lentils

1 tomato

120g green pepper

2 slices of baguette

20 grams hulled pumpkin seeds


Did my orna run around my neighbourhood which is basically a short run, then walk, then run, as I bag all the dungeons.


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3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I just don't see how a hollow pipe can support that much weight and doesn't plastic get a little brittle once it gets old

I agree about the pipe, it looks weak. But it won't snap, rather bend. And about plastic - it gets brittle because UV from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. In indoors conditions it'll last years, or even decades.  


3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I seem to really get a decrease in performance in weights after I do my long distance run

DUH. Fatigue is real stuff. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Tuesday, went rock climbing, no new routes attempted, took me 3 tries to get up that white route. What I wanted to test out was whether I can climb in compression pants as Aramis you've been telling me not to wear cotton stuff to Spartan. I think I'm fine and it covers all the way to my ankles which should give some shin protection. 


Also did a bit of showing off to a newbie - showed him my old blue route twice then watched him follow my route all the way up =D



300g turnip, 30g bread crumbs and some bacon bits 

230g pig heart



200g bok choi

120g pork from pork ribs

100g beef

100g lotus roots

30g groundnuts

125g blueberries 

A bit of white rice 

70g fish



200g okra

200g oyster mushroom 

One tomato 

100g chicken breast 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

 Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) 


Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Front Squat:

25kg x8, 3 sets


I seem to have lost my ability to get 30 kg weight to a front squat position =(



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups, first one unassisted 

6 chin ups, first one unassisted 

4 pull ups, first one unassisted 

4 chin ups, first one unassisted 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press bar +2.5 kg weight on each side x4, 3 sets



Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 38s


Morning snack:

5 prunes


Lunch(eating out) :

Avocado and beef sandwich with 100g of rock melon, 100g of honey dew. Finally had the time to spend some vouchers. 


Dinner(eating out) :

One bowl of rice 

One barley drink(has sugar) 

Butter chicken 



80g lentils 

1 tomato

100g chicken breast 

120g capsicum

2 slices of baguette 



100g Pacific dory

Lettuce with tomato salad

Baked potatoes 


Afternoon tea(was supposed to be dinner) :

120g salmon

230g French beans


Went to join local Hiits group. 



150g chicken with 50g carrot

100g chye sim

60g pork from pork ribs 

Half a ear of corn

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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups, first one unassisted 

6 chin ups, first one unassisted 

4 pull ups, first one unassisted 

4 chin ups, first one unassisted 

Hey! I can see progress! WOOT!

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yesterday I forgot to log some fried chicken skin I ate from KFC. Was just trying it but its really a bit too salty for my taste these days. 




200g okra

200g oyster mushroom 

One tomato 

100g chicken breast 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


40kg barbell x12, 3 sets

Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
30kg x4, 3 sets
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (first unassisted) 
6 chin ups (first unassisted) 
4 pull ups (first unassisted) 
4 chin ups (unassisted attempt failed) 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25kg x4, 3 sets, 2nd set I had to take a break 

Farmers walk with a 30 kg weight plate on each hand. Ooops forgot to do these 


Yeah someone took my bar, though I did get my 30 kg front squat back. A bit odd I had issues with overhead press because usually it isn't problematic. 


Also fooled around with the local playground monkey bars, I was trying to complete 2 sets of monkey bars without having my feet touch the ground. 


So I had to lift my legs up to swing to the pole etc. Just trying to get used to not being on the ground. I did both sets hand over hand. 


I was trying to go for blood donation but got turned away due to low haemoglobin levels (12 out of necessary 12.5). And that was after I was taking iron pills all week><



600g turnip with 50g bread crumbs and some bacon bits 

160g pig liver 

A cookie 



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300g of turnip with 30 g of breadcrumbs and some bacon bits

50g of spinach with dried prawn

Chicken and white fungus soup





80g lentils

1 tomato

100g cabbage with 100g chicken breast


Not much exercise done.



2 pork ribs

1 orange

20 grapes



2 pig kidneys

100g fish

200g xiao bai cai with pork and pork skin

Half a ear of corn, 4 jujube, 60g pork ribs





200g french beans

100g chicken breast


Ran about 19.4km


Post run snack:

200g salmon

125g blueberries

An apple



One Small chicken thigh and small chicken wing


Went to play D&D with hubbie and his friends and unfortunately(due to runger), ate about 200g of nuts and crackers mix. I paid for it later because i think it caused an electrolyte imbalance which caused a headache for me.



Mc Donalds grilled chicken salad (why they keep choosing to eat at Mac Donalds beats me...but that's about the lesser of evils I can choose out of the whole lot. I ate without dressing)


But I suspect it sort of caused too much of a calorific deficit for me because I definitely did NOT feel ok. Was feeling cold and had a headache in cold places.



1 banana

One cup of milk

One egg



250g Okra

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

200g oyster mushroom

20g hulled pumpkin seeds



40kg barbell x 12, 3 sets 


Someone took my bar =(

Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8, 3 sets - don't even want to try 30kg, I will epic fail.

Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (one unassisted) 
6 chin ups (one unassisted) 
4 pull ups (one unassisted) 
4 chin ups  (one unassisted)
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25 kg x 4, 3 sets

Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 40s



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli


-Forgot to bring my chicken breast



Ate 2 cookies and one piece of chocolate because I felt hungry and was stressed at work. Yes, I stress eat.



100g chicken breast

90g of pork from pork ribs

2 tau pok

Half a tau kwa

100g xiao bai cai with 2 scallops and 3 prawns






250g Okra

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

200g oyster mushroom

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Went rock climbing, attempted a new V0-V1 route (pink rocks) and managed to get 4/5th way to the top. Also did some V0 route - purple, and and VB routes - red(bottom) and green.



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast





Screenshot_20200308-203152_Samsung Health.jpg

Screenshot_20200310-173709_Samsung Health.jpg






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And wtf bbq, the news just hit that the climbing gym I frequent had a confirmed Covid 19 case. And that case went to climb on Sunday, it was only on Tuesday night(after I climbed in the afternoon), that they posted it on their facebook page. I feel the net of Covid 19 getting closer everyday...


Tuesday Dinner(eating out and not in a good mood - for work related reasons):

Pork chop

grilled chicken thigh

Potato gratin

One bratwurst sasuage

Bean salad

Yuzu drink.






250g Okra

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

200g oyster mushroom


40kg barbell x12, 3 sets


-Someone took my bar, what can I say? Gym seems unusually crowded...

Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
25kg x8 , 3 sets - sorry, didnt feel up to 30 after how the chest presses were going)
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (first unassisted) 
6 chin ups (first unassisted) 
4 pull ups (first unassisted) 
4 chin ups (unassisted attempt failed) 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25kg x4, 3 sets, no breaks ?


Farmers walk with 20 kg plate in each hand, unfortunately only 30 s. Should I not bother to wrap my thumb around the weight plate as it keeps coming off and just grip with my 4 fingers alone?



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

100g chicken breast


Went running hill sprints with 5 squats break per run up and down the hill area. I did 5 sets, I think on hindsight I should have done 6. Technically Group 3 only needs to do 4, but I did one extra as I found myself ahead. (I'm a slow group 2, fast group 3. Usually on hills I go group 3 and play it conservative as my uphill speed is turtle like. I can make good speed downhill though).



50g fried fish

Vermicelli with cabbage and black fungus

100g fried pork


Thus breakfast:


230g Okra

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

150g oyster mushroom

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I figured since they did a full sanitation of the rock climbing gym...it should be good to go. Went there, but just got a little closer on the black underhang route but failed to complete it =( I don't think I will get a chance to complete it since they are going to take it down and put up new routes on that part of the wall.



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Went to join local HIITS class, the workout was rather lower body based due to the restrictions by Govt - no lying on the floor, no hands on the floor (i.e so no push ups and sit ups). Did some nice fancy side jumps over a pole propped on 20 inch safety cones? Wheeee!! I guess I jump decently for a small bit. Tried jumping over a 20 inch box but that didn't work out. I can jump on top of it but not clear it in a single jump =(




Macaroni with squid balls and 50g sliced pork and a bit of cabbage

.....ah well...if you live in your in-laws house,  I guess you get to live with what they cook

Quarter an apple

2 small pears.




250g Okra

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

200g oyster mushroom


40kg barbell x12, 3 sets


-Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Didn't have time to load the bar so I just did standard weights all the way with the heaviest barbell.

Chest press:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets
Front Squat:
30 kg x 5, 3 sets. Yes! I got my front squat back! (Its really strange that it only comes back on Fridays....does it take THAT long to recover from a long run?)
Pull ups:(assisted) 
6  pull ups (first unassisted) 
6 chin ups (first unassisted) 
4 pull ups (first unassisted) 
4 chin ups (first unassisted) 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups
Overhead press 25kg x4, 3 sets, no breaks


Farmers walk with 20 kg plate in each hand, 34s..Ooof 20kg is heavy!


Also, bonus:



Hand over hand while skipping bars on these set of monkey bars. I went only one way as this is my first successful try skipping bars. 



230g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

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2 potatoes

50g carrot

100g chicken 

100g xiao bai cai 

One bowl of rice



80g lentils

240g capsicum 

1 tomato

100g chicken breast 



200g fish

90g pork ribs

200g brocolli fried with 2 eggs and scallops

2 crispy peanut mee jiang queh 


Made baguettes, brought 3 back, my hubbies sister took one box 



300g turnip fried with 38g breadcrumbs and a slice of bacon 

Some pasta with 4 pork and vegetable dumplings 


No exercise except for walking done



200g French beans

100g chicken breast 


Then I did this:



Screenshot_20200315-190421_Samsung Health.jpg

Screenshot_20200315-190351_Samsung Health.jpg


Again me and my itchy fingers accidentally splitting the run. Around 20 km once you add both together. 


Post run snack:

100g spinach with egg and 40g minced pork 



1 apple

125g blueberries 

200g salmon

160g pig liver

0.5 slice of baguette 


Dinner(its better when you do it yourself - I volunteered to cook):

A bowl of rice

400g lotus roots 

120g pork

50g fish 

200g iceberg lettuce

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Zoo run I signed up for was postponed - don't know how long. Not sure if Spartan will share the same fate since our govt has told people not to have congregations of more then 250 people. 


250g okra
200g King oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

 Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) 


Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Front Squat:

25kg x8, 3 sets


Managed to clean 30 kg, when I tried to squat it I felt being off balance and had to bail. Oops><



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups (first one unassisted) 

6 chin ups (first one unassisted) 

4 pull ups (first one unassisted) 

4 chin ups (first one unassisted) 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press bar +2.5 kg weight on each side x4, 3 sets


Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 35s



Also those playground monkey bars earlier? I got through all of them, hand over hand, and my feet never touched the ground through the entire sequence. Woot! 



180g pig heart

400g turnip

2 slices bacon

40g bread crumbs

17g carrot

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 

125g blueberries 


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