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Mortimer's battle logs.

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

congregations of more then 250 people

When we had limit of 500 my run was postponed. You know what's funny? Now the limit is 50, for both public AND private gatherings (incl. weddings, home parties etc.).

So, don't have high hopes on this Spartan... But I'll keep my fingers crossed, maybe your country won't fall into the panic mode so deep as mine ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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150g salmon

90g pork 

200g nai bai

300g Mountain yam


Sometimes when you want things like dinner done right, you gotta do it yourself.


Then went running with local run group for 440m speed intervals(*8) prolly at 5 min pace or so. 



80g lentils

240g capsicum 

1 tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

100g chicken breast 


Lunch :

2 packets of biscuits. 


Had a medical appointment and tried to do the intermittent fasting thing but nope, just got grouchy. I can't IF for nuts. 



100g beef

50g brocolli

50g butter head lettuce 

30g capsicum 

125 g blueberries






Then I had a productive climb day. Completed black and yellow(both V0-V1 routes) and blue (V0) route. 

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50g Brocolli, 50g various capsicums, 100g beef

Wed Breakfast:
250g okra
100g oyster mushroom
1 tomato
100g chicken breast
1 piece of nian gao (bleh, lack of sleep because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up on time because no fitbit alarm makes me a bad snack monster)


Strength training:

I can't believe I'm working from home but I don't have time to go to the gym to strength train =(
Also, my fitbit strap broke, so I can't do anything requiring timing.


25 overhead squats
20 push ups
10 body weight rows
15 reverse crunches

Yep, Nerd fitness hotel room workout. I did 4 sets of it. I found the push ups the most challenging part of the workout.



Wed lunch:
160g pig liver
400g turnip with 38g breadcrumbs and 2 slices of bacon
100g chicken breast
90g pork from pork ribs
300g old cucumber


200g xiao bai cai with some fishcake
2 eggs fried with onion
40g stir fried pork
30g pork from pork rib
100g old cucumber
Half a papaya



80g lentils
120g capsicum
1 tomato
100g chicken breast fried with 200g of tofu (yesterday was left in the fridge and mom in law asked me why I didn't cook it for dinner yesterday)

300g turnip with 2 slices of bacon and 50g breadcrumbs(ooops poured too much)
100g chicken breast

Did some bouldering but only V0 routes. I haven't been able to do a V0-V1 route on the bouldering wall for ages.


100g of fish with 200g of french beans and some shemeji mushroom and 20g carrot
A cup of iced lemon tea(ooops but all the other drinks were like coke and sprite etc. I don't want to drink coffee so late in the day)
Nice to see that outside I can still find something approximating my diet.


Joined local group for HIITS, and also entertained myself with the monkey bars below, hand over hand. Completed one stretch.




An orange



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast




Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar +22.5kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar + 25kg (x4) 


Tried cutting down on volume to load more weight. I don't think I can do 25 kg more then 4x though...


Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets, had to take a break on 3rd rep on last set >.<


Front Squat:

25kg x8, 3 sets


Yeah 30kg didn't work out today



Pull ups:(assisted) 

6 pull ups, first one unassisted 

6 chin ups, first one unassisted 

4 pull ups, first one unassisted 

4 chin ups, first one unassisted 

2 pull ups 

2 chin ups


Overhead press 25 kg barbell, x 4, 3 sets



Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. One small round around the machines, no idea for how long since I have no timer.



230g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Got derailed by other thingies around...

20g potato

40g carrrot

50g celery

Half a cup of vermicilli 

60 g pork from pork ribs

28g of dried shrimp

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Friday Dinner:

100g turnip

10g carrot

1 chicken leg

30g carrot

50g celery

30g pork from pork ribs

A mandarin orange

10 deep fried sweet potato balls - sighh...there's a story to that too.



The sweet potato balls...ah. The whole sweet potato ball run(including eating time) took about 30 min. Yes, I ran about 15 min to the fun fair, ate the sweet potato balls and ran 15 min back home after eating them because i was afraid the funfair would be ending soon and I wouldn't have an opportunity to try the sweet potato balls. It's a smaller scale of:



That and also...I can runs?


Sat breakfast:

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast



Not much exercise except for hustling around 4-5 km?



Sat lunch:

100g fish

200g kalian with 60g minced pork

90g pork from pork ribs

2 peanut pancakes 

16 grapes 

1 tangerine


Sat dinner:

100g chicken

50g potatoes

40g carrot

100g long beans with 13g of dried shrimp



Sunday breakfast:

200g French beans

100g chicken breast



Did my long run for 20 km but due to me being an idiot and forgetting to record…I only recorded 13.7 km, even though I ran an additional 6.78 km before I started the recording. On the Orna side, I captured a whole bunch of new territories, basically fighting for territories while running. I want to plan my next run to run the whole stretch down the beach, unfortunately by the time I do so, I will have hit my 21km (or more) and will likely be unable to run back(running down that beach and back belongs to full marathon territory). I need to study the place carefully to see if there are any ways to get out, but according to my hubbie the easiest way is to u-turn. Unfortunately covering like 10+km on foot on my slow @ss walk speed doesn’t appeal very much to me, especially not after I’ve run like 20k +.

Screenshot_20200323-105417_Samsung Health.jpg


Post run snack:

125g blueberries

300g salmon

An apple



200g nai bai

50g of fish

3 chicken breast carcasses (hey, what do you do with the bones after you’ve gotten the meat out? Make soup =))

Some cabbage and carrot



100g cauliflower with 28g dried shrimp

1 black pepper chicken leg

50g cabbage, 40g carrot

30g pork from pork ribs

1 cup of milk



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast


-Forgot to buy tomatoes.



40kg barebell x 12, 3 sets

Sorry, in a hurry today.


Chest press:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets, had to take a break on 4th rep on last set >.<


Front Squat:


25kg x8, 3 sets


I don’t even want to try 30kg after I’ve long run. Exercise in futility.


Pull ups:(assisted)


6 pull ups, first one unassisted


6 chin ups, first one unassisted


4 pull ups, first one unassisted


4 chin ups, first one unassisted


2 pull ups


2 chin ups

Overhead press 25 kg barbell, x 4, 3 sets


Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 25 s. I hates weight days after I’ve long run. They’re like kinda crappy =(



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

28g dried shrimp


Yeah I was told to finish the dried shrimp at home...calcium is calcium.

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Ran with the local run group 200m x 16 sets at...I dunno what pace.


Dinner(sorry its out of whack):

1 bowl of rice

1 cup of vermicilli

100g cabbage

40g carrot

one squid ball

One meat and cheese ball

1 cup of milk

1 banana

2 eggs

100g minced pork


Urgh...problem with eating what in laws cook is that their idea of a fine soup is all those processed meatballs and salted vegetables




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast


Productive climb day.




Climbed up black on first try (Its a V0-V1 route)




Climbed up pink on the 3rd or so try, after watching someone do the route. Its also a V0-V1. Now the only V0-V1 route left to conquer in the climbing gym is the green one beside it. The pink route apparently requires some twisting(which I don't do very well, I'm still an all fours hands and feet type of climber that doesn't know fancy moves). The only good thing is I have decent flexibility, and can crank out unassisted pull ups (which is quite uncommon among females here), and probably most female climbers as well. So chances are that I have been powering through routes rather then using more climbing technique.


A climbing cousin of mine is suggesting I freeze my climbing gym membership and stop climbing until Corvid 19 blows over, and there is a possibility we may be working from home from next week onwards. I don't know what I should do, really. I enjoy climbing, but there was this recent close shave where someone who had a confirmed case of Corvid 19 visited 4 different climbing gyms, including the one I go to. Am I pushing things?



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

10g dried shrimp - apparently I overestimated the amount of dried shrimp I use actually.

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3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Am I pushing things?

You might.


I'd wait it off if I were you. Focus on bodyweight training at home if you can (or rig up some equipment). Poland is a hair ahead of Singapore in terms of confirmed cases, and our govt. just put a ban for gatherings of more than two people. TWO! And a travelling ban (only groceries/pharmacy trips are allowed, and going to work). I'm not fully sure this level of distancing is necessary, but looking at Italy (64K cases, 4K dead) it makes sense... And our neighbor is Germany with 30K cases...

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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SG Covid 19 measures:




The Cinema only had me and my hubbie yesterday night.





200g ribeye

Lettuce salad with 4 cherry tomatoes and some lemon dressing

1 cup of milk

A slice of baguette

One tangerine



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Morning snack:

A slice of baguette


About the no going to gym part(not sure with new regulations I would even be able to get in-usually by the time I get there there are more then 10 people), nerd fitness star wars workout it is:


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
 Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
 Chewbacca carries:
Does carrying a 12 kg box of files 4x for 40s in heels count? Had to haul stuff today. 
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks 
Luke Handstands: 1 breaks for 5 min


Also bonus, my fitness station downstairs monkey bars, I Skipped bars going hand over hand, turned around and went the other way skipping bars. 




180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

10g dried shrimp

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I managed to call my gym(after several failed attempts) and the rock climbing gym. My gym is limited to 15 for capacity(and we're supposed to keep 1m away from the next guy - Aramis, you saw pictures of my gym, so you think it's possible? =P) and I notice in mornings when I get there usually it's 16+, so I won't be able to get in. 


The climbing gym didn't give me any numbers but said I could always call to find out if the place was too full. I think it's more likely I'll be able to get into the climbing gym rather then my regular gym. Now what? 


My apartment that I'm staying with my in laws is about 95 sq ft. 4 people in 95 sq ft, house is very crammed so no room for fitness equipment. However there is a fitness station right downstairs... 

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

there is a fitness station right downstairs

Just make sure you wash your hands afterwards and keep an eye at amount of people there. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Cabbage and carrot 

60g of pork from pork ribs

One tau kwa

Half a bowl of rice 



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Urm.. Hauled about 17 boxes over the course of the day, one at a time? 



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

10g dried shrimp


Joined local Hiits official class one last time.. It was mostly lower body(squats, lunges, running), after government restriction that only feet can touch the floor. 



100g fish

150g duck

100g brocolli

Half a bowl of rice

A cup of milk

White fungus and jujube and goji desert 



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
 Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
 Chewbacca carries:
Does carrying a 12 kg boxes of files help? I was trying to carry boxes 2 at a time to save time, I weighed the boxes, the lighter boxes 2 at a time would be 19.4kg =P


Oh my husband was NOT pleased to find out that I was using the boxes as a training tool. He's worried for my safety. But...but..I heard the Spartan bucket of rocks is 25kg, and I have a front squat capacity of 25-30kg, so 20 kgish of boxes should be fine, right? 

 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks 
Luke Handstands: 1 breaks for 5 min



180g cauliflower

120g brocolli

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

10g dried shrimp


Afternoon snack 

Egg with two pieces of bread. Would you believe the cleaner auntie called me on my mobile while I was in a meeting on how to work from home(we're all working from home now) just to tell me to dispose of the egg sandwich? Geez, pirorities, I thought she needed stuff couriered over. 

Also peach vinegar drink. Someone dumped it to me to clear it.


Doesn't help that I'm a stress eater, I eat when I'm stressed. I usually am in control of the food monster but if I get rungry or stressed, the control slips. 



One potato

40g carrot 

150g chicken

2 bowls of green beans 

Half a bowl of rice

100g spinach with ikan billis 

A tangerine 


And things are going to hell work wise. Both the vessels we were chartering come off contract on the early 2nd half of the year. So I guess I'll need to look for a new job... 

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Oh also here's a picture of the fitness station downstairs. Go suggest all the things I could be doing. Today I went across the monkey bars, arm over arm, skipping bars but the start was a bit iffy. Almost couldn't do it and had to ahem, do a swing of faith. 


I'm thinking of trying to learn to do dips or maybe even parallel walk with hands on the bars. I also haven't tried doing a cartwheel for a very long time... 


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Monkey bars, pull-ups (with different grips), dips, inverted body rows under the monkey bars, L-sit on dip station (or pretty much anything when you pull your knees to your chest while hanging/supported on your arms), pistol squats on a bench if possible (feet on bench?), push-ups/burpees if possible (hands on the ground?). 

Any static holds when hanging - this includes holds with bent arms (pull-up progression) or with bent legs (abs work). 

Skin-the-cat* maybe if you are strong and flexible enough.


* No cats were harmed during the exercise

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Lol skin the cat.


Sat morning breakfast:

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast


Sat lunch:

10 grapes

1 orange 

1 apple

200g fish

200g chye sim with 50g pork and some scallop 

2 dried persimmons 

2 figs 

60g pork from pork ribs

1 cup of yam


Sat dinner:

3 slices of glutinous rice cake 

Half a bowl of rice

One potato

30g carrot

100g brocolli with some scallop

30g of pork from pork rib


Sunday breakfast:

200g French beans 

100g chicken breast


Then I did this:




Screenshot_20200329-141346_Samsung Health.jpg


Not the best of paces but past 10km was unfamiliar territory and I didn't want to push too hard since I didn't know what to expect (what if there's a sudden hill?). Also I knew I was going to be running further then I have ever done before(was planning to stop at 24k, but it was in the middle of nowhere so I had to push to 26k). And I was distracted by Orna =P


Past 10 km I was aggressively duelling people for territories and bagged a new load of em today. Lol. As well as random bosses that happened to be around. But on a more serious note I should consider how much I want to mix orna and running, since I think it has a detrimental effect on my running form. For shorter distances it doesn't really matter that much but for longer distances there may be issues. 


Towards the end my left thigh was really kinda stiff and my right knee a little twingy. Eh that's why I don't want to increase mileage too much at a go now I'm past half marathon territory. 


Sunday Post run lunch:

Fish soup with lettuce and bitter gourd

A young coconut (drank the water, ate the flesh) 

1 banana

1 apple

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I swear I posted Monday's food logs but somehow the site gobbled it up or what...gah.


Monday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

2 slices of baguette


Morning snack

2 matcha kitkats

1 matcha sweet


Yes I am a stress eater and I eat when I'm stressed


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps  (increased box jump height by an inch for the last 2 sets, found a higher wall)
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks 
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min


Tried to do dips, not very successfully, tried to walk on parallel bars using hands, that didn't work out either. I don't think I'm up for skinning cats =(



200g turnip

30g carrot

10g dried shrimp

Actually I got hijacked, was intending to do the bacon bread crumbs with turnip thingie...

90g pork from pork ribs

150 g black beans

100g chicken breast

A mandarin


Afternoon tea:

one small salted caramel muffin

one small chocolate walnut muffin

one slice of ondeh ondeh pandan cake


Remember the 30 min run for deep fried sweet potato balls incident? The funfair is now closed, I wouldn't be able to buy any even if I wanted to. So even though it was junk food, I have no regrets. A lot of F&B are affected by the lockdown from Covid 19. Many small businesses are closing. Yesterday I saw at the cake shop the closed sign, so today, when I passed by them and saw them open, I decided to just go scratch that sweet tooth itch. I'm not sure if I'll get another chance to, should they be forced to close due to a lack of business...



200g nai bai

100g fish

30g pork from pork ribs

30g black beans


Yeah I did the pork rib black bean soup and it was pretty good.


Joined the local group running (sekret training session) for about 9.24 km(stopped one stop too early) at a 6'08 average pace.


Also funny incident on Monday. My husband and I have an agreement. If he's up past 1 am when the next day is a working day, he gets to do burpees. Because he told me before that his mind was too awake to sleep. My opinion is that if your body is tired enough you'll fall asleep anyway. So yep I caught him on Monday at the comp at 1.43 am, so it's 50 burpees. (Originally wanted him to do 100, but he's too out of shape for it). So I did 50 burpees with him. That's after running 26km the day before, and 9 km on the same evening and he was huffing and puffing after, but I was like only breathing heavily for the first 30 s after doing those burpees and even went showing off the monkey bar skip bar hand over hand trick in front of him after =P


He did try but only got halfway before he complained his hands were painful and dropped off. Well, that's a whole year of physical training for you. 


Tuesday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Tuesday lunch:

1 tau kwa stuffed with pork

2 tau poks stuffed with pork

230g brocolli

180g pig heart

10g dried shrimp

Half a tau kwa

4 bean rolls

100g bean sprouts 



My mother in law wanted me to cook the soup with pork ribs even, but I was like...eh nope, that's too much pork. I think my in laws are very fond of pork, though if I really had my way the only place there would be pork would be in soups. I used soya beans and anchovies as the soup base.


No exercise because I am a lazy sluggard and I'm not supposed to go rock climbing because of Covid-19...eh I also havent' been sleeping well of late - it's been too hot so I keep waking up in the middle of the night.

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Tuesday dinner:

1 tau pok stuffed with pork

Half a tau kwa

200g xiao bai cai

One packet of biscuits

One matcha kitkat

1 chicken leg


I don't think staying at home is doing my diet any favors...too much temptation around.


Weds breakfast:

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall)
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks 
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min


Weds lunch:

300g turnip

52 g bacon

100g chicken breast

40g bread crumbs

300g daikon radish

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Wed Dinner:

100g Brocolli

100g stir fried pork

30g pork from pork ribs

100g daikon radish

Some preserved vegetables


Joined local Hiits group for sekret training, going again today. They have a rather high cupboard to jump on, which is even higher then the low wall I found. Ooof its tiring. And I finally got to get my hands on some weights...gosh.


Thurs Breakfast:

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Thurs lunch:

250g turnip

30g carrot

52 g bacon

100g chicken breast

30g bread crumbs

300g daikon radish

One dumpling

 Pig stomach soup

0.4 of a popiah


Will join local Hiits group later.


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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

Joined local Hiits group for sekret training

Sounds like you are with some sort of Resistance, or Rebellion. Plays nice with StarWars workouts :D 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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All local run groups and hiits groups are now unofficial. Shhhhhhhh! We're not letting Covid 19 get in the way of our workouts! In fact now it's unofficial, we get to do more things then officially(they restricted only feet touching the ground towards the end). In our sekret workouts, we can do burpees, pushups(with feet on tires - ow - that belongs to feet on the bench pushup category albeit its a low bench....). We still do social distancing, ie one person per station, stations are more then 1 m apart. As its unoffical turnout is kept to under 10 people. 


Shucks its raining cats and dogs now so I don't have access to fitness station. I will do hotel room workout and see if later the rain stops so I can do inverted row portion since there's nothing to row from at home. Tried a piano stool, no go, table is too flimsy for that kind of shenanigans. 

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Did my hiits session with local group. Going to be the last one for a while. 



100g fish

150g brocolli

Baked beans

1 tangerine


FRI Breakfast:


250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato

3/4slice of bread with butter, sugar and nutella(eh was trying to show my mom in law the spread butter, add sugar on top of the bread thing). It's pretty good if you're not watching your diet. 


FRI lunch:

250g brocolli

Some chicken liver

Some chicken gall bladder

80g pig heart 

One chicken thigh

One chicken wing



FRI dinner:

One rusk(was trying to see if it tastes like crotons, turns out no) 

200g French beans 

100g fish fried with breadcrumbs, egg and carrot. Was trying to make fish pancakes but my deep frying skills leave some to be desired 

50g chicken breast 

Half a bowl of rice 



This announcement:






So gyms are closed from 7 Apr onwards, food centres you can only takeaway, everyone is rushing to supermarkets to panic buy, I saw the long queue outside one of them earlier. I cannot hoard my food as it mostly consists of vegetables, though I have a fridge full of chicken and some fish for an entire week already.


All local sekret training sessions have stopped. I feel as if Thanos just finger snapped. 


Like this:



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19 hours ago, Mortimer said:

All local sekret training sessions have stopped. I feel as if Thanos just finger snapped.

Welcome to my world.  Except I'm one of (un)lucky ones designated "essential worker". And now we aren't even allowed to go for a jog...

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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20 hours ago, aramis said:

Welcome to my world.  Except I'm one of (un)lucky ones designated "essential worker". And now we aren't even allowed to go for a jog...

 If it's some cold comfort to you, all the exercise you've been doing and attention to your diet improves your Fort save. I'd say you have a higher one then most. Hopefully you don't end up going to many homes with coughing people. 

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Sat breakfast:

250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


Sat lunch:

110g rib Eye steak

50g bean sprouts 

One scoop of mashed potato 

Miso soup


Afternoon tea:

30g ground nuts



Quarter cup of Vermicili

Some dried beancurd skin

100g brocolli

150g chicken 

Half a bowl of rice



One kitkat mc flurry(trying to hit skippys list before lockdown) 


Sunday breakfast:

200g French beans

100g chicken breast 


Let's just hope they won't stop us from going out to run... Better run while I still can. 

Screenshot_20200405-095430_Samsung Health.jpg


I started rather late so it was rather hot and I ran for a shorter distance but I think it was a faster run so... I don't know what to make of it. 



30g pork liver and pork kidney 

100g watercress 

60g pork 

One coconut with coconut water inside, flesh eaten


Also on the trying to support local vendors before lockdown thing, and also last week I found that when I ate fish soup and ate a coconut, I got hungry later. Usually my body is quite good at telling me if I am getting enough calories (unless I snack on junk food), so I think I would do well to listen. 

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Hopefully you don't end up going to many homes with coughing people.

Nah, I'm stationary at our workshop - the risk comes form coworkers and clients. 


2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Better run while I still can.

Here we are forbidden of jogging... while short walk is still allowed :blink:. I wonder how authorities imagine enforcing this...? But yes, better run while you can :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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