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Mortimer's battle logs.

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250g salmon

200g peashoots

One bowl of rice

60g of pork from pork ribs

300g lotus roots

30g peanuts



250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps 
Han solo shuttle runjog, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: 1 break - had like 2 secs more to go but my grip gave out
Luke Handstands: 3 breaks for 5 min


The workout after my long run is >.<


I was showing off to someone doing hand over hand the monkey bars but I told her if I were on form I could even skip bars. Can't skip bars today cos of just feeling meh. I'm going to et issues with my flexibility - previously I was using rock climbing as a form of flexibility training but I can't do it now, and I've never been the yoga type =(



150g cauliflower

30g cabbage

30g carrot

120g pig heart

Some assorted chicken innards

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150g curry fish

250g kailan

One chicken wing and a chicken thigh

30g carrot

50g cabbage

Half a bowl of rice



250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


Did 100 burpees while stiring the turnips for lunch so no idea how long the breaks were. But again felt off form on burpees too =(



400g turnip

20g carrot 

3 slices of bacon 

50g chicken breast

46g breadcrumbs 



60g pork from pork ribs 

250g nai bai

70g black beans

Quarter bowl of rice. 

One tangerine 

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


God damn the fitness station has been cordoned off as well =(


Nerd fitness hotel room workout it is. 

25 jump squats 

20 push ups

15 reverse crunches 

10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area


4 sets, the push ups are killing me =P



230g brocolli 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds

100g chicken breast

Leftovers from mui fan - a bit of pork and chicken cubes and some xiao bai cai. And the corn starch gravy. Mui Fan was my husbands request. Never eaten it before but apparently I did a decent UMD by using google.



Half a chicken breast, a chicken drumstick and a chicken wing 

100g pea shoots 

50g fish

Quarter bowl of rice. 

One tangerine 

A cup of milk


The less exerxise I get, the more I need to pay attention to my food. Yes, I'm now cooking for my in laws on the pretext that seniors should stay at home as much as possible - notice the general lack of red meats(except for bacon) and any kinds of starchy vegetables over the last few days? And the tons of leafy greens as well? =P

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Thursday breakfast:

250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


100 burpees, broken into sets of 20. I tried getting my mother in law to join in the burpees party as well, but other then being stuck to knee push-ups and panting after 5, I'd say she does pretty well for someone her age. Breaks were more then 1 min though.


Thursday lunch (got derailed, and asked to cook pork rib soup by in laws =P):

Two tau kwa

60g of pork from pork ribs

100g cabbage

30g carrot

300g turnip

40g breadcrumbs

2 slices of bacon

2 eggs


Thursday dinner:

50g tofu

1 tau pok

50g tofu, 30g chicken breast

300g iceberg lettuce(yep I know its a crap vegetable, but it's my husband's request - anyway - my mother in law and my husband got brocolli and chicken for breakfast so that should tick off the nutrition needs).

1 banana

4 walnut halves


Friday breakfast:

250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast Found I miscalculated and apparently ran out of chicken breast and decided to make a protein meal out of the remainder of the pork rib soup.


1 tomato

1 tau kwa

Half a tau pok

30g of pork from pork ribs

2 eggs


Nerd fitness hotel room workout it is. 

25 jump squats 

20 push ups

15 reverse crunches 

10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area


4 sets


I did something interesting at the carpark. At the stairway area, instead of using the stairs, I jumped up, smeared the carpark wall, grabbed the middle poles of the railing on the upper floor, then pulled myself up, swung over the railing to the upper floor. Surprisingly enough I could actually do that..oooh interesting. Didn't think I was capable of that feat. I wonder if I can jump up, grab the top of the railing, then pull myself up from there like I was trying to scale a low wall...


Stadiums are now closed. Authorities are catching people who are loitering around. NTUC Fairprice has already stated with a notice outside their shop that all patrons must wear masks to grocery shop. I self appointed myself as my family's grocery shopper so...




This is beginning to sound like some totalitarian regime =(  I really hope they don't start fining people for walking around the neighbourhood without masks, since I don't have my reusable mask. 



Half a bowl of fried rice(I fried rice for my family as per my hubbie's request >.<) - I tried to see how it tasted like. Actually pretty good for a first attempt.

230g brocolli

10g shrimp

160g pig heart

1 banana




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Friday dinner:


30g pork from pork ribs

200g xiao bai cai

100g tilapia

1 banana


Saturday breakfast:

250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Saturday lunch:

0.5 tau kwa

1.5 banana

200g Romaine lettuce with 20g of carrot and 50 g of cucumber with 5 g Parmesan cheese 

Another 100g of sliced cucumber eaten with soya sauce and sesame oil dip

One serving of Aglio Olio (I didnt' know previously you need Parmesan cheese to make it)

100g chicken thigh with shiitake mushrooms


Sat dinner:

50g endives

60g pork from pork ribs

2 tau poks

10g carrot


Sunday breakfast:

200g french beans fried with 100g chicken thigh (ooops I Grabbed the wrong container last night)


I did some road running (>15km) - but I will no longer post the results of my run here - there may be eyes watching. Most places require a mask to enter (we have all been issued reusable masks, unfortunately I do not have access to mine), and people are getting fined for not doing safe distancing.




One thing to note for long runs is that I was forced to turn back before the mileage I wanted due to a lack of water. I always carry 500 ml of water with me, but being unable to refill at any toilet (public toilets are located in food centres and train stations - both requiring masks to enter) - I don't think I have sufficient water to go really long hauls. Or maybe better spacing out of that 500 ml may be an idea as well. I even tried running with a reusable mask before - no go -  the thick cloth affects your breathing too much for a proper run.


Post run snack:

500 ml coconut water

1 can of 100-plus zero

One Apple

Half an egg, 60g french beans


Sunday lunch:

200g brocolli

100g salmon

60g of pork from pork ribs

200g of lotus roots

30g groundnuts

4 walnut halves


Will do some food takeaway later. I could cook perfectly healthy simple fare, but after some time either my hubbie or my in-laws will complain about the menu. If I were by myself it'd be brocolli and chicken all day long.


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Sunday dinner:


150g of pork from pork trotters

30g of pork from pork ribs

30g salted egg fish

70g french beans

10g of groundnuts

30g lotus roots


Monday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


25 jump squats 

20 push ups

15 reverse crunches 

10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area


4 sets


Monday lunch:

350g turnip

2 slices bacon

1/8 ear of corn

40g breadcrumbs

100g fish


Monday dinner:

100g dou miao

100g turnip and 30g carrot

1/4 ear of corn

60g pork from pork ribs

60g fried chicken

One tangerine

5 walnut halves

One cup of milk



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Tuesday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast


Ran out of tomatoes


Also caught my mother in law eating biscuits which means I probably need to fix up a more filing breakfast (I was doing endives with chicken). I  think breakfast from now on will be brocolli/cauliflower + chicken breast or a french bean/cabbage + egg and chicken mix.


Did 100 burpees broken in set of 5, took more then 1 min break before doing last set.


Tuesday lunch:


230g brocolli

180g pig heart

A chicken liver

30g pork from pork ribs


Also bullied my in laws to go and get their blood pressure taken, from previous readings, my mother in law dropped from 130 ish -> 121, my father in law from 140-150 ish to 127. Not bad for a week's of my cooking, no? =P


Tuesday dinner:

200g nai bai

1 chicken drumstick

50g black beans

1 tangerine

1 quarter bowl of rice.

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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

Also bullied my in laws to go and get their blood pressure taken, from previous readings, my mother in law dropped from 130 ish -> 121, my father in law from 140-150 ish to 127. Not bad for a week's of my cooking, no? =P

That's quite an achievement! What's the "proper" values at your place? Here it's anywhere in range from 90/60 to 120/80, so your cooking brought your MiL to healthy range already :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Same as yours for healthy values, though I've gotten some flak for having my BP in like 93/64 ranges. These days its a bit higher - 104/67. Not quite sure why, but maybe I've been using a little too much of the ketchup bottle or ate too much bacon, though I don't think its something I should be worried about at this point of time?


One thing I've noticed is that my in laws are snacking on biscuits and other things between meals. I'm wondering if I'm not cooking enough(uhhh...there's always leftovers that I'll polish up...), but my father in law always gets his biscuits and milo during afternoon tea. How am I supposed to help them kick that habit? I've already given them the lecture on biscuits are bad for your blood sugar(its true!). There's always a pot of soup available so I really don't understand - if you're hungry, why don't you help yourself to the soup pot? There's plenty to go around.


Wednesday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Wed morning snack:

2 figs - I never tried fresh figs before so I thought I'd give it a shot.


Wednesday lunch:


400g turnip

40g breadcrumbs

2 slices of bacon

200g daikon raddish

100g spinach

150g tofu

50g chicken breast


25 jump squats 

20 push ups

15 reverse crunches 

10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area


4 sets done.

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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

my father in law always gets his biscuits and milo during afternoon tea. How am I supposed to help them kick that habit?

The most important word: habit.

And maybe they don't want to get rid of this "afternoon biscuit habit"? You already overhauled their nutrition, maybe this tiny bit might stay? Don't force them to be healthy, because if pushed too hard, they'll revolt. Try to look at things from their perspective. They had their life sorted out, and out of the blue comes Morty and throws their food habits upside down (I know it's extremely simplified, but you get the idea). I know you care for their health, but ask yourself - how would you feel in their place? I suspect they KNOW it's for their good, but do they FEEL this way? Or rather lost and confused?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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56 minutes ago, aramis said:

The most important word: habit.

And maybe they don't want to get rid of this "afternoon biscuit habit"? You already overhauled their nutrition, maybe this tiny bit might stay? Don't force them to be healthy, because if pushed too hard, they'll revolt. Try to look at things from their perspective. They had their life sorted out, and out of the blue comes Morty and throws their food habits upside down (I know it's extremely simplified, but you get the idea). I know you care for their health, but ask yourself - how would you feel in their place? I suspect they KNOW it's for their good, but do they FEEL this way? Or rather lost and confused?

Hmm. OK I suppose I'll just leave them to their snacking. You've given me some food for thought (ooops i punned =p). Maybe I'm used to being this harsh on myself that i find it off that why wouldn't people want to live this way? 


Even in the past I've never been a picky eater. If someone overhauled my diet, as long as it tasted good (it's easy, I eat anything), I really couldn't be arsed. I'd still get cravings like for ice creams, chocolates etc though. 


I'm not breaking the bank doing the healthy eating thing (I get the cheapest acceptable fish i can find(tilapia anyone? and chicken breast), and I've been assured that stuff i cook is perfectly fine. I will stop taking it as a personal insult if they snack. 

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39 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

I will stop taking it as a personal insult if they snack.


I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Wed Dinner:


100g daikon raddish

10g dried shrimp

60g pork from pork ribs

50g pork

300g iceberg lettuce

One orange


Thursday breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

Can of mocha - sorry I'm running on 4 h of sleep and was feeling sleepy. Besides I need to clear the fridge of stuff.


Thursday morning snack:

2 figs -ate the rest up


Thursday lunch:


100g of mung beans

50g pork belly

50g chicken thigh

Half a tomato

300g celery

20g carrot

30g shiitake mushroom


I was trying this:




Mother in law liked it, father in law not so much, hubbie not at all.


Had a problem with black bean supply and I had like 1.1 kg of mung beans that I was told to finish. I am not very keen on doing this:




Did this with my mother in law, with me doing the progression version and her doing the regression:




I didn't find it particularly challenging even on progression version and went to do my own burpees later...


Did my 100 burpees in sets of 20 but with longer breaks.


Thursday dinner:

50g mung beans

50g pork belly

100g fish

One orange

100g dou miao


Anyone has any ideas on how to clear mayonnaise and djonn mustard in the fridge? I actually take salads without dressing. I'm slowly finishing up the parmesan cheese by making Aglio Olio.

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Mayo + mustard = makeshift hamburger dressing


... but that's probably not helping.


But seriously:

I use mayo as substitute of butter when making potato puree, or even to spread on bread.

And about the mustard - great base for marinating meat. Just spread it over piece of pork shoulder, sprinkle with chopped onion and garlic and let it sit in the fridge (in a plastic wrap) for couple hours before roasting.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I'll try marinating some chicken or pork with it, that's an idea. Have a salad for tomorrow so maybe some mayo may work too. 


Friday breakfast:

250g okra

100g chicken breast


1 tomato


Friday lunch:

2 eggs with 200g luffa

75g barley and 125g of mushroom

(we made sweetened barley drink, i drank the unsweetened version)  - then decided to make a risotto-like thingie out of the remaining barley - waste not want not

180g pig heart


Friday dinner:

One potato

20g cuttlefish 

One chicken leg

150g nai bai

Half a bowl of rice 



25 jump squats 


20 push ups


15 reverse crunches 


10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area




4 sets done.

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Sat breakfast:


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


Sat lunch:

150g romaine lettuce 

30g carrot

200g cucumber 

Quite some japanese mayo(apparently I can tolerate mayo in salads - Oh well, then it's time to finish the bottle of mayo in the fridge) 

100g miso tilapia



One quarterbowl of rice

2 papadams

90g pork from pork ribs - finally got my ribs tender.

50g soya beans

150g xiao bai cai

One orange

One tau kwa 

Some fish patty

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Sunday breakfast:

200g french beans

100g chicken breast 


Ran about 21+km, pace is nothing fantastic as I cannot pause my fitness tracker - at every traffic light I jog on the spot as it is now compulsory that everyone wears a mask out unless doing strenuous exercise or running or jogging. I cannot run effectively for longer distances while wearing a mask. 


Post run snack:

2 eggs

60g french beans

One can of 100 plus zero

An apple

A cup of milk



150g salmon

50g brocolli

300g turnip 

2 slices bacon

40g breadcrumbs 



4 bowls of white fungus, wolf berries and jujubes(no sugar added) 




Half a bowl of rice

60g pork from pork ribs

200g iceberg lettuce 

50g salted egg chicken breast

200g lotus roots

40g peanuts 


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200g okra (miscalculated okra supplies ooops)

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

One cup of milk.


25 jump squats 


20 push ups


15 reverse crunches 


10 inverted rows at the carpark motorbike parking area




4 sets done.



200g turnip

30g carrot

100g lemon pepper parsley tilapia

20g cabbage

30g soya beans



200g kai lan

1 chicken drumstick

30g soya beans

70g cabbage

20g carrot

Quarter bowl of rice

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250g okra (miscalculated okra supplies ooops)

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato




I made pineapple cauliflower rice lol.

70g shrimp

300g cauliflower

150g canned pineapple

180g pig heart

2 papadams

Used the pineapple syrup in the can with the juice of 3 oranges to make pineapple punch then ate the remains of the oranges.


Did 100 burpees in sets of 20, took a longer break on the last one, then did this with my mother in law





60g of pork from soup bones

80g black beans

200g qing bai

One chicken drumstick


And they're tightening the net:




Soon other markets and supermarkets will follow - so basically you can only get groceries once every 2 days. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes once a week soon....I've been systematically clearing the fridge of junk food so I can stock it properly.

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Also my father in law was asking me to buy a particular brand of pork ribs. I told him shop is no longer selling those pork ribs yesterday as they ran out of supply and he said he'd go down to get them tomorrow. Which part of shortage of supply does he not understand? I actually resorted to taking a photo of the place where the pork ribs used to be and show that its replaced by pork belly and pork collar. 


Ok that made me binge eat a piece of chocolate butter cookie.  I hate it when people think I'm not doing a good job when I'm doing everything I can... 


I'm worried i won't be able to get the fresh produce and have to end up with canned foods... 

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17 hours ago, Mortimer said:

you can only get groceries once every 2 days

So, you do groceries two days, your hubbie another two days, father in law another two days... Every system can be broken ;) 


I'm joking of course. But this is a way to swipe just around the law IF NEEDED.


17 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I hate it when people think I'm not doing a good job when I'm doing everything I can...

Yes... this is hard. That's why I sometimes just give up and don't care anymore. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yeah but that's following the letter but not the spirit of the law. I am better then that.




250g okra 

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

Small bowl of unsugared green bean soup 



Chicken rice with half a chicken

200g xiao bai cai



70g cabbage 

20g carrot

60g pork from pork ribs 

70g steamed fish

200g nai bai

One banana 

A bowl of green bean soup (with sugar, sadly as I had to polish off the remainders lest it spoil) 

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250g okra 

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Did my 100 burpees in 20s, break of 1 min between them - it gets easier if I don't try to rush my 20 burpees as fast as I can go.



100g of pollock (it was cheap so I got it)

150g bean sprouts

70g wong bok

1 banana


I think lunch was a tad light.


Did this with my mother in law:




I told my father in law that exercise should be done at a time of your own choosing(when he was asking my mother in law whether she did any exercise in the morning), and not a - I must exercise for 60 min from 8 am to 9 am or I am a lazy sluggard kind of thing. With most people working from home, that's the sensible thing to do rather then trying to stress yourself out meeting deadlines which are not really of any use. I mean hell...I do inverted rows at the motorbike parking lot so...well we need to make do in times like these.


I'm not going to be setting any particular fitness goals for any of the rest of the family, just use these short sessions to alleviate people complaining that its boring at home, and get them moving a bit.  I mean sure, there are more hardcore youtube videos, but that's not the point - the point is just to get moving some. If I want to be more hardcore on myself there's always burpees waiting for me...

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20 hours ago, Mortimer said:

I am better then that.

As I said - If needed. 


20 hours ago, Mortimer said:

with sugar, sadly as I had to polish off the remainders lest it spoil

How can sugar spoil? 


16 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

get them moving a bit.

This is really work of a hero. You can be proud of yourself :loyal:


18 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

exercise should be done at a time of your own choosing

Yes, but sometimes some external stimulus like set time for exercises is a good thing - it helps with consistency. I'm not advocating useless deadlines and self hate, but some degree of daily plan is a good thing. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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The green beans that have been cooked with added sugar can =(


Yeah I don't think I'm going to get much in the name of fitness gains during this lockdown (not much in the name of equipment so I'm just doing body weight stuff...), so I must as well help others get a little fitter. It's really really hard to get 10k steps if you stay at home the whole day and all that sedentarishness isn't good at all. Since my in laws don't even go out to do groceries (our govt recommends for seniors not to go out at all), I can't do much about them being cooped indoors but at least I can get some exercise thingie going.


I wish I could get out of the house at 7 am for a run everyday. Unfortunately with having to buy groceries, cook breakfast and make soup, I'd probably have to start at 3 am, except it isn't possible as you can't do groceries until 5+am in the morning. That's why i don't give myself pressure with regards to when I exercise except that it is done because I have to juggle cooking, dealing with office stuff while still at home.  I do choose a time between 3 pm - 4pm for exercise sessions with mother in law so she's sufficiently digested from lunch. Exericising on a full stomach, except for running doesn't bother me any. 

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