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Mortimer's battle logs.

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Morning snack:

A cup of milk



Ehh...I promised my in-laws I'd whip up some beehoon, so I did.



The whole thing involved around 200g of bee hoon, 40 grams of dried shrimp, 12 shiitake mushrooms, 100g of chicken thigh, 200g of chicken breast, 500g of cabbage (no kidding), 4 eggs and a generous load of corriander.


It's a meal for 4 so yeah the proportions got blown up.


I probably ate about half of that. Ooops. Its been a while since I've actually done this beehoon thing.


Some chicken scraps off a chicken carcass

50g old cucumber



200g pork tenderloin

More chicken scraps off chicken carcass

100g old cucumber

8 figs

200g spinach

10g anchovies

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Last night's supper:

3 bowls of white fungus, jujube and red date soup. I think I really shouldn't cook that much next time I need to hoover stuff up.




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Morning snack:

A cup of milk



180g pig heart

200g endives

100g bean sprouts

30g black beans

30g pork from pork ribs


25 jump squats

20 push ups

10 inverted rows 

15 reverse crunches


4 sets



2 lotus paste buns. Small ones. Well my in laws steamed them and I didn't really want to offend them by turning them down, they've put up with my cooking for several weeks already =P


Though yeah all that sugar makes me >.<


200g nai bai

100g saba fish

60g of black beans

1 banana

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2 hours ago, Mortimer said:

This height?

For rows the lower the bar is, the more weight is supported by your arms and less by your feet. If you feel this height not challenging, you can always bring a box/stool with you to put feet on. Or just hang some straps/ropes with handles on the railing to simulate gymnastic rings. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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200g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato



200g romaine lettuce

30g carrot

3 tablespoons Japanese mayo

100g pollock 

30g cabbage 


And yes my in laws had to spoil a perfectly fine barley drink by adding sugar to it ><


Tea break:

50g barley with half an apple and cinnamon. 

2 pappadams - microwaved pappadams is a success! Can't be complaining about eating too much fried stuff and oil now, can we? 









4 chicken wings 


30g pork from pork ribs 


30g cabbage


100g cauliflower


Half a banana 

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180g french beans

100g chicken breast


Then I ran about 24km or so at 7'30 pace. A lot better then previous weeks but nothing compared to pre lockdown times, but again I am road running and need to deal with traffic lights - though this new route I'm using(recommended by my hubbie) has less then others. I've also been ornaing along the way so yeah somewhat distracted.  I did look at my fitbit mid run, and I did hit a heartbeat of 150 which represents quite a lot of effort - I need to be careful hitting 150 and above for long distances. 


Post run snack:

50g of red beans with 20g of dried longans and 20g lotus seeds -> considering starting the red bean soup before I set off from my run so I can go and get some when I get back. That's one way of getting protein in, no?

An apple

Ice lemon tea



120g salmon

100g brocolli with 65g razor clams

20g cabbage with 25g flour. Made a cabbage omelette and my in laws did share some of it.

1 tablespoon of japanese mayonaise

30g pork from pork ribs

100g lotus roots



200g pork tenderloin

300g iceberg lettuce

20g groundnuts

50g lotus roots

2 papadams



200g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato

2 papadams


25 jump squats

20 push ups

10 inverted rows 

15 reverse crunches


4 sets




150g turnip

10g dried shrimp

30g carrot

60g green beans

4 chicken wings

100g lotus roots

30g pork from pork ribs


I tried to donate blood, AGAIN, but no go. My iron levels are lower then the last time...11.9 now =( I don't know why since I've been taking one iron pill per day that I am not taking my pig hearts and I have even tried to include clams (60g worth) into my diet 2-3 x per week and am eating lentils. I will say that I get less then 6h sleep per night though.



1 fried chicken leg  - hubbie keeps saying I should fry chicken for him someday - fine, request granted.

200g endives

300g eggplant fried with onions and ginger - I pan fried it before I made the sauce - and during the panfrying process the eggplant took in a lot of oil >.<

50g lotus roots

An orange

A dumpling - one off thing - else I druther not when it comes to dragon boat festival my in laws start saying they haven't even had a dumpling yet - and dumpling prices increase as the festival draws closer.Better pre-empt the itch.


Dumpling in question:




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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato




180g pig heart

200g celery

30g carrot

20g shiitake mushroom

400g winter melon

60g chicken


20 burpees 5 sets. Dunno how I managed to find the time to do them, yesterday groceries + work was hectic as fk. Probably lost some sanity points in the day too due to the rush.



1 chicken leg

30g black fungus

150g brocolli

60g chicken




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

60g clams


Morning snack:

A piece of longan chiffon cake. I was curious

One papadam



200g pork tenderloin

100g beansprouts

100g endives

10g anchovies.


Have done inverted rows but not the other portions of the hotel workout at this point of time


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25 jump squats

15 push ups (but I did them with feet on the sofa - I guess its time to progress)

10 inverted rows 

15 reverse crunches


4 sets



500g wintermelon

60g chicken

200g kai lan

An icecream - clearing the fridge

70g of barley and one and a half bananas.




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20 burpees split in set of 5



200g qing bai

6 chicken feet

25g fish

30g pork from pork ribs



200g spinach

4 chicken wings

30g pork from pork ribs

70g black beans


Ok - I will put it separately but work stressed me out major time (unclear instructions then people yelling at me why things weren't done), so I had a binge eating episode.


Binge eat episode:

One ice cream

50g dark chocolate coffee flavored

4 jujubes

4 figs

1 papadam

2 pieces of cake




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato

One banana

Half a cup of milo with cinnamon

One Jujube...


still having some binge eat left overs..






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4 hours ago, Mortimer said:

15 push ups (but I did them with feet on the sofa - I guess its time to progress)

YAY for  progress!


4 hours ago, Mortimer said:

work stressed me out major time (unclear instructions then people yelling at me why things weren't done)

I feel you - I have this kind of mess all the time. Sadly, the only way to avoid this would be job change - which is a no-option right now.


1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

got scrapped

I see you already disinfected those. Any major damage besides scratched skin?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I think you should run, or at least jog some. Those areas WILL hurt, but if you left them alone, they will hurt for longer. Same as with DOMS - the best way to treat such things is to move.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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300g pig heart

Half a tau kwa

30g pork from pork ribs

One jujube



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

60g clams

1 banana



250g mix of romaine and butter head lettuce 

3 tablespoons japanese mayo

30g fish

30g pork from pork ribs


Then my hubbie had to scratch his fast food itch and bought back mcdonalds for the family 

1/3rd mc spicy fillet

Half a packet of regular fries

Half a piece of cake

10g longan

One jujube



150g pork tenderloin 

60g pork from pork ribs 

200g mung bean sprouts

100g qing bai


I also had a bad headache so tomorrow's run is still on hold. If I do run it'll probably only be 10km max and not the usual long distance I do on weekends. I'm wondering if the week's stress and fatigue started catching up with me causing the headache. 



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5 hours ago, Mortimer said:

the week's stress and fatigue started catching up with me causing the headache

That might be one strong contender, another one may be dehydration. 


5 hours ago, Mortimer said:

only be 10km

I love the way you use the word "only". Like 10K is nothing big, some jog in the park... I did it once, it was nice run, but I doubt I'd try anything longer. 

On the other hand - you are the runner here :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Ran about 13.7 km or so. Anything below 15km doesn't bother me much, as long as I can pick the pace. Above 15 I need to be more careful on things. My left knee complained a bit at the start but after I got moving it was more or less fine. Complained a bit on stairs though.  As I said, Aramis, road running and trail running is different. If I tried trail running I'd probably be slowed to a crawl trying not to trip over stuff or end up in puddles and it'd probably be more tiring on me especially if there is gradient. I am running on mostly flat ground here.


Also I did go weigh(finally) some of my binge eating foods.


One dried jujube= 6 grams

40 wolf berries = 8 grams

One fig = 3 grams. So I should stop beating myself up when I go and snag a jujube or a fig. It's not really that heavy.


Also had a talk with my father in law with regard to religion. The reason why he doesn't want to take so much meat is because of the fact that you need to kill stuff to get meat. I think its time for me to read up the nerd fitness guide to vegan diets...


The reason why I don't overdo the beans part is mainly because I don't want to give anyone gout. And also for my own goals to drop body fat percentage lower, beans tend to be a bit carb heavy for that.


Also I made Cacio e Pepe at my husband's request:




The video did NOT state proportions so I had to google up another recipe to find how much pamesan cheese, and pepper to add. Apparently I fried too much pepper lolz. Only added around 1.5 teaspoons for it( my husband likes things a bit more peppery).




60g cacio e pepe - comes with like 12 g of parmesan cheese

100g salmon

300g pig heart

200g cauliflower


Since I was doing it the two steps process - I have another 250g of cooked whole grain Fusilli in the fridge that I will make aglio e olio tomorrow. Pasta fanatics...please don't bash me up for it - I'm just working with what I have in the kitchen during a lockdown period.  And also I don't want to stock up pasta. It's probably not too good for you.


I will confess I ate a bit of the whole grain fusilli to test if it was cooked or not, and also a bit of the beehoon my husband bought for breakfast. I told him I'd show him my version of it. (He bought it off a store and it comes with a fried egg(fine), and luncheon meat(NOT FINE) and a hash brown(eeek!)). 


My version comes with dried prawns, is chock full of cabbage, mushrooms with some carrot and chicken.


Afternoon snack:

1 jujube

1 fig

50 wolfberries


I decided I'd eat them up after I weighed them so as not to contaminate the rest in the containers, since I put the stuff directly on the scale.

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Ok - I will say that I do deliberately buy food in from outside. If I were living by myself, there would be no need for that since I don't mind eating the same thing day in day out, but I'm living with my in laws so if they keep eating my healthified cooking 24/7 they'll have itches to scratch and if they aren't  scratched I will get to hear a bagload of complaints. The stuff I cook is fine, but I suppose variety is the spice of life. Again I suppose in a way I like trying new recipes, assuming I have the time to, otherwise it's the whatever stuff I can cook up the fastest that's nutritionally sound.



2 salted egg prawns

2 pieces of cereal oat fish

2 pieces honey pork ribs

60 g pork from pork ribs

200g lotus roots

30g ground nuts

3 jujubes



200g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

60g clams


Now my sister in law said she would have a delivery attempted with curries and all during 1pm( Hari Raya Aidilfitri - one of their customs is to pass food around) ...but of course, it came late...and good thing I prepared some lunch. I am one of those crazy prepared fks who don't believe in depending on delivery services, esp during lockdowns...





3/8 a ginger onion chicken(eh I wanted it to turn out five spice but it turned out really gingerish instead, not that I mind...) - it was cooked in a rice cooker lol

300g of iceberg lettuce

60g of beef rendang - after it arrived at 2 pm. Gee...talk about late.


Several pieces of coconut agar agar(125 g worth?) - unfortunately that stuff doesn't keep very well, so I will have to help pitch in to finish it before it spoils >.<



70g of green beans cooked in beef rendang curry.


25 jump squats

15 20 push ups, feet on sofa.

10 inverted rows 

15 reverse crunches


4 sets



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120g sambal chicken

60g beef rendang

30g cabbage

20g carrot

200g turnip



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato




70g chicken

60g pork from pork ribs

100g eggplant

30g soy bean sprouts - we tried growing em, they turned out more beany then mung bean sprouts. I think I prefer mung bean sprouts.

One egg

160g coconut agar agar 


Did my 100 burpees, broken into sets of 20.



7 chicken drumlettes

70g snake gourd

200g kai lan

10g shiitake mushrooms

30g pork from pork ribs

200g lotus roots

Half an apple

Half an orange

couple pumpkin seeds

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


 25 jump squats


20 push ups, feet on sofa.


15 reverse crunches


2 sets


Didn't get to complete the rest as I got a nasty email from work and had a breakdown.  




7 chicken feet

70g of mung beans

1 bowl of rice

2 eggs

200g celery

10g carrot

10g shiitake mushroom



180g pig heart 

1.5 tau kwa

60g chicken

200g winter melon


No vegetables except Winter melon(already as a soup) as I didn't have the energy to cook them. 


Binge ate the following:

50g dark chocolate 

120g coconut agar agar


At least on the bright side I finished up all the dark chocolate in the fridge so there's no more chocolate to binge eat... 


I took leave today - if being near my laptop is causing me distress, its counterproductive to attempt any work. 




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato



A bowl of mee sua

Half a tomato

40g chicken breast

1 tau kwa

120g pork trotter(bone included) 

Half an egg

100g qing bai

Half an orange

Half an apple


100 burpees in sets of 20



Was baking cashews and ate about 5 or so to test on the baking process completion. Now working on the roasted soynuts. 


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12 hours ago, Mortimer said:

nasty email from work and had a breakdown

What happened? Don't answer if you don't want.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Unclear instructions again, then people telling me use my common sense when I don't know what they want. Do I look like I can read minds? Then people complaining about the quality of my work when I have to juggle work, cooking, groceries all by myself and holding a meeting during lunch hour. Also people saying I didn't do something when I have a fking email trail to prove it.


I know meetings are going to drag, I can't get lunch out any earlier, and I don't want to run into getting gastric due to having to have my lunch late. 


No, I cannot delegate because if I did, I wouldn't get what I want. My in laws are nice i suppose but the last time i asked them to get tomatoes they forgot about it and didn't think it was a big deal.


...the only person I can trust is myself. 


Even my husband who said he'd visit my parents with me on 3rd june said maybe he can't make it. If you can't commit then don't say you can and change your mind later damn it. Even worse when his excuse was oh I was looking at the may calendar and it was a weekend. You make yourself, and me by extension seem wishy washy.


Their family culture is all about flexibility and doing what they feel like at the moment. I am on Myers Briggs an ISTJ- of the turbulent variety, so you can see how that works out. 




I'm responding to emails off out of office hours, to the point that I feel that if i don't check my mail, I am not doing my job. And I think if I don't nip it early I may be running myself into more serious mental issues in the future. 

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4 hours ago, Mortimer said:

Unclear instructions again...

Ugh, yeah. Others being unreliable/unreasonable is my weak spot as well. 


4 hours ago, Mortimer said:

if I don't nip it early I may be running myself into more serious mental issues in the future.

True words. 

All I can advise is take care of yourself, don't over-commit (even if it means half-assing something from time to time) and try to understand people are different from one another - they may have all the best intentions, but their priorities are different. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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80g pork trotter

60g chicken

50g qing bai

200g nai bai




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato




120g chicken

200g xiao bai chye

100g watercress


25 jump squats


20 push ups, feet on a chair


15 reverse crunches


4 sets


I had issues on the second set of push ups - maybe I didn't take enough break after the first set.



90g chicken

180g pig heart 

150g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

10g carrot 




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato

60g clams


I know some of you are going to call me blasphemous, but I fried my breakfast in mayo and light soy sauce. Did not use any oil. 



62g of pasta

5 chicken drumlettes

60g chicken

150g romaine

50g cucumber

20g carrot

30g cabbage



White fungus with jujube and dried longan desert, no sugar added

3 almonds

3 cashews

20g of roasted soy nuts



100g endives

100g brocolli 

1 chicken leg

An orange 

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170g french beans

100g chicken breast

44 g clams

20g dried shrimp


Ran about 22km. It wasn't continuous, I did take a potty break and water stop at the 11.3km mark. Also and various traffic lights but what to do in times like these...new route though and different scenery. Rather hot on the way back, I ended up using up all my water supply despite refuelling at midpoint.


Post-run snack:

10g dried longans

60g red bean

An apple



80g whole wheat fusilli

13g parmesan cheese

300g salmon

300g cauliflower

10g soy nuts

200g lotus roots

30g chicken



30g chicken

1 black pepper chicken leg

100g iceberg lettuce

100g lotus roots

10g peanuts

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato



60g chicken


70g black beans

250g brocolli


25 jump squats


20 push ups, feet on a chair


15 reverse crunches


4 sets




90g chicken

3 chicken drumlettes and 2 mid wings

200g turnip

20g carrot 

5g dried shrimp

50g barley and half a tomato as I curried =P



12g milk chocolate pennies

10g roasted soy nuts

2 cashews 


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