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Surprise surprise - I can run on okra rations. Also I think(at least heart beat wise) - I had spare potential since I should be able to safely push up to 148 bpm while running, the run was mostly around 133-142 bpm. Comfortable I suppose but not optimal for speed.



60g chicken

300g kang kong(or called water spinach in some places)

20g dried shrimp

50g okra

50g eggplant

100g fish


I tried making a fish curry but it didn't work




200g french beans

100g chicken breast


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps  - the seat was up to my thigh - the first 15 were really hard, but after that I clomped through
Han solo shuttle run jog, 6 sets of 20 s run jog, 10 s rest - Apparently I can't shuttle run after 22km...
 Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
 Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: 1 break
Luke Handstands: 1 breaks for 5 min


Monkey bars hand over hand skipping bars one way, turn and finish the other way.



200g fried fish

200g nai bai

40g ground pork

90g pork from pork ribs

1 date

2 small pears

One scallop dumpling




250g endives

20g carrot

150g pork belly



40 grams red beans

10 grams dried longan



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds



Beehoon with 100g cabbage and 20g carrot and 80g chicken breast, 10g dried shrimp, 10g shiitake mushroom, 20g chicken, 2 chicken feet, 30g black beans

Half a banana, one kiwi



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200g chicken

20g black beans 

300g iceberg lettuce




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



200g pig heart

100g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

110g chicken

100g pumpkin



Went a climbing and managed to finish the yellow route but was one block short of finishing pink=( The pink route is not the one in the picture. 






200g fish 

20g chicken

300g turnip 

30g carrot 

10g dried shrimp

A kiwi 

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Supper last night:

Some soy nuts

46g of baguette with peanut butter.


Yes I indulged in some midnight snacking after playing slay the spire till midnight. I don't even have an excuse for it this time.



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds



25g pig liver

50g brocolli

20g cauliflower

One pork cutlet

Half a bowl of brown rice


Eh eating out because I had to be at the hospital for my ultrasound for irregular menses.


The report is out - nothing abnormal, but I still haven't had my period since April so...yep I'm on pills now >.< We'll see what happens.


Did 60 of my burpees at home early in the morning(no time to do them all at home) and 40 in the hospital toilet. Ah well, whatever that works. Better then doing it in the waiting room where everyone would gawk at me.



Too much chicken. (Est 200g ish?)

200g of brocolli

20g dried scallops

50g winter melon

Sesame paste desert

Grass jelly with mango desert

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds




150g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

200g cabbage

1 egg

2 chicken legs



1 bowl of noodle soup with 150g xiao bai cai, 150g chicken and 2 prawns


My aunt apparently decided to stock up too much during lockdown and is busily trying to give away spare noodles, which I'm trying to clear >.<


Also my lunch climb conquest, I did pink route! YAY! Now only the green route remains and I will have conquered all the V1-V2 routes in my climbing gym.


Pink route - the last move was surprisingly zen. Put two hands on left and right, get left foot on ledge, right foot on rock below, stand up and just reach.  It's the second last move you need to lunge and make a leap of faith. 



Oh Aramis, want to help me with green? My left hand was on the higher green rock underlined in red and my right hand was on the lower green rock underlined in red. How do I proceed from there? =P20200701_181914.thumb.jpg.4de99f4f49f203468e34095e7cffba32.jpg

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The image is a bit out of scale, I don't know your feet position nor your reach, so I'm not sure if it's doable, BUT I'd go with the right hand to bigger center green (first yellow arrow), get feet higher (using those small green grips above big yellow and big red), reach left hand for one of smaller, red circled grips, then right hand follow second yellow arrow to another big grip. 




I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Red circled grips for left and not gripplable but right should be doable. Both my feet were on the big green below the red. What were your previous climbing experiences like, Aramis? =P


I have shitty reach due to short, but these days I've been stretching to get moar reach out of my short arse! 

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5 hours ago, Mortimer said:

What were your previous climbing experiences like, Aramis?

Recently not much. Never climbed an artificial climbing wall, but I did some climbing in the wild with my friend when I was in high school, and lots of tree climbing as a kid :) 


On the other hand, being a firefighter requires some sort of agility, I like climbing various things (not necessarily "usually climbable" ;) ), and being an engineer helps with physics' side. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I've never climbed a tree. Parents would be like arggh its not safe etc. I did try to climb a palm tree at the beach and got a bit nicked for my trouble.  Didn't really feel like getting too high up as there's no crash mat if I screw up. I mean if I really wanted to climb I'd get some crash mats first in case of falling off.


Anyway as an adult if you try to climb a tree, people will stare. I guess one of the funniest climbing experiences was at Spartan downtown rope climb I was like eh...wow that's double the height I've ever practiced...I guess its time to see if I can haul myself up?


Climbing I think is also quite a bit of technique. I've seen plumpish people on the wall but they climb like wow.


250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Did my LSD - 22.5 km. Due to the later start(7.00am) - it ended late and it was actually rather hot...



150g chicken

250g endives

1 tau kwa

1 apple

3/4 orange



400g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

180g chicken

1 bowl of white fungus, longan, jujube desert



Also, another climbing problem - 



That is a playground(for kids) . Since I promised my aunt I would show my niece how to climb, I decided that embarassing myself wouldn't do, and I decided to get some practice on a playground. Now the weird thing is my body opted to use the top of the board rather then any of the holds, to move from one sjde to another though I was fine using the holds as footholds. I'm speculating the holds are too small and spaced too close together for me to use? 


I mean I can't tell my niece to do something I can't do myself, right? 

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16 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

I'm speculating the holds are too small and spaced too close together

I think this is correct. After all, it's designed for kids. Kid will hang almost vertically from top holds, yet your arms are at some bigger angle which makes it harder to grab. At least this was my experience when I tried this at kids' playground. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



200g Eggplant fried with 70g of flour, 2 eggs and 2/3rd a carrot

200g pig heart

60g black beans

60g chicken


Went on the wall, but fatigue is a real thing...I did manage to do yellow and pink again (but painfully) but didnt' get any headway with the green and I just spent my remaining energy on V0-V1 boulder problems. Which I managed to do, but it's like on the climbing wall I'm at V1-V2 stage, but on the bouldering wall one grade lower. I wonder why...



200g sweet potato leaves

4 chicken wings

60g chicken

1 banana

2 bowls of white fungus, pear, jujube and dried longan desert, 

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I REALLY did 100 burpees before breakfast. 5 sets, 20 each



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



60g pork belly

100g fish

90 g pork

150g endives

20g carrots

3 shrimp



150g pork belly

150g nai bai

100g watercress

120g chicken


It was a generally shitty day where steps were concerned though since I barely made 10k steps and had to go out of the way to do so. Furthermore it was raining in the evening at the time I wanted had the time to take a walk. It got shittier as I had to stay up till 11 pm then my husband said that he had to wake up at 7.30 am in the morning. Since I'm preparing breakfast for him it means I get to get up at 6.30 am. I have no qualms about waking up at unholy hours, even at 3 am, but at least could his company have the fking decency to LET HIM KNOW IN ADVANCE SO HE CAN TELL ME? I have run a half marathon. If I need to get up at 3 am, I would prepare by going to bed at 7-8pm.


Why I insist on preparing breakfast for him: Because I pre-cut the vegetables early in the morning the day before. If I don't cook them, they spoil. And I hate wasting food. And also if he's allowed to get his own breakfast he'll eat something unhealthy like beehoon with only a few strands of vegetables in it.


Why I pre-cut the vegetables early morning the day before? So if work kicks me in the ass - at least I'll have had what needs to be done done before working hours. I don't leave anything I can do now till tomorrow.



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



250g kai lan

200g lotus roots

90g chicken

2 pieces of baguette that didn't have mould on it - I was forced to throw away the rest.


Anyway, I found out that the baguette I baked for my in laws - they kept it for so long that it grew mould on it and had to be thrown away. I can tell you I am very pissed about it. New stuff comes(left overs from a bakery)? They make a Beeline for it, and conveniently forget the old stuff, and it spoils. Sure the bakery stuff tastes better but those guys do it professionally for a living and also they have no qualms adding sugar. Breadmaking takes a lot of time - like 3 hours between rises, so I just declared that I wasn't going to waste time baking bread anymore just to have the results thrown in the dustbin. That's 3 hours of my life I won't get back. I also snarked at them that were they waiting for the peanuts I steamed last friday to grow mould in the fridge?


Look at the poor baguette I was forced to throw away below =(






Anyway at this point of time I feel distinctly taken for granted and generally unappreciated.



120g chicken

20g pumpkin seeds

200g lotus root

590g cauliflower


Anyway I have been monitoring my weight over the last few weeks - its stayed at 52 kg. Despite taking pig trotters out of the whole meal plan, and generally going for chicken and fish, I believe I am eating too much meat(due to economic reasons, the chicken skin gets eaten as well) and not getting enough exercise(I mean, hell, I have to go out of the way to clock 10k steps - and that isnt good). l think I will stop making soups so I don't have to finish most of the chicken and it'll save me time on meal prep which I could use to possibly make a trip to the gym. I've paid a visit to the nearest gym - now it's all booking of slots and they're strict about it. I.e if you book the 7 am slot, you can stay there till only 8.30 am, where they will kick everyone out and sanitize the equipment for the 9.00 am batch. What makes me iffy about it is as I have to cook breakfast I may not be able to be there on the dot, and get my workout done. I strongly suspect(I should have checked) that they will require everyone to wear masks while working out - in the climbing gym they strongly encourage you to wear a mask unless you're getting breathless (which DOES happen on hard routes or you've been climbing for a long time). I also went to the playground for a little swing on the monkey bars and I was farking rusty - only managed to get 1 out of the 3 lengths. Sighh... I'm not very happy with myself at the moment. My husband has been commenting I'm hunching - it's more of a when I put on weight - it gets on my back and makes me look hunched - though I'd say my posture would improve too if I could get my hands on a bar that I can backsquat with. I can't use my husband for a weight as he is REALLY too heavy for me to handle safely (nearly 1.5x my body weight?). See? Not strong enough.


Ah well, the only consolation I get is I suppose for being an out of shape ass...I'm still passably fit enough to run 20km without batting an eyelash and have SOME ability to fangle around with monkey bars. Though if I were to OCR at this point of time, I bet I'd fail miserably. I'm too fat and not strong enough =( Sometimes I wonder how I even manage on the climbing walls...


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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



220g fish

300g turnip 

60g chicken 

10g dried shrimp



2 pc kfc chicken 

Some french fries

Some popcorn chicken 

200g of brocolli

150g chicken


I'm feeling rather unappreciated since I went out of the way to get fried chicken and my father in law only ate one piece and a bit of brocolli then he went to eat supper of biscuits and a chocolate malt drink. 


But anyway, between lunch and dinner I did get a climb in. 



My left hand was on the higher green block underlined in red, right hand on the green block underlined in yellow, left foot on green block underlined in yellow green, right foot on green block underlined in blue. I was like just messing around and thinking it was a bit of a stretch, and just to see if it was possible, pulled my left foot to green block underlined in purple and the rest of the route came naturally. Ive officially conquered all the V1-V2 routes in my climbing gym! I felt a bit lost on what to do after, then went to mess around with the V2-V4 routes. Typically, I didn't get very far. The holds are so bloody small><  How do people even grip them? 



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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato



200g pork heart

150g endives

100g watercress

90g chicken

2 chicken feet

An apple


Was feeling lethargic as heck (cloudy weather) but forced my sorry ass out of the house anyway. Did the nerd fitness star wars workout.


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall) - sort of had a break due to stopping to pet a cat that curled around my feet. Lol.
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, no breaks 
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks  (which is an improvement over the last time...)
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min

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220g fish

200g celery 

30g carrot

10g shiitake mushroom

90g chicken


Also my back aches from the 6 chin ups and pull ups I did with the help of a resistance band yesterday. 



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds





200g cauliflower 

One chicken leg

100g purple and white bellpepper

100g old cucumber



New route, orange completed! Unlabelled but I suspect its a 2 pie route. (V1-V2 route) 




Seems like twisting is the flavour of the month... 



100g fish

70g chicken

100g old cucumber 

2 figs

200g chye sim

7 almonds

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, one set had to be done in the carpark as it started raining
Chewbacca carries:
2.7kg waiters carry in each hand for 60 s, no issues.
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: skipped as it started raining in the fitness station
Luke Handstands: 3 breaks for 5 min



400g endives

100g mung beans

1 tomato

One banana




500g celery

370g pork heart

50g carrot

30g shiitake mushroom


In laws went to visit my brother in law to play with the baby, so I don't need to cook for their lunch and dinner...so pretty much yeah no carb carbs.

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato


Ran 25.5 km from my in-laws place to my parents place at about a 7.12 min/km pace. Yes, I managed to conserve phone bat, so I finally could see the true distance of what I ran. Cool weather, even drizzled a little(which I put my honey badger don't care expression and ran through it), and great run altogether, even if it wasn't the best of paces.


Post run snack:

An apple


I'm generally cutting down on my post run snacks and food in general as I want to lose weight...fat and hauling yourself on an OCR is not a good combination.



300g fried fish

1 chicken leg, 1 chicken thigh

50g chicken gizzard

50g minced pork

100g abalone

250g xiao bai cai

1 dumpling with red beans in it


Then I went to vote in the afternoon lolz.

Unfortunately I left my runners pouch with my waterbottle at my parents place, but my husband is buying me a hydration pack with 1l water capacity and total 3l storage. I will need to accustom myself to it, but if I could carry a portable charger along with me, then I wouldn't have to worry about my phone dying on me from out of bat. The issue is how the weight works out on long runs...I guess there's only one way to find out - try and see :P



8 almonds

150g chye sim

70g pork belly




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds



60g fish

60g chicken

150g brocolli

30g black beans

30g mung beans

An ice cream (clearing the fridge)


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s jog, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, all in the carpark (bloody rain)
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks - figured I could use the carpark "pull up bar" to do my deadhangs. The space is abit short so I had to fold my legs so they wouldn't touch the ground. Whatever works...
Luke Handstands: 4 breaks for 5 min (I really hate post run workout days but other then this part, not too much detriment on it)

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Half a banana

200g endives

Some chicken skin (I've been using animal fat to fry my vegetables. Pork lard is really awesome for flavour factor)

1 fish nugget

4 chicken wings

60g black beans

60g chicken




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Did 100 burpees in sets of 20.



100g fish

500g turnip

30g carrot

200g lotus root

3 jujube

30g peanuts

2 chicken feet




1 tau kwa

50g chicken

250g cauliflower

10g shiitake mushroom

1.5 banana

20g soy nuts

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20g pumpkin seeds


Nerd fitness hotel room work out since my hubbie and I are going to the zoo early. 


25 body weight squats (thumping around the house at 6 am probably isn't being very considerate) 

20 push ups with feet on a chair

10 inverted rows using a door frame(cos no time to get out of the house) 

15 reverse crunches


4 sets


Went to the zoo but it rained intermently and sort of spoiled the visit(didn't clock as many steps as I would have liked). Still, zoo wasn't very crowded.


Morning snack:

150g roasted chestnuts 


Lunch(eating out) :

One bowl nasi Lemak with sambal chilli 

20g fried peanuts 

30g French beans

1 baked chicken thigh



70g chicken

150g salmon

100g brocolli 

200g eggplant

100g watercress

A nut and raisin snack pack of 143 calories or so

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20g pumpkin seeds


100 burpees done in sets of 20



Lunch(eating out, River Safari):

One bowl of rice

30g of eggplant

10g of potatoes

30g french beans

50g fish


Ate a chocolate custard panda shaped bun because it looked so cute.




Panda themed restaurant lol.


Urgh...there's never enough vegetables outside =(



400g cauliflower

200g endives

1 chicken leg

120g chicken

100g cabbage

30g carrot

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato



300g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

200g pork heart


I went messing around with V2-4 routes. Didn't get many wheres...but these are my current problems:









The pink route I managed to get the highest up (half way?) as it doesn't require that many fancy tricks(I think). The start was a lunge start.



200g fish

200g bean sprouts 

143 kcals of fruit and nut mixture (uhh...I think I really cut too much at once. Was feeling hungry...oops)


Yes, I'm trying to lose weight - I'm around 114 lbs atm, at 5"1. Less weight to haul up the wall and on obstacles sounds like a plan...but OCR also requires you to carry bloody heavy buckets, so tomorrow will be the first time I'll step into the gym for months to get stronger. I guess I can carry a decent amount for my small size, unfortunately OCR weights don't have weights for undersized midgets =P You still haul same bucket like anyone else.

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