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Mortimer's battle logs.

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Managed to get my hands on an in body scanner (in the gym) and weighed myself. 



Okay, maybe not as bad as expected...




200g brocolli

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

20g hulled pumpkin seeds


6 assisted pull ups

6 assisted chin ups

4 assisted pull ups

4 assisted chin ups


Will work my way till I add the last 2, then try the first pull up and first chin up of the first set unassisted.



2 chicken legs

300g okra


Then I stepped into the gym. Surprisingly you don't have to wear a mask in the gym while working out. I am relieved not to have to wear a mask as weights wise...I had to drop the difficulty by 1-2 notches throughout the entire workout. First part there was a bit of queueing for the bar.



Deadlift @ bar + 15 kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 17.5 kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20 kg (x8) - had to take a break on the 4th  rep


I don't even want to get to my usual which would be Deadlift@bar + 22.5 kg. I don't think I can budge it in my current shape.



20kg x 8, 3 sets. (I think I am capable of 25kg x 8. Before lockdown, I was doing 30kg x 4 quite consistently)


Front Squat:

20kg x 8, 3 sets


Before lockdown I'd do 25 kg x 8 (3 sets), on a standard day, 30kg x 4 if it was a good day


I think my posture could use some work, so I did back squats, but since da squat rack is in use, I used 20 kg(since i know I can get that safely over my head)


Back squats:

20kg x 8, 3 sets


Overhead press:


Just the freakin bar. Not funny trying to press more...

8 reps, 3 sets


Farmers walk with 15 kg plate in each hand, I managed about 1 min 30 s. Once I get 2 min I'll try the 20 kg weight in each hand.



200g salmon

1.5 banana

250g sweet potato leaves

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OK lots of soreness today after yesterday's lifts, noticeably on thighs and shoulders. First I turned the bones and scraps of salmon I hauled back from the supermart(4.6 kg) into shoup. 



I did pan fry the salmon before pouring boiling hot water onto it. Though next time I won't add lime juice - I followed the recipe and did, and it turned out too sour and I had to add sugar. 




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato



See that shoup above? That's lunch for the whole family. 

I estimate around 200g of salmon

100g endibes

30g carrot

3 shiitake mushrooms



Remainder shoup - around 50g salmon, 50g endives and a shiitake mushroom

10g shiitake mushroom

200g celery

200g pig heart

A banana

Half an orange 

Half an apple

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100g French beans

100g chicken breast



35g dark chocolate 

One doughnut peach 

One glutinous rice dumpling with red dates in it

2 dates

250g chye sim

120g pork

100g flower crab



150g pork belly

200g Nai bai

200g lotus root 

30g peanuts 

Half an orange 

Half an apple

Half a banana


Exercise wise, not much. Got grounded because when my husband massaged my thighs the night before, I had to muffle a scream. So I got the you are NOT running or doing anything strenuous today. 


Eh- since it was nerd fitness 5k day, I brisk walked 5km? Clocked about 30k steps on the day, last part of the day involved hauling a 10kg sack of rice home. 

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


160g chicken breast


1 tomato


60g cabbage


Then I did this thing. 


Screenshot_20200719-105147_Samsung Health.jpg


That's further then I have ever run before - and it was bloody fking hot towards the end. I have been told that before I attempt a marathon, I should be able to cover a distance of 35km. 



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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


200g pork heart


1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s jog, 10 s rest (sorry, I ain't running anywhere the day after 30 km)
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows
Chewbacca carries:
 Force push ups:
 4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: no breaks
Luke Handstands: 3 breaks for 5 min


Kinda happy that I did my workout early in the day cos I went back to office to work and worked a full day only taking time off to eat a cold lunch(microwave is not working after it hasn't been used for that long).



300g brocolli

200g pork heart


Dinner(eating out):

100g mung bean sprouts

20g french beans

50g corn

1 bowl of rice

 110  g ribeye steak

4 seeds of durian

20g soy nuts.




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato




More salmon shoup.

100g of salmon

100g endives

30g carrot

40g tofu


And my father in law's medical report came out  - his cholesterol level increased from 3.4 to 4.0. Grrrrs I wonder what I did wrong cooking. I know my cooking tends to be rather meaty, but I've already switched to chicken and fish mostly. Pork only appears once per week. But yeah as earlier stated, he does like having biscuits for afternoon tea.


Also today I am suffering from too lazy to workout. In part its because I've been running on short sleep for the last few days. I wonder what I should be doing now...

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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

I wonder what I should be doing now...

Get some bloody rest!




I know easier said than done, but the point stands.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I guess in the spirit of that, I took a walk and picked up a luck shrine for orna(it lasts anything from 40-90 min), then did a run/walk  combination to every single dungeon within reach to maximize loot gains (yeah, I'm a filthy meta gamer). Then when I ended the route it was back to the children's playground. 



Did some swinging around and completed all 3 lengths without my feet touching the ground, hand over hand. I did feet wrap around the pole for monkey bar length transition, but I suppose the next level is to do all 3 lengths without your feet touching anything at all.  Or skip bars. 


Then I did the: https://www.simplemost.com/theres-now-a-baby-shark-abs-challenge/


Baby shark abs challenge just to see if I could. Eh, it's not really that hard. 

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2 apricots

2 almonds

50g salmon

50g endives

300g kai lan




250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Went a climbing and was 3 blocks short of finishing pink. Likely won't get another chance as the climbing gym is going to change that wall routes. The problem with pink is I need to dyno to start it(well, short >.<), but once I start it its not THAT bad. Unfortunately it uses a lot of energy to dyno and once I lack the energy to start the route...I can't make any progress.



20g pork belly

75g chicken breast

300g celery

10g shiitake mushroom

100g watercress


Also in the name of bucket practice - I have several buckets full of dirty laundry water. Each weigh about 20 kg. So before I take my bath, I squat, pick one up, and march on the spot with it in the bathroom(since I won't have 400m to practice). I can cover 400m in around 2 mins if I am sprinting, but since there's no way to sprint while carrying a 20kg bucket, I estimate the time taken will be double that - around 4 min. I managed to hold the bucket while marching on the spot for 40 seconds today (which was an improvement over yesterday's 13 seconds), I'll try to increase the time as I go along. I find that its easier to bearhug the bucket, stand from squat position, then slowly shift your fingers under the bucket and start marching, as opposed to trying to slip your fingers under the bucket and lift it. If I spill the contents of the bucket it doesn't really matter since I'm going to take a bath. I'll try to do it everyday except for gym days or if I am really bushed.


Hmm. I'm watching videos on bucket brigade - apparently bearhugging the bucket is legal as well - and it may be advisable for people with short arms. (Yeah, I'm a midget) =P



300g cauliflower

150g salmon

3 apricots

3 almonds



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200g brocolli

200g oyster mushroom

200g pork heart


Did the following(all assisted):

6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups


Then swung across the fitness station monkey bars, hand over hand, skipping bars, went to, fro and to again. The bars fit snugly into my palm and I felt like I could do it forever, but decided not to since I was going to the gym later. 



200g tau kwa 

300g mung bean sprouts

One banana

75g chicken 



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

No breaks this time


Chest press:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets( I felt 20 kg was too easy last week) 


Front Squat:

Bar x8, 3 sets


Back squats:

Bar x8

Then I managed to get my hands on a squat rack so I loaded 5 kg on each side and got squatting. X 8, 2 sets


Owww the 5kg is youch. But at least I don't feel as bad as last week. 


Farmers walk with 15kg on each hand. Min +? I should really keep track better next time. 



125g salmon

50g chicken 

300g okra 

10g carrot

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20g pumpkin seeds



300g celery

30g carrot

10g shiitake mushroom

3 chicken wings 


Went a rock climbing but other then learning how to start the pink route more efficiently, no other progress. Won't get a chance to try again since they'll be taking down that route and replacing it with a new one. 



150g salmon

200g bai cai

150g brocolli 


Usually wouldn't eat that much but hubbies bro and his wife were supposed to be joining us for dinner then after prep was done, said they couldn't so... 


Did tabata workouts with fitness buddies for an hour. 



One banana 

3 apricots

3 almonds 

One egg tart(mother in law bought it and I decided it wasn't diplomatic to refuse) 

One jujube



200g French beans 

100g chicken thigh


Then I ran about 25km at a 7'30 pace. Today was bloody fking hot and also I think last nights work out did put a dent in my stamina. Original plans were to extend the run to 30km but I didn't feel up to it. Also with my new waterbladder, I don't need, and did not make any water stops. 



Screenshot_20200725-220401_Samsung Health.jpg



An apple

An egg and 100g capsicum 

300g fish 

300g xiao bai cai 

20g dried scallops 

90g pork 

1 cup of yam



One passionfruit

One avocado 



180g chicken 

100g watercress 

200g turnip

20g carrot 

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 


Did not want to bucket, but had to bucket anyway since the laundry needed doing and those buckets have to be hauled to the restroom...

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250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20g pumpkin seeds


Then I joined my fitness buddies to do this:



Each exercise would be for 1 min, then we'd take a 15 s break, there were about 3 water breaks in the session. After that did back to back whacking with equipment (battle ropes, 10 kg sandbag(was squatting and lunging with it), gait training ladder, skipping rope, resistance band, medicine ball weighing 4 kg and a roller wheel, to the same 1 min exercise, 15 s rest.


Considering that my fitness buddies have been doing tabata everyday, and I haven't...I'd say I did decently enough though I had issues with full wiper(had to switch to half),the Hallow hold and the russian twist bicycle crunch. Again I don't do those moves routinely - the most core work I actually do is the nerd fitness 5 min plank and I usually take 2-3 breaks. I think climbing does help your core but its mostly for short bursts, because you just need to brace yourself and tighten your core so you can pull your feet up. Once you get your feet up to the next foothold, you don't need to use that much core strength per se.


Oh and at the last part, it was 50 push ups, in 2 sets of 25. First set was rough as it is, and second set I had to do knee push-ups. How embarassing >.<



100g salmon

100g lotus roots

60g cabonara macaroni (but oops the macaroni was too hot and it turned out more like a mac and cheese since the egg curdled)

300g cauliflower


I tried to bucket today, bucket came up, but I was unable to put it in a bear hug position. Probably due to what I did this morning lol.

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100g pork belly

100g kai lan

2 chicken feet

90g chicken




250g okra


200g oyster mushroom


100g chicken breast


1 tomato


20g pumpkin seeds




100g salmon

200g turnip

30g carrot

15g dried shrimp


Went to the climbing wall to find that section that I was previously attempting being renovated. So I went bouldering instead. 



And progress! I finished the V1-V2 pink route! 



V1-V2 routes on the bouldering wall seem of the variety that either you use surface tension to stick on the wall like a lizard, or you end up trying to learn to fly(dynos). I tried the flying bit but I didn't manage to grab at the end properly and went flop on the mat. 


Tea break:

50g mung beans and 15g dried longan 



150g salmon

200g peas

One banana

50g chicken breast 

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Supper last night:

1 banana and an apricot



200g brocolli

150g oyster mushrooms

200g pork heart



200g salmon

100g shimeji mushroom

100g eggplant

2/3rd a tomato

40g tofu


Look at the tom yum soup I made with the salmon bones! Admittedly I cheated and used store bought tom yum paste :P




Though my next project will probably be miso salmon bone soup. One recipe tells me to take out the fats as it may make the soup fishy. The tom yum soup at the start was a bit fishy but once I added another packet of the tom yum paste, it mostly covered everything and no one could tell the difference.


Also I weighed myself at the gym:




But I don't really feel myself being a 17.8% PBF...I still don't see my pacs much ;) Ahahaha...



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar + 22.5kg (x4)  - Trying not to be greedy


Chest press:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets( I felt 20 kg was too easy last week) 


Front Squat:

Bar +1.25 kg x 8, 3 sets


Back squats:

Bar +1.25 kg x 8...then I had a mishap.

I decided to try back squats. The low bar back squats (I think I have always been doing high bar back squats).  Lifted the bar with weights over my head and into the squat position. So I settled the bar lower...it got kinda snug...then after my set I realized I didn't know how to get it off! Eeek! I had to walk all the way to the squat rack and drop the bar over there and then fish myself out of that sticky situation. How embarrassing and potentially dangerous too >.<

After that I stuck with back squats at 20kg x 8, 2 remaining sets. That incident did give me quite a scare.


6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups


Farmers walk with 15 kg plate, 1 min 42 s


Tried the playground monkey bars, to move from length to length without using my feet. The move sequence involves grabbing a higher up bar with my hand, which I tried and fell off. Oh well.



100g salmon

250g okra

50g eggplant

1.5 tau kwa



Also, if anyone here plays orna, I got this just now:


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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds

Half a banana




100g salmon

300g celery

10g shiitake mushrooms

30g carrot

70g chicken


They revamped the rock wall. I could do yellow and white, my next project will be blue and orange. I saw someone complete blue, but couldn't do the green route below. I guess we're really vastly different as climbers with different strengths and weaknesses?


I generally have shitty flexibility as climbers go, but I think I may have an easier time pulling myself up on things as I am fairly light(compared to some others) and I'm using my assisted pull up abilities to pull my sorry arse around.



Red I got up pretty quickly, green took a couple of tries. I suspect Green is a V1-V2 route.




Some cheese crackers because they were offered.



3 chicken wings

200g spinach

4 apricots

4 almonds

Some assorted nut mix

20 g chicken

100g winter melon


Weather is cold and I think I'm hungrier then usual...


And the bucket? 47 s. But there's an issue I realized, after I bear hug and interlock my fingers together as I go along, my fingers start losing traction. Hrrrmmsss...

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10 hours ago, Mortimer said:

my fingers start losing traction

Wear gloves. With THIN rubber/polyurethane/nitrile/etc layer on gripping side. 


Like those


When you interlock fingers in those, you'll rather loose gloves than grip :) 


I used such gloves with scaling this "wall" obstacle


- yellow bars were rotating rollers, and you needed to hold on them to get your feet on 1m tall lower part. People who tried to catch the bars from the top fell, but I held it with both hands interlocking fingers - it was easy, as traction on gloves needed very little extra force to hold. Considering everything was wet and muddy - the gloves did helluva work there :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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200g brocolli


150g oyster mushroom


200g pig heart





100g salmon

300g beansprouts

70 grams chicken



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar + 22.5kg (x4)


Chest press:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets


Front Squat:

Bar +1.25 kg x 8, 3 sets - had to stop on 4th rep on 3rd set for a break


Back squats:

Bar x8, 3 sets


I guess when I want to get the bar off I need to move my hands closer to each other.


6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups


Farmers walk with 15 kg plate, 1 min 46 s


Dinner :

One chicken thigh

1.5 tau kwa

20g black fungus

250g okra

1 banana

90 g chicken

200g winter melon


Went to whack tabata with my fitness buddies.





And equipment like 10 kg sandbags, resistance bands, battle ropes, agility ladders later. 


We plan to do this on national day, 9th August and will have the event recorded and posted on Facebook to celebrate singapore's 55th birthday. 



White fungus, jujube and longan soup

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Aramis, did you get the gloves from a sports store like decathalon or a hardware store? I will need to train with gloves so I get used to it as well, should I decide to use them. Though OCR school is two ways about gloves, some say its good some say just go baregrip. Currently I have no gloves so I've been training monkey bars and weights without gloves. 

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds

Half a banana


Too busy preparing for lunch as my hubbie's gaming buddy is popping over to exercise.



150g salmon

60g aglio olio macaroni

100g romaine lettuce

10g carrots

200g cauliflower

1 bowl cream of mushroom soup


100 burpees, 5 sets in 20s. While my husband and his buddy were playing soul calibur 6.

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Gloves I used were from hardware store. This way they are 5x cheaper than "sport" gloves. Like 2$ a pair. 

I was taught to consider use of gloves before attempting every obstacle. They are a must in every conditions on chain stuff and other things that may grip your skin and pinch. On walls etc it's really up to you, and on monkey bars and similar, they are better on dry obstacle, but on wet might be an slippery issue.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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150g pork belly

2 bowls red bean soup

400g turnip

30g carrot

200g xiao bai cai

1 bowl of cream of mushroom soup.



250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Lunch(celebrated my aunts birthday but she didn't want to go out and she's doing intermittent fasting  (for lunch):

20g fish

0.5 tomato

30g iceberg lettuce

2 prawns

1 fake crabstick

2 pieces of yam cake

2 jujubes

One mung bean cookie


Yeah without the necessary fibre, lunch was a bit of a mess with me getting hungry...


The only exercise I got for most of the day was chasing my nephew around the playground. I told my nephew, that unlike his out of shape dad, I could chase him all day. He said he could run all day. Internally I was saying, "Bring it" so I just chased him around the playground and he admitted I win =P I told him I ran to his house and back to mine like every alternate sunday(yeah no kidding). 



4 chicken feet

200g brocolli

150g miso salmon

40g black beans

150g chicken

Some peanuts



I did slip in an 11 km run later in the evening but didn't want to do full LSD as I had to wake up early for tabata the next day.



200g french beans

100g chicken breast


The 55 min tabata and whacking with equipment after. I can do all the stations except for the hallow hold for 60 s straight now...I guess that's progress? ?



100g salmon

2 chicken feet

100g lotus roots

100g kai lan

Some cheese crackres(sorry, but they've been lying around for too long)


4 apricots




One scoop of icecream

3 coconut buns(I guess I took the excuse that coconut items don't keep well and hoovered everything up)

50g fish

150g chicken

100g lotus roots

200g cauliflower


I...think I may have a problem. I haven't been very disciplined about food lately - my hunger is getting better of me. I'll need to study my food logs to see what went wrong.


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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds


Did the full dress rehearsal for the tabata workout - I can do everything for the required 60 s now. I also did it in contact lenses which I will use on the actual day of recording itself so I don't have to worry about spectacles slipping off my sweaty face.


Lunch involving:

200g cabbage

30g of rice verimicelli

20g carrot

20g shiitake mushroom

A egg

Some dried shrimp

100g chicken 




Went climbing and yes I finished blue. Ooof the last part is an assisted pistol squat with your bent left leg with the help of a sloper >.< I also climbed with contact lenses to see if there was any difference in depth perception etc. There's a lot more security that the auto belay system won't knock your specs off etc - I will definitely be in contacts when I go for my Spartan sprint. Don't want to risk losing/damaging my glasses.




One bowl of white fungus, longan and jujube soup




200g of stir fried pumpkin

150g brocolli

100g salmon

A banana

4 apricots 


Still feeling hungry....hrrmmmm

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200g Brocolli

150g pork heart

150g oyster mushroom



400g celery

20g shiitake mushroom

300g salmon



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar +17.5kg (x8)

Deadlift @ bar + 20kg (x8) 

Deadlift @ bar + 22.5kg (x4)


Chest press:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets


Overhead press:

Bar + 1.25 kg x 8, 3 sets, had to take a break on the 5th rep of the 3rd set


Front Squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets


Back squats:

Bar x8, 3 sets


Assisted with resistance band:

6  pull ups 
6 chin ups 
4 pull ups
4 chin ups 
2 pull ups 
2 chin ups


Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 58 s. Damn, just short of 2 min =P



KFC Flossy crunch chicken - 2 pieces - eh National day special

5 apricots

5 almonds

1 banana


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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

1 tomato

20g pumpkin seeds




400g pumpkin curry

200g brocolli

150g salmon


I went climbing - and found yet another route being set to top rope climbing instead of autobelay system (I have no buddy to help me top rope). I don't mind that they change some autobelay routes to top rope climbing, but shouldn't they change some top rope climbing routes to autobelay to make it fair to the autobelayers? I did complain to them about that. And V2-V4 routes are a long long way off...I'm trying a yellow problem and it requires you to twist to start, and a fking lot of stretching. Looks like I've got a looong loong way to go...


55 min tabata workout (as earlier workout set) - practicing for Friday's filming...



200g celery

10g dried shiitake mushroom

200g saba - eh...by right my father in law said he would help me cook that fish(I have not worked with saba before), but THAT didn't happen, and he didn't tell ME either (I hate that kind of stuff - if you can't make it, fine, tell me first, I can make arrangements), so I just googled up what to do with it(yes, I know how to gut fish).

The result was so crispy that the bones could be eaten, and I ate up the entire fish head(which was a pleasant surprise, since waste not want not is my motto). Also by checking nutrition logs I'm pretty much on a constant calcium deficit, so the extra calcium will come in handy.




Turned out a bit salty but I used salt twice since I didn't have 20 min to let the fish rest, so I increased the amount of salt used - and the result was a bit too salty. Next time I'll wait for the full 20 min.


And now my father in law has promised to do the other fish...wanna bet I'll end up doing it myself later?*sighs*


I really hate it when people promise something and don't keep to their word. If you can't do it, then don't promise, I won't hold it against you.


Oh bucket brigadding...100s with a bucket while marching on the spot. I need to slowly increase it to 5 min.

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My husband's grandmother just passed away. Technically I am trained in CPR and use of an AED, but I wasn't there at the time of her passing and even if I was, I probably wouldn't be able to perform CPR on her as my father in law likely would not have let me. 


Reason being: She's 96...just let her go in peace. 


And also, I'm rusty as fk from not keeping in practice with regards to CPR. So I'd probably have screwed that up. 

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