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Mortimer's battle logs.

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200g brocolli

150g oyster mushroom 

150g pork heart


And probably the only healthy meal I'll get for the day as I man the booth solo. I have not stepped away from the booth unless a replacement can be found. My butt is sore from sitting for this long and work is still bothering me despite me being on compassionate leave. I woke up too late to prepare breakfast for my in laws as my husband and I went to get the bar code scanner at midnight last night for contract tracing purposes. 


Lunch(cooking up stuff I already defrosted):

200g toasted mackarel

300g pumpkin 

200g Nai bai

70g chicken


Then they ordered in(which is unhealthy as fk) and I ended up nibbling the following:

Achar(it's a sweet vegetable salad) 

30g fried chicken 

One pappadam 


If I am to perform my duties as recept at the booth I won't have time to prepare anything except breakfast. I'm considering if I should eat the food they order in for convenience or try to eke out some time (and face my inner voice saying I'm not doing my job as sole recept of the booth properly) to make a soup to eat for lunch and dinner. The funeral wake will be for 3 days, but I will likely get little/no exercise as I am solo manning the booth. 

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Anyway the funeral was for 5 days and I spent 5 days manning the booth so...


I don't even want to food log for these few days since I have limited number of spoons , when I am pulling 12 hour shifts at the box, I do NOT have the time to take any breaks.  Then worse when your in-laws keep telling you to eat all the food(normal meals with cakes, eclairs glutinous rice balls, sweet buns) else it gets wasted (which is what I have been doing for the last few days, and will for the next few).Hell, I even once sat on the same chair without moving until my butt ached >.< I'll say the entire episode wasn't particularly good for my mental health due to long hours of having to sit at one spot without getting to move - and my boss was asking me to work when I already took compassionate leave. In the end my husband ordered me NOT to come out till late morning so I could have some time to myself. I gave up also and told my boss that I am NOT the right person for the job at this point of time because I can't freaking do box duties and check emails constantly. Box duties get more complicated these days because I need to take temperature and contact details of everyone coming to the wake.


Thursday exercise:




Friday exercise:

Nerd fitness star wars workout.


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps (on the higher wall) 
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows, one set had to be done in the carpark as it started raining
Chewbacca carries:
Force push ups:
4x8 plyometric push ups, had to rest between sets.
Force choke: skipped as it started raining in the fitness station
Luke Handstands: 3 breaks for 5 min



Ran 12.75 km



Half of the day was spent on the funeral rites, and I felt that since it was half a day I should be there early(damn me and my sense of responsibility).

After the whole thing(which took till late afternoon), and I had to cook dinner after, I felt too tired to do anything. No exercise done.

Also threw away some rice noodle leftovers because they went bad. Well, I already tried to finish up whatever we could.




Since the whole thing was over, I bought myself 1 hr tickets at an indoor obstacle course at X-Park.






The first part of the obstacle course was removed - so no jumping on blocks etc. Bouldering wall, not a problem, but wedge run I couldn't bounce from side to side. My first attempts was literally standing broad jump and clutch side of the wedge, though later I did manage running jump. On the last run(I tried the obstacle course 3 x), I tried side to side and second last part, I did it, but the last block I bounced and crashed against the foam wall. Oops >.<

For the jumping over blocks part I walked onto the black portion. Then just gathered myself to tuck jump. I can't continuously jump like the instructor. Tranverse was well...okay I suppose(bit longer then what I usually do for monkey bar distance)? I can't skip bars, but I did the full hand over hand thing - since at the end of the day I have been training monkey bars on my own.


Spider wall - I can't vault like the pros, my version of spider wall is more like move hand, move single foot, move other foot, but yes, I can stick on the wall (It actually surprised the crap out of me that sticking to the wall wasn't as hard as expected). I don't slip off like Bridget did except the time when my shoe fell off and after that I tied my shoes more tightly after. Its more like using your hips (to push your feet to smear the wall) and palms to press against the wall and you generally want your hands and legs aligned in a straight line else its a lot of hip strength to do it.


Rings = epic fail. Cannot even swing from one ring to another. The wall run - I am unable to do it since I don't know how to get enough momentum. I tried. Also I suspect that Bridget is taller then me and has greater reach.


Slack lines = epic fail, I fell off. My balance isn't THAT good >.<


Sea of pipes I think Bridget did it more easily then me, since I had problems doing the wrap around bar thing with my feet(I tried). What I chose to do instead was to grab on the bar, and stand on the balls, doing something close to a split before shifting my weight and foot on to the next ball.

Took me about 15 min to run the entire course doing whatever I could do. I ran the obstacle course like 3x before my time alloted was up.



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Couldn't book my regular gym so I took a bus for an hour to go to another gym. This one limits the number of people in the free weights section so shucks to be me I don't get to go in there.


Earlier part

Assisted pull ups:

6, 4, 2

Assisted chin ups

5, 4, 2


I think spending that much time sitting on my ass has made me fatter and I can't chin up properly >.<


Squats(with barbell, front)

8 x 3, 25 kg weight

Squats back:

8 x 3, 20 kg weight

Overhead press:

8 x 3, 20 kg barbell

Chest press:

8 x 3, 25 kg barbell

Farmers walk

Took 2 14 kg barbells instead of weight plates. Much harder to manage, only managed a min.


12 x 3, 40 kg (That's as heavy as I can get there)




Then I saw this gym challenge thing and did a couple of them.



55 x 5 s of mountain climbers

25 burpees

25 push ups (took a break on 15)

55 x 5 s of leg raises

55 x 5 s of arm raises

50 jumping jacks


Apparently 10 more of those cards and I can get a running singlet as shown here?


https://circle.myactivesg.com/hubfs/ActiveSG Circle/SNG2020 - SG55 Challenge/GetActive! SG55 Singapore Challenge Game mechanics_redemption.pdf?hsLang=en


Honestly if talking about laziest way to get 300 points which gets me a card = treadmill for 35 min = 5 km distance completed. Though if you want to get most number of points in least amount of time it'd probably be how many push ups/burpees you can pull off.Though I think 150 burpees would take me like 20 min to complete.

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Still won't do food logs. There's not much to say if your breakfast is one quarter of a six inch chocolate cake coated with cream because you were given orders to finish leftovers before they spoilt. 


Today's new conquest:



Green and orange. At first I thought Green was a VB while orange was a V0-V1 route, but as I went ooofing up the orange blocks... I think its a V1-V2 route. V2-V4 I will fail, but if I got up on the first attempt it would be V1-V2 and below, but it wasn't that easy for me, so.... 


Also yesterday I climbed my first tree, or more accurately put it - walked up the trunk. I was using the lower branch to pull myself up as I walked the trunk up. I wanted to see if rock climbing skillz would translate to any other things around. 

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On 8/12/2020 at 12:10 PM, Mortimer said:

I climbed my first tree

This part gave me a brain freeze. I'm not judging, it's just because I was raised in rural area and one of most popular stuff to do when we were kids was to climb trees, make bases there etc. Knowing there are adult people who never did this is something my brain just can't process.


But tell more - how did it go? Was your skills helpful? How far did you climb?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I live in a city. If you climb trees, people will stare and most trees don't have low branches, so it isn't that easy to climb. I tried climbing a lamp post and that was an epic fail since I didn't manage to get grip on it. I'll see if I can take a picture of the tree, I just went up to the end of the trunk where it starts going onto branches and sat there for kicks - safety reasons since I want to be able to get down safely should I screw up. Anyway I was a fat pudgy kid who isn't very coordinated, so tree climbing was waaay out of the question. Besides there's also some element of girls should not engage is such "rough" activities. Of course no one gives a sh*t now that I'm at my in laws place.


Skills - seems like tree climbing is mostly about wrapping your arms along the lowest branch you can reach using it like a underhand grip and just pulling yourself up as you walk the trunk? 


Oh and here's a random rant:


As a kid, I didn't have very good balance(my balance isn't really that good now anyway - though I managed to get up the kitchen shelf without using the overhang - since my father in law was saying it wasn't designed to hold that much weight, just the kitchen table by using hand to heel technique), and generally not particularly useful for sporty activities. I am not any kind of sprinter - never have been. So basically the track and field team wouldn't have any use for me since I don't run particularly fast.


Yes I have a decent standing broad jump(used to be near 2m), but again there are others who can do better. I probably had more lifting capabilities then my peers, but other then moving the occasional chair/table, its not useful for anything. I couldn't shot put for nuts, though I did get 3rd prize for high jump in elementary school(which my parents frowned upon because one of my aunt's students ended up with a broken arm from high jumping). But for serious jumping you'd want to be lighter(which I never was). 


But at the end of the day, I don't feel the point of fitness is to compete against others, just to be the best version of what you can be.

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Oh and yesterday's Gym workout. Couldn't get my regular gym, so I had to make do.



Assisted pull ups:

6, 4, 2

Assisted chin ups

6, 4, 2




Squats(with barbell, front)

8 x 3, 20 kg weight (well - someone had the 25 kg weight)

Squats back:

8 x 3, First set with the bar, second and third set with a 5 kg weight on each side (yes, I managed to get my hands on the squat rack)

Overhead press:

8 x 3, bar

Chest press:

8 x 3, 25 kg barbell

Farmers walk

15 kg - 1 min +...I screwed up on timer again


Deadlifts (Urgh the gym bar is fking hard to load and unload, it was so bad I actually asked for help):

15 kg + bar x 8

20 kg + bar x 8

25 kg + bar x 4


The reason why I asked for help - usually I can manage it on my own but the way the plates were it was super fking hard to load and unload. Since with Covid 19 each of us is given 1.5 hours to use the gym, and the longer I take trying to load and unload weights, the more time of others I am eating up, its not fair to others and myself.


Then in the name of collecting more cards for SG55 stuff, I ran 5 km on the treadmill. Out of a point of pride, I decided to do the run <30 min, which I did manage, though it was around 29.46. My start was waay too slow. 8.3km/h is fine if you're running long distances, but for shorter distances I am capable of much much more then that.


For the last 200m, I wanted to see how fast I could really go, so I just increased the dial speed. I managed like 5 min/km pace. Again that is for very very short burst.

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Ran 17.4k. I wanted to do longer but I think the choice of route (2 slopes...) caused my left knee to give trouble so I aborted the run and took the train home. I'm wondering how I am going to run a marathon like this since it's not going to be possible not to run into any slopes along the way>.<




Ran 15 k. Surprisingly no knee issues.

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This has been a crappy week for fitness...mainly due to no time


I wanted to do the 55 min tabata workout but had no time to do it.


Managed to slip in a productive climb session though. Someone was offering to belay me so I tried a black 2 pie route (couldn't complete) and a white 2 pie route - barely made it. Did scrap myself trying to climb a green 2 pie route which I previously completed, but what I progressed on was one more yellow block up a 3 pie route, and while watching some people do an orange 3 pie route, I actually managed to move a bit up the route (previously I didn't even know how to start).





Gym workout had to be cut short since I had to collect something at 2 pm and be at 3 different places before sunset.


Dead lifts - 40 kg x 8, 4 sets (bar was in use anyway no time to load bar)

Front squat 25 kg x 8, 3 sets

Back squat 20 kg x 8, 3 sets - I supersetted it since I was short of time and I could backsquat more except I can't get those weights over my head.

Chest press 25 kg x 8, 3 sets

Using assisted pull up machine in the gym - assisted pull ups at 20 kg assist

6 pull ups, 4 pull ups, 2 pull ups

6 chin ups, 4 chin ups, 2 chin ups

Overhead press 20kg x 8, 3 sets

Farmers walk with 15 kg plate 1 min 40 s


I feel bushed despite barely clocking 10k steps today. Urgh.


Also after Saturday's 10 am notice that my in laws weren't eating lunch and dinner at home, after I prepped everything the day before as I was running on Sat morning, I told them until they get their times better, I'm not cooking lunch and dinner for them. How am I supposed to finish lunch meant for 4 people by myself?


I think they're taking me for granted etc.



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Went climbing as per usual, did an old 2 pie route, got up on first try, got one more block up the yellow route(which is about to be removed soon =(), but didnt make much progress on the orange.


Went for Parkour class. Ahhh that was...interesting.


Learnt to step vault and side vault. My balance and precision work sucks - I can't balance on rails and when jumping, I tend to overjump(because I don't want to crash into the wall or something. I think it's some mental barrier). I can cat hang fairly decently as beginners go (I strongly suspect it's the rock climbing side coming into play), but the pulling myself up the wall...well it took some time. Because my rock climbing side will automatically start shifting my legs upward the wall(cos you must always remember to move your feet!), but I didn't realize until much later I needed to yank on the rail like an underhand inverted row at the same time to haul myself up the wall.




Assisted pull ups and chin ups with resistance band:


Dead lifts - 40 kg x 12, 3 sets (bar was in use)

Front squat 25 kg x 9 first set, 8 for other 2, 3 sets

Back squat 20 kg x 25  - I supersetted it since I was short of time and I could backsquat more except I can't get those weights over my head.

Chest press 25 kg x 8, 3 sets

Using assisted pull up machine in the gym - assisted pull ups at 20 kg assist

5 pull ups, 2 sets

Overhead press 20kg x 8, 3 sets, had to take a break after 5th rep on last set

Farmers walk with 15 kg plate 1 min 20 s


Also in the gym I did 25 push ups, 25 lunges, 25 box jumps(think height is around 0.5m), 5 km run (28:44). Collected 2 cards. Couple more to go and I can walk off with a brand new T-shirt =)




Strangely running 5k under 30 min impressed the people manning the gym. Eh. I don't really find it very much of an achievement, since I run 20+ km every week? And as part of the running club goes, I'm one of the slower(turtle!) runners.


I suspect I have issues with overhead press today due to all the pushing muscle use yesterday from that parkour vaulting - my right bicep feels a tad stiff and painful today. I was trying to do a pull up without assist and that didn't work.


Also yes I gained weight on the time I wasn't food tracking as expected...time to get back on track.



300g brocolli

360g pork heart



300g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato



450g Cauliflower

100g chicken breast

An apple

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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 



400g cauliflower 

100g chicken breast 


Dinner :

400g cauliflower 

100g chicken breast 

1 apple

10g dried black fungus 

1 pineapple tart

1 almond 


I went rock climbing during lunch. 


The yellow route I was talking about I only got to the first knob. 



After dinner I went for Hiits class. 

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OK I managed to urm..get a run screwup today. Trying out a new route(to reach 4 different sg active sports centres for 750 energy points) I was thinking hey, its just 33 km...with an opt out portion at 28km, what could possibly go wrong, turns out, quite a bit. The last 13km was freaking hilly and I not only ended up with my left knee complaining, about 3km into the hilly portion I was getting breathless ><


I did manage about 21km of solid running though before I was forced to walk. 


Oh dear. Most of the time when I long distance run, my stamina bar just regenerates as I go along. It was quite a nasty shock to find it not regenerating. 


I suspect it may be due to not having enough breakfast or possibly having a calorie deficit the night before? Maybe I should start looking at salt tablets etc. I did not really pee much for the entire duration of 5 h+ of hauling my sorry arse around so I'm not sure if it could be dehydration (Though I drank like 2l of water). 


Not going to log food as I had a sushi buffet after I long ran. 

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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

150g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 


Original plans were to go running moar(I was trying to experiment on this time running on a calorie surplus to see if it helped my running stamina). However it rained cats and dogs at 6 am in the morning (thunder and lightning included) so I told the local run group there was no way I could run to the meeting point in the rain, and they had a good run without me =( Oh well. I would have needed about 40 min to run to the meeting point and running in a thunderstorm is a very bad idea, imo.


Jedi high jumps:

3x 15 box jumps - very first jump was wtf due to being stiff, but after that the rest came more or less fine
Han solo shuttle run, 6 sets of 20 s run,10 s rest - Surprisingly after yesterday it wasn't all together bad...
Jabba the Hutt chokes:
3x10 body weight rows
Chewbacca carries:

Force push ups:
4x8 plyometric push ups
Force choke: 1 break
Luke Handstands: 2 breaks for 5 min



20g endives

100g xiao bai cai

20g shiitake mushrooms

200g turnip

30g carrot

60g chicken breast

50g salmon

1 bowl of mung bean soup (unfortunately it had sugar from winter melon rock sugar cube in it)



175g pork belly

200g shanghai greens

150g eggplant

An apple

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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 


Did the usual 60/15 tabata work out for 55 min. I practiced a bit of crow pose since I had a yoga mat- apparently to get into crow pose you need to clench your core?



500g cauliflower

10g dried black fungus

100g chicken breast


Climbing...I managed to get my right hand to the yellow rock circled in purple but had no idea how to continue. They're going to change this wall soon so I won't get to send it. Though at least I got close...





150g salmon

350g cauliflower

100g chicken breast

100g spinach

One orange

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300g brocolli

180g pork heart

200g oyster mushroom



60g chicken

Half a ear of corn

300g okra

1 tomato


Assisted pull ups and chin ups with resistance band:


Dead lifts - 40 kg x 12, 3 sets (bar was in use)

Front squat 25 kg x 9 first set, 8 for other 2, 3 sets

Back squat 20 kg x 25  - I supersetted it since I was short of time and I could backsquat more except I can't get those weights over my head.

Chest press 30 kg x 4, 3 sets - I'll try to push number of reps up slowly until we get to 8.

Using assisted pull up machine in the gym - assisted pull ups at 20 kg assist

5 pull ups, 2 sets

Overhead press 20kg x 8, 3 sets, no breaks this time

Farmers walk with 15 kg plate 1 min 30 s



Also in the gym I did 25 push ups(which were a bitch after all that overhead and chest pressing), 25 lunges, 25 box jumps(think height is around 0.25m - apparently for safety since I'm jumping on two stools they don't want incidents so they dropped it to one stool), 5 km run (28:05). Collected 2 cards.



150g salmon

300g turnip

30g carrot

15g dried shrimp

An orange

40g dried cuttlefish



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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 


Did the usual 60/15 tabata work out for 55 min.



150g salmon

200g endives

200g daikon raddish

4 shiitake mushrooms


I tried to send the yellow rock wall but had no luck on it. Apparently the last few moves aren't that easy. You need to push with both left and right while putting your left foot someplace and lunge to yellow block.Urgh... 


Tea break:

A bowl of sweetened soyabean pudding



60g mung beans

Half a tomato

200g brocolli

4 almonds

22 g soy nuts


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200g brocolli

180g pork heart




300g eggplant

300g daikon raddish

200g salmon


Assisted pull ups and chin ups with resistance band:



The first pull up and chin up were unassisted. Woooot I got my pull up and chin up back!


Dead lifts - 40 kg x 12, 3 sets (bar was in use)

Front squat 25 kg x 9 first set, 8 for other 2, 3 sets

Back squat 20 kg x 25  - I supersetted it since I was short of time and I could backsquat more except I can't get those weights over my head.

Chest press 30 kg x 4, 3 sets - I'll try to push number of reps up slowly until we get to 8.

Using assisted pull up machine in the gym - assisted pull ups at 20 kg assist

5 pull ups, 2 sets

Overhead press 20kg x 8, 3 sets, no breaks this time

Farmers walk with 15 kg plate 1 min 40 s


I saw some other girl in the gym overhead press 30kg. And she didn't even look all that part. I was like wow, how did she even do that.


Also in the gym I did 25 push ups(which were a bitch after all that overhead and chest pressing), 25 lunges, 25 box jumps(think height is around 0.25m - apparently for safety since I'm jumping on two stools they don't want incidents so they dropped it to one stool), 5 km run (26:59). Collected 2 cards.



Steamboat buffet...

Approx 100g chicken, 100g pork and 200g beef?

A scoop of ice cream and a waffle topped with oreo chips and honey

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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 



Crispy fried Pork belly

Roasted pork

Half a duck drumstick

50g kai lan

One quarter a plate of noodles

2 small pork dumplings



250g steak

Half a bowl of olive rice

100g brussel sprouts with bacon


Consider it a rest day since all I did was walk to mordor with my husband, around 30k steps or so.




200g french beans

200g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast


Ran 23.75 km. This time I reversed the route that kicked my arse last week so that the hills would come first, but GPS sent me on a slightly different route that was not quite so hilly. I covered the 23.75 km easily (if a bit slow - but since there's quite some elevation I am not going to kick myself on it). Could have probably run more, up to the 31km for full route, except I was due home to cook lunch for my family so...took the train back. I'm wondering if me not having trouble on the route was because I took a rest day the day before, or really carb loading(usually I wont eat rice or noodles).



300g brocolli

100g cauliflower

150g salmon

80g chicken breast

70g black beans

1 bowl aglio olio




125 g pork belly

150g sugar snap peas

90g baby corn

40g hulled pumpkin seeds

30g carrot

90g straw mushroom

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250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 

60g baked beans

20 ml milk


Well well...I got roped in to help my mother in law(who is a housing agent) clear up a house, so there was about 3/4 day of moving things. Some things, unfortunately, are still too heavy for me to handle alone ( Like a chest of drawers =() Though there was an overhead press of a single person sofa over my head because I thought it'd be easier to haul it up the stairs as opposed to carrying it at waist level.



Chicken rice  (We had to take away food because still clearing the house)

2 Goreng pisang

One can of sweetened soy bean drink




I really felt horrible eating those stuff(not physically but mentally), because I know its not healthy, but the alternative would be not eating, which would likely screw me over since I still had an afternoon of moving to do.



400g brocolli

225 g of salmon

A chocolate waffle (that is my own fault - I wanted to have a taste of my childhood waffle). Turns out that all I could taste was the chocolate. Maybe next time should I decide to have waffles, I'll buy them plain, bring them home and spread nutella on. At least it'll save me $0.40.

2 winter jujubes



250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

100g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 


Did the 60/15 tabata for 55 min



200g cauliflower

150g salmon


Went to the rock wall but no progress since the last yellow. I even climbed blue rocks to make it easier for me to get up to see if I could figure out the ending sequence. I think I know what must be done, the problem is carrying it out, since I don't have that much flexibility to swing my left foot up to my left hand, then swing my left hand upwards to grab the hold. It's all about momentum.



One bowl of jujube, longan, white fungus and pear soup

400g turnip

30g carrot

15g dried shrimp

4 winter jujubes

50g eggplant

150g chicken


Held a full bucket and marched on the spot for 100s. It's heavy as Fk.

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350g brocolli

360g pork heart

200g oyster mushroom



2 tau kwas

300g okra

4 winter jujubes

And...I failed a will save and ate a fish shaped mooncake pastry.







The photo above should be rotated couterclockwise 90 degrees. I was trying to wall walk (hands grip rail, feet smear the wall and start walking laterally) and got 3 metal bars worth (4.5m distance laterally?) Ooof wall walking isn't easy...




Nerd fitness star wars workout cos I can't book gym slot today.


Force choke:

Ooops forgot to do that, no wonder I thought something was missing >.<

Chewbacca carries - 1 min, 2.3kg in each hand, I was short of time so I did waiters carry on both hands at the same time?

Force Push

4x 8 plyometric pushups

Force jump

15 x 3 jump on low wall up to my thigh

Luke Handstand

5 min plank, 2 breaks

Han Solo run

Shuttle run 20s, rest 10 s, 6 sets

Inverted rows:



I also messed around with some pull ups:

I tried to do first one unassisted, failed (I suspect it was due to my wall ninjaing shenanigans earlier)

6, 4, 2

Chin ups

5, had to take a break then finished the last one, 4, 2



135g endives

100g chicken breast

380g eggplant

1 tomato


Felt guilty indulging in that 400 cals of mooncake pastry, so I did the standard chartered virtual marathon fartlek and ran about 8.65km...while collecting all my orna dungeons, in an hour and got back before it started pouring.



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Side note: I woke up with my right arm rather stiff and not being able to do overhead press position, but later in the day that stiffness disappeared.  If yesterday's wall walking shenanigans used my right arm too much, I wouldn't be too surprised.



250g okra

100g oyster mushroom

150g chicken breast

One tomato

20g hulled pumpkin seeds 

1 egg

140g french beans


Then I ran about 9.4 km because I was trying to complete the standard chartered virtual marathon fartlek challenge (again.)


Lunch(7th month praying so lots of food):

Mustard  greens

A couple of assorted mock meats(they were cooked with the mustard greens and its very awkward to have to pick them out)

One air fried prawn and minced pork roll

2 duck drumsticks, and quite a few pieces of roasted duck breast

Some chicken

Spinach and mushrooms


They changed the walls at the climbing gym. Yellow and white came easily, green there was one fail, but I got up eventually.


I'm now working on black, I got 3/4 way through or so. I think I need to figure out where to rest on black so I have enough energy for the final pull on slopers. (I hate slopers...)






Half a banana

400g cauliflower

10g black fungus

40g chicken breast


Sometimes I feel diet wise is like I keep getting put into situations where there's like too much food around. If you don't eat that much, people will keep urging you to eat more. Then if you don't eat, you feel bad about it. You eat, you feel bad about it because you busted your calorie goals. I know you cannot outrun your fork, but what am I supposed to do if I keep getting asked out for birthday parties etc.


Also, bucket brigading in the bath...


I always thought I was selling myself short on the time I carried the bucket to march on the spot for. So this time, I took my fitbit into the restroom and started the timer. It turns out I can march on the spot with a 21.5 kg bucket for 4 mins...when I only counted 100s...oooooh. But the issue is that I will be expected to move with the bucket for Spartan, and I doubt I'm going to get a nice flat grassy patch to walk on. Knowing them, I'd probably end up hauling that bucket uphill for 400m >.<

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Supper last night:

Sorry failed some will saves

1 lotus seed paste bun

2 seeds of durian



200g brocolli

150g oyster mushroom

180g pork heart



Half a banana

200g nai bai

A tomato

300g okra

200g chicken


Assisted pull ups and chin ups with resistance band:


First pull up and chin up was done unassisted 

Dead lifts - 40 kg x 12, 3 sets (not loading the bar because its a pita)

Front squat 25 kg x 8, 3 sets

Back squat 25 kg x 8, 3 sets  - I did finally manage to get the 25 kg weight over my head

Chest press 30 kg x 5, 3 sets - I'll try to push number of reps up slowly until we get to 8.

Overhead press 25kg x 4, slowly pushing to 8...

Farmers walk with 15 kg plate 1 min 47 s. Why do I always fall short of 2 min? =P



15g dried shrimp

500g turnip

30g carrot

150g chicken breast


Ran another 8 km...thats the third day running I've been running. Maybe I'm taking this completionist attitude a bit too far in the sense that I've already attempted the fartlek(60 min of running), 3 days in a row. Tomorrow I go running with my running buddies. Unfortunately I was too slow in booking the rock wall (fully booked) so I don't get to go to the rock wall tomorrow =(


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No food logs cos been busy running my ass off... Besides Saturday lunch was another praying day. 




Went running with run buddies for uh supposedly 5k, but I ran ahead of them, Fitbit reported only 4k, so I had to run an additional loop and finished behind them. The timing/km was <7min/km, approx 6.30+ if my unreliable fitbit is to be believed. I think its faster then that though. 



One of the people in my country playing Orna left, so he decided to leave a final gift of lots of bosses and raid bosses. My husband told me about it, so I decided to make a run there. 17.6km, started raining partway(at first it was a drizzle, then by the time it started down pouring I was in the middle of nowhere - couldn't stop - and kilometers from shelter so shucks to be me, had to keep running). However since my husband's news was like 3 days old, there weren't many bosses or raid bosses left, but I cut a bloody swath through the territories all the way there and cleaned up every single boss and raid boss there. Opted to take a bus back since I'm not running back in a downpour. 





Ran 4km to the meeting point to start the run, then ran 10k in about 59 min 16s, including water break time. That is freaking harsh geez, and I'm surprised I managed to pull it off (the last time I did a sub 1h 10k, it was carefully prepped - I carb loaded the day before and took green tea before the run). This was done without any special prep and actually with 4 km prior and 17k run the day before. Again I was pushed else I'd be a lazy arse and take my time =P I opted not to go for 15k, since 6 min pace for 15k, I don't think I'm up to it - especially since I've been running a lot the entire week. I believe I still could pull off 15k today, but itd probably take me 2h to do it. I think I have a lot to learn about where my limits are with regards to how much I can actually push myself. Also since you're supposed to run at most 6 days of the week, if I report I went running tomorrow, please kick my arse cos I'm not supposed to do that for recoverys sake. 


I'll admit my competitive streak in helping my team get increased ranking on standard chartered virtual marathon and collecting all those fancy badges is making me run much more then usual. 




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Rather busy with work, so only did some climbing, in which I wasn't feeling very on form (one of the bouldering routes I was working on I had difficulties stepping up with push to even start it). So I entertained myself doing old 2 pie and 1 pie routes. 


Bucket brigade, this time I marched around in the bathroom with a full bucket for 4 min. I'll try increase duration next time. 

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