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Mortimer's battle logs.

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Don't have time for full food logs so will just make it brief on what I did for workouts.



Went on the rock wall and attacked the white rock wall and managed to get one hand to touch the finish, but fell off after. Sigh....


Also ate some mooncake (I know its bad for me but someone has to clear the fridge) - that resigned expression pops up everytime I have to deal with junk food.


Also found out that my menses arrived...which explains the increased heart rate, general lethargy and sluggishness(though it could be attributed to lack of sleep too) for the week.


Ran about 15km, broken up - I went to Gardens by the Bay to take photo of the mid autumn display, then ran to Chinatown to take a photo of the mid autumn display.






Gardens by the Bay





Sat exercise:


3 x 15 box jumps

3 x 10 inverted rows

Waiters carry with a 3kg mortar (yes the kitchen mortar, that looked the most liftable thing in my house), 1 min each hand.

4x 8 plyometric push ups.

Shuttle run - 6 sets of 20 s jog, 10 s rest.

5 min plank. 2 breaks

Bar hang - 60 s, no breaks.


I am deliberately taking it easy as I am storing up energy for Monday night's marathon attempt. I will be doing one last tempo on Sunday then that will be it.

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Ran 11 km in 1 h 3 min. The 10.2k timing was 59:25. I guess I can start pulling off Sub 1h 10ks these days without elaborate preparations.


Sleep has been better over the last few days, but I've been actively prioritizing sleep. And also trying to get better with hydration.


I am carb loading(and I'll agree not in super healthy fashion), though I have been slipping 200g of sweet potatoes per day over the last 2 days. I also had a caramel hot chocolate from starbucks and a bit of cheesecake. I will climb some later(don't see anything wrong exercising mostly upper body), then in the evening at 5 pm, my marathon attempt begins...

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I got up both black and white route today. I wonder if I've really been oveetraining since it seems my work outs are working better because I was taking it easy on exercise. 


Also, this:



Screenshot_20201005-225513_Samsung Health.jpg


You can say I ran my marathon in 5h 23 min and 29 s. Resorted to splashing water over myself to cool of twice on the last 10km.

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Surprisingly sleep was rather crappy according to fitbit. Reason being, I may have finished the marathon but my mind is still running it. It's not an uncommon phenomena.


Taking it easy post marathon...30 min of runners yoga. Yeah generally I don't do yoga except when I'm in recovery mode.


Surprisingly I still managed to put on a little burst of speed to chase up onto a bus I wanted to catch...lol.


I was rather stiff but not in any kind of pain. Still didn't care to test limits the day after - considering some of my buddies who run marathons complain about shin splints, knee problems etc.


I think I got off rather lightly - all I got was some chafing from my underwear(I should find out how to lube before marathons), and just stiff the next day. I can say this was easier then the transition from 10km to 21km - that one I ended up with a blood blister and a dodgy left knee. And stairs were an agony.


I did find walking around with a mask rather uncomfortable which might indicate some kind of cardio stress - since I've been known to hike uphill while carrying a 3kg backpack and wearing a mask without any issues.


I also ate a hershey mcflurry - and I don't regret doing it. If I didn't try it, it'd keep tempting me everytime I walked past McDonalds. As it is, I ate it, and found it waaay too sweet so I won't be doing it again. At most I'll go for the soft serve so as not to be too sweet that it is intolerable.




Right knee was feeling a bit off in the morning, but was fine after climbing (I think the stretching from climbing helps me recover from runs in some way).


Went climbing - I wasn't expecting much progress and didn't get it. I guess even though I do not have much in the name of post-marathon aches and pains, it doesn't mean I'm at 100%.


I did manage to get up white, I didn't try black, tried to make progress on blue but fell one block short of my previous level.


I went for a 10k run - timing was 1 h 16 min. A bit slower then I'd usually go for the route, but I didn't notice any issues as I was running. I did the second half faster then the first just to see if I'd be out of breath or something but no issues.


Tried to bucket brigade - epic fail. Couldn't get the bucket properly up so that the handle didn't press too hard against my forearms and cause bruises. I guess maybe marathon damage may not be visible that easily but it doesn't mean it isn't there.


Also I have no luck booking the gym this week, so I'm stuck to nerd fitness starwars workout for strength training tomorrow.



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Nerd fitness star wars workout:


3 x 15 box jumps

3 x 10 inverted rows

Waiters carry with a 3kg mortar (yes the kitchen mortar, that looked the most liftable thing in my house), 1 min each hand. 

4x 8 plyometric push ups.

Shuttle run - 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest.

5 min plank, 3 breaks =(

Bar hang - 60 s, no breaks.


I tried to wall walk but only got half distance, one way. Gah.


Ran 10k, orna running most of the way so it was a slackadocious run. All those stops to whack up random dudes, waiting for traffic lights etc. Bought peanuts so that I can steam them for my aunt when I visit her on Sunday.


I am choosing not to food log at the moment, I am still dealing with post marathon runger and I find that I have been eating more for the last 2 days. Despite that energy expenditure isn't that much.

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I made tom yum soup. Had to add about a teaspoon of sugar to the big pot of soup else it tasted a little too sharp, but oh well.




Went up the wall on blue I'm up to my usual level but I don't know how to progress - I may need to see another person's beta to get an idea. I suspect I may be ready to progress more but it's just my mind that can't string together the moves to do so.


Ran about 7 km. Energy conservation mode activated - I want to run that half marathon in under 2h 15 min...tomorrow I won't run. I'll probably do nerd fitness star wars workout. Extra strength training never hurt hmm? Esp since I haven't been able to hit the gym this week. Though if you count rock climbing as strength training then you can say I strength train 5 days a week lol.


(Though of course - people would say I shouldn't even be attempting a half marathon after running a full marathon barely less then a week ago...) But heck.


Bucket brigading in the bath - 5 min 30 s.


I think I've gotten over the runger phase of post marathon, at least I haven't been trying to hoover everything in sight like I did for the last 2 days.

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Nerd fitness star wars workout:


3 x 15 box jumps

3 x 10 inverted rows

Waiters carry with a 3kg mortar (yes the kitchen mortar, that looked the most liftable thing in my house), 1 min each hand. 

4x 8 plyometric push ups.

Shuttle run - 6 sets of 20 s run, 10 s rest.

5 min plank, 2 breaks =(

Bar hang - 60 s, no breaks.




I dreamt that it was raining so I slept in and missed the half marathon. Gave me quite the scare let me tell you! Then my alarm went off at 4.30am and I saw it was drizzling outside and I was like oh wow that's like so inception. Am I in a dream or is this reality? Then muttered to myself I need to find a spinning top. 






Ran my half marathon in 2h 9 min 58s. Actually should have been faster but I accidentally turned off my run tracker on my phone and me and the pacer actually ran extra on the first lap, so the 2h 15 min pacer who I was going faster then told me on the return loop not to take the extra loop which put me at 20.9km and not the full 21.1km. So I took the pacers timing since there's no way I can't cover 200m in 2 min. 


This is a half marathon run by a running group all on volunteers basis so it's not exactly that official and not organized to the standards of official half marathon since its all volunteer run. 


I also picked up a blister on my 2nd toe due to inappropriately worn socks. Figuring out how to run with a blister tomorrow. 

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Went climbing, got up old routes of black, white and red, and one more block up blue after watching someone's beta on it. I somehow seem a better climber on Mondays then other days... I wonder if its because Sat and Sun are not spent climbing? 


Ran 10.5km celebrating Eliuds mile. Added 6 miles to the pledge. 




Pity it was after my half marathon else I might be tempted to run further...dont push it Mortimer... 

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200g brocolli

180g pork heart

150g oyster mushroom



300g okra

One chicken leg

40 g soya beans



40 kg x 12, 3 sets



Chest press:


30 kg x 7, 2 sets, last set I only managed 6 reps. Tried taking a break and doing the final rep but just couldn't make it today. Strange because usually chest press doesn't give me that much trouble.



Overhead press:


25 kg x 7,



Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets





Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset



Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 

5 chin ups - first unassisted

4 pull ups - first unassisted

4 chin ups  - first unassisted 

2 pull ups - first unassisted 

2 chin ups - first unassisted 


Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 2 min 10 s actually. Sorry did a copy paste. I finally did break the 2 min barrier. 



200g celery

20g shiitake mushrooms

140g salmon

0.5 red tomato

A cup of milk (last min top up after I realized I was under more then a 500 calorie deficit or so)


Ran around 10.5 km.

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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

20 g hulled pumpkin seeds



150 grams salmon

200g eggplant

100g french beans

12 g dried jujube

17g dried longan

10g goji berries

1 banana


I went rock climbing but the walls were overly packed and I didn't feel very on form today (slipped off an old 3 pie route). Decided to call it quits and went bouldering instead.


Up Green.




Up Pink



Up Purple.


All 3 routes (they're 2-pie/6a/6a+) I had to ask someone to demonstrate how to do it, then I followed their beta. From this little exercise I think my issue at the moment with climbing is that my mind cannot comprehend the moves, rather then my body being incapable of carrying it out. Like for the green route - the demonstrator showed a heel hook (right) on the cresent shaped green block. I was like uh...I don't think I'm flexible enough for that...but when push came to shove, I did manage to pull out the heel hook (albeit clumsily), and did manage to complete the route.


Went to do a little stair running today. 6.2 km covered or so.



150g salmon

200g brocolli

10g anchovies


Bucket brigade - 5 min 25 s. My fingers were slipping off the bucket and I decided to put it down before I ended up slipping and dropping the bucket. That would be a mess. 

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Got more then 1 h of deep sleep last night. I wonder what did it. Usually with my workout routines, despite me increasing weights now and then, because it's the same workout - I don't really get that much deep sleep. I suspect running up the stairs did it. I don't usually run up 10 storeys...



200g brocolli

180g pork heart

150g oyster mushroom



350g okra

120g salmon

1 banana

12 g dried jujube

17g dried longan

10g goji berries

1 banana


Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 

5 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

2 pull ups - first unassisted, first attempt failed, but 2nd one suceeded

2 chin ups - first unassisted 


Also I kinda screwed myself over with the pull up section because the resistance band looked not properly extended but I yanked it down anyway, and I think I strained my right bicep. If I point my fistdown with my elbow making 90 degrees then raise my arm up keeping elbow at 90 degrees I can feel a twinge >.< Pulling my right arm back in preparation to punch someone causes twinges too >.<


Wall walking, right leading, then took a break as someone came up the lift (I'm not sure if wall walking is considered as vandalism since you'd be leaving your shoe prints all over the wall), waited for that guy to get into his house, and another person to leave their house and enter the lift, then went the other way, left leading.



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 5 reps


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 2 sets, last set only 6.



Chest press:


30 kg x 7 for first set, the other sets only x 6. Strangely it was my left side that couldn't fully extend rather then my right.



Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets



Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset



Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 45 s actually


Monkey bars in the play ground - all 3 sections. I realize that I have been using toe hooks between sections.


Ran about 7.4 km.


Today really isn't a good workout day due to injuries, my right calf is also tight so I'm like >.<  I'm really wondering how I managed to do all that...lol.



100g fried sole fish

400 g  papaya

400g turnip

30g carrot

10g dried shrimp



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250g okra

200g oyster mushroom

1 tomato

100g chicken breast

20 g hulled pumpkin seeds


Did the 60/15 tabata workout then went climbing - but no progress on routes.



150g chicken breast fried with onion and tomato ketchup

300g eggplant

100g french beans

12 g dried jujube

17g dried longan

10g goji berries

350g papaya



170g cauliflower

75g french beans

30g carrot

10g dried cloud ear fungus

240g salmon

An apple (it was tasting a bit weird so I decided I'd just eat it and roll a Fort save rather then throwing it away) 


Anyway I went for the fitness assessment at night and their machine indicated 21.4 % PBF. Apparently from last year I've gained muscle, but some body fat as well =( Grrrrrrrr. How do I cut the PBF... I've been pretty much eating clean, strength training and even running my ass off. Or should I not think about my percentage body fat that much and focus more on what I can do - I've definitely made improvements in climbing grades and am lifting more now.

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37 minutes ago, Mortimer said:

Or should I not think about my percentage body fat that much and focus more on what I can do - I've definitely made improvements

^ This.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Ran about 20k with the last 7k or so being up and down slope. 


Then my hubbie said he wanted to run since he was getting fat and managed 2.7km or so before going flat. And we were going at 7:30/km. But well at least its a start though I was telling him he needs to breathe through his mouth while running. It's really a great power boost. 


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22 hours ago, Mortimer said:

he needs to breathe through his mouth while running

Seriously, I can't imagine running when breathing through my nose... But it may be because my weird sinuses.

Anyway, any start is a great start :) Now cheer on him to continue ?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I tried running in Arizona once and my nose got blocked. Straight no running slap in the face. In California I was running fine. Basically the low humidity screwed me over. 


We ran about 1.84 km today at a 6 min pace. Just to put us on even footing, I tried doing nose breathing throughout and surprisingly could do it(though it was single inhale, single exhale through nose). Who knows, lol? Science? I wonder if the breathing pattern is more important then whether you are really nose or mouth breathing. Again it's a very very short duration, hard to tell what happens if I were to maintain for a longer period of time. 


Ran in the morning with running group, 6:09 for 13km. Slowed down at the ending part as it was raining cats and dogs, so bad to the extent that I took out my glasses since I can't see in them. I was literally dripping water all over the place. And sloshing around puddles cos I can't see well enough to avoid them. Sometimes you're caught in mid run with no shelter so you can only run 5km to the end... 

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Today was a productive climb day. I got 3 moves up the blue problem - the issue was because I was hesitating in a spot that I should not have. That position is not stable and should not be held for long. The best thing to do is just to pull with both hands and move to the next step rather then ponder why you can't do it. I am maybe 2-3 moves left to sending blue? I think what another climber said was right - blue is more about controlling your centre of gravity(CG) rather then pulling yourself up. The consequence is that unlike other problems it can be tried more times then others as it's less taxing on your arm strength but is more on the shifts of your CG.


I joined OCR Fit class at the stadium today and oooof...I didn't realize tyrolean tranverse was that hard...I did practice the length of urm, the dip bars? But going down and entire railing is urmm...ooops! But on the bright side, the tabata section for me was still manageable since I have been fairly diligent in doing my own tabata so I don't look like a complete blur block when people tell me to flutter kick, L-sit to table top, twist mountain climber, russian twist, V-ups, and I can actually carry out those moves.


Though I'd say my push ups and burpees are in sore need of work...heh. Ask me to lunge, bunny hop, box jump? Sure. Crab crawl, spider push up and move, burpees broad jump, dive bomber push up, standard push ups? Nope! Or at least I'll bumble through those bits painfully >.< Though spider push ups got easier once I realized it was also a hip flexibility roll, in which I have quite a bit of, thanks to the rock wall...

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40 kg x 12, 3 sets






Chest press:




30 kg x 5, 3 sets, me thinks it's due to too many push ups yesterday. 





Overhead press:




25 kg x 4, 3 sets. Le crap me thinks it's due to too many push ups yesterday. 






Front Squat:




30 kg x 5, 3 sets










Back squats:




25kg x8, 3 sets - superset






Assisted with resistance band:




5 pull ups - first unassisted 


5 chin ups - first unassisted


4 pull ups - first unassisted


4 chin ups - first unassisted 


2 pull ups - first unassisted 


2 chin ups - first unassisted


Farmers walk 1 min 31s. I think my grip strength has been compromised from yesterday's workout. 


Ran 10km. Not sure why only the push stations were affected. Pull ups as per normal still. 


Also tomorrow I'm going to bring my nephew to the rock wall. Kinda excited about it. 

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I brought my nephew to the rock wall, and did sneak in a couple of routes in. I spent most of my time getting belay practice (belaying him), and he kept asking me to demo those belay routes - I told him I can't - I could only demo those with auto belay. I am NOT free soloing 4's or even 5s. Though I did a little bit because someone didn't clip the belay clip back and it was pulled up abit so I did climb up a 4  about 1/3rd way and pull it down. That is waay below my paygrade since I'm like a 6a/6b climber. Else I wouldn't even think about doing that kind of thing. I think kids have a different beta then we do and at first I thought I could give proper instructions since I can easily climb the routes that he attempted(and I'm short as compared to most other people), but now I'm not really sure. Firstly it seems easier for them to use any coloured rocks, despite that the other routes may pose placing difficulties (since they are 5/6s so foot placement/hand placement can be tricky). Also their reach is a lot less then ours - which makes me think they, even more then us need to push off with their feet even more. And I think he needs to learn to smear the wall as soon as possible because he can't reach the next foothold.


Then after that we had a long walk (spaced with a few jog and sprint intervals) in the evening that was probably 8-9km long. Took us 2 h + to complete it. 

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Different gym...




40 kg x 12, 3 sets


Chest press:


30 kg x 7, 3 sets, last rep of the last 2 sets was a pain but yes...its back.


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, last rep of the last 2 sets was a pain but yes...its back.


Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset


Pull-ups (Couldn't find the assisted pull up machine in the gym until much later and didn't have my resistance band with me...so...)


First pull up unassisted, first chin up unassisted, then 10 TRX rows (3 sets)




No, I didn't do those rows with such a high angle, my angle was probably half of that as I just shoved my feet against the wall.


Farmers walk 1 min 45 s. Ain't complaining since at least I got my bench and overhead press back.


I ran about 12 km up and down hill, took quite a break as I refilled my bottle, went to get my admission slip for the night safari printed out, then ran another 5k also on up and down hill. About 17 km clocked.


Also performed a parkour safety vault in the middle of the run. My excuse? Large puddle on the pedestrian pathway(too wide to jump over). So I safety vaulted over the safety barrier, then ran across the road to use the pedestrian pathway on the other side. Didn't want to get my swanky new shoes dirty... I did scrap a bit of skin off my palm since the safety barrier was rough concrete though.



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Went bouldering today and got up green after getting instructions from another climber. 


Note to self. Once left foot is on green boulder with a pie chart next to it, right foot needs to go to the green rock between the two pinks. No matter how impossible it looks.  My scrapped palm did make bouldering a bit painful today. 



Did half h of pilates and ran 8.9km. I've been running on <5h sleep this week so no time for food logs. I druther sleep. 

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Did some yoga (scrapped palm complained on poses like downward dog) and some Cardio dance as part of the AIA health and wellness festival then ran about 10k, split into 3 sessions. My husband now managed 6'34 pace for 2.8km. Vast improvement from the first time he couldn't even finish it. He did the sprint finish faster then me lol. I tried to catch up but I couldn't heh. 

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Ran another 10k in self imposed speed interval style since it was raining and I woke up too late to go running with the run group. Warm up about 1k jog, then 400m burst, 30s rest, 800m burst, 1 min jog, then 1.2km burst, 90s jog and 1.6km burst, 2 min jog, 1.2km burst, 90s jog, 800m burst, 1 min jog, 400m burst then remaining distance to 10k at a jog. Surprisingly the timing was 1h 4 min to complete which was faster then I expected since I thought those jogs were going to make everything really slow.  


OK that bit of speedwork had something to do with me being a bit embarrassed at being out sprinted by my generally out of (running) shape husband. Again I don't make a good sprinter (not much inclination in that direction), and I suspect how your foot touches the ground is very important for sprint work. You want a forefoot strike as opposed to a midfoot for distance work I think. 


My hubbie complained about his joints so yeah no running for him tonight. Newbie runners need more pampering lol. 


I am going to sign up for a marathon that will be held on 6 December 2020. I hope to finish sub 5, but there isn't much time before the marathon and my previous attempt I had the weather on my side since I was doing a dusk to midnight run. With support I will save time having to refill water bottles, but likely the time of the run will be less favourable(can't imagine people starting marathons at 4 am...). Also the last time I did the full run ritual with carb loading and caffeine before the run. The only thing I did not do was to taper(freakin did a 10k tempo in <1h before the actual marathon attempt), so there aren't too many more stops I can pull. 

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Got up blue, finally. Read the marathon in 3 weeks plan(it comes with a disclaimer only attempt it if you're already running 30k+ per week) for the last 2-3 mths. Well I've been running 50k per week for the last 2 months or so, so I should pass. Anyway I thought the plan was in miles so I ran 10k today at a slacksdocious pace(should have been 6k lol).  The instructions said recovery run! 


Does anyone know what I'm allowed to do the week before the marathon? I'm supposed to taper so no running yes... 



Unfortunately the wall made my left palm scrape even worse so I dunno how I'm going to go for OCR Fit class lol. I'm thinking slapping a plaster over the scrape and continue to do burpees. 

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Monday night:


Since coach wasn't here so his assistant passed us an "easier" workout. 


100 shoulder swings from inverted row position 

200 push ups 

300 jump squats


We were told we could do the above in whatever order we liked, split as whatever we wanted, so I chose to do 10 sets of:

10 shoulder swings from inverted row 

20 push ups

30 jump squats 


I was glad for the static nature of the push ups so the slap a plaster on and do the push ups gamble paid off. Anyway I'm somewhat of a squat master in my fitness peers circle (knocked off 104 bodyweight squats in 2 min), so 300 jump squats didn't bother me excessively. 


21 burpees (we burpee the number of the age of whoevers birthday it is) 

Tues afternoon:




40 kg x 12, 3 sets


Chest press:


30 kg x 4, 3 sets, me thinks it's due to too many push ups yesterday. 


Overhead press:


25 kg x 4, 3 sets. Le crap me thinks it's due to too many push ups yesterday. 


Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset, but not my usual energetic back squatting self 


Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 


5 chin ups - first unassisted


4 pull ups - first unassisted


4 chin ups - first unassisted 


2 pull ups - first unassisted 


2 chin ups - first unassisted


Farmers walk 1 min 35s. I think my grip strength has been compromised from yesterday's workout. 


Now I am in a pickle. I thought I would get used to my monday OCR Fit workout but it's 2 weeks in a row my weights have been affected. I'm thinking I should change my weights day to give myself time to recover but if I climb on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Thursdays hitting the gym on weds and Fridays, I'll be doing climbing two days in a row. I don't think putting up with crappy push type upper body exercises is the way to go is it? I am worried I may be hitting the same muscle groups too hard, too soon. 


I suppose I could lift before going for OCR fit, then change my weights to Monday, weds and Friday while climbing on Tues and Thursday, but honestly I prefer climbing to lifting as I feel it's more functional and is also my only form of flexibility training as I don't do yoga. Who would have thought you could find me sitting in a tree? 


Besides I think in OCR you spend more time moving yourself then lifting things? 




Also ran 8km at 6:46 pace, yes that's tempo becsuse it's bloody fking hot at 4pm. And I ran into 2 traffic lights along the way and had to stop else avg speed would be even faster. 

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