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Mortimer's battle logs.

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I went bouldering but with the scrape on my palm I was stuck with one grade lower on the climbs, and I was trying to avoid slopers because I slapped a plaster on my palm and just went climbing. Without my left palm on the rock I really miss the connection with the rock that helps me do my usual stuff. As it is the plaster slipped off a few times even and I had to paste it back on. I think plastering your palm is fine for push ups, but doesn't work very well for climbing due to the shifts of palm position as you climb.


Then I ran the most painful 4 km ever. Orders were : Sprint 200m, rest for twice the time you took to sprint. So I took around 52s (at least at the start), to sprint 200m, so I'd get about 1 min 50 s break or so, then rinse and repeat until 4km was done. Owww...I swear speed intervals are killing me. Its so freakin hard to breathe when you're sprinting. I think I so make one crappy sprinter. (Why the hell do people sprint anyway?!) I tried switching to forefoot strike but maybe because I'm unused to it, I actually lost time on that...


Oh and my palm...


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Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 

5 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

2 pull ups - first unassisted

2 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 6! reps


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets


Chest press:


30 kg x 7, 3 sets



Front Squat:


30 kg x 6!, 3 sets



Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset



Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 2 min 8 s


Monkey bars in the play ground - all 3 sections. I was considering trying turn around and going the other way at least a section but I didn't feel up to it after I had to put 2 hands onto one bar at one point during the sequence.


Ran about 9 km or so...taking territories and slackadociousing about it.


Next week my hubbie will be on leave(it's his birthday) so I will take leave with him, and it'll probably be a vacation off workout week for me - probably get some walking/cycling but not much else.

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On 10/28/2020 at 1:10 PM, Mortimer said:

Why the hell do people sprint anyway?!

Running away from tigers or to get the best deal at Walmart sale. Besides that... no clue ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Went rock climbing on friday - it seems that rock climbing is easier then bouldering on my scrapped palm. I knew I couldn't climb at my usual ability so I just messed around with old routes seeing how long I took to get up on a route. Fastest 4/5+ took me 1 min 15 s. Another 6b took me 2 min 47 s, but another 6b took me 1 min 42 s(no one wants to hang around too long on overhangs lol). I'd have expected the harder the difficulty the more time it would take, but it doesn't seem quite that way - I think its the rock configuration causing the different timings.


Joined for a session of HIIT(toned down) - since it was accessible to the general public, my instructor friend didn't want to get it too hard core. Lol. I do worse to myself at home when I run the full sequence.



Ran 24 km. 3h 26 min. Not particularly fast but today was bloody hot and I had to stop for an additional water break.

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Ran 10k, Timing including water break was 58 min 14s. Not bad considering I ran 24k yesterday. (I suspect it was due to some carb loading yesterday from my husbands birthday celebration) 


Then spent the afternoon playing D&D with a bit of unhealthy snacking in it. 


Celebrated my husbands birthday so dinner was an eat out. 




15 box jumps

3 x 10 inverted rows

Waiters carry with a 3kg mortar (yes the kitchen mortar, that looked the most liftable thing in my house), 1 min each hand.

4x 8 divebomber push ups, 3rd set had to take breaks. 

Shuttle run - skipped

5 min plank. 2 breaks

Bar hang - 60 s, no breaks.

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When you run out of inspiration for body weight exercises at home.. It's back to the burpee. 


100 burpees in 5 sets. I did not time myself in between sets as I was cooking breakfast. It was one set of burpees, give the vegs a stir, back to burpees. 


Ran around 8km in the evening. Tomorrow I'll likely not be doing bodyweight exercises as me and my husband are going for a water based inflatable obstacle course - Hydrodash.  I don't want it to interfere with my performance on the course... 



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And it went on a whole day downpour, so no Hydrodash for us=(


So alternate plans: X-park at bounce



Above is a youtube video on the course.


Okay I don't do it as well as the guy...and I couldn't do the wedge single leg bounce from side to side. Still can't run up the wall, nor do gymnastic rings or slackline, but my technique for the plastic walls got better - I managed to hop with both feet on the wall this time instead of having to walk foot by foot. It's faster, and more energy efficient. Also my Sea of pipes skills got better as I got through without any fails - on reaching the third red ball, I stretched my right foot around the pole before unhooking and reaching for the red ball. On times I felt like slipping I just squatted to get better balance then pushed on. And I guess you don't know how much you've improved compared to untrained peeps, because there was a slope with a rope connected on the top, I just matter-of-factly walk up it with my hands pulling on the rope(there are youtube videos of people who run up it without the aid of a rope, but I am not there yet). There was a group of teenage girls later that were trying to walk up the slope while pulling on the rope and not quite making it (they had their friends at the bottom trying to push them up). I was like... uh...? What is the problem..?


Also on the bouldering wall portion:


Guy in charge: If you think that it's no challenge. Do single colour.


Me: Challenge accepted!


I crossed the bouldering wall using green rocks only, wasn't that hard.




Red rocks only though...was a bit problematic. Had a fail towards the end because I didn't see the hold under the volume, 2nd time I tried it I actually had to resort to some fancy climbing tricks like flagging, slapping and some rather fancy stretching to span the distance between the rather sparse red holds. Even grabbed a volume once(cos I can). I didn't care for smearing, since the walls, unlike those at a climbing gym, looked a little too smooth.


I managed like 4 rounds while skipping the obstacles I couldn't do in 50 min. My husband was flat by round 1.5 and spent time practicing the slackline(it requires balance rather then energy). He also was urm...a little too heavy to do monkey bar work. But he managed the plastic wall and the sea of pipes fine, and actually managed to get both hands on the top of the wall run. (He's 14 cm taller then me - I know I should not use my lack of reach as a crutch and should refine my technique more =P)


I think Hydrodash would have been less of a strength and agility test and more of a balance test since it'd be inflatables on water as compared to this. (And trying not to slip and fall into the water).

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15 box jumps

3 x 10 inverted rows

Waiters carry with a 3kg mortar (yes the kitchen mortar, that looked the most liftable thing in my house), 1 min each hand.

4x 8 divebomber push ups - I think I'm getting more used to the motions because it's smoother this time.

Shuttle run - 20s run, 10s rest, 6 sets total. 

5 min plank. 2 breaks

Bar hang - 60 s, no breaks.


Railing shimmy - went one way but only half on the other. 


400m sprints, about 2 min(sometimes less, sometimes more) to cover 400m, rest 3 min, and repeat. Did 6 repeats of 400m. Total distance around 2.4km. This time it's more manageable. Sprinting 4k last week was like the most painful 4k ever >.< I find that the more violently I swing my arms, the faster I go. I tried to land more on forefoot but felt like my forefoot was burning, didn't want to risk a blister so I passed.


My husband complained he was sore all over and spent the day being a sedentary lump on the chair/bed. Was it really that bad? I'm a little stiff but other then that fine. 

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1 hour ago, Mortimer said:

divebomber push ups

I wasn't aware, but turns out I do my stretching (upward/downward dog transition) in this manner... Should I call that dog-bomber, or dive-dog?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Dog bomber sounds better heh. Ya at first when I went swooping down, then I kept trying to push up normally, not realising I had to rest in upward dog for 1-2 counts before reversing the movement. The first few times reversing the movement also gave me issues (kept bending my knees), as I tried reversing on bent elbows. Going back to downward dog position is the problematic part of the move for me. 

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Ran 12km in the morning on Friday. 


Managed to get up the blue route, after 3 tries >< urk. Maybe I'm a bit out of practice. 




Wanted to do some trail running but it started raining cats and dogs as I was running towards the trail (3km away), so I had to take a train to the sheltered running track for lsd. 24km run total. Not sure if it was humidity or what but I felt the air was heavier then usual... 

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Ran 10k in the morning at a slightly below 6:30 pace. Unfortunately my marathon on 6 Dec 2020 has been cancelled - not enough demand for a marathon - most of the running club opted to go for half marathon instead (probably because of the level of commitment and physical fitness required for a full marathon). As a result - I will be volunteering to help out for the 6 Dec 2020. The run club said they may plan a marathon sometime later in December. But honestly December is not good running weather - its rainy season >.<

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40 kg x 12, 3 sets




Chest press:


 25kg x 12 (someone was using 30 kg barbell) - can't believe back then I struggled to do 8.


Then a friendly gym attendant passed me the 30kg barbell when the other guy was done. 


30kg x7 last set 


 The gym attendant who was watching me do the chest press complimented me on my strength(he was surprised that I do 30kg chest press) . Urm.. Maybe because most ladies don't strength train with heavy weights under the impression it'll make them bulky? Or those he met were just accompanying their boyfriends there? 


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7






Front Squat:




30 kg x 6, 3 sets










Back squats:




25kg x8, 3 sets - superset






Assisted with resistance band:




5 pull ups - first unassisted 


5 chin ups - first unassisted


4 pull ups - first unassisted


4 chin ups - first unassisted (first attempt failed) 


2 pull ups - first unassisted 


2 chin ups - first unassisted 


 Pull ups and chin ups weren't very good today - each unassisted was a barely made it type. I think it's because I got heavier (53.7kg atm). Might be due to eating out too much last week on Mon - Weds when I took off to celebrate my husbands birthday. 


Monkey bars were OK though, went to, fro, to fro and to again. 


Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 38s.

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Last night: Went for OCR Fit class...lots of various pushups (Wide, normal, diamond, divebomber, explosive) - each in sets of 15-25, and probably over 200 bodyweight squats etc. They asked us to do pistol squat x 10 each leg, but eh - I'm no where close to an unassisted pistol, so I just did single leg squat with each leg instead.





I ache all over. Really.


Went climbing...was surprisingly ok since I did make allowances for my scrappy condition. I chose routes that required more pulling (jug types), and not so much pushing.  Also avoided overhangs (as its core strength). I tried to do the previous blue route but failed (not surprising, since centre of gravity control requires my core). I can't believe your core can ache from doing push-ups...I swear we didn't do a single sit up yesterday, though there were a couple of flutter kicks, russian twists and pike planks and around the worlds.


Ran around 2.8km with my husband - originally wanted to schedule my long run for today, but I went back to office to get some packing done. They're holding a townhall meeting with everyone tomorrow.

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I got retrenched, my colleagues said I got fat.I weighed myself, I'm 52 kg or so - so I dunno where that's coming from. Yeah what could possibly go wrong... 


Anyway I went to the bouldering wall and went a climbing getting up purple and green. Green there was a wtf moment because my hands were grabbing the holds with my feet dangling in midair. Not a very comfortable position to be in as I (probably) did some variation of hanging leg raise and shoved my feet back onto the wall. 




I climb with the grace of an elephant pah. Where people twist and move with grace, I kinda yank myself up the wall using brute Force. 


Then I ran 32km, took me around 4h 55 min (urm sorry it was 3h 53 min, since 2h 51 min + 1h 2 min = 3h 53 min right? Sorry for epic maths fail the first time) to do so not including toilet break because I had the runners runs. 


Right, I may be a fat ass but I still get around... 

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Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 

5 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

2 pull ups - first unassisted

2 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 7?! reps


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets


Chest press(ok this got weird):


I actually got my hands on the a bench press this time, but I think I was seriously unused to it as opposed to using a barbell for chest press.


First set (30 kg) I did 2, felt really odd and took a break then did another 5

Second set I did 4(30 kg), took a break and completed another 3

I got a little pissed at not managing the bar properly (I think because its far longer then the barbell I usually use), I went back to the barbell and did 7 x 30 kg



Front Squat:


30 kg x 6, 3 sets



Back squats(I got a squat rack this time):


Bar + 5 kg x 8

Bar + 10 kg x 8 (but I didnt manage to go all the way down) x 2 sets.


I think I'm seriously out of practice for back squats....



Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 40 s



Then I ran 10k in the evening.

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I ran 9.4k in the morning then went to join hiits class in evening. This class was more strenuous. Or maybe I'm a little tired. But the last part of holding your legs straight barely above the ground(head and shoulders off the ground with your hands supporting) and only getting to tuck in when certain lyrics play is rough >< Couldn't do it for the entire song. 

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Right. My first foray into trail running. I do make a pretty decent trail runner actually - in the "take it easy" group I was one of the faster runners. I think what's holding me back at the moment is my gear - I'm using a rather old pair of road running shoes on trails which makes downslope/rocks problematic. Rather then risk face planting, I was forced to slow down for those sections, catching up with the others on hills/more stable stretches. The loop of 10.5km took about 1.5h to complete, including times for waterstops, photos etc. 


But trail running is apparently a lot more taxing then road running:




That was from today's trail run. Around 7+ min/km.



As opposed to a 10k sub 1h type of run.


Then there's this delicious, delicious event. 



So some of my running group have been sporting these:


Worn together with toe socks for trail running in Mac Ritchie Reservoir (the terrain isn't all that harsh as trails go).
I'm thinking that the way to do this, since we're given from 12 December to 31 December, is to just run a loop around the reservoir everyday of the week. Rather then trying to do several loops at once, since at least for me, each loop will take minimum 1.5 hours.
But because of that requirement - chances are - I'll get rained on, so I need my running kit to be as minimalist as possible and easily washable - that's why I was thinking of getting trail running sandals instead of trail running shoes(should I step into the next mud puddle - which will happen eventually), how am I going to get my gear cleaned up for the next day's run?
I will be wearing contact lenses on all the days I am running the trail so that I don't have to worry about rain messing up with my vision, since the last thing you want to have on a trail is not being able to see where you're going.
The route has a ranger station with hydration at the 5.5km mark, though for road running if I'm not concerned about pace - I don't need water for up to 15 km. However, trail running is new to me so I rather play it safe with regards to hydration - though I think with some training I can probably complete a single loop before needing to look for water.
Also...trail runners tend to look more muscular then road runners, so at the end of the day I kinda look more like a trail runner then a road runner lol.
Aramis - your thoughts on this?
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Did my usual tempo for 11k but since I was helping pace for an old uncle who said his pace was  6'30 (liar, liar pants on fire =P), so we ran 6'02/km together. At some stretches I was even forced to pull out a couple of tricks out of my run book just to stay ahead of him (like swinging my arms more - picked that one up from sprint intervals), and utilising my full ramp breathing pattern for most of the run. 


Went to hydrodash today, I'd say its waay more tiring then x Park at bounce since each time you "fail" an obstacle, you'll end up tumbling unceremoniously into the sea. And to get up on the inflatable platform feels like an assisted dip (pushing back up motion) to get your legs up to the step below the platform so you can haul yourself up. I am only slightly ashamed to say I screwed up the monkey bars because wet hands + life jacket restricting movement is a bad combination, so... Splash! Also bars were uh... Further apart then I was used to.  Also there is quite a lot of balance work as I failed horribly to run across anything inflatable lol. The parts of the obstacle course that I can roll climb checks I usually pass except the one where you climb out of the water onto an overhang. That didn't work out. 


There was one part that you were supposed to swing across to the other side and I decided to climb across by using the inflatable pillars instead which I failed on the first try but managed on the second. I suspect swinging would have me splashing into the water again =P

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Went bouldering but seemed bit off today...


Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 

5 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted - first attempt fail

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

2 pull ups - first unassisted

2 chin ups - first unassisted


The 2nd and 3rd set of pull ups were urm rather sub-optimal today.



40kg x 12, 3 sets, had to take a break on the 10th rep for the last set.


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets


Chest press:


30 kg x 7, 3 sets



Front Squat:


30 kg x 8!, 3 sets - I guess its time to move up to a 35 kg weight if there's one to be found...else I wonder how I'm going to get 40 kg in front of me.



Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset



Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 27 s =(


Then I did 200m sprints x 10 with 1 min 30 s rest between intervals.

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I ran 19km to a nature park, then ran trails a bit until I hit 24km. I also got the full trail experience. I stepped into a muddy puddle, tripped over something(probably a tree root), and fell, getting a palm scrape (oh man rock climbing and push ups are going to be a major pain) and scratching my phone screen, so I had a pair of running shoes to wash today. I also found out I have a horrible sense of direction and actually ran an extra loop, not figuring out which direction was the exit. The second time as my phone was running out of battery, I decided NOT to run once near the exit lest I miss it again. Running endless loops as the sun sets doesn't appeal to me, neither does getting lost in a park...


This time I didn't really get that much peak in terms of heartrate...probably because I was taking my time about things, and the gradient of this trail isn't as harsh as Mac Ritchie reservoir.


Also been trying to look for a new job - finally had some time to do it, but it seems like the stuff I'm looking for isn't there =(


I mean I suppose I could sign-up as a cop...I should pass the good fitness requirement - but again I suspect I'd get the short end of the stick if I really had to subdue people since I am a bit small if it comes to a fight...

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Ran 10k in the morning then headed to office to do handover. Not much to say about today. 


Oh weight wise for deadlifts I can get away with 90s rest between set but for others I need 2 min. Finally managed to time myself without giving myself undue pressure. 


I also froze my climbing gym membership starting from next month due to finances. We will have to see how this job search thing goes. 

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Today gym was a little meh, mainly due to me not keeping my ego in check. I also arrived rather late so I had less rest then I would have wanted between sets since I was trying to get everything done before my alloted time slot was up. 


Assisted with resistance band:


5 pull ups - first unassisted 


5 chin ups - first unassisted


5 pull ups - first unassisted 


5 chin ups - first unassisted 


2 pull ups - first unassisted


2 chin ups - first unassisted




40kg x 12, 3 sets


Now about the ego bit... Yeah I saw a college girl do overhead presses, 20kg x 10 reps. So I thought I'd try for 25 kg x 8 instead of my usual 25 kg x 7=P


Ahh pride - I guess I'm not ready for it yet lol. It might also have affected my chest press later. 


Overhead press:


25 kg x 8, 3 sets, but had to take a break on 5th rep last set




Chest press:




30 kg x 7, 3 sets, had to take a break on 5th rep on 2nd set 






Front Squat:




30 kg x 8, 3 sets 




Back squats:




25kg x8, 3 sets - superset






Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 40 s


Also that college girl is freaking remarkable. I saw her eye the pull up bar while I was doing my chest press. And after I saw her easily do the 20kg x 10 reps overhead press, I was really curious how well she could pull up. The way she eyed the bar was like one who was calculating how many reps to do. Then she did 9 pull ups straight, no breaks. Freaking remarkable! I congratulated her on the spot and saluted her for uber pull up prowess. I can only belt out one and I have no clue how the heck she trained until she could do 9...I found out later that she's a canoeist. I didn't know canoeists were that good at pull ups, me being under the impression that those who row boats are strong (as in can lift heavy), but also too heavy to do pull ups. I'd have expected pull ups out of rock climbers but canoeists was a big surprise to me. 


Joined hiits class in the evening. 

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