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Mortimer's battle logs.

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Nothing but runners yoga for 30 min. 




75 bodyweight squats




First pull up unassisted, 5 more with resistance band 




First chin up unassisted, 5 more with resistance band




First pull up unassisted, 4 more with resistance band 




First chin up unassisted fail, 4 more with resistance band




Both with resistance band 




Both with resistance band 


Pull ups le shit. Me thinks I ate too much over Christmas and got fat so can't pull up =(


Waiters carry with a 4kg weights - 1 min each hand.




4x 8 push ups 




Skipped shuttle run. Not running, period. 


5 min plank. 3 breaks 


Did 30 min more of runners yoga. 

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Went back to the reservoir for a brisk walk. 





Hey, using my extensive terrain mastery (16 loops??), I move faster then the average hiker(no mincing or hesitation on foot placement) , though not as fast as uncles who've been walking there for years. 


Did simple and sinister with 3kg mortar for weight. I did not manage to keep it within 5min for arm swings and 10 min for getups. 


My left hand I had to stop to readjust the mortar because it was slipping out of my grip for arm swings. 


30 min runners yoga. 

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10 hours ago, Mortimer said:

doing an ultramarathon

You're nuts! I love it!

Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Lol maybe someday in the future I might go for this one:




Of the <32h, 100 miles variety. Covering 100 miles in a month even isn't exactly an issue - I did it in 20 days or so. The issue though is I need a LOT more training before I even think about it since I talked to one finisher - you're looking at moving for 28hs from start to end. Don't think you can sleep. And also there's a lot of logistics to figure out. Night runs require LED lights, and also there might be multiple changes of footwear and clothing. 


Anyway, to business:


It's been raining non stop for the last 48h, so I haven't been out at all =( Can't even go to the fitness station to do pull ups. 



30 min of runners yoga




Simple and sinister:


10 x 10 arm swings per arm on 3 kg weight 


5 Turkish get-ups on 3 kg weight 


My arm swings took 6 min to complete (behind schedule), but my Turkish get-ups took 8 min to complete. 


How do you do arm swings faster? 



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3 hours ago, Mortimer said:

10 x 10 arm swings per arm

Hmm, I think you misunderstood something. You do 100 swings in total: 10 right, 10 left repeat 5 times. 

If you did 100 per arm,  you did too many :)  I guess that's why it took 6min.


I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Did simple and sinister, 4 kg on left and right arms 50x each. Well within time limit this time. However I had to adjust in the middle for left and right because I was gripping 2  2kg weight plates and I don't have very big palm size. They were kinda slipping... Working around with bar like contraptions. 


Did 3kg getups alternating sides, 5 x per side. 


Everything was within schuedule.


Attaching 1 kg weight plates to bar like contraptions =3.8kg weight. So 5.8kg weight if I attach 2 kg weight plates. Which one should I use for next time I try this? Tempted to go 5.8 kg just to see how it goes, maybe I can do getups with 3.8 kg weight plates. 


I also think I may be doing under my weight class (since its recommended that women start with 8 kg weight-and its not as if this is my first time weight lifting), but again I want to get the form right before I start loading. Don't want to get injured. 

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8 hours ago, Mortimer said:

5x 10 arm swings per side, alternating sides with every set of 10

That's the way. 10 right arm swings, 10 left arm swings, repeat 5 times. Then 1 min rest and 10 TGUs - alternating sides.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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I used gym assisted pull up machine for this(20kg assist) - I don't trust the weather so I don't wanna risk ending up with no pull ups because it was raining again. 


6 pull ups - first unassisted 


6 chin ups - first unassisted


5 pull ups - first unassisted


5 chin ups - first unassisted 


2 pull ups - first unassisted


2 chin ups - first unassisted




40kg x 12, 3 sets - cos bar was in use


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, last set had to take a break at 6.


Chest press:


25 kg x 8, 3 sets - I tried 30kg but couldn't budge the weight. I haven't been in the gym for a while. 


Front Squat:


30 kg x 4, 3 sets 


Back squats:


25kg x8, 3 sets - superset



Farmers walk, 15kg weight in each hand - 1 min 35s. 


I can say I lost some squat and chest press strength for being away from the gym for that long. 


PBF is good to go - surprisingly. 


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10x10 1H swing 5.8kg

1 min rest

10x1 TGU 5.8kg - yes I managed it - I need to remind myself TGUs are not a race so I don't have to be in a hurry to finish. Bad habit since I'm always worried I can't do the 10 TGUs in 10 min. 


I may increase arm swings to 7.8kg next... We'll see. I think the arm swings was what preserved the better part of my overhead press in the gym. 


5 min 30 s of carrying a 20.5kg bucket of soapy water in the bathroom. I did adjust grip 3x though. 

30 min runners yoga. 

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Not a race at all. It is advised to do get-ups slowly - this way you focus on the form and keep muscles under load for longer time. And this translates directly to more strength gain. 

The times I gave you are just for "test routine" to check if you can fulfill goals of the program. It is my way to time every workout, as I lack free time and need to manage it strictly. 

For reference, try to get your hands on actual book - Simple & Sinister by Pavel Tsatsouline. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Assisted with resistance band:


7 pull ups - first unassisted 

7 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

3 pull ups - first unassisted fail

3 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 4 reps


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, had to take a break on 4th rep of 3rd set


Chest press:

30 kg x 4, 3 sets


Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Issue was getting barbell up in front to start the front squat. 



Back squats(I got a squat rack this time):


Bar + 5 kg x 8

Bar + 10 kg x 8 (didn't manage even 90 degrees) 

Bar + 15kg x 8 (didn't manage even 90 degrees) 





Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 45s

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10x10 1H swing 7.8kg

1 min rest

10x1 TGU 5.8kg - I tried to increase to 7.8kg but my arm wouldn't stay straight when I did the hip lift portion of it so I decided I wasn't ready yet. 


I think I should time my workouts even if I have time to spare otherwise I'll just sit around and smell the roses. Which is not productive. 


Bucket brigade in the bathroom - 5min 30 s on a 21 kg bucket. But the bucket was a more flexible bucket rather then a hard one so I think it was easier to hold. Maybe next time I'll load a smaller bucket with my dumbells and parade it around the house. The problem is that the buckets of soapy water are rather big for me to handle - I.e I have to bear hug the bucket. Rocks are more dense, so hopefully the spartan bucket should be smaller right? 


Meh no. I'm messing around with 13 inch diameter(rim to rim) buckets while the spartan buckets are 11.91 inches in diameter. Not that much difference. Sigh. Sux to be me. 


The issue is I'm not putting my hand around my wrist but rather clasping my fingers together since I don't have long enough arms. Taking bucket from the bottom is definitely out. 

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Not a good run. I should have kept my ego in check and slowed down. As it is my left knee started bothering me on 18km+ the moment I hit any elevation and I had to eventually end up walking the rest of the remaining distance. I miss the reservoir. Never had knee issues there because trails are softer compared to roads =(


Simple and sinister:


10x10 1H swing 7.8kg

1 min rest

10x1 TGU 5.8kg


I got my hubbie on it as well =D


He was doing the 10x10 1H swings with 5.8kg weight then tried to do TGU with 5.8 kg weight but manged only 4. He said they were killing him =P

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Ran about 5 km. Knee still giving problems so I was stuck with a snails pace =(


My husband and I went to Nerf Action Xperience.




I did do the summit climb, though I was initially worried I would have gotten rusty on climbing. Not that bad that I couldn't climb the wall.


Rock wall in question:

The Ice Cliff, NAX, Marina Square, Singapore




The obstacle that gave me the most issue was the one the person in green was on. My balance isn't really any good so I think I was just brute forcing my way through that one as I used quite a bit of arm power to get across. I did get across though.


I guess in the past being so high above the ground would make me panic. I wasn't exactly super comfortable (as I didn't know which way the safety harness would be swinging me should I screw up), but wasn't panicking. And also, I didn't screw up ANY of the obstacles ?


Assisted with resistance band(However I lost my old one(which gave 35 kg assist), so I bought a new one (which only gives 25 kg assist):


7 pull ups - first unassisted 

7 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

3 pull ups - first unassisted fail

3 chin ups - first unassisted



40 kg x 12, 3 sets


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, oh sheesh it was really fked up today. I had to take a break on 4th rep of 1st and last set, 5th rep of 2nd set.


Chest press:

30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Front Squat:


30 kg x 5, 3 sets


Issue was getting barbell up in front to start the front squat. 



Back squats:

25kg x 8, superset,3 sets



Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 2 min 17 s

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Decided to mess around with foot commute to save on commute fare to career coaching class. So I ran there. Yep no kidding. It was only 5km anyway, but the traffic lights were annoying. 


Simple and sinister:


10x10 1H swing 7.8kg

1 min rest

10x1 TGU 7.8kg ?


Because I did the TGUs after getting back from my run, my elbows were slippery from sweat and it worried me a moment that I might slip up doing the TGUs. And with the increase weight I was pretty wobbly etc. 


Today's bucket brigade - sorry soapy water is a bit short supply. 

19.8kg bucket of soapy water paraded in the bathroom for 5 min 45 s. 

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7 pull ups - first unassisted 

7 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

3 pull ups - first unassisted fail

3 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 5 reps


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, had to take a break on 4th rep of 3rd set


Chest press:

30 kg x 4, 3 sets atrociously. Kept having to take breaks after doing 2 chest press. 


Front Squat:


30 kg x 6, 3 sets


Back squats(I got a squat rack this time):


25kg x 8, 3 sets


Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 1 min 32s


I went to donate blood - yay haemoglobin in blood is 13.5mg/dl, which is above the required 12.5mg/dl. I was suprirsied it was that high but perhaps during my ultra period all the Chinese herbal soups I was making for myself for energy replenishment paid off, as did the rest period after (endurance athletes tend to lose quite some iron via sweat). 


Hubbie got ring fit working, so I tried the beginner stage and the first stage at extreme difficulty for females. Overhead press is tiring, the rest are still Manageable. 

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Simple and sinister:


10x10 1H swing 7.8kg


1 min rest


10x1 TGU 7.8kg - 3rd rep on left side failed the first try, I had to redo. 


I decided not to up the arm swings considering I donated blood yesterday. Ah well, not too bad ?





Weather was good so I decided to run like a krazy mofo =P


I got stitches earlier on and also stamina wasn't that up to par when pushing. I was pushing so I could get home in time to cook dinner. 


Today's bucket is 20.3kg(after spillage) . Spilt a bit of the contents while trying to front squat it up. Paraded it around for 5 min 45s.

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7 pull ups - first unassisted 

7 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

3 pull ups - first unassisted =) 

3 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 5 reps (nearly couldn't make the last rep) 


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets, had to take a break on 6th rep of 3rd set


Chest press:

30 kg x 5,  last set had to take a break in 4th rep


Front Squat:


30 kg x 6, 3 sets


Back squats(I got a squat rack this time):


Bar +5 kg per side x8

Bar +7.5 kg per side x8

Bar +10 kg per side x8


Last set was rough. Had to utilize breathing patterns to finish it. 


Farmers walk, 15 kg in each hand - 2 min 30s


Then I went to beat Dragaux in ringfit (1st World). 

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Unfamiliar route though part of it was the route that gave me left knee problems the last time, so I played it conservative and went slow. Also I plan to do half marathon in distance tomorrow so I'm in energy conservation mode. And getting 4h 59 min of sleep was making me feel sluggish throughout the run. 


10x10 1H swing 9.8kg


Extra rest (look I needed to reload the dumbells since I don't have enough weight plates) 


10x1 TGU 7.8kg 


Today's soapy bucket is 20.7kg and it was paraded around for 5 min 45s

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Today is runday! Ran about 25km, with brunch(of questionably healthy value) in between. Side note: I don't think I've been managing my runger very well today =( keep having urges to eat more. 


10x10 1H swing 9.8kg




Extra rest (look I needed to reload the dumbells since I don't have enough weight plates) - 1 min 45 s instead of 1 min




10x1 TGU 7.8kg 




Today's soapy bucket is 20.5kg and it was paraded around for 5 min 45s


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7 pull ups - first unassisted 

7 chin ups - first unassisted

5 pull ups - first unassisted

5 chin ups  - first unassisted 

3 pull ups - first unassisted

3 chin ups - first unassisted



Bar + 15 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 17.5 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 20 kg on each side x 8 reps

Bar + 22.5 kg on each side x 6 reps 


Overhead press:


25 kg x 7, 3 sets. I took a break after 2nd set to do back squats because the squat rack was available. 


Chest press:

Bar +2.5 kg per side x8,  3 sets. Total weight is 25kg, but I remember using an actual bar was a bit tricky for me the last time so better to play it safe. 


Front Squat:


30 kg x 6, 3 sets


Back squats(I got a squat rack this time):


Bar +5 kg per side x8

Bar +7.5 kg per side x8

Bar +10 kg per side x8


Farmers walk: 1 min 32s


Also look at the swanky new gym I visited =D



I gave the monkey bars a shot. I can hand over hand them, but can't skip bars. Also got to mess around with a real 8 kg kettlebell. I did 10 arm swings per arm and 1 TGU per side just to see how it feels. Kettlebells are harder to manage then dumbells of similar weight. 

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